Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 767: Five hundred meters to go

I quickly stood up and nodded vigorously: "Okay, I will definitely be there."

After Nan Nan left, Yu Chengfei and I went out to buy cannon. We first went to Komatsu's repair shop and drove out in a Jiangling pickup truck with a bucket in the back for easy shooting. Yu Chengfei really bought a truckload of cannons, including two kicks, red earth, baby's breath, and fireworks bombs. They were piled in the bucket like a hill. After buying the cannon, we drove to Bai Yanluo's place.

Because they are getting married tomorrow, Bai Yanluo's house has become lively since tonight. Bai Yanluo works in a small bungalow on Kaiyuan Road. This is just one of his places of residence, and no one can figure out his whereabouts at ordinary times. The outside of the small bungalow was decorated with lights and colorful, and it was very lively. Countless guests came to congratulate them, and 99% of them were people from the road.

Yu Chengfei and I parked the car in an inconspicuous corner of the courtyard without getting out of the car or interacting with anyone. Only during meal time, I went out and brought two bowls of dumplings back, and I ate them with Yu Chengfei in the car without saying a word. But someone still saw us and quickly reported it to Bai Yanluo. Bai Yanluo was already half drunk and walked over surrounded by everyone.

Yu Chengfei and I got out of the car and looked at Bai Yanluo expressionlessly. Bai Yanluo smiled slightly, looked at the fireworks in the car, and nodded with satisfaction: "You are really my good brother. Okay, come and have three drinks with me!"

Someone brought a tray over with a jug of wine and three glasses on it. Bai Yanluo filled the wine himself, took a glass first, and then said: "Brother is getting married tomorrow. It's rare that you two have this intention. I feel very relieved and happy. Come!"

Yu Chengfei held the wine glass, and I also held the wine glass. The three of them clinked and drank. There were people around who were cheering and applauding, but they didn’t know what An’s intentions were. After having three glasses of wine, Bai Yanluo said, "Tomorrow morning, you guys will take the lead."

Then, Bai Yanluo went to entertain other guests, and Yu Chengfei and I got back into the car, as if we were in two different worlds from the outside. After a while, Ma Teng came over and comforted Yu Chengfei a few words, but he couldn't do anything substantial. That night, Yu Chengfei and I slept in the car. I don't know if he fell asleep, but I couldn't sleep all night long. In the past three days, I have asked countless people to help, but I have never found out the whereabouts of Meng Liang and the others. At this time, I urgently needed to discuss with Miao Wenqing, but there was no trace of him. I asked people to go to Jishi Village to look for him, but there was no trace of him either. I wonder if he was imprisoned together.

After all, it is the college entrance examination, the most important three days in life. My parents originally wanted to come over to accompany me, but I sternly refused. I said that I would definitely not do well in the exam this time, so there would be no need to put in the effort. I also said that I planned to repeat the exam for a year and take the college entrance examination again next year. After the college entrance examination, I called Taozi and she said that both she and Xia Xue did well and were performing normally. Hearing this, I felt relieved. Taozi asked me again if Brick and I would come to a party tomorrow at school. I was silent for a moment and couldn't say anything anymore. Brick and I were still busy, so you guys should have fun.

After a night of half-dream and half-awake, the sky finally dawned slightly. Suddenly there was a crackling sound in my ears. I sat up and took a look. Green smoke was everywhere in the courtyard, sparks were everywhere, and a ten-thousand-ring red earth exploded. A figure loomed in the green smoke, and Yu Chengfei didn't know when he got out of the car. After the sound of the cannon, the yard became lively. The boys were very busy pasting happy words, couplets and colorful flowers. A large number of people came, and the road outside the door was filled with all kinds of cars.

After working hard until 8:30 in the morning, Bai Yanluo finally got into the wedding car and prepared to set off to marry Nan Nan. Twenty luxury cars started slowly from the courtyard. Yu Chengfei and I’s Jiangling pickup truck was at the front of the queue, in sharp contrast to these luxury cars. The marriage between the underworld tyrant in the south of the city and the daughter of the deputy mayor is bound to shock the entire Beiyuan City. Even those who don't know the details can't help but look sideways when they see such a grand spectacle. Yu Chengfei and I led the way, throwing five-hundred-ring whips outside.

It went quickly, and we arrived at Nan Nan's house in less than half an hour. Nannan's house was also decorated with lanterns and decorations. The deputy mayor got married, and many people came to congratulate her. There were people standing inside and outside the door. Bai Yanluo got out of the car, dressed in a brand new white suit, looking even more dazzling than before, and entered Nan Nan's house surrounded by a group of brothers. Yu Chengfei and I didn't go in. We parked the car at the door and waited for Bai Yanluo to pick him up. According to our rules, there are a series of activities after entering the courtyard. The bride's female companions will collectively block the bedroom door, and the groom can only enter if they give enough red envelopes. After entering the bedroom door, you have to start looking for shoes. The woman will hide the shoes somewhere in the bedroom, and only when the man finds the shoes can he take the bride away. It's such a process, it sounds simple, but at least it takes more than an hour to pick it up and go back. After arriving at the groom's house, a series of ceremonies were held before the bride was officially married and brought home.

As a result, Yu Chengfei and I hadn't been sitting for five minutes when a little brother ran out in a panic, patted our car door and said, "Brother Yu, Brother Hao, let's fire up the fire, the eldest brother has brought out the bride!"

We were startled, never expecting it to happen so quickly. But there was no way, we got out of the car quickly, put out the red earth, baby's breath, and fireworks bombs, lit the fire and started popping off. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... The whole door seemed to have been burned by fire, and large amounts of green smoke filled the place.

Yu Chengfei and I stood far away, watching the fireworks and firecrackers explode in all directions. After the gunfire stopped and the smoke cleared, the sound of gongs and drums started. The gong and drum team walked out of the courtyard first, followed by Bai Yanluo and Nan Nan. Nan Nan was wearing a white wedding dress. As soon as she came out, she looked around, as if she was looking for someone. Finally, her eyes were fixed on the two of us, and then she smiled sweetly. Bai Yanluo also saw us and took Nan Nan's hand as if to show off. But Nan Nan immediately got rid of him, making Bai Yanluo very embarrassed, but he couldn't say anything at this time, so he had to force a smile.

At this moment, Yu Chengfei suddenly strode over. Bai Yanluo frowned and winked behind him, and the brothers behind him immediately rushed forward. But Yu Chengfei just walked into the gong and drum team, said something to one of them, then took the gong from his hand, banged it vigorously, and walked at the front of the team with a determined look.

Nan Nan's eyes were red and she looked at Yu Chengfei's back in a daze. Bai Yanluo snorted, with a smile on his lips. Someone urged them, and Bai Yanluo and Nan Nan got into the wedding car. I quickly drove the pickup truck and followed the gong and drum team, and the convoy followed behind me. When ordinary people marry their daughters, the gong and drum troupe still has to escort them two miles away; when a deputy mayor marries his daughter, no matter what, he has to escort her half a street away. Coming out of the residential area, the gong and drum team was still leading the way, and Yu Chengfei was at the front, beating the gongs hard. And from time to time, he would come back and throw two cannons out of the pickup truck. Along the way, gongs and drums were beaten, firecrackers were fired and firecrackers were fired.

The gong and drum team walked half a street, and finally completed their mission and went back. Yu Chengfei also got into the pickup truck and said, "Drive slowly, let's fire all the cannons." There was half a bucket of cannons in the car. If he wanted to fire them all, he had to stop and fire them every few dozen meters. The same can be said in the downtown area. This is the boundary in the south of the city. No one dares to cause trouble to Bai Yanluo. When he reached the congested road section, Yu Chengfei stopped taking the car and led the way on foot, clicking two kicks or earth red every fifty meters.

Bang - bang.

Two kicks exploded in the air. Yu Chengfei raised his head, with no look of sadness on his face.

And I was in the car, already crying my eyes out. Yu Chengfei sat in and said disgustedly: "Why are you crying? Nannan was married to enjoy happiness, not to suffer. Besides, I don't like her in the first place. I have long wanted to find another girlfriend."

"There are still five hundred meters left, and Sister Nannan will really marry someone else." I said these words while sobbing.

Yu Chengfei was stunned, raised his head and looked ahead. Bai Yanluo's small bungalow was already in front of him.

Nannan is not yet of legal age for marriage, but once the ceremony is completed, no one will doubt that she is not Bai Yanluo's wife.

There are still five hundred meters left, and Sister Nannan belongs to someone else.

I drove the car very slowly, as if I wanted to delay this time as much as possible. Yu Chengfei stared at the bungalow in front of him blankly, and suddenly exhaled and said: "What a big deal, really..." With that, he got out of the car again, took a few kickers and walked to the curb in front of him. Put it on. When he finished letting go and turned his head, I found that his face was covered with tears.

Yu Chengfei cried.

This strong man has not shed a single tear for three days. But now, I cry like a grandson mourning his grandfather.

He came back and dragged the cannon from the truck compartment again, as if he wanted to let it go all at once.

Bang bang bang, snap snap.

Playing and crying at the same time. At first, she just sobbed quietly, but later she burst into tears, howled, and cried to the sky.

Bang bang bang, snap snap.

I drove the car very slowly, and I started crying in the car.

Just then, I crossed an intersection; just then, my phone suddenly rang.

It was Miao Wenqing calling. I picked up the call strangely. Miao Wenqing's voice on the phone was weak, as if he had just experienced a fierce battle.

"Brother Hao, everyone has been rescued, not a single one is missing. I'm so tired, I'll hang up first, and I'll explain to you in detail later."

My hands shook violently, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

After hanging up the phone, I looked up and saw that Yu Chengfei was still lighting firecrackers in front, less than 200 meters away from the small bungalow.

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