Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 479, Who are you?

Before the train started moving again, I returned the trolley to the conductor and motioned for a migrant worker to release the toilet door handle. Before Xia Xue's mother rushed out in a fierce manner, I had already jumped to this not-so-busy platform. Generally speaking, Xia Xue's mother is a very nurturing and well-educated woman, so she would never yell in the carriage why the toilet door couldn't be opened just now. After seeing Xia Xue for the last time, I returned to the taxi with satisfaction. The uncle driver put his seat down, put his bare feet on the steering wheel, and held a cigarette happily in his mouth. When he saw me getting into the car, he said proudly: "How's it going? See you there, right?"

"See you." I said with some excitement, "Uncle, thank you."

"It's broken." The driver restored the seat to its original position, holding the steering wheel and said, "Where are we going now?"

"Go back to Beiyuan City Railway Station. There must be two idiots waiting for me there." I took a long breath.

Thanks to my uncle's keen judgment, more than half an hour ago, when the taxi drove to the entrance of Beiyuan City Railway Station, we all heard the sharp and long whistle coming from inside. "It's over, the train has already left!" I was desperate at that time, but I was still ready to get off the train and try my luck. Maybe the train wasn't going that fast, and I could still catch up with it by running two steps. Just as he was about to get out of the car, the driver suddenly shouted: "Don't move, sit still!" He stepped on the accelerator and the taxi sped out like a rocket. "Uncle, where are you going?!" I looked at the tall buildings on both sides that were rapidly retreating in astonishment.

"The train is not a plane. It has to stop halfway!" The driver looked ahead and the engine roared loudly: "As long as we go fast enough, we will definitely be able to stop that stupid train at the next station. When I got off, I tried my best to catch up!" Of course, hope rekindled in my heart, and I yelled, "Come on, Sun Mountain Car God!"

So everyone knows the story behind it. The driver's speed was really impressive, and I finally got on the train at that unknown station. I borrowed the trolley from the flight attendant to hide myself and not to be seen by Xia Xue's mother. As a result, as soon as she borrowed the stroller and walked a few steps, she saw Xia Xue's mother rushing to the toilet. Then I kept on doing it and paid a migrant worker next to me with 100 yuan to help me hold the toilet door handle tightly until I asked him to let go. He probably had never encountered such a simple way to make money in his life, so he immediately rushed over and grabbed the door handle.

And I continued to push the trolley forward...

The whole process is like this.

On the way back to Beiyuan City, the driver's speed slowed down a lot. He said, "I worked too hard just now. It's time to take a rest now."

So when we went back, it took more than an hour. At the gate of Beiyuan City Railway Station, I took out all the money in my pocket and gave it to him. The uncle took it unceremoniously and handed me a business card: "Call me if you need a car!" I got off the car with the business card and walked into Beiyuan City Railway Station. When I came to the platform, I saw Brick and Taozi still there. These two silly kids, it’s been almost two hours.

I walked over playfully. Brick looked at me angrily: "Wang Hao, you are still laughing. You are so late that you can't even see the butt of the train! I really want to..." Then he took out a brick and actually wanted to slap me. Similar. Taozi blinked, looked at me and said, "So happy, could it be that you have seen her?" I nodded and said, "Taozi is still smart." I couldn't help but grinned: "I also gave her a gift to make her immortal. What an unforgettable hug.”

Then, I told them what I had just experienced. After finishing speaking, both of them became happy, and Brick happily picked me up and spun me around. When Brick put me down, Tao Zi handed me a large and thick notebook.

"This is this?" I took it strangely, opened it, and was shocked to find that it was notes from various subjects in the senior year of high school.

"Sister Xia Xue took more than a week to complete it." Taozi pursed her lips, holding back the tears that were about to flow out: "She barely slept for so many days... Wang Hao, you must not let her down. "

I held the notebook and tears fell one drop at a time.

After several autumn rains, the weather slowly turns cooler, half of the leaves on the trees have fallen, and you must wear long sleeves and long pants when going out.

It has been more than half a month since Xia Xue left. I have only received a call from her once in such a long time. I don't know how she got the chance. She just said "I miss you" and hung up the phone in a hurry. It is conceivable that Xia Xue's mother must have kept stricter supervision on her. The past half month has been uneventful. Liu Xiangrong comes to me every night in the early hours to ask for a cigarette. Under Nie Yuanlong's high pressure, he has actually restrained himself a lot. Every time I see him huddled in a corner smoking, I naturally feel great sadness in my heart.

Wang Lei and others would come and ask me how my sales in Chenggao and Beiqi were, and I would always say with a grimace: "It's not that good. Maybe I'm not good at this business." They would always advise me: " Don't be anxious, you have to take your time with this thing." I knew they must be anxious, and their hope of making big money was all on me.

Tie Nian still followed Yuan Xiaoyi closely, and the students gradually got used to this fierce man, so they slowly stopped discussing them. Naturally, Yuan Xiaoyi has fewer and fewer friends, and I am the only one who still maintains relatively close contact with her. Sometimes I wonder why Ye Yuchen hasn't come back to pick up Yuan Xiaoyi, but neither Yuan Xiaoyi nor Tie Nian has mentioned this topic, and I am too embarrassed to take the initiative to ask. Maybe Ye Yuchen is in trouble. After all, since the other party can marry into their family, he must be quite powerful. When I have nothing to do, I will sit on the iron block. How to put it, he is actually a man, and he admires the strong. In my heart, Iron Block is a well-deserved strong man.

Although he often smiles like an idiot and kills people quietly, it does not affect his status in my heart at all. I want to be as strong as him, but without his gifted figure or his domineering fists. These are innate conditions that cannot be made up for in the future, so I can only look back and sigh. But one time Tie Niao asked me: "Wang Hao, can you get me a gun?" I said in shock: "What do you want to do?" Tie Niao said: "To protect Teacher Yuan, it is best to have a gun. I can't just rely on my fists." I was sweating profusely: "I really can't get that thing. And don't worry, if you want to protect Teacher Yuan, your fists are enough, and you don't need any guns at all."

Tie Nian looked at me and shook his head. I don't know if he despised me because I couldn't get a gun, or because I didn't understand the importance of a gun. But from that time I also knew that even a strong man like Tie Nian needed a gun to survive on the road.

A few days later, when I went to look for the iron piece again, I found him playing with a dark pistol. I said in shock: "Where did you get it?!" Tie Nian said calmly: "Don't think that I can't do it if you don't help me do it. There are gangs like you, and you can get guns from them. It’s done.” I almost knelt down at that time, really wanting to tell him that it wasn’t that I didn’t want to help you, but that I really couldn’t do this thing. Want me to contact the underworld on the road? How could I have the courage!

But I said nothing and prepared to exit silently. Tie Nian then said: "Last time we came here in a hurry and were not fully prepared. If everyone had brought guns, we would never let you students have the upper hand." As he said that, he actually put out the dark gun His mouth was pointed at me. I knew that although this guy had an idiotic smile on his face, he was really a murderous villain, so I immediately raised my hands: "Iron, this is not a joke!"

"Get out of the way," he said coldly.

I was startled, turned to look at the door behind me, and immediately stood aside. The muzzle of the iron gun is still pointed at the door. Is there any enemy standing outside the door?

"What's going on?" I asked softly, with cold sweat breaking out on my head.

"Someone put their ear on Teacher Yuan's door." The iron man stood up and walked towards the door.

"How do you know?!" Could it be that this guy has clairvoyance?

"Feeling." What this guy said is very mysterious, but I believe his feeling as a "senior killer".

Under this situation, I naturally didn't dare to move. I watched Iron Block walk to the door, temporarily put the pistol behind my back, and then gently opened the door. I couldn't see what was going on outside the door. The huge iron body blocked my sight. "What do you want to do?" Tie Nian's voice was cold and emotionless.

The pistol is behind his back and he could pull it out at any time to kill the other person.

"Ah..." the man said, "I am Teacher Yuan's student, and I am here to ask her two questions."

Tie Nian was silent for a moment, and then said, "If you are not in Teacher Yuan's class, who are you?"

"I'm not in Teacher Yuan's class." The student's voice was a little nervous, but he still said bravely: "But if you have any questions, you can ask her, right?" Although this reason is far-fetched, it makes sense.

Tie Nian remained silent for a while and said, "Let's go. You are not allowed to come back again. If you have any questions, ask them in the classroom."

"Okay, okay." The student quickly ran away as if he was pardoned.

The iron block closed the door, and his eyes were a little confused: "This student is so strange. He probably didn't come for Teacher Yuan, so why did he stick to the door of Teacher Yuan's dormitory and eavesdrop?"

"It's very simple." I said, "Because he came for me. This person is one of Qiu Feng's four generals, Zhang Xiaoyong."

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