Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1033: Ghost ancestor calculates the devil's heart

Royal Beast Heaven https://

Upon hearing this, the immortals suddenly became interested, and asked one after another: "What are the plans of the ghost ancestor?"

Guizu's expression is cold and severe: "Now the Bright God Realm and the Great World of Wizards have sent a strong fortune to the Natural God Realm, which means that they have one less strong left behind in the realm!

Although there are certainly strong men in their respective circles, they also feel that we are at a disadvantage on the frontal battlefield, and we must not dare to divide more troops and will not attack their base camp.

It's a pity that they don't know that this is what I am best at doing! "

All the immortals were shocked when they heard the words.

They immediately remembered the period of the Great Tribulation of the Ancients. This ghost ancestor went back into the Nether Ghost Realm during the critical period of the battle, and upset the Nether World, causing numerous deaths and injuries. Even the Huangquan that suppressed the Nether Qi Luck was intercepted by him. For a while, it returned to Biluo under the pursuit of many ghost emperors.

Since then, the ghost world has ceased a lot. Although the war against Biluo has not stopped, but no longer dare to send a large number of strong people into Biluo, but mainly on defense, lest it be caused by ghost ancestors or other powerful powers of Biluo. Go in.

After all, even if they were able to occupy Biluo in the end, if Biluo Da Neng who had been smashed mad saw something impossible and counterattacked Nether again, it was very likely that their world would also be destroyed by the flames of war.

However, not all of the immortals are as determined as the ancestors of the ghosts. The old man of heaven, who has worked for countless years of cultivation, frowned slightly, and pondered for a moment and said: "The ancestors are powerful and heroic. I admire it, but it's not old-fashioned and timid, but the situation today is very different from that of the past!

Both the Bright God Realm and the Wizarding World are very different from the Nether Ghost Realm.

I also knew about the ghost ancestor's counterattack against the Netherworld. It's just that you were not restrained in the Netherworld. Instead, you stole a part of the authority of the Netherworld and gained the approval of the ghost world. Only then can you kill the Quartet.

But the laws of the Bright God Realm are too simple, not to mention the ghost ancestors, even if we go in, we will be greatly suppressed, and it is difficult to exert our full strength.

Although the wizarding world is not as pure as the laws of the Bright God Realm, they pursue a different direction from ours, and they will also be subject to huge restrictions after entering. With our hands, we are afraid that we will not be able to gain much advantage! "

"It's not necessarily!"

Guizu glanced at the old man Tianji, but didn't care that the other party's words were opposed to him, and said in a matter-of-fact manner: "Although these two worlds do have powerful oppressive power, we are not without opportunities.

What's more, we are not attacking to occupy their world. We can't occupy a huge world alone. We just simply attacked to cause trouble for them, making them scrupulous, unable to fight on the front line and forcing them to adjust. Back to the strong guard the world, thereby reducing the pressure on the front line! "

"Even so, I'm afraid it will be dangerous!"

"So what's the matter!"

Guizu squinted his eyes slightly, and his words revealed endless killing intent: "Back then, when I went to the ghost world, I didn’t have the slightest fear when I went to the ghost world, but now it’s just another battlefield, another one with countless creatures. The world is nothing. Compared with the crises of ancient times, what is this danger?

Fellow celestial mystery, I can’t compare your accomplishments in celestial calculus, but now I’m in the midst of a great disaster, how can I take care of so many things?

This time, I have decided that it is worth taking some risks for Biluo. Besides, there are no undead in the war. We can't take all the benefits, but in the end there is no need to pay any price?

Since you want to win this war, you must be prepared to die! "

"Since the ancestor of the ghost said so, what a pity the old man is here!"

The inspector of the old man of Tianji said: "As long as the ghost ancestor has an order, just give it. The old man is not only inferring the fate of the fate, and he is not unfamiliar with the war. Strong enemy!"


The ghost ancestor laughed loudly when he heard the words: "This is what my Biluo cultivator should have, but now there is no need for the heavenly daoist fellow to go to battle, Dao brother will help me to study the next plan first and talk about other things!"

"I wonder what Guizu wants?"

"I want you and a few other fellow daoists to take a look at how to let the three big worlds of the dark camp know the details of the natural **** realm, the light **** realm, and the wizarding world, so that they can develop a greedy heart for this big world!"

There was a cold expression on Guizu's face: "Since we have provoked a civil war in the natural world, it will not end in a short time.

Believe that the demon kings of the dark camp will not be willing to attack at this time and help the natural gods to ease the contradiction, then find a way to make them focus on the light **** realm and the wizarding world!

Nowadays, there are only one or two good fortune powerhouses in the wizarding world and the light world. With their endless years of feud with the dark camp, once they find a chance for revenge, the ten will be unable to help but start.

Especially the powerful nightmare lord on the 898th floor of the abyss, when the Light God Realm invaded the abyss, he was burned by the sacred fire for a hundred days. The taste of it wanted to make him remember it in his heart. Not forgotten.

Although the Lord of the Abyss rarely invades other worlds actively, he is not absolutely incapable of leaving the abyss. If he can bring benefits to the abyss by invading other worlds, he can also get more attention from the will of the abyss and benefit from it!

There is also the seventh lord of hell. I heard that he traveled through the world in his early years and was arrested by the black wizard to study for hundreds of years. If it hadn't been for a few black wizards to escape by negligence while doing experiments, I am afraid that he is still hanging on Make specimens in the wizard's laboratory!

Hey, these are just a few of the typical guys. Other powerful demon kings and these big worlds are also grieving slowly. I want you to find ways to provoke their hatred, provoke their anger, and attack that. Two worlds! "

At this point, the ghost ancestor's complexion became more and more vicious: "Whether we initiate the attack first, or the demon kings of the dark camp take the first shot, it will definitely make these two worlds unable to eat.

Of course, if possible, it is best to let them fight for us and draw the eyes of the strong who stayed behind in the two worlds, so that we can hide in secret and bring them a fatal blow. "


The old man of Tianji and several other powerful people who are good at deducing the secrets of heaven looked at each other for a few moments, thinking for a moment, and finally all nodded together: "Gui ancestor, don't worry, I will definitely live up to my expectations, and I will pass on these news. Arouse greed in the hearts of those demon kings.

It's just that how many demon kings' attention will be attracted in the end, and how many powerful demon kings will be willing to take the risk of expedition, this is not for us to be sure! "

"It's okay!"

The ghost ancestor waved his hand: "You give it a try, no matter if they do not take action, we will act according to the plan, but you must not overestimate the dispositions of those demon kings. After all, they grew up in a dark and cruel environment. The strong have a vicious and vicious temperament. Once they seize the opportunity and see the benefits, how many will be indifferent?

The only thing to worry about now is that they are reluctant to go out easily before they taste the sweetness. If it doesn’t work, we will give them a head start and let them see how much benefit they can get from invading these worlds. Sit and live! "

"Guizu, don't worry, it's up to me to plan this matter!"

"Well, in that case, I will wait and leave this place first, so as not to be noticed by the powerhouses of the natural gods. I will discuss specific matters when I leave here!"

"Follow the decree of the ghost ancestor!"

A group of immortals confiscated their heads one after another, and left quickly under the leadership of the ghost ancestor.

As they left, the temporarily opened up space gradually dissipated, leaving no trace!


The three big worlds of the dark camp have been a bit weird in recent years.

Although the middle and lower tiers continued to fight, and the various battles still never stopped, the powerful demon gods on the upper tier fell into a strange calm, rarely facing tit-for-tat, and no conflicts broke out.

In fact, many powerful great lords, great demon kings, and great lord monarchs frequently sent envoys to walk in the territories of the great demon kings.

Recently, the demon gods who have traveled outside have returned, and the news that they brought back is spreading in the three big worlds of the dark camp, making countless powerful demons all ready to move, and endless greed has risen in the depths of my heart!

However, none of these existences that can become the great demon king is not mindless!

As long as the big devil who can dominate one side, in addition to the tyrannical strength, the insidious and cunning temperament is also It’s just that they rarely use conspiracy to deal with others at this point. After all, With their strength, they can easily crush everything.

But it also depends on who the opponent is?

If you are an enemy of a big world, you must plan a good living, otherwise it would be fine if you accidentally suffer a loss, but if you lose your life, it will be a big trouble.

So don't think that these demon kings are usually domineering, but when they really fight against the powerhouses of the same realm, they will reveal their most insidious side, and sometimes they do everything in order to win.

But this insidious character also makes them think about things more often.

For example, now, although knowing that the news is true, most of the great devil kings still did not act immediately. Instead, they chose to send their subordinates to investigate, or confuse some and the two great masters. The devil with the deepest hatred in the world took the lead in attacking.

They need to see how the two worlds react. If it is half of the rumors, they will be able to take advantage of the crowd!

As for the life and death of the demon king who attacked first, they didn't care much.

Even if they really fall into the trap of the other side and die in those two worlds, what can they do? Anyway, it is not them who died, but they still have to be grateful that they were not deceived in the first place.

But if they can really take advantage, they will immediately expose their most brutal side and attack in the most ferocious way, thereby plundering more benefits and taking the greatest advantage.

If possible, they also want to plunder the original core of other great worlds, and transform the Demon Realm, Hell, and Abyss into a stronger state, so that they can become an immortal monster!

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