The next day was a math competition, and the test papers were completed smoothly, and the papers were handed in ahead of schedule as always.

When he came out of the examination room, he saw Ning Yi waiting outside from a distance, and hurriedly walked over.

"Submit the paper so early?" Ning Yi looked at his watch: "You only did it for 50 minutes." "

Enough is enough.

"Don't be too proud. "

No, the test is about accuracy rather than time. I'm just going to be in the exam room for another two hours, and I should still get a perfect score.

"Too confident!" Ning Yi looked at him with some dissatisfaction: "If you kid fails the exam, some of you will suffer it, and the spittle of your classmates alone will drown you." "

Then I'll wait for them to spit on Xingzi to compliment me. "


the two of them shook each other, waiting for the three of them.

It wasn't until the end of the exam that the three of Xiaodouding walked out of the examination room.

Seeing Jiang Chen standing beside Ning Yi, Gao Chenhui knew that he was handing in the papers early, and couldn't help but sneer: "High school students are really different, which subject is submitted early, I don't know how good you are at studying." "

Jiang Chen, aren't you crazy?" Xiao Douding really couldn't get used to seeing Jiang Chen like this, and he also started his intimidating mode.

"No!" Jiang Chen said angrily: "I wonder, what does it have to do with you when I handed in the paper early, you can't get used to it? You can't eat grapes and say that grapes are sour!" "

What do you have to make me sour, there is no score on the test, and you are embarrassed to be proud." "Little Douding talked about it again.

"Who said that I didn't have a score, I got a full score, and Teacher Ning was afraid that you would be hit, so he didn't announce my score. If you don't believe me, you ask Teacher Ning. "He's so angry that he doesn't let these two guys see their level, they never know what his dad's dad is called.

Gao Chenhui's eyebrows jumped fiercely, and he looked at Ning Yi with an inquiring look in his eyes.

Ning Yi originally wanted to wait until the exam was over before announcing the score of Jiang Chen's small test, but he didn't expect that Gao Chenhui and Xiao Douding didn't understand his good intentions, and they squeezed Jiang Chen vigorously, which made him no longer hide it, and nodded busily: "Yes, Jiang Chen's test score is a full score." It's because I don't want to put pressure on you to take the exam, so I didn't release his scores. If you don't believe me, go to my room and take a look at Jiang Chen's test papers.

Xiao Douding and Zhang Ting's eyes widened at the same time.

Gao Chenhui's expression froze, and his heart was upset. He never imagined that this would be the case.

Jiang Chen actually got a full score in the test? The

highest score was not Xiao Douding, but Jiang Chen!

He scored 49 points more than Xiao Douding.

What kind of concept is this?

This shows that Jiang Chen's level of mathematics has thrown them off the street

! How can it not be shocking!

It is a pity that Teacher Ning's hard work has also been let down by them.

Several people returned to the hotel silently, perhaps because of shame, Xiao Douding and Gao Chenhui never said anything in front of Jiang Chen.

After five days in a row, the results of the exam were announced on the sixth day.

After the exam, the teachers read the test papers intensively and announced the results before the students returned to school.

On this day, the hall was full of people, and students and teachers from all provinces gathered in the hall and waited nervously.

The tense and excited moment came, and when the voice of the announcer resounded in the hall, a group of people sat down and listened.

"The results of the language competition, the first place Jiang Chen, 150 points, the second place..."

The eyes of more than a hundred students and teachers were focused on Jiang Chen's body, unbelievable and incredible.

Thanks to the candidates and teachers in Jiangcheng, almost no one in this hall did not know Jiang Chen, and "guanhu" became synonymous with him, and he became the man of the year in this competition.

However, it is their relationship that has won the first place in the language class, how can this not be shocking?

At the gathering point of Jiangcheng students, the Chinese teacher's expression was a little rich. Before the exam, the teachers of these other subjects made it difficult for Jiang Chen, and even forced him to give up the exam, but it was Jiang Chen who won the championship in the end.


The mood at this time is a little indescribable.

She looked at Jiang Chen, who was calm and composed, a little embarrassed.

Although Jiang Chen represents the school, she teaches Chinese, and Jiang Chen won the first place, which also won honor for her.

Her peers from other schools looked at her with envy, and she bowed her head a little awkwardly, embarrassed to accept this honor.

"First place in the Olympiad competition, Jiang Chen, 150 points. Second place..."The voice of the announcer sounded for the second time, and as Jiang Chen's name fell to the end of her mouth, Ning Yi in the seat felt that time had stood still, and his ears echoed Jiang Chen's name, and his heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

After so many years, he has finally waited!"

Jiang Chen was a little speechless when he saw Ning Yi's excitement.


is a scholar, along the way, he has won countless honors, and he has won the trophy softly, so he has to give him a little stability, how can he bear this ability.

"Stinky boy, don't allow me to be happy yet. Ning Yi scolded with a smile.

"It's okay to be happy, don't be so rare and weird, no. "

Hmph, you're proud.

Gao Chenhui and Xiaodouding looked at each other, and they both saw the light of envy, jealousy and hatred in each other's eyes.

In fact, they have been able to accept such a result calmly.

There is such a preconceived concept as a full score in the Jiang Chen test, what else is there that they can't accept.

Zhang Ting's eyes flashed with excitement, and the worship in her eyes was clear at a glance.

Her vision is not wrong, Jiang Chen is good enough.

"Now let's announce the first place in the chemistry group, Jiang Chen, 150 points. Maybe Jiang Chen's name appeared too much, and even the voice of the announcer was mixed with excitement, and after she finished reading Jiang Chen's name, she paused before continuing to read the name of the second place.

Teacher Huang looked at Jiang Chen, who was still calm and calm, and leaned over to talk to him: "Jiang Chen, after you go back, Ye will join our chemistry group, such a good result, it's a pity not to study chemistry." "

Yes, you should learn it comprehensively, so that you can win glory for us in the future." "Beko teachers also came to join in the fun.

"Yes, it is necessary, I expected that our school would return with a full load in this competition, but I didn't expect that Jiang Chen would really do it. Teacher Huang glared at the teacher and squeezed to Jiang Chen's side.

"I am a student of Teacher Ning. "This is to be expected, and there is nothing to be excited about. It's just that he can't get used to the faces of these teachers, and he speaks sharply before the exam, and his face is pleasant after the exam.

The front and back are like two people.

As the saying goes, you look down on you when you are down, and you can't afford to climb high when you are brilliant.

Let's save it!

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