Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1060: To prove the death of the strong

A group of demon kings are arrogant and tyrannical, leading countless demon army under their command to launch an endless bombardment towards Biluo.

Even under the mobilization of the ancestors of the Spring and Autumn Period, the barriers of the world can often concentrate their forces on the most appropriate places to resist attacks, but it is inevitable that there will still be errors in the long guard. Therefore, as time goes by, silks gradually appear on the barriers of the world. Silky cracks!

Although it is still very inconspicuous and can be quickly healed under the control of the Spring and Autumn ancestors, these great demon kings and lords cooperate with each other, and there are more and more cracks in the world without the strong going out to stop them. If this continues, it will only happen sooner or later that the boundary is broken.

In the world, a group of eternal and immortal faces are heavy, and some of the strong men who have experienced the ancient catastrophe recalled the pain of the year, and couldn't help but be angry: "Dear friends, now I have finally recovered from the blue sky. In today's situation, in any case, these demon heads cannot be allowed to penetrate into the realm and destroy me again!"

"Yes, I will remember the miserable scenes of the ancient catastrophe. Where can these demon heads enter the world and destroy them!"

"Now the demon of the three big worlds of the dark camp took advantage of the opportunity when my ancestor of Biluo's good fortune was not in the realm, and attacked, wanting to invade the world and seize my origin from Biluo. Is it true that no one in Biluo can contend with them?"

A great power of the late eternal period has a cold face, and his heart is full of anger: "Today's old way, I will fight this way, and I must let them know what it means to burn jade and stone!"


The gentle Buddha sounded: "My Buddha also has anger. Today, the old monk should imitate my Buddha and turn into the angry King Kong, Shi Mingwang's wrath, and slaying demons and demons!"

"Hmph, on pacing life, the ghost ancestors are not weaker than people!"

He was severely injured when he was attacking the Bright God Realm, and strange fluctuations appeared on the body of the Nether City Lord who returned to Biluo's cultivation, and he uttered a soft drink: "The flower blooms on the other shore, and the reincarnation is reborn. The demon king with the first seven-horned horns is handed over to me.

Today, I will use this body and deeds to perform the infinite Taoism of Samsara on the other side, drag him into Samsara together! "


Beside, the city lord of the dead city hesitated to speak but stopped.

Reincarnation on the other side is a supreme way that the ghost ancestors have put forward over the years, but there are still flaws, so although it is extremely powerful, it has irreversible damage.

Forcibly using the Nether City Lord in a state of being seriously injured, and also fighting against a great demon king of the good fortune realm, after this battle, he will definitely end up with ten deaths, and maybe even the last trace of the original aura will be completely annihilated. Even if the ghost ancestor returns, I am afraid that he will not be saved.

However, the Wounded City Lord only sighed, and did not say any more. Instead, a similar aura fluctuated in his body: "It's nothing, it's a big deal. During the ancient catastrophe, you and I were already dead. It was just because the master said The Supreme Dafa was forcibly resurrected, and it has survived to this day.

It is a great blessing to be able to survive so many years, but now it is just to die again, and it is not unexperienced, I will be with you today! "


Suddenly, there was an old but arrogant laughter in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, I saw an old man with white beard and hair and wrinkled face flying closer: "You old ghosts dare to fight hard, will I be afraid of my war palace?

On weekdays, my God of War Palace is too lazy to pay attention to foreign affairs. As a result, many cultivators say that the cultivators are good at close combat. Today, I will let you know what is the real melee invincible, killing Wushuang! "

While speaking, this old man had already flown to the front, and as he approached, his body gradually revealed his aura, his aura became stronger and stronger, his murderous aura became heavier and he was shocked to look at him!

I saw the old man straightened his hunchback unexpectedly, his white hair turned black, his wrinkles disappeared, revealing a young and wicked face.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and with a buzzing sound, a blood-colored long knife appeared out of thin air. The blade seemed to be entwined with endless souls, and there was a vaguely screaming cry: "I used this magic knife to kill. Twelve thousand and five hundred and ninety-eight gods of the gods, and now it is just a change of the demon clan. If you can't say that the rise of killing today, it's not bad to rename this god-slashing knife to the devil-slashing knife!"

"Tian Xie? You guy is not dead yet?"

Although the vast majority of cultivators did not recognize the existence of this eternal peak, and did not know when Bi Luo had such a strong man, the power of the older generation was no stranger to him.

The Nether City Lord glanced at this murderous guy in amazement: "Didn't you mean that you had already broken the main road during the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, and you ran out of origin and died on the battlefield?"


The murderous young man glanced at the Nether City Lord: "As long as the ghost ancestors have the means to defend against the sky, my teacher can't have the power to restore the sky, can't it?

I did exhaust everything back then, and even the avenue was cut off, but the master used the power of good fortune to reshape my soul and help me continue the avenue, where it is so easy to die.

It's just that the avenue has been cut, I have been in retreat all these years to make up for the origin of the avenue, otherwise, no one will get you half-dead guys to play their majesty! "

Both the Nether City Lord and the Wandering City Lord rolled their eyes, but they didn't refute either.

Because the murderous guy in front of him, even in the cruel ancient catastrophe, is definitely the killer among the killers. Not only is he famous for fighting and fighting, but more importantly, he really has tyrannical skills. Obviously, what he practiced under the ancestors of Zhantian was also martial arts, but the one who eventually cultivated was the killing!

To prove the Dao by killing and cutting, the more you kill, the higher your path will be. Only the powerhouses in the great world of the gods who are above the gods have died under his sword, and the ones below the realm of the gods have been slaughtered by him. Ten million, the vassal world army that slaughtered the vassal vassal of the Celestial God Realm and the Celestial Demon Realm was in the hundreds of millions, and other powerful men were countless, so you can imagine this person's murderous heart.

In the end, it was precisely because he was too crazy to kill, that he was repeatedly besieged and suppressed by strong men from the Heavenly God Realm and several other worlds. It is said that he had died in the Great Tribulation of the Ancients. This killer star actually survived!

And with the appearance of the Killing God in the God of War, some auras appeared in all parts of the Five Realms. It was the power of a monk who had been closed for death, or was passed down like the evil spirits, which was already dead. All appeared in a moment.

Bi Luo had already reached the time of life and death, where could he sit still under the warning of the Heavenly Dao, and they broke through the barriers one after another.

However, among them, the evil spirit is the strongest, the most murderous, and the most powerful, so the arrogance is also the most arrogant: "Hahaha... I haven't drunk blood with my knife for a long time, and he has been hungry for a long time. It's unbearable, today I can't say that I'm going to kill and have a hand addiction!"

"Hmph, you kill the embryo, don't just focus on your enjoyment, defense is what we need to do most at the moment!"

"How do you honest fellows know the joy of killing!"

Tianxie's face showed a zealous look: "It is important to know that killing an enemy is not just as simple as bombarding the opponent with spells. There are also many methods that can be used. Splitting it in half from head to toe requires more subtle means.

It is the most rude method to destroy the opponent's body and spirit with the magical powers of Taoism like this! "

As he spoke, he licked the corner of his mouth, seeming to be aftertaste, as if he was expecting, and then a flash of blood red flashed in his eyes: "Master once said that if I practice killing, I can follow the example of the Nether Master of the Primordial Ancestor Realm and kill the sky. Killing the land to kill sentient beings, but the master does not allow me to kill the creatures in the world, so I can only practice my Dao with the head of the enemy.

I have killed all demons, ghosts, and gods, but these exotic demons have never tried it. If I can kill a demon of good fortune today, maybe it can help me achieve the great road! "

As he spoke, he laughed wildly, his figure flashed, and the human and the sword were unified, and he rose directly into the sky, broke through the barriers of the world, and killed a demon king of good fortune!

The fierce killing intent, the fierce aura, and the benefits of the sword aura are simply indescribable. For a moment, the blood-stained sword aura swept across the sky and directly smashed into the front of the great demon king, and the opponent who had slashed back fell back and could no longer attack Biluo Da. The world's barriers to the world!

"This kill embryo!"

City Lord Nether cursed secretly, but followed closely: "Friends of Taoism, this City Lord will also go to meet the demon outside the domain!"

"Go together, go together!"

A group of eternal and even immortal laughed in unison: "The Daoists are not afraid of powerful enemies. How can we fear life and death? Today, for Biluo, for our sect races, what does it matter if we fight for our lives!"

Bang bang bang...

A group of mighty immortals flew out of the realm one after another, and they did not hesitate to adjust all the power sources in the collective to kill those great demon kings in the good fortune realm.

This suddenly went beyond the expectations of these great demon kings.

They didn't expect that the monks of Bi Luo would be so desperate, even daring to rush out of the protection of the barriers of the world to fight them desperately.

You must know that they are not only the masters of good fortune, but they also carry a huge number of legions behind them. Among them, the number of strong men absolutely escapes the power of the strong that Biluo rushes out. These monks of Biluo really want to come out. If it is, it is definitely an act of looking for death!

However, they still came out!

If it is said that the first Tianxie attacking with a knife was only a little accidental for them, then he watched as a joke and watched Tianxie fighting with the great demon king, wanting to see how long it would take the great demon king to kill this unselfishness. The guy who can do his best.

But these mighty powerhouses who rushed out were a little bit beyond their expectations.

What made them even more surprised and angry was that these immortal and eternal monks all launched an attack on them desperately!



The extreme anger caused the demon kings to display earth-shattering magic, and they killed a few immortal golden immortals who rushed to the front with a wave of hands, and then killed an eternity that was already seriously injured by a few strokes!

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