Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1031: Good Fortune

Royal Beast Heaven https://

The so-called good fortune was originally the power of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth to evolve all things, belonging to the Dao of Heaven!

It's just that the universe has its own strong people born in all realms, absorbing the power of good fortune from heaven and earth, cultivating the magic of yin and yang derivation, and achieving the realm of good fortune. It can also derive all things and make living beings.

Of course, this is the most ideal state.

Ordinary strong fortunes would not dare to create creatures and derive races at will if they hadn't gotten a big chance and happened to run into the right world.

Otherwise, I am afraid that if you can't wait for the heaven and earth merits to descend, if you can't wait for the blessing of Qi Yun to increase the Taoism, I am afraid that it will exhaust the energy of good fortune, and instead make a wedding dress for the world, saving the world that should have spawned life and everything without countless strength.

Moreover, creatures do not want to be able to create. As long as they are created, it will induce heaven and earth to feel the created creatures as a new race. Whether it is just one or a group of creatures, it will be created. To become a separate race, the most important thing is that the created creature will be linked to the strong who created it, and has a huge causal relationship.

Unless you can surpass the realm of creation and become the realm of immortality, and then deliberately cut off this cause and effect, it is impossible to break the connection between the two sides.

This is also the reason why Zulong and Yuanfeng take care of their two races in this way, because whether they can achieve the immortal realm in the future, they still have to rely on their respective races to provide their luck and fate.

Of course, when you truly reach the realm of immortality, it doesn’t matter whether you can cut off the cause and effect with the created ethnic group, because these powerful people are already immortal and can hardly be erased, even if the created ethnic group is destroyed. It can only affect their aura to a certain extent, but cannot cause fundamental damage to them.

This is true for the ancestor dragon and Yuanfeng, the same is true for the dragon ancestor **** and phoenix ancestor.

It's just that the latter two are now not only annihilated most of their ethnic groups, but even the world they used to prove the Dao is also destroyed by the dragon and phoenix tribes, plundering the core of the world together with a lot of resources, directly cutting off their future, and thinking about it again. Proving the Dao is more than a hundred times more difficult than before!

Like Biluo’s other powerful creatures, Guizu has not created any creatures. He does not dare to easily create creatures to bear the huge cause and effect. Otherwise, if the creatures created are not strong and are destroyed by a powerful enemy, he will be implicated and thus strengthened. Great fall, just like the current giant dragon ancestor and phoenix ancestor!

However, simply using the energy of good fortune to help Qin Feng refining the Demon Refining Pot once again, so that the Demon Refining Pot could once again contain a spirit of the Demon Refining Pot under the condition of having nine avenues now, there was no problem.

If the immortal aura can make living beings immortal and coexist with the world, and the eternal aura can make the strong soul immortal and live forever, then the aura of good fortune can be called a universal power.

This Qi can make all things and evolve everything, even the world can be born out of nothing and evolve.

It's just that creating the world is countless times more difficult than creating a race, and the energy required is far more than creating creatures. Even the great gods of the ancient times, few dared to do something original.

Although Qin Feng is still far away from the realm of good fortune, it doesn't mean that he really doesn't know the magical effect of the breath of good fortune, so after hearing the words of the ghost ancestor, he was immediately happy.

The Avenue of Destiny is so magical.

If the ghost ancestor can really refine the demon pot to a higher level, and incorporate the Qi-color flower into it as a spirit, then it will be absolutely beneficial to Qin Feng!

Although he does not want to build another avenue to change his original path, but the demon pot is his natal magic weapon. He can use all the power of the demon pot for his own use, which means he has mastered one more. Avenue of Destiny!

The most important thing is that Guizu now neither wants to kill the goddess of destiny, lest it cause a huge shock to the hearts and minds of many gods in the natural gods, and he is unwilling to expend too much power on her.

After all, in this extraordinary period, there may be battles at some point. If the goddess of fate is put on her body and suppressed at all times, with the goddess of fate, even if it is temporarily dormant, as long as the ghost ancestor is found to be fighting a strong enemy, it will definitely be quietly affected. Fate, maybe it will make the ghost ancestor suffer a big loss.

Therefore, the ancestor Gui was so happy after discovering the Seven-Colored Flower. Now, in order to safely suppress the Goddess of Destiny, he is even more willing to seal this eternal peak **** in the Demon Refining Pot and use the Tree of Destiny as the nourishment of the Seven-Colored Flower. Until Qi Se Hua completely absorbed all the power of destiny, she did not know how many years of accumulation of destiny supernatural power to achieve Qi Se Hua's path.

The most important thing is that the demon refining pot is in Qin Feng's hands, not only will Qin Feng always look after it, but there are also nine immortal main spirit beasts suppressed in the demon refining pot, so there is no need to worry about being overturned by this goddess.

The only problem is that when Qin Feng is fighting against people for a period of time in the future, he can't easily summon all the spirit beasts. At the very least, he has to leave a few main spirit beasts to guard, so as to avoid accidents.

Although the nine spirit beasts are still a long way from eternity, the goddess of fate has been severely injured by the ghost ancestors and is now imprisoned. Even the immortal realm is enough to guard the sealed goddess of fate at this time, as long as she If there is any change, it will be able to mobilize the Dao Law of Demon Refining Pot to work together to suppress it.

What's more, Qi Sehua is constantly absorbing the power of fate, leaving this goddess in a weakened state at all times. If she can't get energy supplement, she will be sucked up sooner or later.

"So, there are senior ancestors who have troubled ghosts!"

With joy, Qin Feng hurriedly bowed his hands to salute, holding the demon refining pot with both hands and sending it to the ghost ancestor.

"It doesn't need to be this way, it just happens to be in time for this time, so I can only do this as a last resort!"

Guizu shook his head helplessly: "Otherwise, you think you will be willing to hand over the Goddess of Destiny so easily?

These gods who have cultivated to the eternal peak and still control the laws of destiny are so precious. If this sacred tree is refined into a destiny artifact, it will be infinitely useful, even if it is refined into the Biluotiandao, this seat will gain many benefits.

However, with my current Taoism cultivation level, I don't care too much about the power of luck. It just happens that you have this kind of destiny flower in your hand, so what does it matter if you send this opportunity to you!

I also want to see if fate is favored and finally, when can you achieve good luck! "

Speaking of this, the ancestor of the ghost sighed slightly: "Although Bi Luo has recovered a lot of strength now, the current accumulation alone is not enough to find revenge in the big world such as the sky demon, and more powerhouses are needed.

I am not a stingy person, and naturally I would like to see more good luck in Bi Luo.

The same goes for you in the future. If you encounter a back that is worth training, you might as well take one or two. It's good to be able to add a bit of strength to Biluo! "

"What Guizu said is that I will keep it in my heart!"

The great powers nodded their heads in response.

Guizu beckoned, and the Demon Refining Pot flew up to him lightly.

His eyes grew deeper and deeper, and he opened his mouth to spray out a gas of good fortune directly enveloping the entire demon refining pot, and then pinched with both hands, a ghost fire directly emerged, turning into all kinds of weird runes into the demon refining pot.

In fact, under normal circumstances, no one is willing to give their own natal immortal artifacts to other existences with higher cultivation bases for sacrifice, because as long as the other party has some evil thoughts in his heart, maybe they will leave a few in the natal immortal artifacts. Dao hidden hands, maybe in the future, he will be in the calculation.

However, what kind of person is the ancestor of the ghost. When he reaches his level of cultivation, his pursuit of vision is no longer limited to mere treasures, let alone being a villain, otherwise he will not be able to cultivate to the current realm, so when he is practicing, he will not Do any tricks.

As the owner of the demon pot, Qin Feng, coupled with the ghost ancestor's sacrifice in front of him, can naturally clearly sense all the actions of the ghost ancestor while cultivating the demon pot.

After he felt carefully for a while, he couldn't help but be amazed at the ability of ghost ancestors to sacrifice magic weapons.

Although it would be a leisurely time to sacrifice and refine ordinary magic weapons in his current state of Taoism, compared with the power of a strong man who can derive all things and create creatures, it is a sky and an underground, and there is still a huge gap between the two.

This is not reflected in strength.

Although the realm of good fortune is strong, it may not be able to easily defeat eternity. Even today, if there are not many eternal immortals taking action together, the ghost ancestor alone confronts the goddess of destiny, and the probability of being successfully escaped by this goddess accounts for more than 80%.

The strongest person in the good fortune realm can best be manifested in a place stronger than eternity, in fact, their ability to turn decay into a magical good fortune.

Even if they are born out of nothing, they can do it, not to mention that after the Nine Caves, the Demon Refining Pot has condensed the nine principles of the Great Dao, it is already the pinnacle of immortal artifacts, so at this moment, the ghost ancestors are still more refined. Easily, without even making any concealment, allowing Qin Feng to carefully observe the process of his refining.

This can also be regarded as teaching Qin Feng something from another direction, so that this infinite potential junior monk can have some understanding of the good fortune realm, and have some knowledge of the abilities of the strong fortune, which will have a lot of cultivation for Qin Feng in the future. benefit.


With a trembling of the Demon Refining Pot, Qin Feng immediately felt the magical changes that were taking place in it.

At this moment, the demon refining pot seemed to have come alive, from the original simple fairy tool to becoming more and more agile, vaguely born with a soul that truly belonged to it.

It's just that if you want a real derivative spirit, unless the ghost ancestor is willing to input more power of good fortune, it will take a long time.

However, the fundamental purpose of Guizu helping him to sacrifice this immortal artifact was not to cultivate a new artifact spirit for the refining demon pot, but to refine the seven-color flower into the artifact spirit.

As soon as he gave his hand away, he saw the goddess of destiny transformed into the main sacred tree, as well as the seven-color flower that has grown to a height of tens of thousands of feet. Inside the demon pot.

Under his subtle manipulation, the strand of spirituality that had originally grown in the demon refining pot quickly merged into Qise Hua's body and was swallowed by Qise Hua.

The body of the Seven-Colored Flower has gradually undergone a wonderful change. Under the control of the power of good fortune, it did not disappear directly. Instead, the root system was first planted in the demon refining pot, and then under the guidance of the power of the ghost ancestor’s good fortune, it gradually submerged in the demon refining. In the pot, it is completely integrated with it.

At this moment, the Seven Color Flower is the fusion of the body and the demon refining pot, and because of the fusion of the body, her flower soul can also manipulate the demon refining pot and become the spirit of this fairy artifact.

It's just very different from the ordinary spirits. After all, the ordinary spirits cannot be nourished by the power of good fortune and can completely preserve the body. Although her body has been integrated with the demon refining pot, it can still be nourished. Let Seven-Colored Flower have more freedom than ordinary spirits, and it is even possible that in the future, a flower **** clone may be made to roam.


As the refining demon pot regained its spirit, and was blessed by the powerful destiny and supernatural power of Qi Se Hua ~ ~ and the refining of ghost ancestors' fortune, suddenly earth-shaking changes have taken place. Immortal artifacts have transformed into half-step eternity.

The reason why it hasn't become a real eternal immortal weapon is because the power of the Dao inside the Demon Refining Pot is not strong enough, and the eternal Dao has not been formed, and the master Qin Feng needs more sacrifices.

Either the seven-color flower artifact spirit is cultivated into eternity, or an eternity appears among the nine main spirit beasts, and the demon refining pot will directly break through the imprisonment and become a true eternal fairy.

Even so, the power of the current demon refining pot is much greater than before. If the nine main spirit beasts are summoned, the ordinary eternity is not their opponent.

Moreover, the addition of the Qi-color flower spirit makes it more convenient for Qin Feng to manipulate the demon refining pot. There is also the blessing of the law of destiny, which not only allows Qin Feng to benefit from it, but also the spirit beasts in the nine-layer space may also receive the blessing of destiny, thus quickly Improve your strength!

As for the goddess of destiny, she was directly sealed at the bottom of the demon refining pot by the ancestor of ghosts. It was originally only used by the seven-seed flower to absorb the power of destiny. Crazy squeezing of the goddess of fate increased the speed of absorbing the supernatural power of fate.

Although the previous promotion was interrupted due to the imprisonment of the Demon Refining Pot, as she gradually absorbed more destiny powers and more laws of destiny, Qi-Color Flower Spirit had once again experienced the vision of promotion.

A magical change once again appeared on this desolate star, and all the blue powers standing in the void all around clearly sensed the surging of the power of destiny.

However, Guizu quickly changed his complexion, waved his hand to block the vision of the demon refining pot being promoted, waved his sleeve to roll up a gust of wind, and disappeared without a trace of the immortals!

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