The Guinness Book of World Records entered the US Billboard Top 100 singles list. The song with the shortest duration was used by Zhao Song to coax a girl. There is nothing wrong with it. This is originally a song to celebrate family love and world peace.

It's just that Zhao Song didn't notice that Xiao Yu recorded it with the Sony MD that Zhao Song bought for her.

Wednesday, September 5th, overcast.

When the villagers of Danggou Village started a new day of life, a burst of vigorous dog barking woke up the sleeping Zhao Song.

"Here we come, we come!" Sleepy-eyed Zhao Song got up, took out a piece of ham from the refrigerator, opened the door and handed it to Lian Shun who was waiting outside.

"Brother, are you up? Xiao Yu is almost ready, I'll send her to school first and then pick you up." Er Mao, who was waiting on the side, stepped forward.

"Now you know you're called Brother?" Zhao Song smiled.

"What Lao Song said, you can either be called boss or elder brother. He said he wants to maintain your dignity!?" Er Mao looked at Zhao Song suspiciously, "What kind of dignity do you have?"

"Get out!" Zhao Song kicked over, "No need to answer, I have a professional class in the morning."

At this time, Xiao Yu, who was wearing a noble school uniform and double ponytails, ran over bouncing around.

"Brother, I'm leaving!"

"Well, during this time, your brother Ermao will pick you up."



It wasn't until the Mercedes-Benz disappeared at the intersection of Xiagou Village that Zhao Song prepared to wash up, but when he turned around, he was startled by an old face.

"Master Qian, good morning~" Zhao Song said with a smirk, while Lian Shun who was beside him just ran away without a trace.

"You sang beautifully last night!"

Zhao Song scratched his head and smirked.

Mr. Qian didn't pay any attention to this, and said slowly, "Are you interested in the Fu family's yard?"

Zhao Song's eyes lit up, "He's going to run away too."

Old Master Qian looked at Zhao Song angrily, "Why did you run away? I just wanted to hide away! Even if the Zheng family girls have moved to their mother's house, they still come to the village to quarrel with his family every day, plus Xiaowen..."

Mr. Qian shook his head and said no more, "300,000, the past will be wiped out. This is their condition."

"250,000, Xiao Yu's matter will be written off." Another set of this yard, if Xiao Yu's future worth is not hundreds of millions, Zhao Song will write the name upside down!

Mr. Qian lowered his head and thought for a while before saying, "I'll tell them."

After finishing speaking, the old man took out a crumpled note from his pocket, and said, "Several families also want you to help rebuild the homestead, and the conditions are the same as those of the Zheng family."

"Five years, old man, do they have land to live in?" Zhao Song took the note and asked casually, "I..." Resisting the obscenities that blurted out, "Which houses are these? Did you miss ten? "

"Whatever you want," Mr. Qian took out a cigarette, lit it, and walked away slowly.

Zhao Song looked at Mr. Qian and then at the note in his hand, full of doubts in his heart. He always felt that Mr. Qian and Wen Lihua had some conspiracy?


7:40, lecture hall 202 in the teaching building.

After making two complaint calls, Zhao Song walked into the classroom, looked around for a week, and walked to Li Yong and sat down next to Li Yong under the gaze of more than a hundred people.

"What is everyone watching me do?"

Wu Yan poked her head out, "Look at the handsome guy!"

Zhao Song said angrily, "Don't make trouble."

Xiaoyong took out a stack of newspapers from his schoolbag and handed it to him, "Just get used to it. If you didn't come, Liao Yingzhu was the focus."

"What's wrong?"

"Ask me how much money you have."

Zhao Song pouted, "Vulgar!"


Wu Yan couldn't hold back, and laughed, "Zhao Song, your jokes are getting shorter and shorter. A single word can make people laugh."

"Hey..." With a perfunctory laugh, Zhao Song picked up the newspaper and flipped through it.

"I've read it all. The foreign brands are quite popular, but these media have uncovered many cases of foreign brands defrauding consumers, and Tesla has not reported much."

"What is the report? If there is a mistake in taking a foreign name, I guess many people will jump their feet."

Li Yong asked suspiciously: "If it doesn't affect Tesla, what's the use of Tongfang pulling this out?"

"There must be a short-term impact. It is estimated that some sensitive people will definitely have a bad impression of Tesla." Zhao Song thought for a while and continued, "Think about it, do domestic computer brands have foreign names?"

Li Yong thought about it carefully for a while, then shook his head, "There really isn't one, so Tesla stands out from the crowd."

"That's right!" Zhao Song said with a smile, "In the asset-heavy PC industry, everyone is using the name of a national industry. How could they choose a foreign name?"

"You were..."

Seeing that the lecturer had already stepped onto the podium, Zhao Song said softly: "I don't do that! The reputation of national industries is mixed, but Tesla's name is suitable for both Chinese and Western!"


In Manhattan, New York, in a dilapidated office building.

Li Wei put down her pen and did some eye exercises tiredly.

"Dong dong~" There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

A blond and blue-eyed big horse came in, "Boss, the core freezer radiators are out of stock in the east and west regions, and this is the third batch of orders."

Li Wei looked at her in surprise, "The second batch will arrive tomorrow, so they can't wait to order the third batch?"

"Yes!" Dayang Mar said happily: "J\u0026R also specially emphasized that, as the largest electronic chain store in the United States, it requires us to give priority to supply. Boss, you are an agent of an amazing product."

Li Wei smiled contentedly, "Thank you, Lucy, is there anything else?"

"Yes," Lucy handed over a document with a smile, "I think the Energy Star logo can be affixed on the outer packaging of Tesla power supplies in the future!"

"Good!" Li Wei immediately took out her mobile phone, and when she was about to call Zhao Song to announce the good news, she glanced at the wall clock and put it down.

"It's so pitiful, I can't know the good news at the first time."


At the same time, when the Huahuajia paper media was making a fuss about fake foreign brands, the Internet was also buzzing.

"Who knows that the Oudian floor that is said to be imported from Germany is from Kyoto? 90% of the products are OEM."

"Compared to Shaomex, it's all pediatrics. One is Shanghai, and the other is Denmark. The 100% imported milk source is even more fucking fart. I am a milk supplier, from Shanxi."

"Dad just bought a whole set of Da Vinci furniture, does anyone know if this is the real brand?"

"The family upstairs is rich, and the source of the Da Vinci brand cannot be tested. If your dad bought the Mantellassi brand it represents, then it must be fine. If it is its own brand, then you have to be careful. Our small The tools made of the factory’s OEM composite board can be exported to Italy and come back, and it can be called Italy’s 100% pure solid wood imported furniture.”

"Why is no one talking about Tesla? It seems to be caused by it."

"Tesla, apart from the name, what bad things did it do? If the name Tesla is wrong, then the old man, JEEP, Valentino, Marco Polo, Nobel, and even the California Beef Noodle King, etc., all have to change their names?"


Zhongguancun Online Editorial Department.

The editor-in-chief closes the webpage. Looking at the person in charge of the evaluation department sitting opposite, he said with a smile: "Tesla's manuscript has been published! Put the news of our strategic partnership on the front page."

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open, and an intern ran over in a hurry.

"Editor-in-Chief, look at the overclocking website, the single CPU Poisoning Dragon 500 record has been wiped out by European and American players!"

The editor-in-chief frowned and reprimanded: "What is it like to be in a hurry when things happen. It is not common for overclocking websites to be overclocked by European, American and curved players."

The intern looked away: "It's different this time, it's Tesla!

European and American players all use core frozen radiators! Editor-in-Chief, Tesla has exported, and my country's own brand PC accessories are exported abroad for the first time! Not OEM, not ODM, it is our own brand! "

Ali has 18 bronze figures, Lenovo had many powerful figures at that time.

It's over for today, I'm going to sleep after reading the materials.

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