Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1068: 9 Dragon Curse Soul 2 Ancestor Siege

The ancestor Taixuan shot, the void trembles suddenly, the galaxy twists, the dust is swept, billions of silver silk sweeps like a long river to the huge demon phantom on the opposite side!


The black energy rushed to the sky, the devil energy was permeated, the phantom of the demon **** was swept by the dusty silver wire, and countless devil energy was immediately scattered.


Satan snorted coldly, and then took a deep breath.

Following his long inhalation sound, he immediately saw the huge demon phantom that seemed to be able to cover the galaxy, shrinking rapidly like a leaking balloon, and he took it back.

Such a huge shadow of the Demon God is indeed shocking, and it can also deter the Quartet, so that ordinary people will be frightened when they see it, but it is a little flashy to deal with the strongest of the same realm, but it is easy to be attacked by opponents.

At this moment, Satan, who had recovered his body, had a cold face, evil eyes, and endless magic power revealed on his tall body.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful axe-shaped light blade slashed directly at the silver thread river in front, and not only cut the silver thread river with a stab, but the huge axe-shaped light blade also slashed directly at the ancestor Taixuan.

It's just that the ancestor Taixuan flipped his palm and raised the Great Avenue Nine Dragon Bell, when a light blade smashed on the bell body, and the bell was hummed suddenly, and nine true dragons emerged from the bell body. Come out, fly up and down, not only shattering the light blade, but also roaring a dragon, turning it into a sound wave to counterattack back!

This is not over yet, the ancestor Taixuan swiped the dust in his hand, and the void immediately divided the yin and yang, splitting the dusk, the gap between the yin and yang is like the sharpest weapon in the world, and it pierced the void in a flash and split everything. The breath went straight to the great devil Satan.

Seeing this scene, Satan's eyes couldn't help but shrink, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed it from a distance. He actually caught a barren star and threw it straight ahead.


After an inaudible sound, the huge star was divided into two halves by the line drawn by the ancestor Taixuan that could separate the yin and yang from the virtual and the real!

Such tyrannical power, even with Satan’s strength, could not help but be shocked. He quickly put the gorgeous axe gun in his hand in front of him, and after hearing a bang, sparks splashed everywhere, and the axe blade of the axe gun was unexpectedly covered. A gap as big as a grain of rice popped out!

And Satan's figure was knocked back by this blow.

"Sure enough!"

Satan raised his eyes to look at the ancestor Taixuan in the distance, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "There is no easy person who can become the strongest. You can knock me back with this blow, a good spell, a good method! "

"I know more than this blow!"

The ancestor Taixuan had a faint expression. He used the whisk in his hand as a sword to draw many traces in succession. Suddenly countless traces appeared in the void. Each of these traces was not weaker than the previous attack, and it was overwhelmingly directed towards Satan. When he attacked, and along the way, the star moved by Satan was directly divided into countless fragments.

"Hmph, although your strength is strong, can I be the weak?"

Satan sneered, and swung the gorgeous axe spear in his hand to volley, and instantly chopped out countless axe lights, and slashed past countless slender cracks.

Ding Dangdang made a small sound, and he relied on an axe gun to stop all the attacks, but after stopping the action in his hand, I looked up and saw that the original gorgeous axe gun was already full of fine cracks, and the whole body was covered with cracks. Traces of run-down.

Seeing this, Satan's face was completely gloomy.

He is the lord of the demon world, the most powerful existence among all creations and masters, and at the same time the incarnation of all evil, the source of destruction, and all world creatures in the lawful camp are regarded as the unforgivable demon, except in the endless years. Apart from having suffered a loss from the Lord of Light before, he has never failed again.

As a result, he was caught off guard by Tai Xuan ancestor just now, and he felt completely dull.

So he threw the incomplete axe spear in his hand, and his body suddenly exuded an extremely violent aura. Between the waves of his hand, there were ten thousand ways of devil energy, covering hundreds of thousands of miles in the void, and the extremely violent devil energy was directed towards the ancestor Taixuan. Kill it.

Being able to become the strongest beings, each of them possesses incomparably powerful combat power. At this moment, Satan goes all out and immediately reveals the power of the most powerful demon king in the demon world. The space of hundreds of thousands of miles is covered by his demon energy, and he raises his hands. There are endless magic powers present.

The battle between the two supreme masters was so shocking. For them, it was just a matter of waiting for the stars to take the moon. Even if a few suns appeared in the void, they could easily explode, let alone ordinary stars.

Fortunately, the nearby void is full of desolate stars. Even if they blast dozens of stars, they will only leave the space with large and small meteorite fragments. Otherwise, if it is near a living world, it will definitely lead to charcoal.

The battle between the strongest is too amazing. This kind of existence is already tyrannical. All kinds of supreme powers are just a way of showing their power. They are the various changes they have deduced from their respective avenues. It is truly dangerous. It's a struggle between them.

Both Taixuan ancestor and Demon King Satan raised their minds to the extreme during the fight, not only paying attention to the changes in the method, deducing the other side's magical powers, and looking for ways to restrain, once they seized the opportunity, they would immediately take the opportunity to inflict heavy losses!

It’s just that when they reach their level, there will be no obvious loopholes under normal circumstances, and even if they do, they will be quickly corrected. So often they can only use various layouts and various sets to lure the other party into the bait, so as to make oneself. Taking the upper hand, so the battle between these two strongest men is exceptionally brilliant and at the same time extremely dangerous.

The same as the strongest, when the difference in strength is not too great, when neither side has made a big mistake, it is not a short time to distinguish the winners and losers.

Although Taixuan ancestors are relatively more subtle in Taoism, and there are several powerful innate spirit treasures in their hands, which are extremely powerful, but Satan is the lord of the demon world after all. How can he be loved by the luck of countless years in a big world? It will be the easy one.

Even if this great demon king's law is mainly destruction, it looks far inferior to Taixuan ancestor's Taoism mystery, but when the power is violent to a certain degree, it can offset all the skills.

Therefore, his fighting styles are very different, especially when he finds that his fighting skills are far inferior to Taixuan Ancestor, he has used his rough combat methods to the extreme, avoiding the ever-changing skill battle with Taixuan Ancestor. , A wave of incomparable devilish energy ran across the void for hundreds of thousands of miles, and most of the broken star debris around was exploded by him in this way.

With the arrival of the Great Demon King Satan, all the powerhouses of the dark camp on the entire battlefield were energetic, their beliefs skyrocketed, and their hearts were filled with the idea of ​​thoroughly defeating the blue powerhouses in front of them and attacking the blue sky world to wantonly slaughter lives and plunder good resources!

After all, the performance of the Satan Great Demon in the past was strong enough, and at this moment, in the battle with the ancestor Taixuan, he could burst the stars and rupture the void. Such a powerful existence was enough to bring them strong confidence.

The dark camp side became excited like chicken blood, especially those immortal and eternal, the confidence that had been beaten down by Qin Feng's powerful beheading of multiple powerhouses before resurfaced, and the various factions of Biluo suddenly felt it. More intense pressure.

Moreover, the powerhouses summoned by the demon king Satan are indeed tyrannical and powerful, and directly entangled the peak powerhouses on Biluo's side, even Qin Feng is also the innate demon **** in the half-step creation realm. Under the offensive, he was caught in a bitter battle.

Without Qin Feng, Tianxie and other strong men attacking and killing everywhere, Biluo no longer has a clear advantage, and even with the passage of time, it is possible for the three big dark world strong men to gain the upper hand by virtue of their quantitative advantages.

Qin Feng kept retreating during the battle. It was not that this innate demon **** was stronger than him. After this level of cultivation, as long as there is not a large enough gap, it is impossible to tell the winner or loser in a short period of time, let alone the truth. It seems that Qin Feng's strength is only stronger than this innate demon god!

He just saw that the innate demon **** was aggressive, he wanted to take the opportunity to look at the other party's methods, and by the way, he gave him a set, and introduced this innate demon **** with its own strength into the urn, trying to kill it.

The innate demon **** in the half-step good fortune realm is not easy to kill. If he wants to escape after losing the battle, even Qin Feng may not be able to catch up with him.

After all, the existence of these realms and fleeing are not only chaotic in the void, but also may break through layers of space and hide in unknown time and space, and even if it is really urgent, even the long river of time may not dare to break through.

Qin Feng didn't want to enter the unknown time and space, and he didn't want to enter the long river of time. It was too dangerous, so he did not take the initiative to kill him, but on the surface he let this innate demon do it. Secretly, they are constantly arranging various back players.

Just when this innate demon **** fought more and more smoothly, thinking that as long as he worked harder he would be able to severely inflict Qin Feng, suddenly he saw a strange color flashing in the eyes of Qin Feng in front of him, and he forced his back shape after a blow. Leveraged to retreat, then plucked three strands of hair from his head and held them in his hands.

Three jet-black hairs flickered out of thin air, erected like incense, sparks flickered, and the hairs burned quickly, and then Qin Feng bowed to him.

What is this for?

The Congenital Demon God was puzzled, did this human monk know that he was invincible and wanted to surrender?

It was just that before his thoughts fell, he suddenly saw the smoke on the hair incense disappear out of thin air, and then he felt tight in his heart, his body was cold, his soul trembled, and there were signs of getting out of his body.

Leaving the soul curse!

This is one of the nine curses studied by Qin Feng. Once caught, it is not just the separation of the soul. If there is no resistance, the three souls of heaven, earth and man will separate, and the seven souls will be scattered and it will be difficult to converge. Life is not letting Qin Feng decide!

The innate demon **** who sensed that he was cursed was taken aback, and then an extremely violent innate demonic energy emerged in his body, desperately impacting the curse that fell on the soul, forcefully expelling all the curse power with a powerful force, and even followed it. The desire for induction in the dark will bite back Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's strength is still above him, and of course he won't be backlashed by him. What's more, all the movements of this innate demon **** are in his expectation. The palm of the hair holding the hair is lightly shaken, and the hair is instantly turned to ashes and dissipated. Without a trace, the backlash will naturally not fall on him after losing the medium.

After that, Qin Feng gave a soft drink, his figure suddenly soared, and stepped forward, changing his passive defense posture, and instead actively launched an attack.

At the same time, nine ghost fire flame dragons flew out from behind him, turning into nine ghost dragons, each holding a dragon's whiskers as incense, and continuing to curse magical powers!

With the skyrocketing Qin Feng's cultivation base, the nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon has been able to separate out independently, gathering and dispersing as desired, combining tyrannical bodies, and it is also not to be underestimated when it is divided into nine ghost dragons.

At this moment, the nine ghost dragons have pulled out one of their dragon beards and burned their essence to perform curses and magical powers. All kinds of curses are cast. No matter how tyrannical the Innate Demon God is, it is impossible to drive away the nine curses at the same time. It is inevitably affected by the curse. .

More importantly, Qin Feng has already figured out his general details through the previous battles. At this moment, the nine ghost dragons are casting curses, and his body is going forward and choosing to fight in close quarters, with tyrannical physical strength and various Taoist magical powers. The entangled Congenital Demon God couldn't calmly expel the curse, and could only roar again and again in annoyance.

As the curse deepened, I soon felt real weakness and all kinds of discomfort. In this state, it was difficult to resist Qin Feng. How could he be his opponent, instantly fell into the disadvantage, and soon afterwards he was even more affected by Qin Feng. He was beaten all over his body with cuts and bruises, and he would lose sight of it, and he could be defeated at any time!


In the distance, the Great Demon King Satan, who was fighting with Taixuan Ancestor, frowned.

This innate demon **** is not just as simple as the first eternal realm powerhouse under his command, but also has other uses for him, which should not be missed.

So he shook his A big hand surrounded by magic flames grabbed Qin Feng!

"Fight with me, dare to distract him, attack me, Brother Biluo, the devil really doesn't put the old way in his eyes!"

The ancestor Taixuan flicked the dust, and the dust tail entangled a star in the distance and slammed on the big hand like a meteor hammer. With a rumbling, the star shattered, and the big hand of Demon Flame was also blocked.

"I didn't want to start it so early, but I didn't expect that your demon would come here in person. In this case, let's plan ahead!"

While speaking, the ancestor Taixuan tilted his head to one side: "What do you think, Mother Earth God?"


A ripple flashed in the distance, and the figure of the Mother Earth God appeared out of thin air: "I thought that your return would make the strong of the dark camp retreat. I can also integrate the army of the natural gods, but I didn't expect these guys to not only have none. Retiring in the face of difficulties, and even wanting to finish his work, even Satan actually came here.

In this case, the opportunity is rare, so let's solve this great demon first! "

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