Red Rebels

Five hundred and seventy-eight: The fatal rear move

As the 31st UEFA General Conference approaches, Platini finds that his life is becoming more and more unruly.

First of all, a few days ago, the British BBC TV station took the lead in disclosing a major football betting incident, involving as many as 15 clubs, all of which were in small and small countries in Eastern Europe. There were even suspected betting matches in the UEFA Cup qualifiers. .

Johansson was the first to make a statement. UEFA will investigate these games and clubs, and if it is true, it will be dealt with. At the same time, he also said that there is currently a widespread phenomenon of gambling in some European regions. UEFA will The federation will take it seriously and will strictly examine the qualifications of clubs from these countries to participate in European competitions.

Following this, the mainstream media in major football countries raised a series of questions about Platini's policies. They all believed that since gambling exists in professional clubs in some countries in Eastern and Central Europe, if restrictions are relaxed, If we arrange more places for them to participate in the Champions League, wouldn't they bring gambling to the Champions League?

"For an event like the Champions League, which represents the highest level of the club, once it is involved in match-fixing and betting, it will inevitably greatly affect the status of this event in the minds of fans and the attention of sponsors. This is very likely to The old path that led to the Champions League and ultimately the UEFA Cup.”

Facing almost endless doubts, Platini was overwhelmed. He had to deal with the media every day and was exhausted.

But at the same time, Johansson once again launched a campaign strategy, saying that if he is elected, he will provide youth training support of 775,000 euros to weak football countries in Eastern and Central Europe to help these countries build training grounds and youth training venues, and purchase Youth training equipment, etc.

"Youth training is the future of football. Only by attracting more and more football people can this sport become more and more prosperous!"

Johansson's slogans were very loud, and his down-to-earth campaign strategy seemed much more pleasing to the eye than Platini's sketch of Lanzhou Shaobing. For a while, Johansson had a slight tendency to reverse course.

Current opinion polls show that among the football powers, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Iceland and other countries are all clear-cut supporters of Johansson, while Platini's die-hard fan is France, but apart from that, there are also Only Lithuania and other small Eastern European countries support him.

Of course, there are still some forces that are taking a wait-and-see attitude, such as the British Football Community, which has a total of 4 votes, namely England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. These 4 votes are neutral, but Platini naturally does not know, David ?Dunn is actively seeking these 4 votes for Johansson.

But even though he didn't know it, Platini felt nervous for no reason when he saw Johansson's speech on TV, which looked like he was giving a new look.

This old guy seems to have some leverage.

But what exactly is his bargaining chip?

Platini tried his best to make himself look like he had a chance to win, but in fact everyone could see that his situation was no longer optimistic. Johansson's counterattack could be said to be both sharp and ruthless, and his moves were deadly. Platini Ni wanted to resist, but couldn't.

But immediately afterwards, UEFA announced that it had officially invited David Dunn, chairman of the European Professional Club Association, to attend the 31st UEFA General Assembly.

"We hope that this is the beginning of a good girl, because we have been working together on how to create a good development environment for girls. We hope that the European football community can put aside their disputes and jointly negotiate a set of effective methods and measures. !”

When Platini heard the news, he was even more upset.

Although earlier, his campaign momentum seemed to be greater than that of Johansson, in fact within UEFA, Johansson's power is still as stable as a mountain, which allows Johansson to make any decision without being obstructed.

Now Johansson has made an unusual invitation to the European Professional Club Federation to participate in the congress. There seems to be something fishy about it, but for all this, Platini simply cannot refuse, because so far, he is only the next president of UEFA. One of the candidates.

"Although this old guy seems to have a winning chance, I believe that as long as I seize the support of Eastern European countries, I can still pull him down!" Platini's calculation was very precise.

Although the small football country is like fly meat, there are a lot of them. At the same time, it is also a place that cannot be covered by Johansson's power. As long as it is caught, it can realize the subversion plan!

…………… Outside the venue of the UEFA Congress, Platini frowned when he saw David Dunn and Xiao Yu walking side by side.

He didn't know why, but he hated seeing Xiao Yu. Although in fact, this person was very popular in European football, he always felt that he was very unpleasant to him. Maybe there was a relationship between hatred and resentment, and he always felt that those in England were doing well. The rich people in the club are not that good, and they always feel irritating.

"Mr. Platini!" Xiao Yu greeted Platini with a smile.

No matter how reluctant the Frenchman was, he could not allow himself to be less than a gentleman, so he forced out a smile and said, "Your daughter, Mr. Xiao Yu!"

"I heard that you are very busy recently, don't be exhausted, and remember our bet!" Xiao Yu said with a smile.

Platini sneered: "Of course, I won't forget it!"

"Oh, that's right!" Xiao Yu was about to walk into the venue, but suddenly turned around, "I heard that Lufthansa in Germany is now discounting, and the air tickets for vacation are very cheap. You can consider it." After saying that, Xiao Yu laughed. Laughing, he led David Dunn into the venue.

Platini didn't think anything of it at first, just wondering why Xiao Yu suddenly said this to him, but after thinking about it, he immediately understood that Xiao Yu was mentally preparing him to fail as a woman.

Does this guy have any tricks up his sleeve?

With an uneasy heart, Platini walked into the venue. Along the way, he was greeted by many representatives from Armenia, Georgia and other countries, many of whom Platini couldn't even pronounce by name. , but he had to act like buddies with them, and he even vowed that in the future everyone would be able to drink in big bowls and eat big chunks of meat.

The presidents of the 52 UEFA member states came to the scene. Everyone said that this will be the most fierce competition in UEFA's history. Platini represents reform and plays the Eastern European card, but Johansson and others Over the years, he has also made outstanding contributions to the development of European football, especially the Champions League.

The competition between the two can be said to be evenly matched, and it is still unknown who will be elected in the end.

Xiao Yu and David Dunn, as representatives of the European Professional Clubs Alliance, have the right to attend, but they do not have the right to vote. However, this can be regarded as an indirect gesture from UEFA to the European Professional Clubs Alliance. Johansson used this Put down a deposit in this way and tell Xiao Yu and others that what he promised will be done.

"How are you? Are you worried?" David Dunn asked Xiang Xiao Yu with a smile.

The latter shook his head, "No, with Britain's four votes and the series of previous offensives, Platini's chances of reversing are very small. Johansson comes from behind and defeats his opponent. There should be no problem. It just feels hard. very tired!"

David Dunn gave Xiao Yu a serious look and couldn't help but nod.

The reason why the European Professional Club League is what it is today, and why David Dunn can take this position, Xiao Yu deserves the most credit, but this young man is not at all proud of it.

"We are just engaged in professional football, why do we have to work so hard? After all the calculations, what is it for in the end?" Xiao Yu asked rather sadly.

David Dunn shook his head and smiled bitterly, "This is inevitable for professional football. FIFA and UEFA are the football associations of all continents. How many of them are clean? As long as there are benefits, there will be Calculation, this is inevitable!”

Xiao Yu also understands this, but he doesn't like calculations by nature.

The two chatted quietly for a while, and the voting at the venue had been completed.

The voting this time is by secret ballot. If someone can get more than half of the first round of voting, he will be elected as the new president of UEFA.

The statistical voting results were carried out very quickly, but for those anxiously waiting for Johansson and Platini at the venue, it was undoubtedly a long process. Whoever wins will become the most powerful figure in European football.

Statistical data appeared on the huge screen behind the venue, and it was constantly beating. The two people's votes were very close, and soon they both exceeded 20. From this point of view, no matter who it was, there was a certain degree of success. The audience is supporting.

However, after breaking through 20, Platini's votes seemed to be improving slowly. Although Johansson was also slow, he still jumped up and down. The gap between the two gradually widened.

At this time, cold sweat broke out on Platini's forehead below, and his ominous premonition finally came true.

When the final results came out, Platini got 23 out of 52 votes. This made the Frenchman lean back in his chair, not knowing what kind of expression he should make. It was obvious that he was in a mood at this moment. Not comfortable at all.

On the other hand, Johansson, who had lagged behind Platini by a large margin in the previous polls, now made a sudden reversal and won 27 votes, more than half, allowing Johansson to be successfully re-elected as UEFA president.

Since it was a secret ballot, no one knew which two countries gave up their right to vote, but that is not important. What is important is that Johansson received 27 votes and he completed his re-election. This made all the European football players present. All the old ministers in the alliance applauded loudly in unison.

They have always supported Johansson's re-election and opposed Platini's reforms, because once Platini comes to power, Johansson's old departments like them are bound to be purged, and UEFA will usher in a period of turmoil.

If nothing else, just look at the presidential elections of Real Madrid and Barcelona. The UEFA elections are similar to the elections of Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​but the former has a greater impact.

After Johansson was confirmed for re-election, he stood up and frequently expressed his gratitude to everyone present.

"I'm very happy, really happy, and very touched. Today's result makes me understand that what I have done over the years is worth it!" At the end of the sentence, Johansson's voice was trembling.

"I am very happy to continue to work for the development of European football. This is a great and sacred profession. I know that UEFA still has many shortcomings, but I am confident that in me and all my friends and colleagues With the joint efforts of my comrades, I believe that European football will become more and more female!"

Afterwards, Johansson once again fulfilled his promise, saying that starting from today, Central and Eastern European countries can submit an application for a youth training plan. UEFA will allocate 775,000 euros based on this youth training plan to support youth in these countries. However, he said that he would seriously monitor the whereabouts and use of these funds.

In addition, Johansson also stated that a club financial management committee will be established on the UEFA Executive Committee. This committee will be responsible for investigating the financial status of all professional clubs in Europe to protect the healthy and orderly operation and development of professional football.

Judging from the series of financial supervision measures announced by Johansson, UEFA's standards are obviously based on the Premier League, including clear regulations that private owners can only inject capital in the form of purchasing shares. At the same time, they will also follow the European professional standards in the near future. Club federation discusses salary structure planning.

Of course, UEFA will not set the terms too rigidly. Johansson said that these are just considerations for the time being, but there will definitely be some exceptions. For example, clubs will be allowed to borrow money to build stadiums and training bases, etc.

However, UEFA attaches absolute importance to the youth training system, especially the registration restrictions for youth training places. UEFA will also provide further clarification to ensure the healthy development of football in the future.

Throughout the meeting, Johansson commanded and arranged majesticly as the president of UEFA, while Platini was completely reduced to a loser, which made the latter leave the venue quite depressed.

But what he doesn't know is that Johansson's appointment is only temporary. After all, he is 77 years old. He is likely to step down directly during his term and support his trusted comrades to come to power. The most likely one at present is Beckenbauer also has a good relationship with Xiao Yu, and there is Johansson's close confidant Olsen, Secretary General of the Executive Committee, but he lacks qualifications and influence.

After the UEFA meeting, Xiao Yu and David Dunn were invited by Johansson to have a secret talk. The latter was very grateful to Xiao Yu for supporting him to come to power. However, although Xiao Yu has a high reputation in the world, He is well-known, has great prestige, and has many connections in the football circle, but after all, he is still young and does not have the possibility to hold a position in UEFA, which is a pity.

But Xiao Yu doesn't care about these calculations. He just hopes to do what he likes to do steadily, such as running the Red Rebel Army and so on.

After a confidential conversation and having lunch with Johansson, Xiao Yu left the hotel where the meeting was held with a tired look on his face.

As soon as he stepped out of the hotel, he immediately called back to the Red Rebel Club and gave it to Walsh to inform him that he wanted to take a vacation. Of course, the latter didn't want the woman to say anything, and Walsh also knew very well that during the recent period, , Xiao Yu is indeed too busy, it's time for women to take a break and recharge their batteries.


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