Reborn Just To Be a Big Shot Family Freeloader

Chapter 837 Appreciation and guidance

, after my rebirth, I became a powerful figure in the father-fighting world.

Now that my sister has someone she likes, Lingsu feels quite complicated and a little bit lost, because now there is someone closer to her besides her family in her life. And I'm a little relieved. After all, one of the five singles in their family finally has hope of being single.

At this moment, Lingsu's and Qixun's thoughts were strangely opposite yet synchronized.

And Wan Qiqi, who didn't know that he had become the leading actor in the beautiful misunderstanding, had already rushed into the battlefield of the eighth-level resentful spirit. He was not coveting the soul crystal of the eighth-level resentful spirit. He was rushing to Brother Monkey. .

After all, he still hasn't had a chance to fulfill his date with Brother Monkey.

Wan Qiqi felt that observing Brother Da Sheng's marksmanship at close range would also help him improve his marksmanship. After all, the Great Sage is the only gun cultivator in his life who sincerely admires the art of spears.

Brother Monkey had been paying attention to Wan Qiqi because of Xinghe, so he naturally found him running in his direction. This kid's fierceness in fighting is very consistent with Brother Monkey's violent aesthetics. Otherwise, he wouldn't have reminded him about the star core.

A god of war like Brother Monkey, who is born to fight, can naturally discover the advantages and disadvantages of Wanqi Qi's gun skills. This boy can trust such an important star core to Xiao Xun for safekeeping. Brother Monkey also appreciates this kind of heart. Of course, I don’t hesitate to give advice.

While he was killing the enemy, he also sent a message to Wan Qiqi, pointing out Wan Qiqi's deficiencies in combat consciousness and when drawing a gun.

Wan Qiqi followed Brother Hou's instructions and adjusted his shooting skills. After a while, he felt that the lethality of his gun was much stronger.

In fact, he himself could feel some shortcomings, but he just couldn't find a direction for improvement.

And Brother Monkey's guidance was like seeing the sun from the clouds, making him feel suddenly enlightened from time to time.

Brother Monkey sent a message: "Boy, I noticed that you seem to want to take a different path of shooting. You don't want to use the domain as the final way to repair weapons like others. In this regard, you are somewhat similar to me.

It’s great that you have such an idea and are still working hard to follow this path. I found that you have indeed found your own unique way of using guns. Domain is very strong, but a gun is different from a sword, and even more different from a knife. Its essence lies in its sharpness.

Once the gun is fired, it will penetrate the sky and the realm. How to do this? The pinnacle of a gun is not in its range, but in its stabbing. It can penetrate the sky and penetrate the stars. This is the way of the gun! "

Brother Monkey used to use sticks. His stick technique is his own creation. The stick and the spear look like the spear has one more tip than the stick, but in fact they are completely different.

Although both of them are large opening and closing styles, the stick is about strength. A gun is more important than a profit.

When he first got this divine gun, Brother Monkey basically used it as a stick. Later he realized that this was really a waste of this innate treasure-level divine spear. Brother Monkey was the best at learning, so he started to study the magic gun that he brought with him. His spear technique inheritance, combined with his stick technique, finally created a new god-destroying spear technique that was more suitable for his fighting style.

His starting point was extremely high, and the process of creating the technique made his understanding of the art of gunplay infinitely close to the original laws of the art of gunmanship. And with the blessing of the copied version of the original sutra in his spiritual consciousness, his way of shooting has actually already started on the road of shooting. No matter how strong Wan Qiqi's marksmanship is, he can't compare with Monkey Brother who has an innate advantage.

So how could Brother Monkey's advice to him not have the effect of enlightenment?

While fighting, Wan Qiqi said excitedly: "After seeing your shooting skills today, Brother Dasheng, I no longer had the confidence to pass three moves in your hands, but now with your guidance, Brother Dasheng, I feel I can give it a try."

Brother Monkey said proudly: "Although I changed my training in gunmanship midway, I still have some knowledge and skills in gunmanship. I am not arrogant in giving you advice.

But even if I suppress my cultivation to the same level as you, it will not be easy for you to survive three moves in my hands. If you can really do it, given time, besides me, you will definitely become the number one person in the world of gunpowder! "

This kid is a good prospect, his fighting awareness is terrifying, and his fighting style makes Brother Monkey feel happy to find someone of the same kind, so Brother Monkey doesn't hesitate to give him some guidance.

Brother Monkey is quite generous to his own people.

And the guidance is not preaching, it is just out of appreciation.

Just like Qixun's appreciation of Lin Ze, he wished he could sit under the same sky and talk about Taoism at all times.

When a group of fierce men were rolled up and flying, more than a hundred soul beasts, six to seven hundred and eight-level resentful spirits, plus tens of thousands of grudge spirits below the eighth level, were all killed in just one day. .

After killing the army of resentful spirits, the group of people who had lost their spiritual power recovered their spiritual power, and those who still had some leftover power cleaned up the battlefield.

This time, because it is the core area of ​​the central battlefield, what is harvested is not only the demon soul beads and the soul crystals of the resentful spirits, but also various heavenly materials and earthly treasures collected by the soul beasts.

After cleaning up the battlefield and setting up the formations with two eighth-level formation masters, everyone began to relax and rest.

After everyone has recovered their spiritual power, those who are injured will recuperate, and those who are not injured will go out to search for the treasures of heaven, materials and earth in the central area.

You must know that due to the existence of a large number of high-level resentful spirits, the central battlefield is almost a restricted area for human monks. For tens of thousands of years, very few monks have been able to set foot.

Even those who enter unintentionally are rarely able to get out.

Therefore, there are really treasures everywhere here.

Naturally, Qi Xun was also collecting treasures. He found a cluster of Yin Ling Flowers and was about to collect them when he saw Xiao Shi Kunpeng flying over and said urgently: "Sister Xiao Xun, come with me quickly."

Qixun thought something had happened. The soul beasts and resentful spirits here had been dealt with. Could it be that they had encountered some danger?

"Jusu, what's wrong?"

Xiao Kunpeng said anxiously: "Babai and I discovered the treasures we harvested last time, which are the ones that can refine the nine-turn golden pattern pill, water and flowers."

"Jade bone flower? Glazed ghost water? Nine-turn golden pattern soul nourishing pill?"

Xiao Kunpeng nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes. There are a lot more than last time, and no one else knows about it. Let's collect them quickly so that others don't find out."

Those last time were able to refine at least three furnace pills, but the third sister Lingsu's alchemy realm was not enough, so after everyone discussed it, Lingsu collected the Jade Bone Flower and Glaze Ghost Water first.

As for those who didn't want the soul-nurturing pills, or who felt that they might be late in entering the outer battlefield and might not encounter spiritual elements, everyone would provide treasures and compensate them.

This time, Xiao Kunpeng discovered a lot more than last time. Wouldn't it mean that at least dozens of furnaces can be refined?

Damn it, this happened again.

This kind of discovery is a treasure hunt based on one's own abilities, and is not included in the scope of trophies. Whatever you find is yours and you don't have to share it with others.

Qi Xun was overjoyed immediately. He hugged the little Kun Peng who had transformed himself into a Massachusetts-sized person in order to avoid others' sight, and kissed him hard: "That's awesome, my Qiu! You've done a great job! Whatever you want later, just ask for it." Tell me, I will find a solution for you!"

When Shiqi heard this, Xiaodou's eyes immediately lit up like stars: "Really, I want Brother Monkey to cook me a century-old seafood feast without any duplicates!"

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