Reborn Queen’s Uprising

Chapter 545: Big action (3) (2)

"The black-haired girl standing in the middle is Don...Wow, she is so beautiful! She is as beautiful as a porcelain doll!"

"That's the male protagonist! His smile is really charming... Kane's actor is here too! He feels so deep... As expected, the real person is more handsome, stronger and burly than the movie!"

The whole scene was boiled by the arrival of the (Resident Evil) crew. The audience looked at the film creators standing in front with excitement and excitement, whistles and screams one after another, and soon the scene was submerged in a noisy ocean .

Lario stared blankly at the eastern girl in the middle of the stage, she was the girl sitting next to him just now!

She... is Tang? Is the affectionate oriental girl in the movie sitting next to him?

Tang Xiaoxiao stood on the stage politely, with a sweet smile drawn between the corners of her lips. On both sides of her side stood two beauties, Luna and Adele, while the two male protagonists Long Yi and Van Sen shared the same role. The powerful lineup of beauties and handsome men makes people unable to open their eyes...

Just, why is an oriental beauty standing in the middle of so many actors? Even the absolute heroine of this movie, Adele, can only stand by her side?

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but wonder.

Tang Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly and bowed deeply to the audience, "I am the director of this play, Tang Xiaoxiao!"

After saying a word, the audience was in an uproar again! The actress standing in the middle is also the female director of this movie!

Hollywood is not short of directors, but there are very few female directors, and she is still a glamorous and noble beauty. What's more, this beautiful director actually plays a bright role in her own movies. This kind of strong Sensory stimulation is tantamount to shaking everyone's hearts.

Seeing the boiling atmosphere in the audience, Tang Xiaoxiao bowed again, her voice lingering in the theater, with a feminine charm, "I am very happy to be recognized and appreciated by everyone. Everyone present today can use the movie ticket The small ticket will get a ticket for the Goddess Family’s meeting at Harlan Stadium on the 1st of next month. It is counted as a small gift for everyone. I hope you will like it.

Lario's eyes were locked tightly on the stage with that arrogant oriental beauty. His eyes were full of consternation. Such a magnificent science fiction thriller film was produced by such a beautiful director. Isn't it incredible?

In the next week, (Resident Evil 6) this movie that was already heated up completely occupied the top spot in the North American box office charts. People who were still skeptical of this movie at first After watching this film, I completely changed my original view, and even turned my body directly to review this sci-fi adventure with aesthetic appeal...

And that mysterious and beautiful oriental beauty director was completely included in the sight of many directors in the Hollywood director industry. Even many media directly predicted: A future star director is rising!

One (Resident Evil), let the heroine Adele re-enter the ranks of Hollywood's most popular actresses, and also made the three actors of Luna, Van Sen and Long Yi become popular, especially the male role in this movie. The protagonist Long Yi's evil smile has become his signature, wherever he went, it brought waves of women's screams.

However, as far as Hollywood in North America is concerned, a herring entertainment company that spans the three major industries of brokerage, film and music has been included in the eyes of many people, because they noticed that Luna, Long Yi, Van Sen and Tang Xiaoxiao Individuals belong to this group. The goddess family who was born in December is also completely affiliated to this group. Even the top shadow studios in Hollywood have close contacts with this group.

Just as the outside world was speculating about this Herring Entertainment, Hollywood once again reported a bombing news that Herring Entertainment completed the acquisition and reorganization of Hollywood Shadow Studios! This means that this budding Herring Entertainment has acquired the world's top film and television special effects research and development base, and has become the hottest entertainment group in Hollywood!

Three days later, in the afternoon, Herring Entertainment came to news again, announcing that Adele became an artist under herring and officially signed Herring Entertainment; a week later, at ten o'clock in the morning, Herring Entertainment came again to announce the acquisition of six private TV stations in North America. , Including the once-famous North American West Coast Television Network Broadcasting Company, which integrated the resources of six private television stations and reorganized them into a public television channel open to the outside world; two days later, Herring Entertainment announced once again that it opened its professional portal; Herring A series of big entertainment moves have completely shaken North American Hollywood, and also many Hollywood giants including Disney and Universal. It was originally a small company with no known names, but it has grown like this after a few days of not seeing it.

Those big bosses who have experienced many battles seem to smell a smell of gunpowder smoke.

At 7 o'clock in the evening on December 1st, many people gathered outside the Harlan Stadium in San Francisco. Many people were holding tickets in their hands. They stood at the door and looked inside expectantly. Many people held the silver-haired goddess in their hands. All kinds of peripheral products, singing the ballads of December, have obviously become fans of December under the strong advertising campaign of Purple Group and Herring Entertainment in just one month.

Lario walked to the entrance of the stadium, took a deep breath, looked at the huge dark stage inside, but found that nothing was visible, but strange songs were empty. The auditorium had long been overcrowded with many people. Holding the peripheral products of the Goddess of December, she looked excited and excited.

Seeing these people, Lario couldn't help but put a light smile on his face. He looked back at the figures of his mother, Harna and Uncle Richard. Fortunately, he went to see the movie with them that day and got one. The most important thing about the tickets for this meeting is... these tickets are the VIP seats in the first few rows!

It's just a little curious, but just a few virtual idols, is it worth holding a meeting with such a big fanfare? That is, they can be seen on the screen... I really don't know what their brokerage company thinks.

Lario shook his head, expelled these smashed thoughts from his mind, and squeezed hard from the aisle to the front, and found his place according to the seats. Just sitting down, the whole scene was completely dark, only the stage The dim lights above are flickering, revealing a special beauty and romance.

"Good evening everyone! Welcome everyone to join this meeting! I am December." The voice of the goddess December sounded appropriately. Compared with the voice on the TV, it was obvious that the live voice was more real and pleasant.

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