Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 13 Surprising Warehouse

If Shen Xiaoxiao hadn't remembered the last words of the white man, she would never have imagined that the so-called warehouse was built under the dead tree, and the entrance was in the heart of the dead tree. The cave goes on.

Shen Xiaoxiao's heart was beating so hard that she didn't know what was going on underneath. She was extremely nervous at the moment, and she was holding the key hanging around her neck tightly.

She got up from the ground. Fortunately, she was petite, so it was very easy to get into the hole, but the back basket was in the way.

In other words, if she wanted to go down, she had to leave the basket outside, but when she thought of the man not far from her, she shuddered, and she absolutely couldn't let him catch her.

Moreover, there is still some food in this basket, which she has stored all the way along the way, and she will never agree to give up like this.

But no one can tell what's going on under the tree, even Shen Xiaoxiao feels bold at this moment.

She has no escape route, and grabbing anything can be used as a life-saving thing, so she really found this place all the way because of one sentence.

Not far away is the big waterfall, but although the waterfall is big, there are many vegetation around it.

Xiaoxiao Shen hung the dagger, lighter, kettle and supplies bags on his body all at once.

There was nothing left in the basket except for some wild fruits and vegetables, so she threw the basket on a tree not far away, and hurried back to the dead tree.

It was almost evening at this time, and the darkness here was coming very quickly, and it would be completely dark here in a quarter of an hour at most.

This is nothing to Shen Xiaoxiao, after all, her eyes have a complete advantage in the dark night.

The dagger was tightly held in his hand, and he had no way out, so he could only bite the bullet and walk down towards the dead tree.

A long corridor led directly to the ground, and when her feet landed on the ground, she realized that she had walked down at least ten or twenty meters.

The lighter came in handy, turned it on and looked around, and a man-made underground warehouse appeared in front of me.

Fortunately, there was a torch on the stone wall next to it, Shen Xiaoxiao hurriedly lit the torch, she still had to save some fuel for the lighter.

The bright red light from the torch made the basement clear at a glance.

It's too simple here, there is an iron door in front of you, a particularly strange keyhole, and nothing else.

Now Shen Xiaoxiao is so thankful for the magic touch she made before she left, and she really can't be polite to that man named Yan Kuan, taking this key is really a big advantage to her.

Shen Xiaoxiao immediately inserted the key in with some excitement. With a click, the big iron door opened in response.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a space of 20 square meters at most, and less than 20 square meters. It was almost clear at a glance. There were more than a dozen boxes scattered here and there. Shen Xiaoxiao held up the torch and looked from box to box.

It's quite dry here, the wooden box is unlocked, and nails are used to nail it all around. She can't do anything else. This physical strength is still good, and the strength is relatively strong. She also has a knife in her hand. The four long nails were bit by bit by her. Pry it open.

With the help of the light from the torch, I began to carefully look at everything in the wooden box. I was a little confused at first, but I thought about it in a flash. Are these bags of white powder drugs?

Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't help being a little excited. If it was true, there would be about 20 bags in such a box. If a bag weighed 5 catties, it would be 200 catties here. How much is it worth?

But this thought just passed away in a flash, this thing is not a good thing, and I don't know how many people have been killed if I wandered out.

No wonder these people are all looking for this warehouse, even that Yan Kuan is also looking for this place, it seems that what they want to get is these things here.

But don't want every box to be like this, it's useless to her.

Shen Xiaoxiao then opened the second box, it was still the white noodles, Shen Xiaoxiao's complexion was a little grim, she was really afraid of something, if that was the case, she still had to put in so much effort, she was really full.

But after suffering so much along the way, why did she give up, rest for a while, and then started to pry the third box.

And the surprise also appeared at this time, the third box was opened full of 1,000 face value US dollars. The box was wrapped in half a meter*half meter, and it was completely full. Xiao Ke will not admit his mistake.

Fifteen years ago, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar was more than 11 points. Even before Shen Xiaoxiao was imprisoned, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar was more than 8 points. That is to say, the earlier the time, the higher the exchange rate. Order more.

Not to mention, Shen Xiaoxiao is really a little excited right now, so much money can really help him a lot.

With this unexpected joy, she continued to open other boxes even more vigorously, and this movement was also more neat.

The fourth box, this box is nothing unusual, there are some gold bars, but not many, only 5, each estimated to be about 3 or 4 catties, and the rest are still some dollars and pounds.

From the fifth box to the eighth box, each box was opened, except for the money, they were all guns and ammunition, these were worthless to Shen Xiaoxiao, useless, and it was useless for her to hold them. What good.

However, she chose a small silver pistol. She had a few cartridges of ammunition, and the rest did not move. This pistol was held because she saw that it was small and suitable for her hand. As for the bullets, she was not stupid. She only had a pistol but no bullets. No way.

Shen Xiaoxiao calculated and sorted out, there are 11 boxes in total, 2 boxes are filled with US dollars, and 1 box is filled with gold bars and pounds.

By the way, there is a palm-sized cloth bag in the gold bar box, and there are a lot of diamonds in the bag, these should all be smuggled goods, Shen Xiaoxiao is so excited. Looking at these things, my eyes are about to burst into laughter.

As long as she finds a way to get the money out, it will only be smoother for her to return to China for revenge. With so much money and diamonds, not only the Liu family, but even the Shen family are not worth it.

At first, she wanted to use the life-saving money left by her grandfather and father so that they could continue to store it for the time being.

But now there is Yan Kuan watching outside, she must transfer these things before he finds out, but here is surrounded by jungles, where will she transfer them?

It has been 2 hours since she entered the underground warehouse at the beginning. Counting the time, it is now around 8 o'clock in the evening.

Holding the torch, she took a careful look around. The place was hidden, but fortunately, it was relatively breathable. After staying underground for such a long time, she didn't feel any shortness of breath.

She still has some dry food on her body, and the water bag also has the bamboo water she gathered before. If she stays in this underground warehouse for two days, it will be absolutely fine.

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't know that the man outside seemed to be still chasing after him. She only knew that at this moment, she could only stay here and wait for the man to leave by himself.

Or, wait for the darkness, wait for the darkest moment of the day, then she will go out to find a way out, and then she will be sure of winning...

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