Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1010: Eternal first good fortune can be expected

For a time, as Qin Feng advanced to eternity, it aroused turmoil in the Heavenly Dao, and the Five Domains were shocked and suspicious.

Not only was the dragon and phoenix great powers surprised when Qin Feng broke through the golden immortal to achieve eternal Taoism, they actually made such a huge movement, but the powerhouses of the five domains were also shocked.

After all, they really haven't seen the promotion to Eternal, and they can make such a big movement!

Even if the ghost ancestor Cangshan in the Ten Fang ghost city Huangquan Dongtian, after seeing the fluctuations of the heavens caused by Qin Feng, he couldn't help but sighed: "This son has a solid foundation, and it is a bit stronger than when I achieved eternity back then!"

This remark immediately provokes the shock of many city owners in Shifang Ghost Town.

As the most blessed son of luck during the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, Guizu has accumulated a lot of vigor, which can be seen only by looking at his ten fellow practitioners.

And Qin Feng, a monk who was not a blessed cultivator at the critical juncture of the Great Tribulation of the Heavens and Earth, made the ghost ancestor so admired?

Although Qin Feng had been the son of qi luck for several years, as he proclaimed the Dao immortality, the qi luck that the Heavenly Dao descended in his early years had been exhausted. Without the qi dao deliberately descending and cultivating the qi luck, he could accumulate. More vigorous than Guizu back then, how can this not shock the rest of the power!

"Master, didn't it mean that Qin Feng from the Royal Beast Sect cultivated the Nine Paths, one less than Master?"

The Celestial Corpse City Lord asked in surprise: "This son is no more than a junior, how can he be better than Master before?"


Guizu shook his head: "Although I have been practicing ten Dao, the rules are similar, the scores are the same, and there will be no conflicts between each other, but they complement each other and have stronger combat power.

The Daoist Qin from the Royal Beast Sect has only cultivated nine Dao Dao, which seems to be one less than mine, but in fact he is more difficult to practice than mine, because the principles of his practice are not consistent with each other, and even conflict with each other. , Such as the Avenue of Life and the Avenue of Death, such as the Law of Curse and the Law of Light! "

He glanced at the several city masters in front of him and sighed: "If an ordinary monk gathers these laws in one body, it is already very good to be able to avoid being overwhelmed by the conflicts between the laws of the great avenues.

However, he coordinated with each other with the help of secret methods. In the end, not only was the practitioner of the Nine Paths, but he was able to lay the foundation so strong, and even in the Abandoned Lands, there was no sign of instability in the foundation. Instead, he became a super strong!

So the sky corpse, and the few of you are the same, and don't give birth to any underestimation just because he is a new-generation monk!

Don't think that you are powerful seniors, and you will be stronger than him if you qualify for Eternity earlier than him. Even if he has just been promoted, you are not his opponents alone with the momentum he has created now. "


The lord of the Shifang Ghost City looked at each other, a little unbelieving.

After all, even the strongest ancestor of the Royal Beast Sect, who was also the first to advance to eternity, was not their opponent, not to mention Qin Feng, who was only now promoted.

But this is from the mouth of the ghost ancestor, and they can't help but believe it!

What's more, the momentum created by Qin Feng’s Eternal Achievement is really amazing, and Shifang Ghost City has no daring to the Royal Beast Sect. The ancestor of Beimang who chose Yuguizong as a ghost town is just a little concerned.

However, Yuguizong has been in a relationship with Yujuzong for a long time. They are a hard-core alliance. They have a good relationship. Of course, they have to support each other. This is not a big deal!

On the contrary, there are still a few city owners who have a fairly good relationship with the Royal Beast Sect.

Although the ghost dragon city lord had also suspected that Qin Feng’s nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon method had some problems, but the powerhouses at their level would not affect the two major forces due to a little fight between the juniors. Because of this relationship, although I have been provoked by a guy who didn't deal with it, I have never thought about trouble with Qin Feng!

Now these city masters learned from the ghost ancestors that Qin Feng's strength is really so tyrannical, and coupled with the fact that there is not much conflict in the first place, naturally they will not be provocative.

What's more, Biluo is in the stage of rapid rise. It is the time when all the sects must work together to deal with the strong enemy. It is said that the Shifang Ghost City and the Royal Beast Sect are far away from the north and the south. There is no real enmity. Deal with the upcoming world war!

Just like the feud between the Royal Beast Sect and Taiyi Mountain, such as the grievances between the Five Poison Sect and the Giant Spirit Sect, they have not been mentioned in these years. Although it is not a sincere cooperation, they have not done anything during this period!

The most important thing is that Guizu has made such a high evaluation of Qin Feng, which is both admiration and admiration!

I sigh that Qin Feng clearly did not have the great luck he had in the ancient catastrophe, but he can still have such an achievement, and praise Qin Feng for his abundant accumulation, and the future can be expected!

Several city masters also heard a certain meaning from the tone of the ghost ancestor.

They know that if nothing happens, the possibility of Qin Feng's accomplishment of good fortune is much better than them.

Even if he continues to cultivate one by one according to his current momentum, the time to achieve good fortune may not be too far!

For such a powerful man with infinite potential, no one would foolishly oppose him!


Zhongyu, Chunqiu Academy.

Gongsun mistakenly looked at the sky, with a helpless smile on his face for a long time, and sighed: "I thought I was once the number one person in the eternal realm, even if I could not keep it, but if there were no endless years of accumulation, there would be no After experiencing the great calamity of heaven and earth again, I shouldn't be born a stronger peer than me.

Unexpectedly, not long after I achieved good luck, someone would catch up, and even looking at this momentum, I'm afraid I will surpass me soon! "

Beside, Su Mu looked at Gongsun Cuo with a full face in surprise: "Shan Chang, you mean, that Qin Feng Daoist from the Royal Beast Sect can surpass you in the eternal realm?"


Gongsun nodded in error: "Moreover, he has just been promoted now, and he already has such a momentum. After the eternal accomplishment, there will definitely be a period of rapid progress, when it will catch up with my original combat power, and even exceed my previous achievements. It doesn’t take long!"


Su Muzhe took a deep breath: "The head of the mountain didn't read it wrong? Is it true that Qin Feng is preaching?"

"Who else can it be besides him?"

Gongsun glanced at him by mistake: "Not to mention in the Southern Territory, even in the entire Biluo, can you find a monk who has accumulated more vigorously than him in the Golden Immortal realm?"

Su Muzhe hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head, then patted his thigh regretfully: "When he first came to my Spring and Autumn Academy, even the Purple Mansion hadn't achieved it.

At that time, I should be more resolute and take more advantages to keep him. Not to mention, it was only for his current cultivation base, even if the two stinky boys in front of the equation and Tang Sanyuan were replaced. It is also worthwhile to give it to the Royal Beast Sect.

Alas, what a pity, what a pity, how could I not be cruel and give even greater benefits back then? "

He was very upset in his heart. If more benefits were given at that time, the ancestor of the tortoise spirit might not have been tempted. After all, no matter how the ancestor of the tortoise spirit could deduced the secret, at that time it would never be counted as Qin Feng's current achievements.

However, Tang Sanyuan and the first two of the equations are now only dangling in the early and middle stages of the Golden Immortal. Although it is rare for others to achieve the Golden Immortal Avenue, for a single hegemonic power, the two golden immortals are really true. It may not be too important. If they can be used to trade the number one power in the contemporary eternity, no matter how you look at it, it will be a very cost-effective thing.

What's more, as the first person in the eternal realm, how high the chances of success in the future are, just look at Gongsun's mistake!

Of course, he just thought about it.

If Qin Feng and the others were still at a low level, they were just little cultivators who hadn't achieved the Purple Mansion. There would be nothing if the two major sects exchanged their disciples. As long as they are willing, there is still time to change the way of cultivation. As for now, don't ask for it. Good.

"Ha ha……"

Gongsun made a chuckle: "I have seen this son several times in his early years, but in any case, I never expected that the young man with a shallow cultivation base would have such an achievement now!"


Wild mountains!

The dark clouds above the Imperial Beast Sect's mountain gate are overwhelming, and the sky is full of thunder!

Layers of tribulation clouds accumulate, and a full nine layers of tribulation clouds converge, so that all the surrounding heaven and earth can feel this depressive aura, and the roar of tribulation can be heard in hundreds of thousands of miles!

A thick thunder fell one after another, smashing down towards the nine-headed spirit beast.

Although the sky swallowing toads, as Qin Feng's nine main spirit beasts, have long been in harmony with Qin Feng's atmosphere, Biluo Tiandao does not treat them as external powerhouses and sends them to the boundless heavenly punishment, but uses the heavenly calamity. The situation refines the aura on their bodies, and after the tribulation is over, they will leave the mark of Biluo in their bodies, and they will completely become a powerful member of the Biluotian Dao!

But even so, this tribulation is not so easy, no matter how to say it is a golden celestial tribulation, of course it will not be too easy!

In fact, if other monster beasts of the same level were replaced, not to mention the death of nine deaths, it would also be dangerous.

However, each of the nine spirit beasts under Qin Feng's command not only accumulated vigorously, but also had many abilities. Therefore, although the skin and flesh being smashed by the tribulation, it looked embarrassed, but in fact it did not hurt the origin!

Even the three-legged death crow who likes to hide in the distance and cast a curse to sneak attack on secretly smashed his wings at this time, and did not dodge.

Because it knows that as long as it survives this tribulation, it will not encounter the tribulations of the heavens in the world in the future, and even if it can make great contributions to Biluo, it will be rewarded with luck.

The dragon of light was bathed in the thunder of the roar, roaring and roaring constantly, carrying on the thunder of the roar, and accepting the baptism of heaven!

When it hadn't followed Qin Feng in its early years, it had never thought about the promotion of Protest Dao and the passage of Tribulation!

But now that I have been following my master for so many years, I have already learned enough about the world of spiritual practice, so I have no complaints, but very positive.

It can be said to be a bargain.

Because long before it, the ancient Guangming Buddha of the Great Guangming Temple had embedded the law of light on the Biluotian Dao, which made this white dragon less trouble.

Otherwise, as an external creature, it will cultivate the law of light that Biluo has never experienced before, and the calamity it has to face will not be light.

Although the Guangming Ancient Buddha took the first place to bring the law of light to Biluo, it lost the achievement of becoming the master of Biluo's light, but it also made its calamity much smaller.

The Hellhound on the other side is extremely fierce. This guy is full of muscles and ferocious, and he opens three brutal mouths with interlaced teeth and roars to the sky, letting the thunder fall on him without dodge or avoid the slightest defense, let the thundering thunder. When it fell, its hair was scorched, and there were waves of electric light constantly appearing!

The tree of life not far away seemed even more wild. Its tree body was too tall, and it stretched directly below the robbery cloud, bearing the most violent bombardment of the thunder!

Although the branches that have been bombarded by thunder constantly break and turn into ashes, it has unlimited vitality, and it will live with it. The more thunder slashes, the faster it grows, and finally grows the tree directly into the cloud. The interesting branches and leaves stretch directly to the tribulation clouds in all directions, extracting the vitality and growth in the thunder tribulation!

But to say that the most relaxed, but also belong to the tortoise.

This old tortoise turned into a huge body like a mountain and lay down on the ground. When the thunder fell on it, there was no trace of injury to it. It was offset by the attack by its tyrannical defense, and the energy in the thunder was offset. Absorbed.

Heaven-swallowing toad looked the most fierce at this time. This guy didn't let Thunder Tribulation hit her body at all. Instead, he opened his mouth and swallowed the thunder that slashed at it directly into his abdomen, tempered by the Golden Celestial Tribulation. The world in the belly!

However, this method is very dangerous, if it is really shattered by the thunder, it might be destroyed for many years!

It is also self-sustaining and vigorous accumulation, with a certain degree of certainty, and when it is really unable to hold it, it can shut up in time and get the help of the owner and the other spirit beasts!

After all, it’s not the Sky-Swallowing Toad that is going through the calamity on its own, but to follow Qin Feng and the other eight spirit beasts. In a critical period, both Qin Feng and the other eight-headed spirit beasts can help it stop the A few thunder tribulations and the law of life can heal injuries!

For a time, each of the nine beasts showed their abilities, and one after another used their abilities to survive the catastrophe in the most beneficial way for them!

Qin Feng is also undergoing the tempering of Heavenly Tribulation!

Originally, he did not need to face the Heavenly Tribulation for eternity, but who made him choose to advance when the nine-headed spirit beast enlightened.

Moreover, he was surrounded by nine beasts, and his own strength was too strong and his aura was too strong, which caused him to bear the power of Heavenly Tribulation that was stronger than the power of thunder that any spirit beast needed to bear!

However, instead of being dissatisfied with this, he was quite excited to let go of his defenses and greet the catastrophe with his tyrannical body. It was precisely this opportunity to refine his body to achieve Consummation.

Otherwise, the pure power has reached the level corresponding to the soul, but in fact it is still a little faint, even after being promoted to eternity, it will take many years to refine it!

Isn't it the best time to temper your body now to undergo the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation?

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