Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 635: The Shark Gang is over

As soon as I entered, everyone became quiet, but their faces could not hide their excitement. I laughed and said, "Are you happy that the Shark Gang has not yet been wiped out?" Although the plane crashed, his more than thirty brothers were still there. Unless these people are eliminated, they will always be a hidden danger. Quanhu stood up and said, "Brother Hao, I will lead people to destroy them." There was confidence in his tone.

The Shark Gang doesn't have a leader, and no matter how many people there are, it's a mess. It's easy to deal with them. Quanhu can scare them away just by standing there. But I said, "Don't worry yet. Ah Jiu, go and find out where these people are."

Ah Jiu took the order and left, while everyone was still gathered in the billiard hall. I said, "Don't stay here. It's affecting other people's business. No one else dares to come in and play billiards. Go and do whatever you need to do. I'll contact you if anything happens." These people just left. In fact, the members of the Black Tiger Gang have nothing to do all day long, and they can't make much money from these small venues. Most of the gangsters are in the stage of just getting enough food and clothing. When it comes to the underworld, it seems to be rich. But the rich ones are the bosses and bosses, and the average gangsters are far behind. I'm also thinking that after the Shark Gang is completely wiped out, I can then gather the scattered forces to see if there are any profitable businesses I can do. I went up to the second floor, found a quiet private room, and called Wang Jinbao.

"Brother, it's almost done." I couldn't hide my excited accent. In front of other people, I can pretend to be calm, but in front of Wang Jinbao, there is no need for me to hide my emotions. Wang Jinbao also said with some excitement: "I have heard everything, and the information in the detention center is also well-informed. Brother, handing over the Black Tiger Gang to you is the most correct choice in my life!" I exhaled and said: "Brother Don’t worry, I’ll be running around these days to see if I can give you a suspended death sentence.”

When Wang Jinbao surrendered, he confessed to many cases, including several murder cases. If normal legal procedures were followed, Wang Jinbao would be dead. But I hope that a suspended death sentence can be obtained, and then the sentence can be gradually reduced or reduced. As long as I am alive, there is hope. But Wang Jinbao said: "Brother, don't bother, I don't want to live anymore." I was silent for a while. It seemed that he had not yet emerged from the shadow caused by Chen Xiaoyun. Wang Jinbao said again: "Brother, the Black Tiger Gang will be left to you. I hope it can flourish in your hands!" I knew that this was Wang Jinbao's last wish, so I said seriously: "Brother, don't worry." I felt like I There is a long way to go.

After hanging up the phone, someone happened to knock on the door. I said come in, and Ah Jiu pushed the door open and entered.

"Brother Hao, I found out clearly that they are gathered in the Tektronix billiards hall and are discussing how to avenge the plane."

"Everyone is here?" I was a little surprised. I thought that as soon as the plane died, his men would disperse. Even if there were some who wanted revenge, there would probably be no more than ten. The reality is often so cruel.

Ah Jiu said: "The plane has a brother called Lao Yun. Lao Yun has made a promise to avenge the plane, and no one else dares to leave."

I nodded, this is normal. It would be strange if they could get together without a leader. However, I had never heard of this man named Lao Yun before, so he asked: "Where does this person come from?" Ah Jiu said: "He is a man who was released from labor. He used to rely on Those who steal for a living are not very good at fighting." After saying this, Ah Jiu smiled: "If Quanhu takes action, it will be more than enough to deal with him."

I nodded and felt relieved: "Call the brothers and let's go to the Teck Billiards Hall."

"Okay." Ah Jiu turned around and went out.

Ten minutes later, when I was waiting for me to go downstairs, all the members of the Black Tiger Gang arrived, each holding a stick. The aura exuded by them was naturally beyond the comparison of students. Even me, an "old Jianghu", saw this. They were all a little frightened. It was my first time to command a large number of adults to fight. If I said I wasn't nervous, that would be a lie. But now I can hide my emotions very well. Ah Jiu had already told them the situation, and there was no need for me to waste any more words. He said directly: "Let's go."

I was the first to walk out of the billiard hall, and everyone followed me out. It was already dusk, the setting sun was lingering on the horizon, and the golden sunlight illuminated the entire Kaiyuan Road. Under my leadership, more than fifty members of the Black Tiger Gang headed toward the Teck Billiards Hall in a majestic manner. The Teck Billiards Hall is not far away, only about five minutes' walk there. Soon, we arrived at the entrance of Teck's Billiards Hall. The Teck Billiards Hall also has two floors. The overall layout is similar to our billiards hall. The huge glass door was easily shattered. Many people quickly screamed inside, and some shouted: "The Black Tiger Gang is coming. , the Black Tiger Gang is here!" There was a lot of noise inside, and it was obvious that it had fallen into chaos. After breaking down the door, I didn't let anyone rush in. I just asked everyone to divide into two groups and surround the Teck Billiards Hall to prevent anyone from jumping out of the window and escaping. In just one building, they were already surrounded.

The members of the Shark Gang soon realized that there was no way to escape. Some of them ran to the second floor and looked down from the windows, all of them showing frightened expressions. I looked up at them and said, "Is Lao Yun here? I want to talk to him." In fact, I don't want to use violent means to solve the problem, but I hope to subdue these people. After defeating the Shark Gang, it is natural to take over their place and territory. How can it be done without anyone watching? This is what is known as annexation. These bastards have no independent opinions and will follow whoever gives them food.

There was a commotion upstairs. Soon, a middle-aged man with a rough face stood by the window.

"I am Lao Yun." His eyes showed a fierce light, and it was obvious that he hated me very much.

"Lao Yun." I raised my head and said, "Luo Weihao was caught, Airplane, Yongzi, and Dawei are all dead, and the Shark Gang is over."

"It's not your fault whether it's over or not!" Lao Yun's eyes widened and he said angrily, "The Shark Gang won't be over as long as there is one person left!"

I exhaled. It seemed that Lao Yun was a rather difficult character. However, I believe that this is just his one-sided statement, and other members of the Shark Gang may not necessarily think so. So I raised my head and said: "Friends of the Shark Gang, listen, I don't want to embarrass you. If you are willing to follow me, just come downstairs and stand with us. I will never treat you badly; if you don't want to follow me, Yes, you can go downstairs and leave here. I won't cause trouble to anyone. If you want to resist to the end, just stay upstairs and fight with the rest of us. In ten minutes, I will lead the people to rush out. Go up."

After saying that, I sat down. Of course, instead of sitting on the floor, Ah Jiu dragged a chair out from the restaurant nearby. I sat down on the road outside the Teck Billiards Hall, attracting side glances from passers-by. More than fifty gangsters stood behind me, occupying most of the road, and even cars did not dare to pass by.

There was another commotion upstairs, and there seemed to be faint curses. But soon, someone ran out of the door, quickly came to me, and said breathlessly: "Brother Hao, I will follow you!" I nodded, and he ducked behind me. . Lao Yun appeared upstairs again and said angrily: "Young man, I will kill you sooner or later, you traitor!" The young man just now was hiding behind me, not daring to say a word. At this time, of course I have to protect him. I raised my head and smiled: "Lao Yun, you better make sure you can survive tonight." This calmness greatly destroyed the confidence of the remaining members of the Shark Gang.

Soon, someone rushed out again. But he didn't run toward me, but ran to other places. As he ran, he shouted loudly: "You said you wouldn't look for trouble!" Of course I didn't move, and I still sat on the chair as steady as a rock. Until the man disappeared from sight, I raised my head and said to the people upstairs: "You see, I keep my word." Then, people started to run out again. Some people ran to my side, others ran to other places, and there were noises from upstairs, as if Lao Yun was beating someone. But even so, he still couldn't stop the flowing military spirit. More and more people rushed out, half of them defected and half of them fled. I roughly estimated the number of people, and it was almost thirty people. In other words, there are not many people upstairs.

I asked the mistress behind me: "What's going on upstairs?"

The third son said: "Lao Yun injured a few, but everyone who could escape ran away." Others in the Shark Gang also nodded in agreement.

Conquering the enemy without fighting, now the result is perfect. I turned around and said, "Quanhu, take a few people and go up and deal with Lao Yun." Quanhu nodded, turned around and picked the people, and was about to go upstairs. Lao Yun is very loyal, but unfortunately he is not loyal to me. If you stay, it will only be a disaster. I sat motionless on the chair, waiting for Quanhu to return in triumph. Dealing with Lao Yun was not a problem for Quanhu.

"Brother Hao, um..." The mistress's voice suddenly came from behind. I turned around and asked doubtfully, "What?"

The mistress's eyes rolled, revealing a hint of shrewdness and cunning: "Lao Yun should have a gun on his body."

I frowned: "Oh?"

"Yes." Xiao Sanzi said: "Do you still remember? Some time ago, the plane carried a five-shot shotgun and took us wandering on the street all day long. Later, when nothing happened, he gave the gun to Lao Yun . So..." As the first gangster who rushed out to join us, what he said should be very credible, because he couldn't wait to make a contribution.

"Brother Hao, shall we go then?" Quanhu asked from the side.

"Don't worry." I thought for a while and shouted: "Ajiu!"

Ah Jiu immediately rushed over from behind: "Brother Hao."

I threw the car keys to him: "Help me go to the vocational college and ask someone to come over."

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