Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 895 Make Good Use Of Bugs

Chen Mo opened the post bar, and after logging in, he picked a post bar and browsed it.

Then I found out that all the crusade posts I posted before have been deleted, and the most violent accounts have all been blocked.

Chen Mo casually entered a legend and wrote a post: "I think the mage has completely exploded the warrior! If you don't accept it, let's argue!"

The content is just a few words of nonsense, and then click send.

After the result is sent, a verification code box pops up.

Chen Mo smiled disdainfully.

The verification code can block only robots, but the 2 million netizens who exploded before are all real people!

This thing can only delay their posting for a few seconds, but it still cannot resist the huge number of posts and access requests in a short period of time.

After posting this post, Chen Mo followed up with another post: "I bet there are no easy-to-use headphones for less than 10 yuan in this world!"

But put and clicked send.


A dialog prompt pops up.

"Sorry, you are a newly registered user, you are only allowed to speak once in an hour."

Chen Mo frowned.

It turns out that the killer of Qiandu Tieba is here!

New registered users can only speak once an hour, which can indeed avoid the traffic attack of a large number of new registered users yesterday.

But the side effects are also great.

Tieba is still in the stage of rapid development, and there are many new users every day. Doing this is almost equivalent to giving up new users and living by eating only existing users.

But Chen Mo thought about it, this must be a stopgap measure.

After this period of time passes, Qiandu will lift this restriction again.

However, for Chen Mo, this is a point that can be used, because the t bar will be launched tomorrow.

You don't want new users, but I need a lot of new users!

"But I can't explode today, it's boring." Chen Mo regretted.

"Boss, I found a bug in Qiandu Tieba."

At this time, Wan Xuebing on the other end of the video spoke up.

"What bug?" Chen Mo asked.

"Hey, it's the in-station message function." Wan Xuebing laughed.

Station Mail is a simple instant messaging function developed based on Tieba, which allows users of Tieba to communicate in private and simple, which is equivalent to the "private message" function of many apps in later generations.

According to Wan Xuebing's explanation, when Tieba was doing its technical architecture, it also planned the in-station messaging function in the near future. They restricted users' posting, but they did not impose any restrictions on the in-station messaging function.

Chen Mo turned on the internal message function.

At this time, the internal message function of the Tieba station is still very simple. There are only two fields to fill in the recipient and the content. In addition, there is only a send button, and then there is no function.

That is to say, no matter whether the verification code or the new user is limited to speaking for one hour, it is only for posting, but not limited to internal messages!

"Although there are two functions for in-site letter and post, for the server, there is no difference. They both write data, and even in-site letter has one more delivery logic than post."

"A piece of data is written from the user to the server. While recording, the server must also send the content to other users, and then other users can receive the prompt of the in-site letter. Click on the prompt to read the content from the server..."

At this moment, Chen Mo interrupted impatiently: "Speak human words!" Wan Xuebing scratched his head: "I'm sorry, it's a professional habit. In short, you can see that this thing seems to be very simple, but if you use it well, That is even more terrifying than posting a data attack on the server!"

"I'll show you how!"

Wan Xuebing began to demonstrate the in-station messaging function.

"I just started looking for someone to copy and paste spam to send, and I could send an in-site letter in two or three seconds."

"And there's no captcha and no one-hour time limit!"

"It's not as cumbersome as posting!"

"Boss, let's send it a little faster, one in two seconds, 30 in one minute, how about millions of people doing this at the same time?"

"That is equivalent to more than twenty times the load of millions of people posting at the same time!!!"

"Don't say that he is a tens of millions of servers, even if it is 20 million, it can't hold up!"

Chen Mo's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "You can do it, hurry up, say hello! Tonight will start the second blast!"

Wan Xuebing was instructed to do as he was told.

He ordered the network navy under him to post on Tieba, the content of which was to protest against Qiandu's official shirk of responsibility, and demanded that Qiandu apologize to the vast number of netizens for stealing the post.

At the same time, Wan Xuebing also sent the evidence that he had sorted out to the general group of the Anti-Thousand-degree Alliance.

What evidence?

After using crawlers to crawl hot posts from other forums, Tieba staff generally use one account to post posts, because this saves a lot of operation steps.

This leaves a lot of evidence behind.

With Wan Xuebing's hacking skills, it is easy to collect them.

This evidence is sent to the group, and the group friends can know how the Qiandu staff operates at a glance.

Qiandu's official so-called "user's spontaneous behavior" is simply an insult to the IQ of netizens!

Soon, the emotions of netizens in the tt group were detonated again!

Even in the early hours of the morning, there are many people calling for friends, wailing and preparing for the second explosion!

Of course, there are more netizens who like to join in the fun than last time!

It was about 3:00 in the morning, and the staff of Qiandu who were waiting in full force began to find that there were posts protesting by new users on the outstation!

Since the content of the post was very unfavorable to Qiandu, Tan Jun ordered without hesitation: "Delete without amnesty!!! All users who post will be banned for ten years!!!"

This operation, coupled with the evidence sent by Wan Xuebing before, has once again aroused the anger of netizens!

However, Chen Mo did not ask Wan Xuebing to publish the bug in the station letter.

There are still too few people.

Most are sleeping.

We must wait until tomorrow to accumulate enough netizens to take advantage of this bug!

In the early morning, although Tieba was still full of anger, because Qiandu was well prepared, it didn't cause any trouble or make a big noise.

At 3:30 in the morning, Chen Mo knew that the anger of netizens would take a certain amount of time to ferment, so he went back to sleep.

"Ma Teng, let Lao Chen and the others go to bed earlier."

"Tomorrow morning, let's not only fight a blitz, but also make thousands of posts!"

"We will also launch SiXin t at the same time, and start madly attracting the lost users of Tieba!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Mo lay down and set himself an alarm clock for 7 o'clock, and then fell asleep peacefully, waiting for tomorrow's war to come.

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