Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 633, Strong Aircraft

These gangsters hang out in billiard halls, game halls and other places every day. Anyway, they are idle. Taking the benefits given by Ah Jiu, they went to be Yongzi's temporary underlings. Of course, Ah Jiu did not come forward in person, but used other methods.

Yongzi has a more upright temperament. If someone wants to follow him, he will stop. As a result, within a few days, another news came out, saying that Yongzi was recruiting troops these days, with the purpose of fighting the aircraft to the death and seizing the position of leader of the Shark Gang. This news is naturally false, but it is true that there are more and more people under Yongzi's command. Yongzi is a relatively stupid boss. He is very happy to have so many younger brothers. He doesn't care about the rumors outside at all. He even called the plane: "Haha, don't listen to the nonsense of those idiots!"

The plane said it was fine, but of course he was unhappy in his heart. Qi Qi felt that regardless of whether Yongzi wanted to fight him to the death or not, "recruiting troops" at this time was an unjust act. He worked hard every day to stare at Liu Qingfei, and he wanted to avenge Luo Weihao wholeheartedly. He was brave, he lived so easily, and he even recruited troops. What will you do after your troops and horses are strong? This question has to be worth pondering. The plane felt very nervous, so he temporarily gave up tracking Liu Qingfei and instead followed Yongzi to see what this guy wanted to do. Yongzi has more and more younger brothers, reaching more than fifty

At this time, another thing happened, which strengthened the plane's determination to kill Yongzi. That day, when I was having dinner with some brothers on the plane, I heard a table of people in the private room next door shouting. This one said that he had been with Brother Yongzi for three days, and the other said that he had been with Brother Yongzi for five days. It turned out that he happened to meet some of Yongzi's new friends. Little brother. These people were very loud and noisy. There was a brother on the plane who couldn't stand it and wanted to go over and teach them a lesson, but he was stopped by the plane. The plane said: "Let's eat."

So everyone fell silent, feeling that the plane was a little scared of Yongzi. After eating for a while, I heard someone from the table in the private room next door say: "Brother Yongzi said that when the time comes, he will lead us to kill that idiot on the plane. Who knows when?" Another person said: "Of course. After the plane kills Liu Qingfei, the great revenge will be avenged, and there will be no pressure for Brother Yongzi to take over. The plane is just a gun, and it will be thrown away after being used by Brother Yongzi." Another person said: "Stop talking about this, be careful that the walls have ears!"

The planes in the private room here have already widened their eyes. The other brothers were filled with righteous indignation and were gearing up to kill them. Airplane said: "What's the use of killing them? They're just a bunch of little guys. If you want to do it, just do something big." Everyone stopped talking. They all knew what Airplane wanted to do. They ate that meal very slowly. At the end of the meal, there was no one in the private room next door, so the plane slowly stood up and stood by the big window behind him, looking at the scenery of Kaiyuan Road outside.

In fact, the arrangement of that game was very uncertain. Ah Jiu was very worried that the plane would not be able to restrain himself and lead his people to this private room, so he opened the window in advance. If anything happened, everyone would immediately jump out of the window and escape. In that round, everyone present took five thousand, because it was so thrilling and required a high level of loyalty.

That night, the plane asked Yongzi to take a shower. Yongzi didn't think too much. He felt that there was nothing between him and the plane, so he went alone. The plane is also alone, because he is sure to kill Yongzi alone. The two of them took a shower first, and then went to the sauna as usual. It was very hot in the sauna, but the plane kept watering it, and bursts of steam came out, making Yongzi cursed repeatedly. "I can't stand it anymore." Yongzi said, "You go ahead and steam, I'll go out and take a bath." He went out and entered the bathtub.

Airplane stayed in the sauna for a long time, mainly considering whether to take action or not, because he and Yongzi had known each other for more than ten years. Back then, the two of them went out to conquer the world together and had many fights together. Half an hour later, the plane came out of the sauna. Yongzi was still soaking in the bathtub, waving the plane over. The plane entered the pool and he sat next to Yongzi. The two started chatting, talking about past stories and experiences. The more they talked, the more excited they became. Yongzi said: "Airplane, when you become the leader of the gang, I will support you with all my strength. Then I will have to call you big brother, and I can no longer call you Airplane! Haha!"

The plane thought to himself, if you really think so, it's a pity that I have already seen through your trick. After a while, the plane stood up and walked out. Yongzi asked him where he was going, and he said to get a towel. Yongzi ignored him and just took a bath in the pool. The longer he soaked, the more refreshing he felt when he rubbed it. There were many people in the bathroom, but they all walked out slowly, and by then there was no one left. At this moment, Yongzi heard footsteps behind him. Turning around, I saw Yongzi coming over with a towel. Yongzi turned the cow over again and said, "The good ones are gone." The plane said, "Oh, there are no people left."

Yuko didn't realize it was a pun. If he had realized it, what happened next probably wouldn't have happened.

The plane walked behind Yongzi, and the towel in his hand had been twisted into a long strip. I squeezed it and it felt like the hardness was okay. In the blink of an eye, the plane caught the towel around Yongzi's neck and dragged it back hard. Yongzi's upper body was stuck on the wall of the pool and couldn't get out. His hands and feet were splashing in the pool, making large splashes of water; his throat was "gurgling" and his breath could no longer come out. The plane showed no mercy, dragging Yongzi like a dead dog.

Gradually, Yongzi stopped moving. The plane slowly let go of Yongzi, and Yongzi's body slipped into the water. The plane sat on the table in the bathtub and laid out a towel, looking coldly at Yongzi under the water, his eyes emitting a cold light.

The next day, the news of Yongzi's death had spread, and the newly recruited boys dispersed. As for the original group of brothers, nearly half of them ran away, but half decided to fight the plane to the end to avenge their Yongzi brother. The plane did not exert much effort to deal with these people, but it also suffered its own losses. More than a dozen brothers were hospitalized. After that, the Shark Gang was finally dominated by Qian Qian. He claimed to be the leader of the Shark Gang on his own initiative. He visited many big brothers in the underworld that day, hoping to get their recognition and care. But no one thought highly of him. Black Yama also said: "You should be careful of the Black Tiger Gang."

The plane knew that Black Yama was right. With his current strength, he only has more than thirty people under his command, and he is no longer a match for the Black Tiger Gang. If the Black Tiger Gang takes action against him now, the Shark Gang will definitely be wiped out. At this time, the plane once again showed his tough side. He got a five-shooter shotgun from nowhere and carried it ostentatiously through the market all day long, hanging out in various places, telling everyone he met that he would fight to the death with the Black Tiger Gang and trade one of his lives for five of their lives. Then he also specified whose life he wanted to exchange: "Wang Hao, Ax Hu, Quan Hu, Ah Jiu. The last shot, shoot in the sky, let's see who dares to mess with me!"

The plane is very tough, indeed very tough. Wherever he goes, he carries more than thirty brothers with him, and each one is armed with a stick and looks fierce. He didn't do any business, he didn't even visit the venue, he just waited for the duel with the Black Tiger Gang. Because he was responsible for the food, clothing, housing and transportation of more than 30 people, the expenses during the flight were very high. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands were wasted, which made him very distressed.

However, this situation soon improved because I, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, made an appointment to fly to Kaiyuan Restaurant for negotiations.

As mentioned before, the big brothers in the underworld in the south of the city like to go to Kaiyuan Restaurant for negotiations. It is said that the background of the boss here is very simple. But the more important reason is that this place is the closest to the Kaiyuan Road Police Station. If a fight breaks out, he will definitely be taken away. In short, Kaiyuan Restaurant is a very safe place, and the plane came to the appointment with confidence.

I only took three people with me, naturally they were Ax Tiger, Quan Hu, and Ah Jiu; I also took three people with me on the plane, who are very close confidants to him.

This is my second time coming to Kaiyuan Restaurant. The first time he came, he accompanied Yu Chengfei and Bai Yanluo to negotiate with Black Yamaluo. I was a nobody at the time and didn't even have a say at the table. But now, as the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, I am negotiating with the leader of the Shark Gang. After the eight of us were seated, I asked the waiter to order some dishes.

The plane said straight to the point: "Why did you come to see me?"

I said, "Of course we are talking about our two gangs. My suggestion is that we should not fight anymore. If this continues, it will affect our business."

The plane looked at me playfully, obviously thinking that I was shrinking from this matter. The relationship between us is like a spring. As soon as I soften, he will naturally harden. He said arrogantly: "You said you won't fight if you don't?"

I asked: "What do you want?"

The plane said: "If you pay me 100,000 yuan, our two gangs will never be in conflict with each other."

The faces of Ah Jiu and others next to me changed slightly. I thought about it carefully and said, "Okay. If I pay this money, I will treat it as a friend. But let's talk about it, our two gangs will never be in conflict with each other."

The plane probably didn't expect me to agree so easily. He was stunned for a moment on the spot. Maybe he felt that he was taking advantage of me, so he immediately nodded and agreed: "No problem!"

Ah Jiu and the others sighed softly. I said, "Take it out." Ah Jiu took out a plastic bag, which was full of hundred-yuan bills, ten in total. A discerning person can tell at a glance that one crop is worth ten thousand. I'm ready for 100,000 yuan, which is about the same as my psychological price. I handed the plastic bag to the plane. The plane didn't even order it, but handed it directly to the boy behind me.

"Then it's settled." The plane stood up, with a look of joy on his face.

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