Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 730: The Bubble Finally Appears

"I Gotta feeling" is a song made for parties.

At the scene, the excited people have fallen into carnival. The crazy black John took the hand of the beautiful Maple and sang "I Gotta feeling" for the fourth time.

The soaring stock price is no longer the excitement of the crowd, and everyone present is proud to participate in this miraculous party. Not only that, the full-HD film crew with no dead spots on the scene will save the video indefinitely, and this will be the best meeting in their lives.

They can even think about: what will all the people who have seen this party feel, such a Tesla, why do you not buy it?

10:56 minutes.

There is no VAM delivery, no share transfer.

Tesla (TSLA), a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, has completed its first public disclosure, and a new business that exceeds 5% of its total profit has appeared in front of all investors.

Tesla stock price 123.77.

"Let's live it up

let's party

I got my money

I got the money"

During the hot singing and dancing, the backstage director cut a brand new scene to Times Square.

The real-time beating numbers on Tesla's homepage are showing people that it is creating a new single-product sales record every second.

10:57 minutes.

In the stock market, Tesla’s selling orders have become less and less, and the buying orders with higher and higher pending orders have broken through countless barriers and rushed upwards.

John Mark's face was pale, and the censure from the board of directors on the phone made him sweat even more.

Tesla stock price 127.99.

At this moment, as the last lyric of Black John fell, the carnival atmosphere immediately disappeared without a trace. The crowd who had been singing and dancing before instantly turned into a passerby state, passing by one after another, leaving in the direction of the intersection closest to them. In the blink of an eye, The New York intersection and 42nd Street became empty.

This is the flash mob, which starts unexpectedly; ends cleanly.

However, the shock it brought to bystanders lasted for a long time, and it made them have a profound and terrifying misunderstanding of Tesla's corporate culture!



Tesla stock price 129.98.

In Times Square, the staff began to enter the venue to dismantle the stage. According to the plan, the celebration banquet will begin next.

But who cares about plans now?

"Boss, they are waiting for you."

Frank came to Zhao Song's side and pointed to the presidents of United Capital not far away.

In fact, he didn't need to remind him, it was hard for John Mark, who was swaying all over his body, not to attract attention.

"Man," Zhao Song glanced over there, ignoring the interest of those people, and said to the genius he relied on the most, "This time Tesla's listing and financing, the signing is the net profit of the IPO, you calculate the current stock price , what can you think of?"

Frank, who is not very sensitive to money, blinked and was at a loss.

Zhao Song patted him bitterly: "We have raised a lot more money than we can, and we can even build five more global data centers! So buddy, please raise that dog as soon as possible, we need it! You also need to get the first one as soon as possible!" Second share reward!"

"Boss, I'm already a billionaire." Frank said in a daze, "There's too much money to spend."

"Who thinks too much money?"

Frank tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked suspiciously: "Will that dog be so useful?"

"What do you think?" Zhao Song rolled his eyes, and said bitterly to Frank, who was only focused on technology, "Simple storage services have started inside, and elastic cloud computing is being intensively developed in South Africa. We have also taken over Intel's next five years." of server processor orders...

Man, can you imagine the look on the faces of those tech companies five years from now when Tesla has another new business disclosure? "

Frank is not a fool, he quickly understood what Zhao Song meant, and asked in disbelief:

"Five years? You are sure to make the data center profitable in five years!"


"What's the point of that dog?"

"When competitors start launching data projects, that's when the dog comes in!

Its function is not as simple as playing Go, but electricity! "

"Electricity?" Frank immediately cleared his mind and said clearly, "This is indeed a good application idea."

This is not an idea, it is a fact that Google's dog makes its data center save energy by at least 30%.

Zhao Song smiled and said softly: "After they have invested heavily, I will lower Tesla's service quotation. I will make Tesla's cloud platform the number one platform in the world and make it the water, electricity and coal of the global Internet. Only in this way , Tesla can become a real century-old enterprise!"

Frank was shocked when he heard the words, took a deep breath, and said firmly: "I will finish my studies as soon as possible, and bring the project team to plant flowers. I want to work with pandas."

I think you are reluctant to grow beautiful women, right?

Zhao Song rolled his eyes angrily, and stopped talking to this technical geek, but looked at the presidents of International United Capital.

At this moment, it is already 11:00.

Although Tesla's "money ability" has disappeared in Times Square, but for some reason, Tesla's K-line chart is still being played in real time on the largest screen.

Tesla stock price 131.89.

If the increase is replaced by a decrease based on 120, then Zhao Song will completely lose Tesla at this moment, but now it is an increase, and it is also conceivable how miserable these people lost!

At this moment, Liao Yingzhu had brought Qin Han behind Zhao Song.

Looking at the distressed CEOs with grim expressions, Qin Han couldn't help asking worriedly:

"Boss, do you want to..."

"Give me mercy?" Liao Yingzhu interrupted Qin Han's question sarcastically, "Miss Qin, why are you still thinking about the problems here with Eastern thinking after studying in the West for so many years?"

Qin Han: "..."

"Here, sympathy is cowardice, showing mercy to them is ruthlessness to oneself!"

"But they are representatives of Wall Street after all..."

Liao Yingzhu sneered: "Wall Street controls the world again?"

Qin Han: "..."

Liao Yingzhu: "Believe it or not, if we didn't fight back and they dared to let Tesla break, the retribution would be even worse than it is now?"

"Why?" Qin Han was a little puzzled.

"Because Account No. 1 suffered losses, their illegal operations will not end well!" Liao Yingzhu replied proudly and unwillingly, "Now with the acquiescence of all parties, I have completed the fund conversion, and now I am betting against these bastards, It is part of the owner's equity mortgage and the funds in the No. 1 account!"

Qin Han: "... Who is account number one?"

Liao Yingzhu: "Sorry, I signed a non-disclosure agreement, but I can tell you that before Xiaobu's second term, the boss's personal donations accounted for 11.67% of his political donations!"

"...I understand!" Qin Han took a deep breath, "It's the same as the boss's method in the flower planter, abandoning all possibilities of outside moves in advance, and fighting within the rules if you want to fight!"

It's easy to talk to a sensible person. Hearing this, Liao Yingzhu nodded reservedly.

"I'm so tired," Zhao Song on the side didn't seem to hear half of the conversation between the two, and said with a sigh, "I want to go home!"

"If you want to go home, you have to finish the celebration party, the bet and the equity settlement, right?" Liao Yingzhu chuckled, "Let's go, my big boss, let's go upstairs and finish that glass of champagne!"

After she finished speaking, she and Qin Han held Zhao Song's arm on the left and right, and walked towards the Times Building in New York, without hearing John Mark's repeated greetings!

International investment bank? Huh ~ Wall Street? ha~

This time, retail investors won again!

As for revenge?

There is no such simple logic in this world.

It's like the biggest joke in geopolitics: 'China and Russia have been friendly for generations! '

Even fools know what the most correct and ruthless means of the United States are, and even some countries have tried to join NATO several times, but see if the President of the United States dares to do this?

If you dare to do this, American energy and military-industrial interest groups will dare to tear up the president!

So internal conflicts will always be the biggest problem.

Now, are international investment banks retaliating with out-of-market moves?

The protection fee for Zhao Song's No. 1 account was not paid in vain.

Of the 39 American generals, there is only one poor Jewish one!




"Zhao, listen to me, we can even give you a second equity reward in advance...Zhao, Zhao~"


The President of UBS, John Mark, looked at Zhao Song with a gloomy face, without squinting away, and gave up his plan to communicate with him.

At this time, the assistant stepped forward timidly, and said softly: "There is news from the board of directors that some members have warned that if we try to manipulate the market again, we will have very serious consequences."

"..." John Mark glanced at the K-line chart with a dark face, and turned back to communicate with his colleagues: "The increase has exceeded 40%, which meets the conditions for activating the green shoe option."



"We can speed up when the market is good."

"I think maximizing the greenshoe option is pretty good."

Maximize, that is, overissue 15% of the stock.


The assistant stepped forward again, and whispered: "Everyone, the green shoe option stipulated in the Tesla agreement is up to 10%."




At 11:06, Tesla’s share price was 134.89.

Tesla's stock price, which has entered a fast-rising channel, has changed again-several major underwriters jointly announced the activation of the green shoe option.

On TV, countless financial experts have been dispatched one after another, all encouraging Tesla's stock price to reach the highest point, and adjustments are imminent.

At this time, Zhao Song stood where John Mark had stood, holding champagne and leisurely looking at the crossroads of the world under his feet.

The noise of the past has been restored there, as if the event just now hadn't happened.

Liu Ying behind him was busy answering the phone, Zhao Song's personal mobile phone seemed to have become a hotline, but it was never handed over to him from the beginning to the end.

At this moment, Zhao Song's total personal assets: 36.18 billion US dollars.

This is the mobile phone of the third richest man in the world. In the capital-oriented Western world, few people can let him speak in person at this time. As for the politically-oriented East? Sorry, it's centered on economic construction there...

Why compromise a victory I won at the cost of losing Tesla?

Zhao Song shook his wine glass. The cheap champagne in it was soda with alcohol, which was completely in line with the taste of flower growers, so he drank it with relish.

After drinking it all in one breath, Zhao Song signaled to Liao Yingzhu on the other side: "Qin Han?"

"Boss, you have finished contacting us over there. The three organizations are drafting a draft, and it will be published in the newspaper soon!"

"Ding Tao?"

"Boss, the draft is in draft, update it at any time."


"'No. 1' is very satisfied that we have given them part of the VAM share, and at the same time very much agree with your statement that 'manipulating the market requires a price'."

"Very good." Zhao Song took the new champagne from the hand of the itinerant waiter, drank it all, then looked at the John Marks who re-entered the hall with a smile, and said with a smile:

"Do it!"


FTSE Russell, MSCI, and S\u0026P's three major global stock indexes have announced that they will accelerate the inclusion of Tesla's stock price in the shortest possible time.

A minute later, Tesla’s official website was updated. Due to the unexpected IPO financing, Tesla will double the number of data centers built within five years!

Among them, there are 3 in the United States, 2 in Europe, and the remaining five are located in flower growers.

How long will it take for the Fortune 500 to digest 10% of the excess issuance?

This time Tesla gave a shocking answer - 10 minutes.


Tesla stock price 134.78.

After activating the green shoe option, attack the highest point again.

At this time, Tesla's total market value is 49.043 billion US dollars, ranking 202 in the world, infinitely approaching petrochemicals.

The bubbles have started to blow!

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