Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 996: Yin and Yang 9 revolves the world

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Suddenly an angry shout came from a distance!

It was a weird creature with two heads and eight arms, a majestic body and a pile of muscles like iron knots.

However, although this guy was born weird, he was extremely powerful, and he was a powerhouse in the eternal realm, and by looking at his violent aura and powerful physique, he knew that this was an extremely powerful existence.

Seeing that the body of the Thunder God King has been crushed by Qin Feng into powder, and he actually did not let go of the eternal soul of the Thunder God King, the grinding wheel of life and death crunched, and the crushed Thunder God King continued to burst out spiritual roars. , Howl bitterly!

Obviously, the defeat of the Thunder God King attracted the attention of other powerful beings, and many powerful people changed their colors. Unexpectedly, the overbearing Thunder God King would be defeated by a few immortal golden immortals in the Big World of Biluo, and it might even be possible. Completely destroyed!

And that tyrannical existence with four heads and eight arms obviously has a good relationship with the Thunder God King. Seeing that the eternal soul of the Thunder God King is in danger of falling, he suddenly changed his color, and he uttered a slap in his mouth. Thunder King!

It is a pity that the one who is fighting against him is an eternal power of the God of War.

The Temple of War is based on martial arts, and all monks practice martial arts. Even if there are a few who also practice other methods, they all focus on martial arts.

And the Budo monk is recognized as a tyrannical combat force!

Although Kendo is known as the number one killer, the tyranny of martial arts is beyond doubt!

They are tyrannical in physical body, strong in spirit and will, martial arts and supernatural powers can adapt to all kinds of cruel environments, and they can also compete with those who practice any law. They also show amazing willfulness in the face of pressure. They belong to the kind of fighting that gets stronger. exist!

Although this powerful man with four heads and eight arms is extremely tyrannical in close combat and long-range attack, he is fighting against the eternal power of martial arts. Where can he go if he wants to?

The qualified person allowed the Thunder King to leave. It was not that the old man of Shenmu really couldn't entangle the opponent. Although the old man of Shenmu was restrained in attributes, he could only show 80% of his strength, but his body of the Shenmu possessed endless vitality and was cut off. The branches, leaves, and trunks of the trees will die out, and they will be endless!

Leaving the Thunder God King to deal with Qin Feng and the others was because he had strong confidence in these golden immortals of the Royal Beast Sect. Knowing that they could handle it, the old man Shenmu was about to take the opportunity to change his opponent.

Otherwise, if the Thunder God King wanted to attack the ordinary golden immortal, how could Bi Luo's eternal powers just ignore it?

It turns out that these Royal Beast Sects not only did not live up to your expectations of eternal power, but also exceeded everyone's expectations. They actually killed the Thunder God King on the spot, which really made a lot of great power. Can all be shocked!

However, after the shock, it is just joy!

Qin Feng and the others teamed up to be able to kill an eternity. Doesn't that mean that they might make persistent efforts and continue?

Although this kind of thinking is very dangerous, the eternal strong is not comparable to the ordinary Jinxian, and a little carelessness may cause casualties.

But Qin Feng, Li Miaozhen and the others were never ordinary golden immortals.

It is precisely because of this idea that many eternal powers have greater expectations of them.

Now that Qin Feng is at a critical moment when he is about to completely refine the Thunder God King, naturally he will not allow hostile eternal interference!

Otherwise, once the eternal soul of the Thunder God King is rescued by the strong, although the opponent will not be able to restore the strength of the heyday for tens of thousands of years because of the destruction of the **** body, it can reconsolidate the **** body in a short time and be able to perform 70% to 80% combat power!

Seven to eighty percent of the battle power of an eternal state is eternal after all, and it will also be troublesome to encounter on the battlefield in the future.

Therefore, the eternal power of the martial arts of the God of War sneered, his body turned, stepped up his offensive, and attacked the eight-armed **** king like a violent storm.

As a great power in martial arts, his attack method is very unique. Not only a variety of powerful martial arts techniques, supernatural powers, and combat skills are readily available, but also all parts of the body can be used to attack, and his actions are as fast as a phantom, close up. Under the battle, the eternal king who had four heads and eight arms was also good at melee combat could only be fought desperately, how could he be thrown away to rescue the Thunder King!

However, these powerhouses of the eternal realm were unable to come to the rescue, but the immortal main **** was able to extract a few.

Under the orders of several **** kings, several immortal master gods immediately slew towards Qin Feng and the others.

For this, Qin Feng ignored it.

He believes that Elder Kong Kong and Li Miaozhen Liu Xuanling will definitely help him keep his opponent out of the circle, and will not affect his refinement of the eternal soul of the Thunder God King!

Sure enough, as Elder Kongkong waved his hands, layer after layer of space barriers were placed around Qin Feng, blocking all the gods who came to aid the Lord!

The two daughters of Li Miaozhen and Liu Xuanling, one casts a white tiger sword, the sky is full of sword energy, and the other manipulates the moon gold wheel, but under the gentle moonlight, there is a frozen void of ice and spirit.

With the help of the elder Kongkong, they not only blocked several immortal gods out of the circle, even Li Miaozhen also took advantage of the moment when one of the gods was frozen by Liu Xuanling, breaking each other in a sturdy mess!

On the other side, in the wheel of life and death, the Thunder God King felt the danger of falling, which made him even more crazy.

At this point, no one can take care of others, desperately squeezing his eternal soul, manipulating the law of thunder, and propping up a thunder domain with a radius of hundreds of miles in the wheel of life and death.

In the realm, the strong power of thunder will almost turn into thunder pulp!

Then I heard a bang, and the Thunder Realm burst open!

This **** king exhausted countless sources to condense such a powerful Thunder Realm, and it exploded like this. He didn't even try to use pure Thunder to blast Qin Feng to refine his wheel of life and death.

At the critical juncture of life and death, he immediately put away all the arrogance in his heart, took out the determination that the strong should have, and directly detonated the domain, and suddenly there were billions of violent thunder powers in the wheel of life and death. When burst out, the endless thunder light flashed, breaking the blockade of the wheel of life and death in an instant.

There was a crack in the life-and-death wheel with a radius of thousands of miles in an instant. The Thunder God King was overjoyed and immediately stimulated his original divine power, turning into a bolt of lightning and flying outward along the growing crack!

Seeing this, Qin Feng couldn't help but raise his brow!

However, he was also a decisive person. He felt the power of the thunder from the wheel of life and death was too tyrannical. Knowing that it was difficult to stabilize the wheel of life and death in the violent thunder, he immediately gave up and turned his eyes on the Thunder God. The direction where the king fled!


Lightning flew out of the wheel of life and death in a blink of an eye.

It's just that before this eternal powerhouse's heart of the eternal powerhouse rises in the rejoicing of the rest of his life, he suddenly sees a huge palm on the left and right pats over.

And as these two palms approached, it was obvious that the palms were changing rapidly. The original flesh palms were instantly covered by the power of yin and yang, turning into a huge yin and yang grinding disc, following the wheel of life and death just now. Vertically and horizontally, forming a strong sense of opposition!

However, the Thunder God King was not interested in watching these, he let out a scream, and speeded up again!

Only soon, he realized that the lightning he had turned not only hadn't escaped from Qin Feng's attack range, but also felt that the yin and yang millstone was not only getting closer to him, but also getting bigger and bigger.

From his point of view, he only felt that the yin and yang grinding disk seemed to encompass the entire star field, and he was just a tiny piece of dust in it.


It shouldn't be like this!

The Thunder King quickly reacted.

Although Qin Feng's combat power is strong, his Taoism is still in the realm of immortality, and he hasn't even broken through eternity. How can he include the entire star field?


What illusion can make him, the eternal realm **** king, be recruited?

He swept the power of the soul into the void, only to discover that the void around him was enveloped by powerful and obscure spatial laws, and there seemed to be some strange fluctuations!

No wonder he has reached the extreme speed, but he has not escaped from Qin Feng’s attack. It turns out that when Qin Feng used the Yin-Yang Wheel again, he had already calculated that this guy would definitely not want to be bound. get away!

It's just that at this time, how could Qin Feng be willing to let this powerful **** king go away alive?

So when he shot, he was still manipulating the laws of space and time, confining the void where the opponent was in by the laws of space, and slowing down the time around the opponent with the power of time, and he also concealed these two powers in the yin and yang at the beginning. Internally, it has not been completely released.

The Thunder God King lost his body, and at this moment, only the eternal soul, which was hit hard and consumed a lot of money, fled in a panic, and failed to detect it at the first time. This was the move!

Otherwise, with the strength of this **** king, even if only the soul of eternity is left, he can still break through the two laws of time and space, and escape from birth!

As a result, because of this delay, he immediately lost the best opportunity to escape and was suppressed by Qin Feng again.

The yin and yang grinding wheel slowly rotates, but every time it rotates, a large amount of soul power will be crushed from the Thunder God King.

In order to avoid the possibility of being broken by the enemy's condensed Thunder Realm and escape, Qin Feng did not give the Thunder God King any chance this time. Whenever he finds energy outside the Thunder God King, whether or not he wants to condense the Thunder Realm, he will He directly manipulated the yin and yang grinding wheel to other places, making it impossible to form an effective energy concentration.

And in the process, Qin Feng changed from the original general manipulation to become more and more subtle.

In order to isolate the power of the Thunder God King, he unexpectedly divided the yin and yang millstone that originally belonged to the whole, whether it is the upper yang disk or the lower yin disk, into two circles from the inside. This is the boundary. The circle crushes the immortal soul of the Thunder God King, transfers the power to the outer circle, and continuously decomposes and refines the pure original power!

Although it still looks like a whole on the outside, it already has two independent runners inside!

Even Qin Feng thought of more from this.

He thought that since the inside of the yin and yang millstone could be divided into two independent runners, could there be a third, fourth, or even more?

Of course, now that he can separate the two laps, he has already done his best. After all, this is an idea that he came up with temporarily. It is an inspiration born during the fight. If you want to rise to a higher level, you need to do it in the future. Retreat and study hard!

What's more, with the two independently-running wheels in the yin and yang grinding wheel, the difficulty of manipulating the yin and yang grinding wheel has risen linearly, which is many times more difficult than the original.

However, he already had a preliminary idea in his heart. The Yin and Yang millstone was originally infinitely powerful, and he did not need to differentiate too much. If nine independently-running wheels could be formed in it, it would be enough to make any one suppressed by him. The opponent cannot escape!

The Thunder God King didn't expect that Qin Feng's Yin-Yang Grinding Wheel could still operate like this. The power surged, and he immediately lost the possibility of continuing his previous escape!

No matter how he struggled madly and tried his best, he couldn't escape from the yin and yang millstone.

In the end, the eternal soul was obliterated by the yin and yang millstone, and all the spiritual imprints were refined, and all the energy and the power of the law were transformed into the power of the masterless pure origin law!

However, when the Thunder God King completely fell, his remaining soul burst open, and then exposed a thunder at the core!

A thunder full of spirituality that is constantly twisting and changing like a living thing. It is not only full of pure innate thunder power, but you can also see countless subtle laws and Dao patterns in this thunder!

This is surprisingly the origin of the innate thunder derived from the laws at the beginning of the birth of the higher world. It is from this origin of the innate **** of thunder that the Thunder God King is transformed into a god!

Seeing these treasures, Qin Feng was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, there is such an opportunity to obtain an innate divine thunder. If this is given to a monk to practice, as long as there is no accident, it can definitely cultivate a golden immortal power for cultivating thunder, if it is handed over to the practice of thunder The cultivator at the peak of Xuanxian will be able to prove immortality in a short time!

With the origin of this innate **** thunder, it is equivalent to one more golden immortal in the royal beast sect!

As for the extent to which it can grow in the future, whether it will advance to eternity like the Thunder King, it depends on its own chances.

Qin Feng folded his hands together, and the yin-yang grinding wheel stopped rotating, and under his delicate manipulation, it turned into a yin-yang seal, including the congenital **** thunder seal, and save it for later!

In fact, if he chooses to refine himself, he is afraid that his law of thunder can become his tenth law of major.

It's a pity that he knows where his limit is. Now it is appropriate to cultivate so many great avenues. If he is greedy to cultivate one more Thunder Rule, it will definitely disrupt his original balance, and it will be detrimental to his cultivation!

Putting away the innate divine thunder, Qin Feng took a breath.

In order to refine the Thunder God King, he consumes a lot of money. Now if there is another eternal powerhouse, he will definitely not be able to match it!

But, there is no problem with dealing with a few immortal gods!

So he took a step forward, activated the supreme supernatural powers at the end of the world, and in one step he came to the front of the several master gods who were fighting against Li Miaozhen and others, raising his hand and hitting!


The situation of the entire battlefield gradually changed.

First, with the arrival of the dragon and phoenix clan, the giant dragon clan and the phoenix clan were violently attacked by the dragon and phoenix clan, and countless perished!

Although these two ethnic groups are also very tyrannical, they are compared with each other!

Compared with the dragon and phoenix, the top sacred beast races in the universe, they are inherently weaker, not to mention the fact that the lineups sent by the dragon and phoenix tribes to conquer them are not tyrannical!

The dragon ancestors and phoenix ancestors were each besieged by three gods of the same level.

In this form, even if they are powerful in the late stage and even at the peak of good fortune, their strength is almost infinite, but it is difficult to contend, and they will eventually be beaten scarred and embarrassed.

Fortunately, after all, they are powerful and not so easy to fall, so they retreat while fighting, trying to escape to their respective worlds, and use the oppressive power of the world to counter each other.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have to wait for the support of the Guangming Protoss and other powerhouses from all walks of life.

Otherwise, relying only on the power of the world's suppression, it is absolutely impossible to counteract the attacks of digital creations, and even the dragon and phoenix tribes aggressively invaded the world. Once they are suppressed, it may be possible to directly communicate with the will of the world and seize the position of their world protagonist. , And even directly stripped the throne of the lord of the world who was the ancestor of the dragon and the ancestor of the phoenix.

This is not impossible!

After all, the Dragon and Phoenix ancestors stole the luck of the dragon and the phoenix at the beginning of the race. Over the years, they have continued to develop and grow based on this. It can be said that the luck of the dragon and the phoenix has fully penetrated the two worlds. Every corner.

And when the pure dragon and phoenix races enter the giant dragon world and the phoenix world, it will inevitably cause fluctuations in the will of the world!

The will of the world doesn't have complete intelligence, it's just instinctively making the world's favorable choices. Over time, this kind of change is really possible.

It is true that the dragon and phoenix clan will occupy the position of the protagonist of the world, and become the lord of the world. It is hard to imagine the fate of the dragon clan and the phoenix race!

I am not an opponent, and I have lost the right of time and place. Even if I reluctantly escaped to live by the Bright Alliance, it has become a rootless duckweed. Maybe the Bright God Realm may take the opportunity to completely subdue him and become a mount thug. I'm afraid in the future. There will be no more day to turn over!

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