Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 883 The pace is a bit big

In order to completely prevent this kind of thing from happening again, Wang Ye didn't just beat Holly.

He knew very well that in Damao, it would be a bit exaggerated to say that the entire bureaucracy was rotten.

But it would not be unfair to them at all to say that the atmosphere of the entire system is not good.

Therefore, only by taking systematic measures can we truly solve the problem once and for all and prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

However, he couldn't stretch his hands too far, so he could only make some tentative efforts within a limited scope, that is, within the areas he could control.

At the high-level Duma meeting two days later, a closed-door meeting of several speakers and deputy speakers, Wang Ye put forward a new proposal.

“Since the beginning of this year, our Duma has also done a lot of substantive work.

Especially in terms of economy and people's livelihood, many large projects have been launched.

Such as low-rent housing projects, large-scale infrastructure plans, etc.

These projects are all led and actually controlled by our Duma.

Everyone knows that the previous Duma did not do similar substantive work, and at most it only played a role in review and supervision.

The advancement of actual projects, especially such large projects, is very complicated and involves huge amounts of money. Without strict supervision, it can easily lead to corruption, which is contrary to our original intention. .

Therefore, I have thought twice and believe that greater efforts must be made at the regulatory level.

Let all big projects be promoted efficiently and effectively, prevent corruption in the middle, and use good steel on the blade!

Let every penny not be wasted, let alone be enriched by others!


Wang Ye's face was very serious, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room was also very solemn.

Although Wang Ye only talked in general terms and did not talk about any actual cases, the several Speakers and Deputy Speakers present here are all thousand-year-old foxes. They are all very sophisticated and well-informed.

Everyone immediately connected Wang Ye's current statement with the low-rent housing incident that happened a few days ago.

Gryzlov was a little nervous. He was afraid that Wang Ye would bring this matter to the table, and he was even more afraid that Wang Ye would get to the bottom of it.

In that case, his son will be found out...

If that is the case, even if you want to protect your son, you will probably have to pay a high price!

He even runs the risk of completely falling out with Wang Ye. If one of them fails, he may not be able to keep his position as speaker!

Because if someone really wanted to investigate the bad things that my son had done, they would definitely find out a lot of problems.

As the Speaker of the House of Representatives, I will definitely not be able to get away with being a lax tutor and allowing my children to break the law.

If you can't even manage your own family well, what qualifications and dignity do you have to hold the position of Speaker of the Duma...

But if he was really asked to "kill his relatives out of justice" and give up his son to save his own position, he couldn't do it.

Because I only have one son...

Fortunately, Wang Ye changed the topic and did not specifically mention the incident in low-rent housing, but said:

“I propose that an oversight body be established within the Duma to oversee these large projects led by our Duma.

Including the entire process from implementation to implementation of all investment projects within the large-scale infrastructure plan, monitoring the use of funds, project progress and project quality.

At the same time, we must also take on the responsibility of truly supervising government departments!

Accept complaints from people across the country, investigate and hold accountable through complaints, and step by step reverse the bad work style of government agencies.

Improve work efficiency, thereby improving the work efficiency of the entire society!

Let’s call this organization the Integrity Commission! "

From the name "Integrity Commission" proposed by Wang Ye, it can be seen that the scope of this agency's responsibility is not just large-scale infrastructure projects.

Its real purpose is to target government agencies!

The terms of reference of this committee may be expanded in the future...


Grezlov breathed a sigh of relief and quickly expressed his stance:

“This suggestion put forward by Deputy Speaker Mikhail is very good!

The work style of many departments has been criticized by the public for a long time, and it is time for them to take control of it!

Of course, we have no access to many government departments, especially grassroots institutions, and we do not have enough manpower to conduct on-the-spot investigations.

Sometimes even if you want to take care of it, you will face a lot of resistance.

But at the very least, projects led by our Duma must be clean and efficient!

This also establishes a positive guiding image for the whole society.

Then, the Integrity Committee is a very necessary department with a heavy responsibility! "

Grezlov agreed with Wang Ye's proposal, but he also had reservations.

If this new agency is responsible for supervising projects under the big infrastructure plan, there must be no problem.

After all, these are internal affairs of the Duma.

But as Wang Ye said, he is a little bit not optimistic about the need to be responsible for supervising government departments.

Even if the Duma does have such powers, it has held some government officials accountable before.

But now you want to set up a special agency to keep an eye on people in various government departments, how can people bear it...

It is foreseeable that the government will definitely rebound and even start wrestling with the Duma.

Mikhail’s step is a bit too big!


But Zhirinov slapped the table and said with joy:

“That’s a good suggestion!

To be honest, I have long been dissatisfied with the working attitude of those departments, and they should have been supervised a long time ago.

Those people bear a lot of responsibility for the country's poor development in recent years. "

He is an "old angry youth". He has complained to Wang Ye privately many times before that government departments are overstaffed and small bureaucrats who have some real power are prone to corruption. The entire country's economy is about to be hollowed out by those moths. .

It's a pity that he has never had real power in his hands, and he has more than enough ambition but not enough power.

Now that he heard that Mikhail was taking the initiative to establish an anti-corruption committee to put an end to the unhealthy tendencies, of course he would strongly support it.

The other deputy speakers had no objections and all agreed.

Originally, whether this matter could be accomplished or not, Mikhail was responsible for it, and it had little to do with them.

If it is done, it will be equivalent to the expansion of the Duma's influence and actual power. This is a good thing for everyone, so of course they will not object.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Wang Ye smiled slightly, which was what he expected.

The establishment of the Integrity Commission, a real power body, will definitely do more good than harm to the Duma.

And the government can't say anything, because this is one of the powers of the Duma.

In the past, this power was not really exercised. Now, if this power is to be implemented, at least on the surface, no one can object.

As long as the Speaker and Deputy Speakers finalize this matter and go back through the process of the Duma Congress, then the Integrity Committee can formally prepare.

However, there is now a key issue that needs to be resolved.

That is, who should be in charge of this newly established committee!

Originally, no one considered this issue. In the minds of Gryzlov, Zhirinov and others, Mikhail was of course the director of this committee.

The agency was established at his suggestion and was responsible for supervising the major projects, which were also the big infrastructure projects he initiated.

And this organization is very powerful!

There is no way Mikhail would give this kind of "fat job" to anyone else...

But Wang Ye surprised everyone again.

He smiled and said: "I recommend Deputy Speaker Zhirinov to be the director of the Integrity Committee. Do you have any other opinions?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other a little bit, because it was so unexpected!

Zhirinov was surprised and happy. He really didn't expect that a big pie would fall from the sky, and even hit him on the head!

Grezlov looked at Wang Ye with some confusion and asked tentatively: "What? Is Speaker Mikhail not interested in this committee? In fact, in my opinion, you are the most suitable candidate."

He was not wrong.

The most suitable candidate for the director of the Integrity Commission must be Mikhail!

Because this committee has great power, but everything it does will offend people...

In this case, the chairman of the committee must be a person with a high reputation and a strong style of doing things!

But on this point, in the entire Duma, Mikhail may be the only one who can comply.

More importantly, Mikhail is now truly powerful. Whether it is in the Duman, the Kremlin, or among the people, he can speak in all aspects. No matter who he is, he must give him some face. …

As for Zhirinov, maybe his personality is suitable for this position. In any other aspect, he cannot be compared with Mikhail.

Even himself, as the Speaker of the Duma, from all aspects, Gryzlov feels that he is no longer comparable to Mikhail, even if Mikhail is only the so-called "First Deputy Speaker"...


Wang Ye smiled and said jokingly:

“Speaker, do you want to tire me to death?

Once this committee is established, it will be very busy and require a lot of time and energy.

As you all know, I now hold the post of chairman of two committees, and at the same time manage the work within the faction, as well as the work of the Duma.

Oh, there are also several group companies.

I am simply too busy!

Deputy Speaker Zhirinov’s abilities are obvious to all.

It just so happens that he is relatively free now, so he can take on the heavy responsibility of taking charge of this committee. "

What he said was correct. Zhirinov was indeed very idle. Apart from being the deputy speaker of the Duma, he only served as the director of an insignificant committee and basically had nothing to do.

In addition, he is upright and honest in his work. In terms of personality, he is indeed suitable for this position.

As for prestige, it is indeed lacking a bit, but Wang Ye will support him, so it doesn't matter.

Zhirinov himself was not modest. He patted his chest and assured everyone:

"Haha, it's not that I'm greedy for power, it's just that the scope of responsibilities of this committee is very suitable for me.

I just like to do sinful things!

Of course, those who are offended are those corrupt officials, those who occupy the toilet and do nothing, and those who are unworthy of the country and unworthy of the people!

Since Deputy Speaker Mikhail trusts me, he recommended me to take charge of this committee.

Then I won't be humble, and I will make a statement to everyone here.

After serving as the director of the Integrity Commission, I will definitely ensure fairness, justice and openness in my work. I will not wrongly accuse a competent official, nor let a corrupt official go! "

Upon hearing his statement, Wang Ye took the lead in applauding, and the other speakers also followed suit.

If Wang Ye is unwilling to take this position, then Zhirinov is indeed the most suitable candidate.

The other speakers have no intention of competing with him for this position, because everyone understands that although this committee has great power, it does things that offend people...


Once the meeting is over, things are settled.

At the Duma Congress a few days later, Wang Yehui formally proposed the establishment of an "Integrity Commission", which was put to a vote by all members of the Congress.

After the vote, Zhirinov assumed the role of director of the committee and was responsible for the formal preparations for this institution.

In the future, this committee will also become a "sharp blade" for the Duma!

Its establishment also vaguely reflects that this Duma is becoming more and more powerful and has more and more power.

In some respects, the cake has even begun to be cut from within the "traditional sphere of influence" of the Kremlin.

As for whether it will cause a backlash from the Kremlin or the government, this will only be known after observation.

This may be one of the reasons why Wang Ye is unwilling to serve as the director of this committee.

But he didn't say it clearly...

But these things must be pushed forward, as they are related to Wang Ye's plans for the future.

In his vision, the power of the Duma must be gradually increased, and eventually a true "three powers" must be achieved!

This does not mean that the Duma should be superior to the Kremlin, but it should be kept on par.

Because his base is in the Duma.

How great it is here, you won’t be too pushy, you won’t be under too much pressure, and you can always be re-elected...

Whoever wants to sit in the Kegong Palace can sit there. Anyway, Wang Ye has no such idea now.


At the Duma session a few days later, the proposal to establish an integrity commission received the support of all deputies and was unanimously approved.

It is obvious that on this issue, everyone has the same interests and no one can object.

Anyone who opposes it is tantamount to standing on the opposite side of the collective interests of the Duma. He will become a "public enemy". How can he survive in the Duma in the future?

After going through the internal procedures of the Duma, an official document was prepared and notified to the upper house, Kremlin, and relevant government departments.

Not asking for their consent, but telling them that in the future there will be such a department in the Duma, what are the scope of powers and responsibilities, and I hope that all departments can work together in the future!

It's so strong!

The reactions of all parties were as Wang Ye expected. No one jumped out to object and everyone acquiesced.

Of course, we still don’t know what kind of thoughts or responses they will have behind the scenes.

When the Integrity Commission really touches the interests of a certain party, it may encounter real resistance...

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