Reborn Just To Be a Big Shot Family Freeloader

Chapter 65: She is also someone who wants a face.

  Chapter 65 She is also someone who wants face

After they negotiated here, Yan Yong would bring his son home and rush home. Unlike normal furniture, the washing machine is often wet and used very frequently. Even if it is preservative treatment, the requirements for wood are also very high. But there is no suitable wood, and you have to contact the right wood first.

   Since we plan to stock up the finished products first, the demand for wood cannot be reduced, and we cannot sell it for a while after it is finished. Not to mention the labor, the money for buying wood cannot be less.

  The initial investment is a bit large, Yan Yong will be a little worried, and he may not be able to come up with so much money.

   But he is very optimistic about the business of this washing machine. So even if he was in a dilemma, he had to think of a way, and he couldn't give up this seemingly profitable way because of a lack of money.

   On the way home, Yan Yonghui was thinking about where to buy some more money.

When Lingfeng saw that his father didn't speak, he thought that his father was hesitating whether to do this business or not. When he asked, he found out that the family couldn't afford so much money to buy raw materials, Lingfeng said: "Father, Qidi said that The lack of wood and money is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that just because of you, the big brother, and me, it's just my father and son. It's definitely too busy for the three of us to sleep. If you spare it, you can't do two sets in one day. If you want me to say, it's better to pull the master and do it together. The big deal is that the 40% profit of our family can be divided with the master. How much money and manpower he can spend, our four achievements are based on How much profit will he share? If it was anyone else, I wouldn't say this. Can you still believe the character of the master? Besides, after a long time, there will always be a carpenter who knows how to imitate it, and it is the master who has let you down. Trust, in fact, we can't suffer any losses."

Yan Yong will think about it too. His senior brother is not bad. When he was studying with master in his early years, he took care of him a lot. In these years, he continued to work hard. When he was too busy, he also pulled himself together of.

Yan Yonghui looked at his son with a look of relief: "Your boy's craftsmanship is not as good as your elder brother, but there is one thing your elder brother is not as good as you, that is, you can use your brain better than your elder brother, you can think about things, and you can make up your mind. Okay, tonight I will Just go to the town to find your master uncle and say go."

Lingzhou hurriedly said: "Father, don't worry, we know the character of the master, and we trust him. It is indeed feasible to ask him to help, but although our family accounts for 40% of the business, it is actually Xiao Xun. My sister's business. Xiaoxun's sister doesn't care about anything, and we have found Qidi to take care of things. If we have any plans, we have to inform Qidi and get his consent. The most important thing in doing business in this partnership is to respect each other. , everything has to be agreed by everyone before you can do it. Otherwise, this business won't last long."

Yan Yonghui glared at his son: "I can't think of this, your father? Don't worry, that kid Lingqi has a very good mind. He knows that it's not possible to gather more goods with just three of our fathers and sons. We must find people. Of course, what you said also makes sense. So, although we will ask your master to dry it together, the most important parts of the washing machine cannot be handled by others. We, father and son, only need to do these parts. So the structure of this washing machine , in the future, even if someone is really imitating it, it will not be leaked from our hands. It's not that I don't believe your master, as you said, there are Xiaoxun and Lingqi here, we have to do things. It's beautiful and reassuring. People think that we are reliable. What good things will happen in the future, so they can think about us? Even if we are doing business, we can't just do the business of the hammer. "

   "Father, you are still amazing, I can't think of this."

  Yan Yonghui snorted: "If you could think about everything, I would have let you out."

   How their father and son discussed matters, Qixun didn't know, and now she was asking Lingqi what to say: "Brother Lingqi, if you want to rent a shop in the county town, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money? Can you get it at home?"

   Guan Jian is, even if you can take it out, how can adults really dare to hand you such a large amount of money at once?

Lingqi scratched his head, but he was actually a little worried about money. His family had recently started a tofu business, and he was more comfortable with money. But for the washing machine business, he thought about the problems that would arise in various aspects for several days. He made the records one by one.

"That's what I thought. Anyway, I have to stock up a batch of goods first. The shop is going to open, and I have to wait for a while. I have time to find it slowly. The fifth master is familiar in the county town. I would like to ask the fifth master to help pay attention to any No one wants to rent a shop. The location doesn't need to be good, and the shop doesn't need to be big, just enough to fit a few washing machines. With such a period of time, I can try my best to find a way to get the money for renting the shop first. It’s okay to ask Uncle Five and Aunt Five to borrow some, and let his family buy shares, and I’ll give the fifth uncle a share of my 30%.”

   It can be seen that the business of this washing machine, the second cousin has really thought about every aspect.

   Qixun said with a smile: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome, what kind of pavement is needed, Brother Lingqi, if you know what you have in mind, I will help you solve the money thing, and you can return it to me when you make money."

   Put into production earlier, sell earlier, and generate profits earlier. She wants to share money earlier.

   vowed to let her family live a prosperous life, but recently she has been gnawing on her brother and sister, and she is also a shameful person.

   However, opening a shop that only sells washing machines, isn’t the product a bit too single?

  The customers of washing machines are mainly women. No matter ancient or modern, women and children who have money and spare time are actually the best earners.

   Qixun touched her chin and thought, should she develop some more children's toys?

   In addition, I have to remind the third sister that you should study some rouge gouache, which is more profitable than selling medicinal materials.

   In addition, if a finished pill for some common diseases is developed, it can help the poor people who are sick. Of course, if you want to help others, the price must be controlled very low, but no matter how low it is, it is still profitable, and you can also benefit yourself. And it's a good thing to accumulate merit.

However, she has her second cousin to help open the shop, and her cousin's family to help make it, but whether the third sister's rouge gouache or pills, she not only has to develop it herself, but also find a reliable rouge gouache shop and pharmacy. .

   I can only remind the third sister for the time being.

   Qixun remembered the Rendetang he went to last time, and the impression was not bad. For pills, you can take them to Rendetang to identify the medicinal properties, and then sell them on behalf of Rendetang.

   Qixun’s time and space in his previous life, many of the state-subsidized medicines that benefit the people, most of them actually use ancient recipes.

   And these ancient recipes, 80% of the third sister knows.

   I have to talk to the third sister.

   Maybe it was out of intuition. She always felt that for her family, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue was more important.

  Nanhiro took this down first.

Lingqi has already got the job of selling washing machines, so why bother Qixun because of the money. Just thinking about rejecting it, Qixun said: "Time and favor are actually costs, we are a family, Brother Lingqi, you and yours If you go to ask others, it is better to borrow money from my family first."

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   (end of this chapter)

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