Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 700: Be on guard against others

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Taozi helped me take off my pants and said, "Even if you want to be Wei Xiaobao, it's not the Qing Dynasty now." She folded the pants for me carefully and put them away. On the bedside table.

When I heard it, I saw that there was no intention of rejection in her words, and I suddenly became a little excited: "That doesn't matter. In the future, when we have money, we can immigrate to Arabia. The law there stipulates that you can have four wives." I still remember this sentence. Qi Siyu said.

"Pull you down." Taozi pushed me and I lay on the bed. She helped me cover the quilt and said, "Let's go, you can continue to dream." Then she walked towards the door. I'm a little frustrated. It seems like this plan is going to go to waste.

Taozi walked to the door, but turned back and smiled: "Let's wait until you make money."

I was overjoyed again and burst into laughter.

I slept soundly that night, but there was a sound of thunder in the middle of the night. It turned out to be raining outside. There is a lot of rain in summer and autumn, with one autumn rain and one cold. I was enjoying the sound of dripping rain when suddenly a huge thunder sounded, followed by Taozi's scream from the bedroom next door. I jumped out of bed quickly, opened the door next to me, and said nervously: "What's wrong?" The room was dark, and Taozi timidly said: "I'm afraid." Suddenly there was another thunder, and Taozi screamed again. I hurriedly walked over, sat on the bed and said, "It's okay, I'll stay with you." As soon as Taozi said "No need," another thunder struck, the sound was deafening, and Taozi hugged me directly. I laughed, and if I hadn't been unable to use my hands, I would have touched her hair. Taozi patted me twice and said, "You're still smiling."

I lay down and said, "Okay, go to sleep, I'll stay with you. Don't worry, my hands are useless and I can't do anything." Taozi snorted and had no choice but to lie down too. I spread my arms and let her rest on my arms. Thunder struck one after another, and Taozi hugged my chest tightly. I have known Taozi for so long, and this is the first time we have had such close contact. Unable to help myself, I kissed her hair again. Perhaps because of the thunder and darkness, Tao Zi did not stop her for the first time. Men are always greedy and push themselves further. Slowly, I kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, her cheeks, and finally her lips.

I used to forcefully kiss Taozi or secretly kiss her, so this was the first time we kissed seriously.

I felt that the peach was so green that I didn't even know where to put my tongue. Relatively speaking, I am experienced, so I guided her slowly. Gradually, she finally found the doorway and responded enthusiastically to my kiss. At this time, I just hate that my hands are disabled, otherwise I would have touched places I shouldn't have touched. But even so, my legs are still not honest and I want to step on Taozi's body, which is a typical characteristic of sperm on the brain.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt that Taozi's face was wet, and some liquid flowed into our mouths. I suddenly realized that Taozi was crying! As soon as she cried, my mind immediately came to my senses. I immediately pulled my legs back and said quickly: "Okay Taozi, if you don't want to, I won't force you. I'm a little impulsive. I promise I won't do this again."

Taozi cried softly without saying a word. My heart ached and I felt like such an asshole. Normally, Taozi wouldn't even let me hold her hand, but today she had such a big deal, and I took advantage of the thunder. I really took advantage of others' danger, which is not what a gentleman would do. In the dark night, my face was red and hot, I didn't dare to say a word, and I listened quietly to Taozi crying. I couldn't wipe her tears with my hands, so I had to gently pick them up with my mouth.

After a long, long time, Taozi said softly: "I have fantasized about this scene many times."

It dawned on me, and my heart felt like a knife. For more than two years, I have paid too little attention to Tao Zi. And this girl has always been waiting for me and never left. I hugged her with both arms and kissed her cheek gently. No more lustful thoughts came to my mind. The thunder outside diminished and the sound of rain subsided. That night, we slept in each other's arms.

Two days later, the day finally came when Zhao Tiequan officially handed over the Forest Bar to me. All the procedures have been completed, and Ah Jiu showed me everything. Zhao Tiequan did it very honestly, without any tricks, just like his character - straightforward.

Ah Jiu drove me to the door of the bar in a Volvo, accompanied by many vehicles, all of which were key members of the Black Tiger Gang. After getting off the car, Zhao Tiequan came over and said with a smile: "Brother, how is your injury?" There were four or five brothers behind him, including Peng Jiang, who all shouted: "Hello, Brother Hao." I The brothers here also greeted Zhao Tiequan.

"Thanks to you." I smiled brighter than flowers, hanging my arms and said, "I'm almost healed, it will only take half a month."

"Okay, okay, congratulations, haha." Zhao Tiequan made a "please" gesture and welcomed me into the bar.

As soon as I entered, my eyes lit up. The area alone is twice as big as Yu Chengfei's DT Bar, and the decoration is magnificent, showing good taste everywhere. It seems that it is a place only rich people can afford. Thinking that this bar will belong to me from now on, I feel a little excited in my heart, and the depression of not being able to destroy Su Xiaobai has also been relieved a lot.

Because it was being turned over to a bar, it was not officially open for business. There was a row of waiters in white shirts and black vests standing in the lobby, as well as a dozen good-looking dancers - they did not sell their bodies, they just stood at the door to recruit at night. They are only used for customers or to warm up the atmosphere, so they are not under Gao Qi's jurisdiction, but are regular staff in the bar. There are also people wearing security uniforms, professional suits, etc. After all, the bar is big and there are various departments. The Finance Department, Human Resources Department, and Security Department have everything. A tall, handsome man in a suit stood at the head of the team. His temperament was different from the others. He must be the lobby manager of the bar.

"From now on, this brother Wang Hao will be the owner of the Forest Bar. If you have any questions, you can come to him!" Zhao Tiequan made the introduction and looked at the people in this row with a smile. These people also said respectfully: "Hello, boss!"

I nodded and said: "Brother Zhao just told me that you are all old employees of Forest Bar. The glory of Forest Bar today is inseparable from your efforts. Now that the boss has changed, I hope you can continue to contribute to the bar. Serve."

"Yes, boss." Everyone answered clearly, looking full of energy.

I handed these people over to Ah Jiu, and then walked towards a larger booth with Zhao Tiequan. Accompanying me were several hall leaders such as Ye Zhan and Ax Hu, and Peng Jiang and the others on Zhao Tiequan's side. After everyone sat down, Zhao Tiequan smiled and said: "Brother, can you drink?" I frowned and said with a wry smile: "You can drink a little." I didn't dare to drink more, it would be too troublesome to go to the toilet.

Zhao Tiequan seemed to know my difficulty, and said with a smile: "It's okay, there are many women here, just find one to help you up. They are all beautiful women, I'm afraid you won't be able to pee." I didn't expect that he could still open it. This kind of joke changed my impression of him a little bit more.

Zhao Tiequan ordered a drink and put a straw in my wine glass. Everyone took care of me and stopped clinking glasses. Everyone drank his own drink. I drink very carefully and am determined not to cause trouble for myself or others. After a few drinks, Zhao Tiequan said: "Brother, are you still angry about what happened that day?" I hummed and said, "Why are you angry? Isn't it all over?"

Even if I was angry, I couldn't say anything else for taking such a big bar. As the saying goes, eating people is soft-mouthed, and taking advantage of others is short-handed. Is this what it means? But in fact, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, and I will no longer regard Zhao Tiequan as a respected senior. Although from his perspective, what he did was understandable and natural. But I am not a saint, I will only stand from my own perspective. The fact is that Zhao Tiequan took away the enemy I hated very much from me.

Looking at my expression, Zhao Tiequan already understood. He sighed and said: "Brother, there are too many things here that I can't explain for a while. But you have to believe one thing, I really have no choice but to do it." .”

I responded and said perfunctorily that it was okay. Brother Zhao stood up for his friends. That was a very righteous behavior and worthy of learning from us juniors. In fact, I still disdain it. People on the road generally have a good mouth. They will talk about the dead and the alive. They will pretend to be at a disadvantage when they take advantage. They will hurt you and claim that they treat you as a brother. It can be said that if you don’t have a good mouth, you won’t be able to get along on the road. Anyone who only knows how to fight is a thug, and his life will be in vain. So I just listened to what Zhao Tiequan said, and I didn't really take it seriously.

I don’t know how much benefit he got from Su Yaming.

Everyone knew what was going on, so they just said some polite words to each other and let it go.

After chatting for a while, Zhao Tiequan said again that the people working at the Forest Bar are all old employees. You should take more care of them and don't resign easily. I said don't worry, I treat them like family. After that, Zhao Tiequan lingered for a while, then stood up to say goodbye and leave, wishing me a prosperous business and abundant financial resources. I said thank you to Mr. Zhao for Ji Yan, and let’s make a fortune together on Kaiyuan Road.

I sent Zhao Tiequan and his group to the door of the bar and watched them leave in the car. I turned around and called Ah Jiu over and said, "Watch the staff inside carefully to see if they have secretly contacted Zhao Tiequan." .”

Since the Forest Bar is to be regarded as a home base, it is inevitable to discuss some confidential matters here. If Zhao Tiequan leaves a few moles to keep an eye on him, the trouble he will cause will definitely not be small. In short, after that incident, my trust in Zhao Tiequan has reached its lowest point. Besides, it is always right to be wary of others - being defensive is indispensable.

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