Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 741: Come and stay with me for a few days

After a while, gunshots were heard in the bar. Immediately afterwards, someone ran out of the bar. It was the same group that had rushed in to destroy the place. They seemed unharmed and in good spirits. Finally, two men walked out backwards, each holding a five-shot shotgun. A dozen people dressed in short jackets and long trousers rushed out, but they were powerless in the face of shotguns.

Lao Ba tapped my head with his gun and said: "Brother Hao, I'm going to go down and talk to the brothers. You stay here quietly and you are not allowed to go anywhere - don't move, my marksmanship is very good, do you understand?" "

I nodded, and Lao Ba went down, holding a dark May Fourth in his hand. Indeed, if I want to run, I have to go through the process of ignition - holding the gear - pressing the clutch - and pressing the gas. And after this process was completed, Lao Ba would have raised his gun and shot me to death.

Lao Ba stood by the car, and his brothers gathered around. He asked proudly: "How's it going?"

One of them said: "Everything is going well, it's almost a mess and I want to reopen for at least a month."

Lao Ba burst out laughing: "Well done." Then he pointed at the martial arts masters at the door: "Go back and tell Zhao Tiequan, our boss said, those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish. If you want to survive in the south of the city, just We must obey our boss!”

I turned to look at him and saw clearly what he looked like. He had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and he looked very cunning. Immediately afterwards, Lao Ba pointed at me in the car and said, "Take this kid back, tonight is his memorial day."

My heart froze, Lao Ba actually wanted to kill me? Several men came over, and I reached for the key, ready to fight to the death. They are all dead anyway, so it might be too late to run now. Thinking of this, I immediately stepped on the clutch, turned the key quickly, and the engine roared. Then put the gear on and release the clutch. Thank God, living on the edge of a knife for many years has made my psychological quality extremely strong, and I did not panic at all when doing this. But at this moment, Lao Ba outside the car raised his pistol and shot at me without any hesitation. There was a "bang" gunshot, and I didn't have time to notice whether I was hit or not, so I stepped on the accelerator and blasted forward.

"Bang bang bang." There were several gunshots in succession, and I couldn't care less. I shifted gears and refueled frantically, and the car rushed out like a beast. I saw in the reversing mirror that several Jinbei vans were following closely, and someone stretched out a double-barreled shotgun from the window and fired in my direction. I snorted. The car I was driving was a Komatsu-modified Poussin. I was not afraid of them at all when I was running on the road. Last time I didn't even do well in cross-country, how about the Gold Cup this time? As soon as I stepped on the accelerator, the car sped out easily, quickly leaving behind several cars behind me without a trace. At this time, I realized that I was breaking out in a cold sweat, and my hands and feet were all sweaty.

I twisted my body casually and found that I was safe and sound, with no injuries on my body. I couldn't help laughing, thinking that this old man would brag and say that he was good at shooting. He fired from such a close place, but he still didn't hit a single shot. Hit? They didn't stop on the road and drove all the way back to the villa. I parked the car in the yard and when I got down to take a look, I was immediately shocked. I saw seven or eight bullets embedded in the car, and one was actually on the glass. The strange thing is that the glass was not broken, there were only some cracks, and the bullet was embedded in it and penetrated half of the head. I looked at the direction of the bullet. If it could pass through, it would definitely hit my head!

Lao Ba said he was good at shooting, and he wasn't lying at all!

Then, I remembered what Komatsu said again. He said he wanted to replace the car doors and glass with bulletproof ones. At that time, I thought he was bragging, but I didn’t expect this guy to actually mean it! My blood boiled all over, but I didn't expect that this car saved me twice.

The next day, I took the car to the repair shop again and had Komatsu renovate it. When Xiao Song saw the bullets in the car, he was scared out of his mind and said: "Brother Hao, your job is too dangerous. If this thing has a good night for three days, I... I will have to burn paper for you." I slapped his head. Once: "Don't curse me, this is very common on the road."

At this time, word had spread that Black Yama sent Lao Ba to smash the Forest Bar. Many people thought that a fight would definitely start this time, but no one knew about the conflict between Lao Ba and me. At the repair shop, I called Black Yama.

"Brother, is your old man crazy?" I said angrily, "He almost killed me yesterday!"

"Yes, I arranged it."

"Why?!" I was shocked.

"Wang Hao, you said before that you wouldn't help Zhao Tiequan, but you returned the bar to him and helped him recover financially. What do you mean?"

I was at a loss for words and said, "He came to ask for it, but I was embarrassed not to give it to him. Besides, the bar belongs to others."

"Brother, if you do this, I don't know whether I should believe you or not."

"I didn't help him, and I didn't want to help him."

"Okay, if you don't have any worries, then come and stay with me for a few days, and I will take care of your food and drink until the matter between me and Zhao Tiequan is over."

"I still have to go to school."

"Just tell me whether you will come. If you don't come, then I will also gather the Black Tiger Gang."

I gritted my teeth and felt very angry, but I knew he had such strength, so I said it in such an understatement.

"Sure, I'll come." You're just staying for a few days, and you can also eat me?

Call the key members of the Black Tiger Gang to the villa and talk to them about the matter. Everyone was shocked and tried to persuade me not to go. Who knew what kind of medicine was sold in Black Yama's gourd. Miao Wenqing said: "It should be fine. Black Yama is very sincere."

I nodded: "I'm going to stay for a few days. You should take good care of your home and don't interfere with Black Yama and Zhao Tiequan."

Then, I called Slap King again and said that I had something busy these days and couldn't go to class. The slap king said impatiently: "Have you come to class?" This made me very depressed. Why didn't I go to class? This old boy is telling lies with his eyes open.

Then I called Captain Chang of the security company, also asking for a few days off, and asked him to help me keep an eye on the construction site.

After finishing these things, Taozi helped me pack my clothes, toiletries, and brought me some of my favorite snacks. I looked at the suitcase and said sadly: "Why do you feel like you are going to jail?"

Taozi took my hand and asked a little shyly: "Can you ask that Black Yama, can he bring his family members?"

I quickly took matters into my own hands and said, "Yes, I can definitely do it." At the same time, I felt secretly happy because Tao Zi was better, and I was willing to accompany him to jail.

Taozi clapped her hands and said, "That's great. Let my brother accompany you. We can take care of each other if anything happens."

I turned my head to the side in pain and said, "Forget it, I can do it myself."

I called and found out Black Yama’s address, and immediately asked Ajiu to drive me there. The place where Black Yama lives is very strange. An abandoned factory in the southern suburbs of the city was transformed into a habitable place. Then all the eight Vajras lived in it. They lived together and ate together. They could quickly concentrate on anything. . Later I found out that Black Yama and his men were all employees of this factory in the early days. Later, the factory failed to make ends meet and declared bankruptcy. They were all laid off, and Black Yama led them on the road to crime and became the underworld in the south of the city. The most domineering force.

When I got to the place, I got out of the car with my suitcase in tow. There were two gangsters standing at the door. When they saw me, they came over and asked, "Is it Brother Hao?"


"Please come in, our boss has been waiting for you for a long time."

I dragged my suitcase into the yard and happened to see a group of people coming out. The leader was the old man I met last night.

Lao Ba was holding a dark May Fourth in his hand, still as arrogant as last night. As soon as he saw me, his eyes shone faintly: "Hey, isn't this Brother Hao? Your car is nice, and it's actually bulletproof?" As he said that, he raised the gun and aimed it at my head again. .

I stopped and said, "Is this how Black Yama treats guests? Huh?" Then I raised my head and looked towards the second floor.

Beside the window on the second floor, Black Yama was looking at us.

"Lao Ba, put it down, I invited him here." Black Yama spoke.

Lao Ba put down his gun and turned back to look at Black Yama in surprise: "Ah?!"

"Go and do your business quickly, and I'll explain it to you later."

"Okay." Lao Ba put away the gun, glanced at me, and then hurried away with the others.

I continued dragging my suitcase forward and took a look at the surrounding environment. The original factories and workshops had all been converted into residential buildings. Men, women and children could be vaguely seen. It felt like this was a unique world, and Black Yama was the emperor here. Black Yama and Bada Jingang lived in the office building of the factory. They occupied the offices of the original factory director, secretary, section chief, and workshop director and transformed them into rooms for themselves. I think this is a kind of complex. Black Yama and others were squeezed by these leaders at first, but later they became masters and occupied their offices.

The office building looks shabby from the outside, but the interior is pretty well decorated. Once inside, there is a hall with rest areas, water fountains, etc. on both sides. There is a round conference table in the middle, which seems to be where they usually hold meetings. Black Yama also came down, but the other seven Vajras were nowhere to be seen. Hei Yanluo is dark, fat, and looks very majestic. He is an absolutely legendary figure in the underworld in the south of the city. He is the object of admiration for countless gangsters. Even Yu Chengfei and others were in awe of him at first.

"Welcome." Black Yama made a "please" gesture, "I will take you to where you live first, and then show you around."

I followed Black Yama to the second floor, and it felt like a different world. There was a red carpet on the floor and murals on the walls. It felt like I was in a high-end hotel, with no trace of a factory at all.

Dragging my suitcase, I followed Black Yama and walked forward, surrounded by rooms one after another.

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