Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1089: 9 beasts

"That's it, if it weren't for the devil world that Taixuan ancestors had fought, the world would be upset, and even the power of destiny would not be able to guide us to this place!"

The ancestor of the tortoise spirit said: "Although it is not sure whether this is the origin of the devil world, it is definitely a vital place, otherwise the world will will not lead the demon gods to attack and intercept us!"

"Now what?"

Li Miaozhen sounded a bit loud: "I don't know what the origin of the Demon Realm is or where it is hidden. How should we find it now?"

"take it easy!"

The ancestor of the tortoise spirit pondered for a moment, and said: "Although we don't know what form the origin of the devil world is in, we can't delay it forever. Then we will completely screen this volcano. If it doesn't work, we will refine the entire volcano. Drop it, or just move it away, if not, continue to explore deep underground!

Although it is impossible to determine whether the origin of the demon world is deep in the ground, but this time the various sects of Biluo sent so much to come, there is an element of chance in it, and we have already accounted for a lot of it under the guidance of the power of destiny. It’s cheaper, not to mention that it won’t take long to explore! "


Li Miaozhen heard the words without saying anything, stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and a volcano that was erupting suddenly stopped erupting, and then without going down, he drew his knife and slashed, and the sky smashed the volcano directly into pieces. As the sky was full of smoke and dust, the smoke disappeared by a gust of wind blowing up her sleeves!

She explored in this violent way, choosing whether these places had the origin of the world.

Of course, the origin of the world is hidden in an unknown space. Even if she wipes out all the volcanoes, it is impossible to injure that space. The purpose of this is to get rid of all obstacles. Knife-splitting the void explores whether there are unique spatial fluctuations. Is there any strange breath escaping!

Compared with her violence, the ancestor of the turtle spirit is much more delicate.

This old ancestor did not target the volcano below, but scattered his mind in all directions, sensing the surrounding void fluctuations, and checking whether the surrounding space was special.

The independent space hidden by the origin of the Demon Realm may not necessarily be underground, like the origin of the Bright God Realm, hidden above the nine heavens, exuding endless light power like an invisible sun!

Therefore, the ancestor of the tortoise spirit was exploring the emptiness in all directions, and did not let it go because there was nothing around.

Qin Feng summoned all the nine spirit beasts under his command and ordered them to help find them together.

The nine-headed spirit beasts have long since entered the seat of Qin Feng. They are now different from the past. They all have the cultivation base of the golden immortal peak. Among them, the old tortoise and the tree of life are even more powerful. Many places can help.

At this moment, Qin Feng released them, immediately scattered around, exploring the volcano below with their own good methods.

Sky-swallowing toads shuttled back and forth, jumping into the depths of the space from time to time, going deep into the layers of space to see if there is any hidden independent space!

Chun Qiu Cicada uses the law of time to slow down the surrounding time, which makes it more convenient for it to check whether there is any unique aura remaining.

The tree of life has stowed its huge body and turned into a tree man of more than a dozen tall trees. When the branches and leaves above its head are shaking, the majestic law of life blooms, and the law of life is used to sense the existence of good fortune energy around it.

Because the energy of the origin of the world contains the energy of good fortune, the tree of life has absorbed the original power of the wizarding world, and it is the path of life that it cultivates, and it is extremely sensitive to the aura that can create vitality of all things. If this place really has the origin of the devil The force is dissipated, and the tree of life can sense the natural aura of the original force by virtue of its own laws of life.

The eyes of the three-legged death crow are as deep as a bottomless whirlpool, and a weird breath is emitted. Wherever the wings spread, everything in the world, including the empty space, is turned into utter silence!

The hellhound rammed, knocking down a volcano, and the lava splashed all over the sky.

In this place full of devil energy, the white dragon used the light domain, and then forcibly expelled all the demon energy in the purification domain, and finally waited until the light domain was pure and there was no remaining devil energy, and then used the divine consciousness to repeatedly scan the inside of the domain, meticulously Observe in detail whether there is any new demon energy emerging from the unknown space.

The immortal Qingluan ignited the volcano below, and the flames soared into the sky and the void burned down the ground. When the flame passed, everything was burned and turned into nothingness. No matter the volcanic magma or the square void, all were collapsed by the flame!

The ghost-faced spider twisted its slender waist, curled up and has an infinite amorous feelings, like a succubus that charms all living beings. Just looking at its figure, it has the enchanting and enchanting that upside down all living beings!

However, eight slender and sharp spider legs suddenly appeared under her body. With long hair fluttering behind her head, a hideous and terrifying grimace could be vaguely seen!

Eight spider legs were pierced into the depths of the void, and the barbed hooks on the legs were hooked into different spaces. The two hands and ten fingers shot out almost invisible spider silk. The spider silk was densely woven into a spider web with gossip patterns out of thin air. Cut into countless pieces!

And two sparks flashed in the hollow eyes on the ghost face behind her head, seeming to be staring at all beings in the sky and the earth with weird eyes. With a scream of Ruoyoruowu, the invisible sound wave swept the void, causing ripples to rise in the void!

The nine-headed spirit beasts use their own methods, and they are all trying their best to help their master find the source of the demon world that may appear!

Qin Feng himself did not sit idle. The nine wildfire flame dragons flew out one by one, plunged into the volcanic magma below, and explored in the underground magma. In the end, they turned into nine huge dragons with hundreds of thousands of feet. Hold the lower volcano connected to the earth together.

Jiulong Tuoshan, violently ascended into the sky, a volcano with a radius of nearly 100,000 miles all the way into the sky, countless magma scattered like meteors, the scene is magnificent and extremely spectacular.

It’s a pity that this spectacular scene did not last long. The old tortoise transformed into its original shape lifted its boundless divine power and slammed forward. With a bang, the volcanic land, which was in a radius of one hundred thousand miles, shattered countless large and small. Fragments.

Before the fragments fell, the ghost face spider manipulated the invisible spider web from bottom to top. The fine web was like a sieve, turning the sky fragments into fine sand, which was finally ground by the Qin Feng Yin and Yang grinding wheel, and ground into powder!

Seeing nothing to be found, the Hellhound fell down, smashed through the ground for a long time, and went violently deep underground.

The remaining few spirit beasts were also in the sky and underground, using their own methods and displaying their magical powers. They were about to continue searching, and suddenly heard a roar, and the Hell Dog flew out from the depths of the underground at a faster speed.

And it didn't fly out by himself, but was bombarded by an extremely hot magic flame!

Even though the Hellhound was already struggling to fly high, it was still slammed by the flame on its ass, and even the bristles on its tail burned a lot, and it groaned in pain.


Seeing these changes at first glance, whether Qin Feng, Li Miaozhen, or the ancestor of the turtle spirit all looked over!

I didn't see any creatures appearing under the tossing like that before. I didn't expect that a strong man suddenly appeared from the ground at this moment, and he could knock the Hell Dog back.

Hellhound was annoyed in his heart. He was attacked by a tyrannical existence before he had just broken into the depths of the ground, and that guy was extremely tyrannical. At this moment, even if he wanted to evade, it was too late!

Fortunately, it is not alone here, there are other companions around!

Chun Qiu Cicada screamed twice, shaking the cicada's wings behind him, and instantly blessed the law of time on the hellhound.

For his companions, the Hellhound certainly trusted him, so he allowed Chun Qiu Cicada to cast spells on him.

After receiving the blessing of the power of time, its speed suddenly increased by a large amount, and only then did it break away from the flames behind it for a certain distance.

Undead Qingluan let out a phoenix hum, and her wings flicked, and the boundless fire behind her changed into a phoenix shape with her movements. Following her movements, she rushed towards the flame, breaking the flames and blending them into her own control. In the flames!

"what happened?"

Qin Feng waved his hand to the hellhound's tail, stripping off all the magic flames.

However, these demon flames are extremely powerful, they want to use the power in his hand as fuel, and even want to go into the depths of the flesh and blood along the palm of his hand, burning their souls and bones, extremely insidious!


Qin Feng lowered his head and looked at it for a few times, before reaching out and shaking his hand, he shook the demon flame like a fist and completely extinguished it!


The earthquake trembled, and the ground where only the deep crater was left after the volcano was lifted by Jiulong suddenly cracked, and magma from deep underground gushed out again.

And together with the root magma, there is also a monster covered in dark red scales!

The monster is huge as a mountain, with a large body, a strong breath, and at least the strength of the eternal peak!

Unexpectedly, deep underground is still sleeping with such a tyrannical beast powerhouse, the Hellhound won't be wronged!

Seeing such a tyrannical Beastmaster at first glance, Li Miaozhen's eyes lit up and he was a little eager to try.

Don't have to wait for her to The few spirit beasts under Qin Feng's command have already surrounded them.

Although the Eternal Realm is strong, they are not weak, let alone fight with more and less, and the nine spirit beasts will fight together, and they will definitely not be weaker than each other!

Seeing this, Li Miaozhen shrugged slightly and didn't care.

In the past few years, she has challenged more powerhouses, and she is no less than such a powerful monster, so she put away the fighting spirit in her heart and continued to look elsewhere.

Unlike Li Miaozhen, who couldn't fight and became uninterested, both Qin Feng and the ancestor of the turtle spirit moved slightly in their hearts.

Because, after the beast broke the ground and emerged, Qin Feng and the ancestors of the tortoise spirit both sensed an aura of nothingness from the depths of the cracked ground!

That is the power that belongs to the origin of Qi!

As Qin Feng who has refined a lot of innate qi and knocked down a few original fragments from the heart of the wizarding world, he can be sure that he will never admit his mistakes!

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