Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 232: Husband, let’s sail the boat

The squad leader quickly said happily: "Then I'll trouble you!" Zhou Mo waved his hands: "It's easy to talk about." The students all stood up and prepared to walk out. Zhou Mo just remembered something and asked me quietly: "Are you going to sing?" I smiled bitterly: "Now that I think about it, do you want to ask my opinion? I just came here to eat with them, so I won't sing with them. Zhou Mo patted his forehead and said, "I forgot. But now that I have said it, I can only let them sing. Can we just leave?" I nodded: "Okay."

Zhou Mo took my arm and walked out of the private room, and the classmates followed behind, all looking very excited. Zhou Mo made a phone call while walking: "Manager Zhang, I have a group of friends who are going to sing. Give them the largest luxury private room, twenty boxes of beer, twenty fruit plates, and twenty portions of popcorn. All of them will be charged to my account. Come on." The monitor followed and said thank you repeatedly.

After leaving the VIP building, a group of classmates stood at the door of the hotel. Zhou Mo said: "You go around the hotel to the back and you will see the KTV. Manager Zhang is waiting for you at the door. He will take you to the private room." The monitor said with some surprise: "You don't want to talk to us Did you go together?" Zhou Mo leaned next to me, pretending to be a little birdie: "Brother Hao and I went out to do some errands, so I won't play with you. It doesn't matter how long you want to sing, we don't have enough beer. If you have it, ask for it again!”

At the same time, a red Mitsubishi sports car drove over steadily. A uniformed security guard got out of the car and saluted Zhou Mo: "Miss Zhou, your car is here. I hope you have a safe journey."

"Okay. Brother Hao, let's go." Zhou Mo opened the door and sat in. I was just about to leave, but I turned my head around unexpectedly, looking for a certain figure. Zou Yang understood and quickly pushed aside the crowd and pulled Li Shanman out. Li Shanman still had wet tears on her face, as well as a slight slap mark. When she looked at me, her proud look was no longer there, replaced by a hint of desolation. Seeing her like this, the pleasure of revenge disappeared, but I felt a little guilty in my heart.

This time, I looked at her openly and calmly, but without a smile. It seemed that she was burned by my eyes, and she lowered her head in panic, no longer as arrogant as before.

I said softly: "Goodbye." Then turned around, walked around to the other side of the car, and sat in the passenger seat. I don’t know if it’s cool enough or not, I just know that I’m finally cut off from the painful memories that I suffered from.

Goodbye, my youth. Goodbye, my former goddess. Goodbye, my painful past. From now on, start over.

Under the watchful eyes of the entire junior high school class, the car slowly started and left the VIP Building Hotel. The afternoon sun was so dazzling that it actually made me cry through the car window. Zhou Mo parked the car on the street and looked at me motionless.

"What's wrong?" I said with a smile: "The sun is too dazzling and my eyes are not comfortable." Then I rubbed my eyes.

"A man who sheds tears is so sexy..."

"What?" I was stunned.

The moment I was stunned, a soft lip had already pressed against me. I didn't even have time to react, and even my tongue came in domineeringly. I admit that I was drunk, completely intoxicated. My mind went blank, I held Zhou Mo's waist with both hands uncontrollably, and kissed her passionately. I don’t know how much time passed, but someone knocked on the car window: “You can’t park here, drive away quickly, or you’ll get a ticket!” We ignored him and continued to kiss him passionately. The man whispered through the car window again: "Drive away quickly, or you'll really get a ticket!" Then he kept knocking, as if he couldn't bear to see us doing this.

Zhou Mo finally got angry, pressed down the car window, and threw out a handful of money: "Post as many as you like!" Then he closed the car window and came over to kiss me again. But I woke up, stretched out my hand to stop her, and smiled softly: "Okay Zhou Mo, I'm fine, you don't have to sacrifice like this for me." Zhou Mo looked at me blankly: "Wang Hao, you are so stupid Or are you pretending to be stupid?"

I was silent for a long time and said, "I'm sorry, I have a girlfriend. I can't do anything to make her sorry."

Zhou Mo lay helplessly on the driver's seat and asked, "What about Taozi? Isn't Taozi also your girlfriend?"

"They are all joking around." I said, "I only have one girlfriend, and that is Xia Xue."

"It's great." Zhou Mo burst into tears: "I really envy Xia Xue that I can be your girlfriend."

Seeing Zhou Mo crying, I hurriedly pulled out a few tissues from the back seat to wipe her tears, "Zhou Mo, what's so good about me? Why do you like me?"

"I think you are good everywhere." Zhou Mo said with tears in his eyes: "From top to bottom, from head to toe, you are good everywhere. Why didn't you come and sit at my table earlier? Why didn't you come directly to study at Beiqi?"

"Okay." I touched her head: "Did you mistake friendship for love? We are very happy together, so you have the illusion, right? They say Wufeng has always been cunning, I It seems that you are not cunning at all, you are very emotional at heart."

Zhou Mo grabbed my hand and asked seriously: "Wang Hao, don't you like me a little bit in your heart?"

I was silent for a moment: "What do you think?"

Just because of my three words, Zhou Mo burst into tears and smiled: "Let me just say, how could you not be tempted by such a good girl like me? Okay, I feel at ease. Where do you want to go now?" ?”

I thought this was a great opportunity, why not talk to her about Qi Siyu, so I said, "Let's go to East Lake."

East Lake is the artificial lake near the school. Xia Xue and I have been there, and Zhou Mo and I have been there. The time I went there with Zhou Mo was when I was in the most embarrassing situation in Beiqi. I was forced by Yao Wei and others with almost no way out. It was Zhou Mo who stopped them and pulled me out. That night, Zhou Mo rested his head on my shoulder and held our hands together.

The car quickly drove to East Lake and we got off the car. Zhou Mo naturally came to hold my arm again. I felt uncomfortable, but seeing the happy look on her face, I couldn't bear to push her away. Zhou Mo seemed to see what I meant and said, "Okay, just this once, the last time. I know you love your Xia Xue very much and don't want to do anything to regret her."

She said so, and I had no choice but to acquiesce to her behavior. We walked slowly along the shore of East Lake. Zhou Mo looked particularly happy holding my arm. Although East Lake is an artificial lake, the scenery is particularly beautiful, with pavilions, bridges and flowing water, which makes it unique even in winter. We walked along the shore to a place where we could take a sightseeing boat. The sightseeing boats are divided into electric and manual. We chose the electric one. After paying the money, the boss asked us to put on life jackets. I stepped onto the boat first, stretched out my hand, and pulled Zhou Mo to get on the boat carefully. The sightseeing boat is small, just big enough for the two of us.

Zhou Mo took my arm, rested his head on my shoulder, and said loudly: "Honey, start the boat!"

Forget it, let's just indulge like this for once. Anyway, Zhou Mo said it would be just this once, the last time. Besides, Zhou Mo helped me so much in the VIP building, so I thought he was repaying her. So I also said loudly: "Yes, wife!" After shouting, I felt very happy. Maybe it was because of seeing this endless lake that my mind was broadened.

The electric boat is easy to drive, just press the forward switch and then control the direction. Amidst the sound of "chu tu tu", Zhou Mo and I sat on the sightseeing boat and slowly headed towards the center of the lake. There is no wind today and the lake is very calm. Zhou Mo put his hand into the water and pulled it twice, then threw some water drops on my face. "Oops." I said, "I'm freezing to death." This is the weather in the first month of the year. If the weather were colder, the lake would be frozen.

"I'll freeze you." Zhou Mo chuckled, put his hand into my clothes, and pressed it tightly against my skin. It was so cold that I shivered. I stopped sailing and stretched out my hand to crack Zhou Mo's body. Both of us laughed so hard. In this weather, we were the only ones taking the boat. In the vast lake, a small boat moved forward aimlessly. There is an artificial island in the middle of East Lake. As long as it does not crash into that island, the sightseeing boat can go anywhere. After we were very far away from the shore, I turned off the forward button, and the boat moved with the waves, rising and falling. Zhou Mo and I both lay down and looked at the blue sky.

The weather was really good today, the fresh wind blew from the lake, and no one felt cold. Looking around, there is no living thing on the vast lake, as if there are only two of us in the world.

"I really want to lie here forever and never have an end..." Zhou Mo said leisurely.

"I'll starve to death." As soon as he finished speaking, a fish jumped out of the lake and made a "plop" sound.

"We can catch that fish and eat it."

"You'll die of thirst."

"This is a freshwater lake." Zhou Mo stuck out his tongue.

"You'll freeze to death."

"...You will give me clothes to wear." Zhou Mo smiled playfully, turned around, and looked at me affectionately.

I looked at her with a smile, touched her hair and said, "They say you are very naughty, why didn't I notice it at all?"

"Whether I'm being naughty or not depends on who's right." Zhou Mo said, "For example, your goddess Li Shanman, she must think I'm very naughty, no different from a shrew."

I nodded: "Yeah, that's right."

Zhou Mo added: "Do you still remember the first time we met?"

"Of course I remember." That time I led Laogou's men to fight under the Dongyun Hotel. We were beaten to the point of retreat, and we were about to be completely defeated. Zhou Mo was called by Qi Siyu to support us, and he calmed down the whole scene as soon as he got out of the car. She has short burgundy hair and is holding an iron rod. She is really heroic and majestic.

{Piaotian Literature

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