Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 412, Come out

After listening to Yuan Xiaoyi sing for a while, I got up and said goodbye because it was time to go to class. Yuan Xiaoyi told me that our Chinese teacher’s affairs have not been finished yet, and she will still teach us these days. The first period in the afternoon was Chinese class. I said okay, we will meet in the classroom later. Before leaving, I borrowed "The Silver Age" and "The Bronze Age" again, planning to go back and read these two books in one go. In the afternoon class, Yuan Xiaoyi came as expected, standing on the podium and giving a youthful lecture. The classroom was still as chaotic as ever, but no one dared to speak ill of Yuan Xiaoyi anymore. The seat in the corner is empty, and Jia Tai and Xiaoxue haven't come yet. It must be that Jia Tai's injury hasn't healed yet. That guy's healing ability is far worse than mine.

After listening to the class for a while, I couldn't help but take out "The Silver Age" and read it, because I was really fascinated by the fantasy world written by Wang Xiaobo. Everything was so unreal, but everything felt very real. Every time I read a novel for a while, I have to raise my head and look at Yuan Xiaoyi for a while. The book is good-looking, and so are the people. But for me, books are more attractive, and after a while I was completely addicted to the world of novels. After a while, someone tapped my head. I looked up and found that Yuan Xiaoyi had come to me. Yuan Xiaoyi stretched out her green fingers, nodded on my head, and whispered: "You are not allowed to read novels in class!" I smiled sheepishly and stuffed the book back into the drawer. Yuan Xiaoyi returned to the podium with satisfaction.

After class, Wen Xin rushed to me and said in a panic: "Brother Wang Hao, I have a love rival!" I said with confusion on my face: "What love rival? Who do you have a crush on?" Wen Xin said in a panic: "Brother Wang Hao, I have a love rival!" Wen Xin said: "I have a crush on you, don't you know?" I said dumbfounded: "Well, I still know this, then who is your love rival?" Wen Xin said: "It's Teacher Yuan! I think she also I like you!" I immediately tapped her forehead with my hand: "Don't talk nonsense, she and I are just friends." Wen Xin said: "Haha, that may be my imagination. When I was in class just now, I I observed it carefully. If you are listening to the class, Teacher Yuan will be very energetic when teaching; if you are not listening to the class, Teacher Yuan will be listless when teaching." When I heard this, I felt very ashamed, and even I stopped listening to her class. , she would definitely feel uncomfortable, so she secretly decided in her heart that she must listen to her classes carefully in the future.

Wen Xin asked again: "Brother Wang Hao, then you and Teacher Yuan have nothing to do with each other?" I said: "There is indeed nothing." Wen Xin continued: "That's really great. Brother Wang Hao, if you If you want to find a girlfriend, you must consider me." This sentence made me dumbfounded, and I tapped her forehead with my hand: "Okay, stop joking, I have a girlfriend." Wen Xin glared She rolled her eyes and said: "I have a girlfriend, so why have I never seen you on a date?" This question left me speechless, so I had to say casually: "We are not together." Wen Xin suddenly realized: "Long-distance relationship? "I felt a pain in my heart. Although Xia Xue and I are not in a long-distance relationship, it is still harder to accept than a long-distance relationship. I didn't think it was anything at first, but when Wen Xin mentioned it, it made me a little sad.

"Brother Wang Hao, don't be sad." Wen Xin was also a little anxious: "I didn't mean to make you sad. Otherwise, she will be your official girlfriend and I will be your underground girlfriend. Let me make up for her absence. I feel sorry for you, okay?" I looked at Wen Xin with a sincere face and said with a wry smile: "Okay, I understand your kindness, but I still don't need it."

"Okay." Wen Xin walked back dejectedly.

I lowered my head, feeling a little sharp pain in my heart. After hesitating for a long time, I finally took out my phone and edited a text message for Xia Xue: "I miss you." After a while, Xia Xue's phone call came. I quickly picked it up and said excitedly: "Xia Xue Snow!" Then a cold voice sounded from the other side: "Wang Hao, what do you want to do?" Surprisingly, it was Xia Xue's mother.

I was immediately at a loss and stammered: "No, it's nothing. I just haven't contacted Xia Xue for a long time." For some reason, talking to Xia Xue's mother on the phone made me feel better than facing Donkey Kong and Zhang Yunfei. Still nervous.

"I have confiscated Xia Xue's mobile phone." Xia Xue's mother said: "She is already a sophomore in high school and will soon face her senior year. She can no longer be disturbed by these things." After a pause, she added: "Wang Hao, you Don’t look for Xia Xue in the future.”

I became anxious: "Auntie, why? Didn't you say we can contact each other? I have never disturbed Xia Xue's studies!"

"I've already asked about it." Xia Xue's mother said: "You caused a campus melee that shocked Beiyuan City. Not only was Beiqi smashed to pieces and many students were injured, but you also caused the death of one student! I I can’t believe that you are such a person; I can’t even believe that my daughter is actually dating you. Wang Hao, just think of me as begging you, please let my daughter go. Thank you for saving Xia before. Dad Xue, I am willing to pay a large sum of money to express my gratitude. I sincerely hope that you will not get close to Xia Xue again, okay? This is the wish of a mother!"

My hands were shaking so much that I could hardly hold the phone receiver. "Ah... Auntie." I stammered, trying to change Xia Xue's mother's mind, but my mind was buzzing and I was completely incoherent: "I, I will go to the same school as Xia Xue. University. You, please don’t break us up..."

"This is not a question of whether you can get into the same university or not!" Xia Xue's mother was also very anxious on the phone: "Wang Hao, we are just ordinary people, and what you have done has exceeded our ability to bear. I'm sorry. , let me make the decision for Xia Xue. She has broken up with you now, and you will have no hope in the future. Goodbye."

The call has been hung up. It was a hot summer day, and I was feeling cold from head to toe. I was so heartbroken that I almost couldn't breathe.

The school bell rang again, and there was still chaos all around. I felt that I needed to find a place to be quiet, so I stood up holding on to the table. As a result, my feet became weak and I stumbled, falling to the ground. "Brother Hao!" Li Xiaojie ran over. The class fell silent and everyone looked at me curiously. Li Xiaojie helped me up, and I held his shoulders, breathing heavily. When I felt that I was almost done, I continued to walk forward. "Brother Hao, where are you going?" Li Xiaojie followed behind.

"No need to follow me." I waved my hand: "I'm going out for a while, no need to follow me."

I left the classroom alone. Every time I walked for a while, I had to rest against the wall. It turns out that when the mood is extremely depressed, even physical strength will be affected. It took me a long time to get out of the teaching building, out of the vocational college, and walk along the road. I didn't know where I was going. I came to the gates of Chenggao and Beiqi and looked at the two schools on the left and right. My mind was in chaos.

What do I want to do? Do I want to go in and find Xia Xue? What's the use of looking for Xia Xue and telling her what happened just now? She will definitely still be determined to be with me, even if she elopes with me immediately. But can I do this? Xia Xue is an only child. How can I bear to see her parents sad? Xia Xue's mother is extremely disappointed in me now, or she is extremely scared. In her world, she cannot understand the existence of people like me. We are not from the same world at all.

I was holding on to a willow tree on the side of the road. I felt extremely uncomfortable all over my body, and even the whole world seemed a little confused. I shook my head and saw a red sports car on the opposite side of the road. I staggered over and threw my whole body on the car, gasping for air from time to time. I took out my cell phone and called Zhou Mo. There were only two words: "Come out."

While waiting for Zhou Mo, I could hardly stand on my feet, so I slowly sat on the ground leaning on the car. I felt cold all over before, but now I feel hot all over. The shade of the tree above my head has no effect at all. A lot of sweat comes from all over my body, even flowing to the ground next to me. I don’t know how long it has been, but there is only the endless chirping of cicadas in my ears. This sound makes me more and more irritable. There is a rage of anger in my whole body, but I don’t know how to vent it.

"Wang Hao, what's wrong with you?!" Zhou Mo's voice rang out. The girl with short burgundy hair hurried to me and squatted down in front of me. "Are you sick?" She stroked my forehead and my cheek. I opened my eyes in confusion, and Zhou Mo was a little blurry in my eyes. I thought it was an illusion, so I stretched out my hand to touch Zhou Mo's hair and cheeks. I found that the touch was still very real, so I said, "You're here."

"Well, I'm here, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Mo looked very anxious, holding my hand and said, "It's so cold, are you sick?"

I shook my head, trying to wake myself up, and the world in front of me became much clearer. Zhou Mo was dressed very coolly, wearing a light green T-shirt on the upper body and a pair of denim shorts on the lower body, revealing his arms and legs as white as lotus roots.

"Take me away," I said, "Take me away, wherever you want."

Without saying a word, Zhou Mo opened the car door and helped me into the passenger seat. Then she started the car and left quickly.

I sat in the car, saying nothing, staring blankly ahead. Zhou Mo drove aimlessly through the streets and alleys of Beiyuan City, and finally drove to a deserted suburb. Zhou Mo asked me what was wrong several times in the car, but I didn't answer. Zhou Mo's car drove faster and faster, speeding on the asphalt road in the suburbs.

After a while, I finally said, "Find a place and have a drink."

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