Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 451, Utilization

Nie Yuanlong stared at the four red sticks and said in a disdainful tone: "Look at your worthless looks, are you afraid that Brother Hao will steal your business?" The four red sticks looked at each other, wondering what kind of medicine Nie Yuanlong was selling in his gourd. I also felt puzzled. Nie Yuanlong asked me to help with the shipment, and said that I would not steal the business of the Four Red Sticks. So what did he mean? Suddenly a thought flashed through my mind, and I felt a chill in my back. Could Nie Yuanlong be thinking...

As expected, Nie Yuanlong continued: "With Brother Hao's status in Beiqihe Chenggao, if we bring this batch of goods in..."

I stared at him dumbfounded, and my hands and feet couldn't help but tremble slightly. Chenggao, the school I have longed for day and night, exists like a temple in my heart. How could I be willing to tarnish it with something like this? As for Beiqi, let alone my deep feelings for it, at least Zhou Mo will never allow this to happen! So no, I can't!

"It turns out that Brother Long wants Brother Hao to open up new markets." Wang Lei clapped his hands and said with a smile: "This is a great idea, but Brother Long is far-sighted. We people are really short-sighted."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Otherwise, if Brother Long is the boss, we can only be his younger brothers?" Liu Xiangrong also continued: "But, how can Brother Hao manage two schools by himself? Then he can give it to us. Let’s divide some more customers, haha..."

Xiong Fei and Zhao Peng also looked relieved, and couldn't help but smile. If there is money to be made, even the stern Xiong Fei will be happy. The magic power of money is really too great. I lowered my head, my mind was in confusion, and I subconsciously told myself that I would never agree, but what reason was good? What reason was good? Nie Yuanlong then said: "Brother Hao, such a big piece of cake is just waiting for you to cut it." I raised my head and said: "Brother Long, I am timid and I really don't dare to do anything illegal. .So forget it, I will just help you fight."

"Hey, what I said is beyond the pale." Nie Yuanlong said: "Since we are in this industry, of course we have already taken care of certain departments, so you can just sit back and relax, and there will be absolutely no trouble for you anywhere. .”

I frowned. Now I seem to be on the verge of death, what should I do? I originally thought that Nie Yuanlong would not let me interfere with their business, but I didn't expect that he gave me a kick as soon as he came and actually wanted to use me to open up the sales of Chenggao and Beiqi! I wanted to use him, but I never thought that he also wanted to use me. We all have our own agendas, and none of us is really good at it. I am not the only smart person in this world. In this game, who will win the final victory?

"Brother Hao, you don't regard us as your own at all, do you?" Nie Yuanlong's voice became colder little by little, and the four red sticks also looked at me with cold eyes. I raised my head and said with a smile: "How could it be? Of course I sincerely want to join you." Nie Yuanlong then said: "Then you must do the same thing as us." I thought for a moment and then clicked He nodded and said: "There is such a good opportunity to make money, why don't I do it?" For the current plan, we can only pass this level first.

Nie Yuanlong smiled: "Let me just say, who would just watch and watch without making money? As for the business I made, Qiu Feng and Yu Chengfei didn't know how jealous they were, and they didn't know how many times they wanted to take it away, openly or covertly. Woolen cloth."

My heart skipped a beat, does Brother Yu also want to do this business? But you can figure it out, they are determined to be in the underworld, and if they want to gain a foothold on the road, they must be contaminated with these things. Since Qiu Feng is involved, I have to ask more: "Aren't we fighting Qiu Feng to the death? How come it has been so long and there is still no result?" I glanced casually and noticed the expressions of the four red sticks. It's all a little unnatural. Nie Yuanlong said: "There is no rush in this matter. We will defeat them sooner or later. As for now, everyone will arrange a time and place for a fight every now and then."

I geared up and said, "You must call me if you have this opportunity." I couldn't wait to slap Zhang Yunfei. That guy once slapped Black Spider four times, and I said I would help him pay it back. Now that I have joined Nie Yuanlong's organization, and with the protection of this great god in the vocational college, I can work with Zhang Yunfei openly. Nie Yuanlong said: "Of course, I will definitely let you help when you need to appear, but..." He changed the topic: "The four red sticks, and you, without my arrangements , you must not take the initiative to provoke Qiu Feng's people, do you understand?"

I was stunned, what kind of stupid rule is this? Isn't it a matter of finding every opportunity to fight to the death with the opponent? Nie Yuanlong sighed: "I don't want to see any of you injured, because you are the helpers I rely on most. Qiu Fengfeng and I discussed the decisive battle in private. The time, place, and number of people were all agreed upon, so you can't do it. act rashly."

I'm a little confused, privately? discuss? decisive battle? Make an appointment? If you fight like this, when will it end? In a fight to the death, it should be like how I organized my men to do the mustache, directly leading a large number of people to kill somewhere else, cutting, cutting, cutting like a sharp knife to cut through the mess, directly cutting the opponent into the hospital, cutting him until he has no courage to come back, cutting him so hard Spend the rest of your life in bed!

In a fight to the death between Nie Yuanlong and Qiu Feng, when will the winner be decided? Could it be that when they reach their level, they become more cautious, and even when they kill people, they have to arrange the time, place and number of people in a lengthy manner?

Just listen to Nie Yuanlong continue to say: "Of course, this rule is only for the five of you. The same is true for Qiu Feng. The Four Wars will not take action casually. As for the younger brothers, there is no need to restrict them too much. They are allowed to mess with each other in private. cut."

After hearing this sentence, I felt a little uncomfortable. I understood why Li Wenchao was often scarred, but the four red sticks or four generals were safe and in good health for many years. According to Nie Yuanlong, he didn't want to see the four red sticks injured, so he explicitly prohibited them from taking the initiative to attack. However, his subordinates did not restrain him, obviously not caring about their safety.

——Especially for someone like Li Wenchao, who can fight as many fights as he likes every day. No matter how badly you are beaten, the boss will not stand up for you. But they are still loyal and thinking about making achievements in order to gain the favor and attention of the boss!

They are like pawns on a chessboard. They don't care how many they die. What matters is preserving their rooks, horses, and cannons.

Perhaps this is the only way to become a qualified boss. If the bosses have to worry about every subordinate, then he really doesn't have to do anything every day, especially a boss like Nie Yuanlong who has more than 200 subordinates.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Nie Yuanlong said: "When you need to go to war, I will send someone to notify you. By the way, give me your mobile phone number."

Nie Yuanlong and I, as well as the four big red sticks, each saved the other's mobile phone number. Nie Yuanlong said: "From now on, you are a member of our gang. And there is one thing that needs to be said." At this point, his voice became louder, as if he wanted the whole class to hear, okay Let them spread the word: "The Four Red Sticks are my younger brothers, but you, Wang Hao, are not. We are brothers and a cooperative relationship. We will make money together and fight together when there are difficulties, okay?"

I smiled: "Of course."

"Very good." Nie Yuanlong said, stroking his palms: "I will pick up the goods for you at the beginning of next month, and you can just wait for the shipment."

"Okay." That's all I could say. It is now the end of the month and there are still six or seven days left before the beginning of the month.

"When you have nothing to do, you can come and chat with me." Nie Yuanlong tried his best to appear approachable, but the meaning of his words was already an order to expel guests. I said, "Okay, I'll leave first." The four red sticks also said goodbye one after another and prepared to leave with me. Nie Yuanlong suddenly flew up and kicked Liu Xiangrong hard in the stomach.

Liu Xiangrong flew out like a poor little chicken, knocking over at least two tables and scaring the two classmates into standing up quickly. I don't know whether it was Nie Yuanlong's legs that were too strong or Liu Xiangrong's physical condition. He was lying on the ground with a pale face and seemed like he could barely breathe. Nie Yuanlong yelled at him; "Quickly quit, do you understand?!"

Liu Xiangrong nodded strenuously; "I understand..."

Nie Yuanlong yelled again: "If I see you sucking one more time, I will chop off your entire arm!"

Liu Xiangrong said no more, stood up silently, and walked outside. The three big red sticks and I followed closely behind, the expressions on everyone's faces were extremely serious. After leaving the classroom, Liu Xiangrong leaned against the wall and sat down, breathing heavily.

The blood hole on his head has dried up, and Liu Xiangrong now looks extremely miserable. It is hard to imagine that one of the famous four red sticks looks like this. But even so, no student passing by dared to look at him. Li Wenchao, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, suddenly ran over, held Liu Xiangrong's arm and said, "Brother Xiangrong, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Xiangrong shook his head, took out a cigarette from his pocket with difficulty, and held it tremblingly in his mouth. Li Wenchao quickly lit it for him. Liu Xiangrong took a deep breath, and his energy improved significantly. It seemed that the injury on his head no longer hurt, and the kick from Nie Yuanlong was fine. There was a comfortable expression on his face, as if he was willing to indulge in this moment forever.

I don't know why, but I suddenly had a strange idea. I really wanted to ask Nie Yuanlong to come out and see if Liu Xiangrong was lashing out again. Should he chop his arm or not?

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