Reborn As a Top Student In the 1990s

Chapter 12: lack of money

Chapter 12 Lack of Money

Chapter 12 Lack of Money

On a weekend morning, there was plenty of sunshine. When they walked in front of a small building, the two sisters were already sweating.

Wen Ling walked to the iron door and knocked a few times. With a scraping sound, a pug ran out and sniffed the outside through the crack in the door.

“Niuniu, open the door for me quickly.” Wen Ling heard the sound through the iron door and shouted happily to the crack in the door.

With a click on the iron door, the door really opened. In Fang Qing's surprised expression, Wen Ling picked up the pug and walked quickly into the yard, "Qingqing, come quickly, I will take you to meet Teacher Qiu."

Fang Qing walked behind him and looked around. The small courtyard was square and not large, but it was paved with good bluestone floor tiles. The attic was beautifully built. In addition to dark blue sandstone, a lot of glazed glass was used on the walls. The tiles form a picture that complements the entire loft.

There is a small tree in the west corner of the yard. There is no discernible species. There is a rocking chair under the tree with a thick blanket on it. Next to it is a small table with unclosed books and a pot of tea...

By this time, the two of them had already reached the door of the room. Wen Ling skillfully put on a pair of delicate slippers, then turned to find a pair for Fang Qing and said, "Put on your shoes. Teacher Qiu doesn't like others wearing shoes to enter the house."

Fang Qing nodded. From the outside, it can be seen that the owner of the house is a person who pays attention to cleanliness and comfort. Guests should do as they please.

The first floor of the house is the living room. Two long old sofas face each other. A row of lush green plants behind them makes the living room instantly lively. The Chinese paintings of landscapes and clothes on the wall give people a sense of being out of the world. Fang Qing followed Wen Ling all the way to the second floor and walked straight to the door of a spacious and bright room. Wen Ling knocked on the door and walked in, "Teacher Qiu, I'm here for class."

"It's Xiaoling, come in quickly, just in time, I want to talk about your last homework problem." A gentle but somewhat old voice came, making Fang Qing freeze in place immediately. How could this voice... be the same as the only one in his previous life? The ugly mother-in-law who gave her such warmth?

Seeing Fang Qing standing stunned at the door, Wen Ling turned around and pulled her behind the easel. An old man with a kind face and gray hair appeared in front of him. Although it was different from Fang Qing's memory in his previous life, his kind smiling eyes still made Fang Qing tremble.

It can’t be wrong, it can’t be wrong, this is the ugly mother-in-law who taught her to draw and always comforted her!

Although she didn’t know why the ugly mother-in-law was disfigured and stranded in a mental hospital in her previous life, Fang Qing was so excited that tears filled her eyes when she saw her true appearance for the first time. Ugly mother-in-law, it’s great that we meet again.

Fang Qing remained silent for a long time, which was immediately noticed by the hospitable teacher Qiu. She looked up and saw a very beautiful little girl looking at her through her reading glasses, with tears in her eyes and a red nose.

"Little girl, are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you want to sit down and rest..."

Teacher Qiu's concern brought Fang Qing back to her senses. She wiped away the tears from her eyes sheepishly, "I'm sorry, I had sand in my eyes when I just walked in. Hello, teacher, my name is Fang Qing. I'm glad to meet you."

Teacher Qiu looked Fang Qing up and down. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He stretched out his hand to call her closer and pointed at the easel in front of him, "Are you interested in learning painting? If you want to learn, I will teach you for free."

Wen Ling on the side immediately started cheering, "Yes, yes, Qingqing, you should also learn it, so that we can draw and study together every day!"

Of course Fang Qing wanted to learn, but when he thought about the high cost of learning painting, he hesitated. Teacher Qiu was not in a hurry. He smiled and asked her to follow him and take a look at it first, and then make a decision after she has thought about it.

Teacher Qiu is the only one in her family. Her husband left early and her only daughter went abroad to study. I heard that she has a smart grandson who sends things back to her family every Chinese New Year. The few photos on the wall showed what Teacher Qiu looked like when he was young. She had never seen such a happy smile on the face of the ugly mother-in-law.

 Fang Qing felt inexplicably sad when he looked at the overly clean and tidy room and the old man teaching seriously on the chair. In her previous life, Granny Chou had taught her simple sketches, which was her only happiness in the cage. However, she never imagined that Granny Chou actually was a painting teacher. So what had she experienced in her previous life? , will end up in a mental hospital for the rest of his life...

“Qingqing, come quickly and see what my painting is like.”

Wen Ling's shout brought her back to her thoughts. She walked over with a smile and blended into the warm atmosphere...

As soon as I entered the house in the afternoon, I saw my sister-in-law helping my mother to boil pickles in the yard. Seeing her coming back, I excitedly pointed to her house and said, "Go and take a look, the new schoolbag is made."

 It’s done? Fang Qing ran back into the house and immediately saw the large pink schoolbags with shoulder straps on the bed. Thick leather and soft and thick shoulder straps make it look good and convenient to carry on your body.

“Sister-in-law, you are so awesome. My original drawing was very rough, and I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to do it.” Fang Qing hugged her schoolbag and couldn’t put it down. She leaned against the door frame and watched her sister-in-law beaming with joy.

My sister-in-law raised her eyebrows proudly while working, "That's just a schoolbag. Can it still trouble your sister-in-law and me?"

Fang Qing looked at the schoolbag and suddenly had a bold idea in his mind, "Sister-in-law, do you think other people will like this schoolbag? What if we make it in batches and sell it?"

Fang Cuiying stopped what she was doing, thinking about the process and time of making the schoolbag, and then shook her head, "Your schoolbag is good, but from the selection of materials to the starching and washing to the final cutting and sewing, you and I wereted five days. We don’t have much money for materials, but it’s hard to make back the labor costs…”

Fang Qing was a little discouraged after hearing this. She held her schoolbag and thought for a long time. Suddenly, the assembly line in the TV series in her previous life appeared in her mind, and her mind suddenly came to her attention.

“Sister-in-law, if each step is handed over to different people and only one thing is done, will the production speed be improved?”

Fang Cuiying didn't expect that her little niece would say something like this, "Have you ever been in a factory? This is how clothing factories operate. But even if you make this schoolbag, can you guarantee that someone will buy it?"

Fang Qing, who was questioned, finally lost his temper. Indeed, if there is no market, no matter how good the product is, it may not be able to make money. It seems that it is still unrealistic for her to make money from schoolbags.

Fang Qing reluctantly put down his schoolbag, rolled up his sleeves and helped his sister-in-law with her work, but her mind could not stop thinking about ways to solve this problem...

Outside the gate of No. 2 Middle School in Jingtan County, Liu Xiuxiu said goodbye to several friends and quickly headed to Sun's house in a fancy dress. But as soon as she walked through an alley, a big hand suddenly stretched out and dragged the person in.

Liu Xiuxiu's screams were all muffled in her mouth. She didn't feel relieved until she heard the hoarse chuckle of the person behind her and caught a glimpse of a wisp of curly hair from the corner of her eye.

 “Sister Xiu’er, long time no see.”

 (End of this chapter)

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