Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 732, Contracting Sand and Gravel Plant

A large group of us walked quickly on the country path. Someone in the crowd suddenly said, "Hey, isn't that Santana from our village police station in front of you?" "That's right, Director Jiao often drives this car, why is it here?"

I looked up and saw that there was a Santana painted like a police car parked not far ahead. Further ahead was a huge dump truck lying across the road. These two vehicles, one large and one small, blocked all our eyes. I can't see what's going on over there.

I also pretended to be surprised and said, "Yeah, why is Director Jiao's car here? Hey, where is Director Jiao? Wasn't it there just now?"

Director Yang's face turned livid and he said, "He said he would come here first to see the situation."

"Oh." I suddenly realized, then waved my hands and said, "Folks, let's keep walking. Huang Dafa and the others are right in front."

Leading the team, we passed Santana and followed the roadside around the dump truck. There were two young men standing in front of the dump truck. They looked like they were not good friends at first glance, with fierce and evil looks on their faces. When they saw me, they immediately stood up straight and called Brother Hao.

I nodded and continued looking forward. There was a dilapidated van parked in the middle of the road. Huang Dafa, Village Chief Hao, and Director Wang were standing beside the van, looking at the large group of us shivering. In front of them, there was a man lying on the ground. He was Director Jiao of the Jishi Village Police Station. No one cared why he was lying on the ground, because the crowd had already seen Huang Dafa and the others.

The crowd immediately became angry, and the crowd came over like a tide. Some people shouted: "Those three idiots are right in front, everyone go over and kill them!" "You dare to harm Secretary Yu, I am not done with them!"

The strong folk customs of Jishi Village are indeed evident. Huang Dafa and others became frightened and ran in the opposite direction. But there was a dump truck on the opposite side, and there was also a strong man standing in front of the dump truck. When Huang Dafa and the others were running towards them, the man raised his fists and punched one at a time, as if he was playing double dragon. Huang Dafa and the other three fell to the ground. However, the crowd's anger had not yet been calmed down, and they still rushed forward in excitement. Faced with this situation, Director Yang knew that there was nothing he could do and quickly turned to Secretary Yu next to him for help. Secretary Yu thought for a moment, then immediately raised his hand and said, "Everyone, calm down and listen to what I have to say!"

The only person who can command and mobilize these villagers is Secretary Yu. Everyone quickly quieted down. There was a deaf person who didn't hear. He wanted to continue rushing forward, but was immediately slapped on the ear by someone else: "Secretary Yu asked to calm down, didn't you hear?"

Secretary Yu continued: "Huang Dafa and the others have broken the law, so there are laws to punish them. Director Yang from Pingxi Township is here. He came to arrest people under orders from the superiors. Everyone must believe in the party and the government. We must I will give everyone an explanation!”

Then, he looked at Director Yang and said, "I hope you won't betray our trust!"

Director Yang seemed a little touched. He stood at attention and saluted with a snap: "Secretary Yu, please don't worry!"

Then he waved his hand: "Take them away!" More than a dozen policemen rushed over, grabbed Huang Dafa and three others who were lying on the ground and groaned, and walked over with two arms. Director Yang added: "Secretary Yu, do you want to go back to Pingxi Township with us? Your cooperation is indispensable for the investigation these days."

Secretary Yu said: "You go first, I will be there soon."

Even if Director Yang was extremely courageous, he would not dare to let Huang Dafa and others go without permission. No one would make fun of his career.

Director Yang nodded and pointed to the van on the road: "Drive that van back as well. This is evidence of their escape. Oh, by the way, take Director Jiao with you too. It looks like he is competing with the criminals in a battle of wits and courage." I suffered some injuries in the process.”

The Black Tiger Gang's dump truck was adjusted so that Director Yang and the others could drive the van back with Santana. Then, Secretary Yu asked the villagers to go back first, saying that the township government would give everyone an explanation in a few days. Everyone gradually dispersed, and only a group of us, Secretary Yu and Miao Wenqing were left. Secretary Yu stood on the side of the road with his hands behind his back, looking at the boundless cornfield without saying a word. He didn't say a word for a long time. And those of us stood behind him and stood with him for a long, long time.

"You are right." Secretary Yu suddenly said: "They are all the same, with officials guarding each other. They are rotten from top to bottom."

We remain silent. In the past two days, Secretary Yu has been really hit hard.

"But I believe." Secretary Yu continued: "Those people will always be a minority. Our country will get better and better. The country won by the Communist Party will not be easily destroyed in the hands of these people. Evil can never defeat justice. !”

His voice was decisive, and there was a natural righteousness in his tone, which made people feel awe without realizing it. I looked at Secretary Yu's slightly stooped back. It looked weak, but in fact it was strong and strong, just like the unyielding backbone of our Chinese nation.

The case of Huang Dafa and others was handled very quickly, and all the witnesses and material evidence were present. After extracting the confession, it was quickly transferred to the Municipal Procuratorate, which then filed a public prosecution in the court. It is said that someone from the township government came forward and spent a lot of money, hoping that the court would give a light sentence. After all, it was just an attempted murder and it did not cause any serious consequences. If done properly, the sentence can be released in one or two years. Huang Dafa's wife spread the news throughout the village, saying that Huang Dafa would still be a good man after he came out, and no one would want to build a sand and gravel factory.

For this reason, the villagers were very angry, but no one could care about the court, so they could only smash the glass of his house in the middle of the night to vent their anger. But within a few days, the municipal bureau actually sent a task force to the village to investigate the accounts of the sand and gravel factory, as well as the economic transactions between Village Chief Hao, Director Wang, and Huang Dafa. Some insiders said that this was a one-stroke effort, and Huang Dafa and the others were completely screwed. Huang Dafa's wife no longer has the arrogance of the past. She runs around in despair all day long, but is rejected wherever she goes.

Someone in the village speculated: "It must have been done by that boy from the Black Tiger Gang. Despite his young age, he is very smart in the city. It is said that all the people he associates with are the director and the like. It is easy to get Huang Dafa." This statement has been recognized by many people, because they know that no one in Jishi Village has such ability, and they can even get the city bureau to send a task force.

But I knew it wasn’t me. I thought I was doing okay, but I was far from good enough for the Public Security Bureau to send a task force. That would require a personal order from the Municipal Party Committee or the Director of Public Security. Later, Miao Wenqing solved this confusion for me. He said that Secretary Yu went to the province to seek help from his old comrade-in-arms. This old comrade-in-arms was very energetic and was said to be the commander of a certain military region. Secretary Yu has not contacted this comrade since he retired. This time he was really desperate. When he thought that Huang Dafa and the others would make trouble when they came out, he rushed to the province with two dried buns that night and had a long chat with his former comrade.

After that, the city bureau sent a special task force down, this time to arrest the three of them, and also to investigate Director Jiao.

The army is even more out of reach for me. I sighed and said, "Secretary Yu is hiding something so secretly..."

Since then, the case has been handled quickly. In less than a month, the court issued a verdict, and all three people were sentenced to fifteen years or more. Director Jiao, who was the accomplice of the evildoer, was punished administratively, had his official position removed, and became a commoner. He was too embarrassed to stay in Jishi Village and went to live in other places. The turmoil in Jishi Village seriously affected the leadership of the village committee. The villagers also quickly responded to the situation. Knowing that Secretary Yu was very energetic, they were afraid of accidentally offending him. They immediately issued a document and let Secretary Yu serve as the village chief again. Secretary Yu strongly recommended Miao Wenqing, who jumped from assistant director to new director, becoming the real backbone of Jishi Village.

With these two people in power, everyone in the village applauded. After everything was settled, Secretary Yu invited some people to have dinner at home, including Miao Wenqing and I, Brick and Ye Zhan. Secretary Yu thanked me emphatically, which made me feel embarrassed. That day I went to Jishi Village. It was obvious that there was trouble, but who knew how I could unintentionally get involved in this kind of political struggle. Fortunately, it ended with our victory. After five dishes and three rounds of wine, the atmosphere gradually became high. Secretary Yu talked about the sand and gravel plant. The sand and gravel plant is now temporarily taken back by the village, and Miao Wenqing is responsible for maintaining and operating it during the period. But after all, he is the leader of the village and is not suitable to run this kind of industry. Firstly, he will be gossiped by the villagers, and secondly, this is against relevant regulations.

Therefore, Secretary Yu decided to contract out the sand and gravel factory again. Miao Wenqing immediately recommended me, saying: "Wang Hao is a well-known entrepreneur in Beiyuan City. He not only has strong economic strength, but also has a decent character."

What I said made me feel a little carried away. College students speak differently. I thought I was just a hooligan, but I didn't expect that I would suddenly become an entrepreneur. Secretary Yu asked about my situation and learned that I own a forest bar in Beiyuan and have no problem with my financial strength. Secretary Yu told me some necessary procedures for contracting a sand and gravel plant, and asked me to make more trips in the past few days to go through it. I quickly said: "No problem." If you can win the sand and gravel factory and earn millions a year, it's nothing to worry about.

Secretary Yu changed the topic and said: "Contracting a sand and gravel plant requires not only the consent of the village committee, but also the approval of the villagers. Previously, you eradicated three bullies in Jishi Village and you already have a good foundation in the hearts of the people. However, I I don’t think it’s enough.”

I quickly said: "Secretary Yu, if you have any requests, feel free to ask."

Secretary Yu then asked me to fund the rebuilding of the primary school. I immediately said that it was no problem. I would leave this matter to me and we would officially start working on it tomorrow.

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