Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 702 It's almost time, I'm very tired.

Time passed, and it was December 2003 in a blink of an eye.

America, California Silicon Valley Mountain View, between the amphitheater Parkway and Coast Drive, sits a company.

It's close to San Francisco, but it's even closer to a sprawling construction site.

The two founders of the company sat leisurely in the open-air cafe regardless of the chill in the air.

Sergey Brin was looking at the construction site that had begun to take shape, and it took a long time to look away, and said to Lapage on the opposite side:

“What a quirky guy, the whole Tesla, we can only see some flowering elements from here.”

Page shrugged: "It looks like a fish from a distance, and looks like a cloud up close. I can't see the element of planting flowers."

"That's not a fish, it's a koi." Sergey explained triumphantly, as if showing off his erudition.

Page looked at the complacent fellow and said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, the main producer of koi is the island country."

"But it first appeared in the records of flower planting in the Western Jin Dynasty."

"Okay~" Page spread his hands and said helplessly, "We didn't gather here to see our neighbors."

"But the topic we want to talk about is related to it," Perch was a little frustrated. "In the IPO negotiation, we have to keep Wall Street a secret, but Tesla knows everything; we have to complete the IPO process according to our own route, especially Tesla follows the rhythm of investment banks; we do not disclose any financial data, and Tesla can't wait to dig out every profit...

Page, maybe giving Tesla a head start isn't such a good idea. "

Page shook his head and laughed: "Perhaps you should shift your attention away from the front page and read more on the second page. Sergey, the war in Iraq has not stopped. The war that has lasted for more than half a year has brought back our economy that has been in a downturn for three years. It is no longer the Internet companies in 2000 that play the leading role, but the traditional top 500!"

"I know, it's the damn oil companies, the damn banks, the damn buildings, and that damn Wal-Mart," Sergey said excitedly, "but Page, I didn't just read the second edition, I saw What's more, every financial media did not forget to mention the oriental country at the end of the year-end summary——

Its economic growth rate has maintained an average of over 8%, accounting for one-third of the global oil demand growth, and also consuming half of the world's cement, one-third of steel, one-quarter of copper and one-fifth of aluminum.

Damn Tesla was born in that country, and the cunning Zhao has come up with a timetable for counterattacking the domestic market! "

Page was silent for a moment and asked, "What else do you know?"

"I also know a piece of news that is more interesting to many investors: the "2003 Global Wealth Report" jointly developed by Merrill Lynch and Capgemini Consulting Company gives an astonishing data: the financial assets of flower growers exceed US$1 million The number of wealthy people in China is 236,000. The total assets of these wealthy people have exceeded 969 billion US dollars. Compared with their country's GDP of 1.4 trillion US dollars, this figure is undoubtedly staggering. Members of the rich club, each owns an average asset of more than 4.1 million US dollars, about RMB34 million!"


"Page, according to the timetable given by Zhao, the exorbitant price of Tesla will no longer be a problem for flower growers!"

Page's face finally turned ugly: "Let's say all the 'good news'."

"Morgan Stanley said that the underwriters can get a 3.1% handling fee in Tesla's IPO business, and Tesla has to do securities underwriting remuneration regulations that we will never do!

Page, believe me, those who originally planned to invest in Google will definitely turn to Tesla after failing to get the stock auction and membership qualifications! "

"No, Sergey!" Page said disapprovingly, "You should pay attention to the gossip about the book profits of those oil companies. As long as the oil price does not drop for a day, even if Tesla goes public, its potential will be exhausted one day. The money will eventually be diverted to energy companies!"

"Crack~" At this moment, Sergey threw a newspaper in front of him, "What if, I mean if, what if Tesla claims that their 'Sound Field' is profitable?"

Page looked at the newspaper from Planting Flowers, and the thoughtful secretary had already done the translation. The numbers above did not attract attention, but an analyst's remarks surprised him:

"At the beginning, no one would have thought that Zhao Song's convenient layout would make all CRBT companies that were going to go online have to go through the Shenzhou and Monternet checkpoints. Now the CRBT business with a total value of 4.8 billion is facing the risk of copyright fees. .

Everything depends on the government's protection of copyright.

But let's not forget that florists have joined the WTO two years ago, and have amended and formulated relevant laws and regulations on intellectual property rights in accordance with the TRIPS agreement! '"


Page put down the newspaper without saying a word, and began to think about the relevant data of the top 1,200 global companies. He likes to use numbers to speak. If he wants to measure whether Tesla’s listing will affect Google, then he will use Tesla Has the market value broken through the top 200 as the standard!


Sergey’s concerns are justified, and Page is not wrong, but he overlooked one point—influenced by the arrogance and greed of companies like Enron and WorldCom, the United States has revised relevant financial accounting standards, causing many energy companies to The income has been evaporated, and at the same time, it has lost its eligibility for the list.

Top 200?

If Tesla causes Google to make any concessions to Wall Street, and thus Google's corporate culture...

Romance, innocence, and a free-spirited Google culture. This kind of work status, in the eyes of some critics, is a typical manifestation of the Internet bubble economy, but it is precisely this laissez-faire approach that has successfully recruited a group of young technical elites and quickly stimulated their creativity.

If it really affects this, then Zhao Song has lived up to his reputation as a shit-stirring stick!

In fact, for these two idealists, instead of sitting here and looking at all kinds of economic data, it is better to go back to the company and see the value of the entertainment data in the background!

Tesla is in a period of media silence, but the stars it creates can appear in many entertainment scenes at will.


TV station, the scene of a talk show.

The host looked at the high-spirited Frank and asked appropriately:

"How has your life changed from before?"

Jeans, a T-shirt, and shaggy hair, the creator of Soundfield fits the image of a tech geek in people's minds, and here he adds another one to that image—a billionaire candidate.

"I used to beat up my good friend when he sold the company and snatched my girlfriend, and I stayed there for a long time." Frank smiled indifferently, "Now, after I beat him for half an hour, he still Sit here and talk to you like nothing happened."


The audience roared with laughter. Everyone knew that the oriental man was famous for his love of litigation, so Tesla had the most professional team of lawyers in the United States. No one was surprised that Frank could sit here after beating someone.

After laughing, the host then asked: "Can you talk about your feelings?"

Although according to the script, he can't ask all the questions about Tesla's listing, but he can still do it.

Frank was silent, and after a long time, he struggled to utter a word:


He got everything he wanted at Tesla—wealth, achievement, fame, and freedom to control project funds, but the price he had to bear was that he not only had to complete his studies and research and development projects at the same time, but also under the command of the affairs team, Constantly appearing in various entertainment and fashion scenes.

If you ask him how he feels, he is tired, really tired!


At the same time, New York.

When you get off the plane from the world's most prosperous Kennedy Airport, you can see 'her' just by raising your eyes slightly. The building on the skyline stands there quietly.

The mansions in New York's Central Park tend to get the most attention, because the houses here are bought by the rich from all over the world, and those who hold most of the global wealth seem to be concentrated here.

Especially the tallest residence in the Western Hemisphere, the world's top mansion next to Central Park - 432 Park Avenue. (Note)

On the 88th floor, the study room.

Zhao Song put down his pen, pushed the work materials into the corner with disgust, got up dizzy, and walked out of the room while rubbing his cervical spine.

tired! Is too tired!

What he wants to do most now is to end this damn listing immediately, quickly ask what the pedicure shop is called in the United States, and then let his whole body feel refreshed. Of course, it would be even more perfect if you can find a shop that offers the great sword.

Passing through the lounge and the private tasting room, stepping over the two 'obstacles' entangled under his feet, Zhao Song came to the huge living room. The luxurious floor-to-ceiling windows allowed him to see the panoramic view of Manhattan, which immediately put him in a good mood On a lot.

But thinking of the two 'obstacles' at the entrance of the living room, Zhao Song's good mood fell again.

"If the brain is sick, it must be cured!"

Zhao Song muttered, picked up two walnuts from the coffee table, walked to the retro cabinet in the corner, and took out a Nokia mobile phone...


After collecting the walnut meat, I walked to the bar and opened the refrigerator. The specially customized cans of Coca-Cola Company appeared in front of my eyes. The golden yellow cans looked particularly tall.

Open it, plug in the straw, and Zhao Song came to the two 'obstacles' with the tray.

'Obstacles' are lying entangled.

Xiaoyu and Baili held each other's hair with one hand and pinched each other's chest with the other. Even if they maintained a 69 posture, they could grin their teeth and endure the pain while glaring and cursing at the same time. One had to admire the tenacity of women!

Stuff walnuts into the mouths of the two women, let them nourish their brains, and then put the straws into the mouths of the two women to replenish the water they lost due to fighting.

Without any persuasion, he let the two women continue to fight, walked to the French window on his own, looked at the scenery outside the window, and murmured:

"I know everyone is tired and nervous. Please hold on for a few more days. After Tesla goes public, you will be free!"

Note: 432 Park Avenue was built in 2015.

A big chapter today.

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