Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1020: God Realm Changed Ancestor Valued

"Ancestor, what happened?"

The eternal realm of the East Territory Longevity Outlook asked.

Although this master of longevity is an eternal realm powerhouse, he looks extremely respectful in front of the ancestor Taixuan.

Not only because of the far-reaching position of Taixuan ancestor in the hearts of all the cultivators in Biluo, but also because the entire Taoist gate has countless branches, but at critical moments, Taixuan ancestor will be respected.

The Eastern Region is the most powerful area of ​​the Dao Sect. The Lord of Longevity has even accepted the guidance of the Taixuan ancestor in his early years. Only then can he cultivate into eternity, and all respect the Taixuan ancestor!

"There is news from the floating Taoist of Wujianshan that the natural gods have changed!"

As Tai Xuan ancestor spoke, the aura flashed in his hand, and with a light click on that magic talisman, the message sent by the floating Taoist was immediately checked by the many powerful abilities present.

Wujian Mountain is an extremely special and mysterious place in Biluo. It is because the space law of this heaven and earth has undergone a little turbulence at the beginning of its fortune, and a spiritual mountain is shrouded in a unique space law.

Although this mountain is located in the blue sky, it is independent of the world. It is in between, and it will move as the world rotates. It will not always be in a certain place. It is extremely mysterious and mysterious.

Later, it was accidentally discovered by an immortal who practiced the Dao of Space Principles. With this as a foundation, he created the most mysterious family of the sect in the world of cultivation!

Although there are not many monks in this sect, each of them practiced spatial methods, and practicing in unique spaces such as Wujianshan will give them a deeper understanding of the laws of space, which can be called a holy place for practicing the spatial avenue!

Qin Feng had heard the elder Kongkong mentioned several times, but unfortunately he had never been able to travel to Wujianshan in his early years. Otherwise, if he had been given a powerful guidance from the space during the ancient catastrophe, instead of relying on himself to grow from nothing to a little bit. Cultivation, maybe it has already been promoted to the Golden Immortal Avenue of Immortal Achievement!

Only from the esteem of Wujian Mountain by the elder Kongkong, one can know the power of this Infernal Dojo.

In fact, the same is true. During the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, Wujianshan made countless efforts. The strong in the door relied on the supernatural powers of space, which really caused countless troubles to the invading army from all walks of life. Together, they laid down traps at lower levels, and almost completely wiped out the door of Wujian faction.

If it weren’t for Wujian Mountain in a unique space, moving all the time, no one would be able to find the way, so they could retain some seedlings. Otherwise, they would have been completely broken through the gate during the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, and the inheritance would be broken. .

And the floating Taoists are the Wujianshan powerhouses who survived the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, and spent most of these years wandering in the void outside the realm, observing the movements of the major worlds.

At the beginning, Biluo sent a mighty power to travel through the void to refine the star map, and among them were the floating Taoists.

It can be said that since the beginning of Bi Luo's expedition, Tai Xuan ancestor and others have been guarding the six big worlds of this star field. They have arranged manpower in various circles and be careful. Bi Luo can also be prepared early!

This was the case in the Bright God Realm before, and so is the Natural God Realm now.

As for the wizarding world, several wizard kings acted too quickly and left the world directly to attack the battlefield. In addition, they did not gather all the wizard legions, which confuses those who sneaked in, otherwise they would not be affected by a few wizard kings. Suddenly approached without knowing it!

But the natural world is different.

Although this God Realm is powerful, there are too many factions divided by internal forces, and they are fighting each other seriously for their own interests.

In addition, as the overlord of this star field, no other world would dare to attack them on weekdays. They lack the sense of worry. Those powerhouses at the realm of the main **** and above all have endless lifespans, so they don’t care about time. Consumption, so it tends to show procrastination in many major events.

Just as the Bright God Realm invited them to conquer the Great Blue World of Outland Invasion, they have already promised many benefits to the gods. They also know that if they can conquer a big world, they will get infinite benefits, but in the end it is because of the gods themselves. The appeal was not agreed, and the stalemate continued.

But this time is different. The original neutral beast **** didn’t know where he learned about Biluo. He knew that many of the worlds under his command had been captured by Biluo. Many orc races were enslaved by Biluo, causing him to lose a lot of power of faith. This made the beast **** with violent temperament and mighty strength immediately very angry!

So he immediately changed from the neutral camp to the main battle group that tended to crusade, and he also actively lobbied the main gods of other neutral camps.

The Lord of Light was also worried that the wizarding world might not be able to compete with the wizarding world in the future because the power of the wizarding world was now stronger than his own, so he sent a messenger to go to the natural **** world again, planning to have a few more helpers.

After a series of ties, many benefits were promised, and at the same time all kinds of instigation and separation, it finally made it take at least a few thousand years for the natural gods to negotiate a result, and soon a large number of main gods joined the main battle faction.

Although not all gods agree to fight with Biluo, the main battle factions are already strong enough, and they no longer care about the main gods who are relatively soft and do not like to fight, and they do not care about the persuasion of the gods of the neutral camp. The intention of gathering the army under his command to conquer Biluo.

Although the time for the conquest has not yet been determined, according to the current situation, if the battle on the Biluo side is deadlocked, and then bewitched by the Angel Protoss, the gods of the natural gods will win the war when they see them join the war. Then directly attack the big world of Biluo and take advantage of the opportunity.


The faces of many strong men were embarrassed.

It's no wonder that the ancestor Taixuan didn't explicitly say before, but sent away the vassal gods from all walks of life, and even after the strong men from the deserted land had left, they took out the transmission talisman.

It turned out that this kind of thing happened!

"This time our world is one enemy and two. It is already a little stretched to resist the Light God Realm and the Great World of Wizards. If there is one more enemy from the Great World, I am afraid it will be unbearable!"

The ancestor of the Five Elements said with some embarrassment: "Unless the battlefield is placed in the realm as in the ancient catastrophe period, it will be difficult for us to deal with these powerful enemies without suppressing the void outside the realm!"

"No, no enemy can be allowed to enter the world, and war can never be moved into the world!"

The Shenshui Palace Master suddenly stood up and glared at the Five Elements ancestor and said, "The ancient catastrophe caused me how much trauma I suffered from Biluo. You should be aware of it. How can you let the enemy into the world again and let my Biluo life be charred?"

"I didn't say that the war must be moved to the bounds!"

The ancestors of the Five Elements were also a little annoyed: "This seat means that without the suppression of the blue sky, we can't fight against other powerful people from all walks of life as relatively easily as during the Great Tribulation of the Ancients.

"If you can't contend, you have to contend. After experiencing an ancient catastrophe, don't you want to experience it again?"

Palace Lord Shenshui snorted coldly: "The big deal will lure the great demon kings from **** and the demon world, and completely disturb the water. I want to see when the great demon kings also joined the battle, those gods and Do the wizards dare to attack Biluo so boldly!"

"You are not afraid that those demon kings will also follow us and attack us first? After all, we are the easiest to be captured in our world now, and we are outsiders after all. Who can guarantee that they will not collude with us and take us first. Cut?"

"So what? The big deal is to ask Taixuan ancestor to cast a spell to move the world out!"

Although Shenshui Palace Master looks soft and weak, he is soft on the outside and **** the inside. He has an extremely strong temperament. When facing enemies, he is even more decisive. Otherwise, the ancient catastrophe will not become the attention of Biluotiandao. The son of luck!

"Even if it’s not time to return to the original star field for revenge, you can go to other star fields for a while. Anyway, our world has now regained a lot of vitality. The big deal is to continue to fight other star regions, and then plunder resources to strengthen our world. strength!"

"Do you really think moving the world is so easy?"

When Grand Ancestor Taixuan heard her words, he couldn't help but shook his head a little helplessly, and said to Palace Master Shenshui: "Bi Luo is not an ordinary small and medium world, but a big world. How can it be easily moved?

The last time I forcibly performed the Dou Zhuan Xing Xing Wu Shang Dao method, not only did I consume many years of accumulation in the old way, but also caused the damage to the core origin of Biluo even more severely.

The core origin is harder to recover than the world heritage!

It took so many years to recover most of it, but there was still some chance to complete it completely. If the core origin is consumed again before it has been completely recovered, it will be more difficult to recover in the future, and it will also bury hidden dangers for Bi Luo. "


Palace Master Shenshui didn't expect Taixuan Patriarch to say these things, he was stunned, and some didn't know how to communicate.

"But Palace Master Shenshui is right. We really can't let the enemy invade the realm. Otherwise, if we have the first one, more enemies will come in immediately. , And also won't let go of the big world where the looting party will completely fall!

Therefore, we must defend ourselves from the enemy and not let any party come in! "

"But the three major worlds attacked at the same time. Although it is a bit worse than the ancient catastrophe, we are also not in the ancient peak state. How to deal with so many large world attacks?"

Many powerful people couldn't help frowning, and they were obviously in a dilemma.

The ancestor of the tortoise spirit held his hands together in his sleeves and kept counting, and after a long time he just sighed slightly. Like other powerful people who are good at deducing secrets, he did not give any useful advice.

Seeing this, the ancestor of Jue Tian couldn't help but frown, and his tone revealed a strong murderous air: "Or, we simply send some strong men to attack, not only attack and kill those guys in the natural gods, if it is Seizing the opportunity, both the Bright God Realm and the Wizarding World can be used to attack, disturbing the peace behind them.

In addition, if there is nothing to do, then all the guys from the demon world and **** will be mixed in. It is best to lure those demon kings to attack the light **** world and wizard world and force them to retreat! "

Qin Feng could clearly feel the strong killing aura revealed by the ancestor Jue Tian, ​​and couldn’t help but praise in his heart. Although the ancestor of Jue Tian was not as good at planning as the ancestor of the turtle spirit, he was shutting down the machine. Moment is more decisive than all the powerhouses who are good at deducing secrets, that's why they put forward such an opinion.

Li Miaozhen beside him heard the words of Juetian ancestors, and was even more emotional: "What the ancestors said is very Isn’t it that there are more gods in the natural world, afraid of what he will do? , In my opinion, it should be just as the ancestors said, kill directly, the blood of the killed natural gods flowed into rivers, and the heads piled up into mountains. If you don't believe they have the courage to plot my blue resources!"

Qin Feng couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth!

This Taoist companion is good everywhere, because she was born too aggressive, but just caught up with this opportunity. All day long, she was facing either an expedition or countering the offensives of other circles, causing her originally aggressive mind to become more and more agitated. stand up.

Especially recently, I gave her an idea to use the fear in the hearts of outside enemies to hone her sword intent. If it were not for the overall situation, she would have been able to fight out of the world and try the sword before the two armies!

"Ha ha……"

Above, the ancestor Zhantian glanced at Li Miaozhen with appreciative eyes, and couldn’t help but nodded: "The Great Daoist has experienced the existence of the ancient catastrophe. It is normal to have this murderous intention, but Li Miaozhen’s little Daoist can actually have it. This character is really good!

Haha, it's a pity that you were reluctant to exchange with me at the beginning, otherwise she should really be like me practicing martial arts under the gate of the God of War, and there may be even greater achievements in the future! "

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