Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 706: Suspension of business for rectification

Yang Feng walked up to me and said respectfully: "Brother Hao, how should we deal with these people?"

Now was the most shocking moment for Chu Ruohua.

Chu Ruohua looked at me in shock, with disbelief written all over his face. Zhou Mo also leaned on my shoulder at the right time and smiled at Chu Ruohua: "Now, do you know why I chose him?"

Chu Ruohua took two steps back blankly, but a man kicked him and knocked him to the ground. Zhou Mo whispered to me: "Don't hit him. He can't stand the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face. If you hit him, my dad won't be happy either."

I said "hmm" softly to show that I understood, and then said: "Um, Moriko, right?"

Moriko raised his head and said vaguely: "Brother Hao, I was wrong. I didn't know it was you. I thought Chu Ruohua..."

"You have eyes but no eyes." I said, "Break a leg and throw it out." I originally wanted to dig out his eyes, but I felt a little soft-hearted.

The men dragged Moriko and others out. Then, I looked at Chu Ruohua. Chu Ruohua was trembling all over and said tremblingly: "I was wrong. I didn't know...I didn't know you were the leader of the Black Tiger Gang."

"Come here, come here."

Chu Ruohua came over suspiciously, and I asked him to sit down again, and then said to Yang Feng: "Let the brothers disperse."

Yang Feng immediately said: "Okay, let's all disperse. It's okay. I surprised everyone tonight. Everyone should drink and play. Everyone will get a 10% discount!" There was a cheer in the venue, and some There were those who shouted long live Yang Feng, and of course it was mostly girls.

The bar regained its original atmosphere. After all, it is normal for fights to occur in places like entertainment venues. Once the excitement is over, it will pass. No one will keep chasing them, or they will be scared and run out of the bar. Music was playing and there was a lot of noise everywhere.

Chu Ruohua sat opposite, nervous like a child who had done something wrong. Zhou Mo was lying on the table, twirling the straw in my wine glass, not caring what I was going to do or say. I looked at Chu Ruohua and said, "I won't beat you up. I have something to talk to you about. After one night, you should have figured it out. Zhou Mo likes me, and I also like Zhou Mo. So, that's it. I want to tell you, but don’t do anything useless. As for your dad, just go back and tell him that you met Zhou Mo tonight and it didn’t feel ideal and you don’t want to be with her. Do you understand?" Use as many words as possible. Said in a calm tone.

Now Chu Ruohua, when he saw me, was like a mouse seeing a cat, he immediately nodded and said: "Yes, yes, I understand."

"Yeah." I nodded: "Then let's go."

Chu Ruohua looked at me in surprise, looking a little relieved. He quickly stood up and walked out of the bar impatiently.

"Hey, wait."

Chu Ruohua stopped, thinking that I had gone back on my word, and turned around tremblingly.

"Take your partner with you. Let's call him Xiaokun. He is still lying in the toilet."

"Oh, okay." Chu Ruohua turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

As soon as Chu Ruohua left, Zhou Mo immediately put his shoulder on my shoulder and said with a look of surprise, "Okay, you are becoming more and more like a boss!"

"That's right." I said proudly, "I've never eaten pork, and I've never seen a pig running. The more you see it, the more you'll know how to be the boss. In fact, being the boss is exactly the same as eating pork. "

Zhou Mo frowned: "What kind of metaphor is this? It's a good thing, but it changes the taste in your mouth."

"Haha." I put my arm on Zhou Mo's shoulders with great difficulty and said, "Beauty, I helped you solve a problem tonight, so why don't you express your gratitude by saying yes?"

Zhou Mo glanced at me and said, "Okay. You go and get a room. You go in with the front foot, and I will go in with the back foot. Do you have the courage?"

...Finally, I returned to the villa. Zhou Mo drove me back and insisted on sending me home. Taozi has come back and is busy cleaning up the house, looking like a housewife. Seeing the two of us coming in, there was a bit of surprise on his face, and then he frowned: "It smells like alcohol." Taozi never drinks, and is quite disgusted with this stuff.

Zhou Mo and Tao Zi were not familiar with each other, so he only said hello lightly and left without even changing his shoes. Taozi helped me to the bathroom, washed me briefly, and then helped me to bed to rest. In fact, my legs are not broken and I don’t need support, but my hands are wrapped in bandages, which makes me look like a weak person. Taozi helped me take off my clothes, and when I was about to exit, there was a sudden knock on the door outside. Taozi and I looked at each other, who would come looking for us so late? I said, "Let's open the door together." Wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, we came to the door with Taozi, naked from the waist up.

When Taozi opened the door, Zhou Mo stood outside. I said in surprise: "Why haven't you left yet?"

Zhou Mo looked at my upper and lower body and said, "Are you bothering me with your work?" He then looked at Tao Zi next to him.

I realized that Zhou Mo was jealous and quickly said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I just took off my clothes and was getting ready to sleep."

Taozi Bingxue was smart. How could she not know what Zhou Mo was talking about and directly said: "I'm going to rest." Then she turned around and went to another bedroom. I asked again: "Why are you back again?" Zhou Mo walked in, closed the door, and said: "I don't trust you, I won't leave tonight." I laughed: "I couldn't ask for more."

I thought Zhou Mo wanted to sleep in the same bed as me, but I didn't expect that she just chose the bedroom adjacent to mine. I said with a grimace, "Does this make you feel at ease with me?" Zhou Mo said, "That's right. If Tao Zi enters your room in the middle of the night, I will definitely know."

Speechless, they each went back to their rooms to rest.

In a high-end residential area in Beiyuan City, Chu Ruohua gently opened the security door of his house, but was surprised to find his father still sitting on the sofa watching TV. Chu Ruohua's father was in his forties and was the head of an administrative unit in Beiyuan City. He was wearing casual and comfortable pajamas at the moment, with a serious face and an air of calmness and authority.

"Dad?" Chu Ruohua called.

Director Chu put down the remote control, turned around and asked, "How is it going? How are you getting along with that girl from the old Zhou family?"

"Yeah." Chu Ruohua responded softly and said, "We had dinner together, and then went to the bar to sit for a while. How should I put it, I didn't feel very good. I don't like her character very much, and I probably won't in the future. Be together."

Director Chu didn't say anything, he stood up calmly, came to Chu Ruohua, and slapped him hard.

"Dad?!" Chu Ruohua's eyes turned red. I had already suffered a lot of grievance tonight, but now I got a slap in the face for no apparent reason.

Director Chu raised his eyebrows and said, "Have I ever told you that Zhou Mo's father is the president of Lianfa Group. If you marry his daughter, you will have endless glory and wealth for a lifetime?"

"I know." Chu Ruohua said with a sad face: "But I don't like it..."

"Pah!" Another slap in the face. This is Director Chu's style, and those who disobey him must pay the price. "If it were up to your temper and you were asked to marry a girl you like, would you want to marry back the resplendent top lady?"

"Dad!" Chu Ruohua gritted his teeth and decided to tell everything about what happened tonight.

After listening, Director Chu's eyebrows knitted together: "Black Tiger Gang? Gang leader?"

"Yes." Chu Ruohua said timidly: "They are gangsters and can kill people at any time."

"Son." Director Chu put his hand on Chu Ruohua's shoulder and said, "You have to believe in the government. In this world, black cannot fight against white. Go to sleep. Next, I will make that Wang Hao pay the price." , let him know the consequences of offending the government."

Three days later, in the morning, I asked Ah Jiu to pull me to the construction site. In order to make my dad feel at ease, the security team captain will continue to do this. In one week, the bandage on my hand will be removed. I need to take a good bath then. I've been making do for the past month, and I feel embarrassed to bother Tao Zi all the time. While I was thinking wildly, my phone suddenly rang. I stood up and shouted out the window: "Come here and answer the phone for me." A security guard rushed in and put the phone to my ear for me.

"Brother Hao, it's not good!" Ah Jiu said breathlessly: "The Forest Bar was raided, and several drug dealers were caught on the spot. We were asked to suspend business immediately for rectification, and we also asked you to be investigated."

"Don't panic." I said calmly, "Come and pick me up."

Ten minutes later, Ah Jiu drove over and took me back to the Forest Bar. As expected, the place was swept away, and there was not a single customer inside. The employees were all dejected, and all the leaders of the Black Tiger Gang were also there. Seeing me coming in, Yang Feng came over and handed me a notice of suspension of business for rectification. I took it, scanned it roughly, and asked, "What's going on?"

Yang Feng said: "An hour ago, the Criminal Police Brigade of the Municipal Bureau suddenly broke in and said they wanted to do some routine inspections. Then they found several children aged 17 or 18 with a large amount of ecstasy pills hidden on their bodies. The Criminal Police Brigade arrested them He took us away, and then gave us a notice of closure for rectification. He didn’t say when we could resume business. He just told us to make a deep review and asked you to come over at three o’clock in the afternoon to be investigated.”

"Damn it, they are selling drugs, why are they investigating me?"

"The police believe that we are deliberately conniving and shielding these drug dealers."

"Who are these drug dealers and why do they appear in our place?"

"Brother Hao, 99% of the entertainment industry in Beiyuan City has to wear something white. If you don't, the business will definitely not start. We usually know about their existence, but we just turn a blind eye. , as long as we don’t cause any big trouble. For some reason this time, the Criminal Police Brigade came directly to kill us, and they went straight to our forest bar and didn’t go anywhere else. To tell you the truth, I also have some connections in Beiyuan, but This police action showed no signs at all, and the other party has a lot of background.”

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