Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1086: Destiny divination to find the source

"Do you think I am the Lord of Light who betrayed because of Satan's instigation, and led my subordinates to turn out of the Light God Realm? No, you are wrong!"

Lucy’s French was calm and calm, but the words she said were shocking: "If the Lord of Light could tolerate me, with my loyalty to him, how could it be Satan’s instigation that would make me betrayal? Heart!

If I were to stay alive and give us a chance to survive, I would not leave the Bright God Realm!

After all, where is my birthplace!

But when I left, I left. When I cultivate to such a realm, I am no longer an ignorant fighter machine. It is normal not to want to dissipate. However, in the past, it was second only to the Lord of Light in the Light God Realm, regardless of identity or status. Status is incomparable.

After returning to the Light God Realm, it would be shameful if my identity was the same as before, and I was actually asked to be the seventh demon king, hehe, really a joke! "

"So, you killed the Lord of Glutton because he ranked ahead of you?"

Even though the lazy master is a little curious in his heart, he still speaks slowly, like babbling in a dream.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing this, Lucifer suddenly laughed: "What a joke, I have endured it for so many years, and now I am not going to kill a master of good fortune for such a small ranking, let alone for the seventh devil. The fame of the sixth devil only started.

When I first entered the Demon Realm, I was a little worried that the Demon Kings would feel regretful. They deceived us into the Demon Realm and started the massacre, ruining the army of my subordinates who followed me and turned out of the Light God Realm, so although I have the title of Lord of Pride, but I suppressed this arrogance, and did not show it in front of you.

Otherwise, with my strength, let alone the Lord of Gluttony, even the next few demon kings are not worthy of being ranked in front of me! "

"Do you still want to be the second devil?"

The Lazy Lord was a little surprised: "But the Great Dread Demon is powerful and powerful. Even if you haven’t transformed into a dark fallen angel, you can’t compare with him. Besides, you have just transformed into a fallen angel, and you still have some control over the magic of darkness. Not enough, even if you make you the second demon king, you may not sit securely!"

"No, I never thought about what second devil I would do!"

"In that case, your ambitions are not that big, so why are you..."

"Because, what I want to do is the first devil!"

Lucifer's eyes suddenly became fierce, and the whole body was booming. His dark magic robe was hunting and hunting, and there were twelve pairs of invisible wings spread out behind him, setting him off like a great demon king.

However, he was originally the demon king, the arrogant lord of the devil world, the master of creation of the fallen angel clan, and the great devil Lucifer who is rare in the world!

When the lazy Lord heard that Lucifer was to be the first demon king, his heart trembled, and his whole body seemed to wake up suddenly from a dream, and his face revealed a deep unbelievable color.

Looking at the great fallen angel leader who revealed endless ambitions all over his body, he couldn't help but shudder, and immediately dispelled most of the sleepiness in his body: "So you don't hesitate to take risks, colluding with the cultivator of the Biluo human race and the earth mother of the natural gods. God, the purpose is for them to help you deal with Satan?"

"What do you think?"

Lucifer showed a sneer on his face, but did not answer the question, and instead said: "The lazy Lord, stay in your palace obediently and don't go out, let alone try to make any unfavorable actions.

After this battle, the Demon Realm is still that Demon Realm, and you are still your lazy lord. You can still lie in your Devil’s Palace. Other worlds are launching wars against the demon world, and you need a strong man like you to come forward at a critical moment!

The only change is that the Fallen Angels will become the new protagonist of the Demon Realm, and I will replace Satan as the new Great Demon King and lead the Demon Realm to dominate one side! "

At this time, Lucifer's vigor and arrogant tone seemed to have become the lord of the devil world, so that the strong men of the fallen angel clan in the rear showed their worshipful eyes.

Lucifer has nothing to say, he not only wants to replace Satan to become the No. 1 Demon King, but also to replace Satan as the new strongest!

Only by completely occupying the Demon Realm and using this opportunity to become the strongest can he truly possess the strength to counter the Lord of Light.

When he did this step, no matter his status, status or strength, he would not be inferior to the Lord of Light too much. In general, the two sides have been able to sit on an equal footing!

And if the Fallen Angels can become the only protagonist between the heavens and the earth like the Biluo Humans, they may be able to cultivate several masters of creation from the clan, and develop the Fallen Angels with the help of the years when the Light God Realm suffered heavy losses and could not deal with him. Strive to be able to catch up with the strength of the Bright Angels, and have the background to challenge the Angels of the Bright God Realm and the Protoss!


The only remaining sleepiness of the lazy lord was dispelled, and there was not much left, as if a toothache looked towards the energetic Lucifer!

He never expected that Lucifer's ambitions were so great, he was thinking of usurping the throne of the first demon king of Satan when he first entered the demon world, occupying the entire demon world to become the foundation of the fallen angel family!

Now, after catching the opportunity, he launched it directly. The layout and the far-reaching plan made him feel shocked by the great devil who was too lazy to care about foreign affairs!

"Are you not afraid that the other great demon kings disagree?"

"They are alive and let's talk about it!"

Lucifer sneered: "Even if they can escape back to the Demon Realm, they will definitely be injured. My original strength is stronger than them. If... the plan is successful, then I will be recognized by the Demon Realm and my luck will be added. Uncertainty can go further, who else will be my opponent by then?

If they don’t want to leave the Demon Realm, they’d better be obedient, otherwise..."

Otherwise, he didn't say anything, but he didn't expect any good results.

At this moment, the lazy lord who was totally sleepy was speechless for a while, but when his sleepiness disappeared, the strange lazy breath around him also disappeared.

Obviously he doesn't want to do it!

Otherwise, the lazier he is, the stronger the power he can exert.

At this moment, the reason why he gave up his intention to do it was because the opponent was too strong to defeat him, and if he tried to do it forcibly, he might even cause himself to be killed.

After all, if he really wants to force Lucifer to take action, it will completely break the opponent's plan. Lucifer will definitely kill him at all costs when he is crazy, even if his strength is not much weaker than Lucifer, he will play alone. Even if the fight is lost, it will not fall, but Lucifer is not alone here!

Next to him stood a Suzaku with an incomparable flame aura, and there were thousands of powerful experts behind him. Even the one who was besieging Satan’s Great Demon King on the other side was able to call out one of them. He really wanted to make a move. , Is definitely a life of nine deaths.

That's all, it's a big deal that he made plans early, and it is not impossible to flee immediately after destroying Lucifer's plan.

The key is that he still has more fears.

Once Lucifer can no longer stay in the Demon Realm in the future, he will definitely no longer protect the Demon Realm. Instead, he will plunder the origin of the Demon Realm together with Biluo and the Mother Earth, and then go to other places to find another place to stay.

Lucifer can also use the power of the Demon Realm to increase his strength, but this huge Demon Realm will fall into desolation. Even if it is not completely cut off from its vitality, it will fall from the level of the Great World. Then he will become The greatest sinner in the devil!

This is where the lazy master fears most!

As the great demon king who was born and raised in the Demon Realm, although he usually doesn't bother to care about foreign affairs, he definitely doesn't want to see the Demon Realm decline.

Therefore, he decided to follow Lucifer's advice, suppressed the influence of the will of the world on him, and stayed in the magic palace without taking a step.

Just consider it as Lucifer usurped the throne to seize power this time. The power of the demon world will change. Although with the help of external forces, it will inevitably be taken advantage of by the blue sky and the natural gods. still have a chance!

What's more, as soon as Lucifer opened its head, there might not be any other Great Demon King who would use similar methods to get rid of him with the help of the power of the abyss or hell, and then another one would replace him!

But these are things for the future. As for now, facing the strong call of the will of the world, I can only sigh in my heart.

I'm afraid that after this battle, the power of luck in one's body will be weakened a bit!

When Suzaku and Lucifer saw the lazy lord staying in the magic palace honestly, and there was no change, they waved to the many powers behind them.

Regardless of whether the strong people from the Bi Luo side or the Fallen Angel clan saw this, they immediately dispersed, fleeing around, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

The lazy lord swept away his powerful mind, he immediately understood what those strong men were doing, opened his mouth, and finally sighed without stopping!

These strong men are either in groups of three to five, or alone, flying in the devil world, and from time to time there are strong men escaping into the depths of the earth to explore!

They fly all over the world, of course, to find the place where the heart of the world is when Lucifer mobilizes the will of the world to counter the siege of Taixuan ancestors.

It's just that the origin of the Demon Realm is not damaged, but it is not as easily detected by Qin Feng and sneaked in like it was in the Wizarding Realm.

So now they can only spin around the world, looking for places where there may be abnormal smells, throwing nets and fishing more, they may be found after a long time.

This is even more convenient than in the Bright God Realm. After all, the various factions in the Bright God Realm, Biluo, dare not scatter the strong in the whole world. At this time, it is to bully the other great demon kings in the Devil Realm. Lucifer's subduing is only to be suppressed by the Legion of Fallen Angels.

Of course, most powerhouses belong to the type of fish in troubled waters, and the possibility of blindly finding it is very low. It is not them that really counts on, but the secret magicians of the various factions of the blue sky!

These masters are proficient in deducing the power of celestial secrets, calculations and divination of the past and the future, holding a compass or other sensory fairy in their hands, while flying on the ground while using magic treasures to sense the surrounding movement.

In terms of equipment, it is much stronger than the Fallen Angels. Even though the strong of the Fallen Angels have the advantage of familiarizing with the terrain of the Demon Realm, except for a few who have some special skills, the rest are all around the world.

Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen followed by the ancestors of the tortoise spirit and did not fly. Instead, they walked on the ground of the Demon Realm, measuring the mountains, rivers and lakes of the Demon Realm with their feet. Although they walked unhappily, they often took a single step. Can go out more than a hundred miles.

It's all because they slowed down so as not to make mistakes in detection.

This time not only the Turtle Spirit ancestor of the Royal Beast Sect followed, most of the entire Biluo practice world, who was proficient in the way of deduction, all followed here. The purpose is to use their means to find the hidden place of the origin of the demon world!

If it were not for them, even if other powerful men sneaked into the ground and explored all the places, it would be impossible to find the original space!

At this time, the ancestor of the tortoise spirit already had the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Peak.

It's not that his cultivation speed is so fast, but that Qin Feng and the others obtained seven original fragments in the wizarding world. After dividing two pieces with Elder Kongkong and Li Miaozhen each, the remaining piece was left to the other sects. An ancestor, this has allowed the cultivation level of Juetian ancestor, turtle spirit ancestor, Liuling elder, Liu Xuanling, and elder Zhong Duanshan to improve.

Although they haven't made a big leap because of the small number of innate origins, both the cultivation base and the physical potential are stronger than before.

However, Jinxian Peak’s cultivation base is still somewhat insufficient after Feng and Li Miaozhen are a little worried that he will be in danger in the Demon Realm. Maybe it would put the ancestor of the turtle spirit in danger, so the two dared not let him walk alone and acted together beside him.

In fact, the golden immortals and eternal ancestors of the various factions are mostly like Li Miaozhen. They can only go around the world without knowing where to find them. Therefore, many of them choose to follow the secret magicians of various factions to protect these secret secrets who are not good at fighting. Warlocks, if they are lucky enough to be found by their side, they can get more benefits on a first-come, first-served basis.

The ancestor of the tortoise spirit held a compass in his left hand and kept counting with his right hand. From time to time, he would stop and watch the surrounding mountains and rivers and take out a simple turtle shell for divination calculations!

And Qin Feng not only summoned the old tortoise, let it use the innate gossip to help with divination, at the same time, his fingers hidden in his sleeves are also constantly counting, there is also a seven-color flower on his head, which constantly exudes a thick The power of destiny enhances their destiny.

He is different from Li Miaozhen. Qin Feng's fellow practitioners of the Nine Paths are not only proficient in the deduction method, but the seven-color flower of the demon pot of the destiny innate spirit treasure is also the magical power of the life. At this moment, he is blessed by the power of fate, although it will not cause them to suffer immediately. , But it can add a lot of opportunities found!

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