Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 164 Preparing for the Opening

When the last note of "Miracle" fell, Zhao Song turned off the TV, got up and patted Xiao Yu's head.

"Xiaoyu, go to bed early, don't read too late. Brother will take you to Xidan tomorrow to buy clothes."

"Brother, my closet is full."

Zhao Song waved his hands vigorously, "Pick up the boxes and pack them up, the seasons will change soon, and we, Xiao Yu, will transform into sports girls in autumn."

"Brother, the way you buy clothes for me is very similar to the way sister Xiaoyan made clothes for Garfield." As soon as Zhao Song mentioned clothes, Xiao Yu felt like a pet.

Zhao Song raised his voice with guilt: "Garfield is a cat, and our Xiao Yu is a young and invincible girl. How can it be the same?"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song turned around and walked out the door, returned to his room, and then fell asleep!


Since entering the new century, the development of computer technology is getting faster and faster. The RM streaming media compressed video file format brought by the new Real has given the possibility of online video playback in the era of low network speed.

Through its compression technology, video files have become much smaller, and countless videos are compressed into rm and spread, a DVD data disc, there may be several movies on it. Such pirated discs may still be found in many people's homes many years later.

When the sleeping Zhao Song was snoring, Xizi was sitting in front of the computer in a club next door, clicking and uploading RM videos one by one, and then wrote the subject of the post—Tesla Surprise Planning Collection!

Singing the Motherland, Little Swallow, Hangda Dance Troupe, Zhao Song’s college self-study song, Ode to Joy, plus the Twelve Women’s Orchestra, all the event videos since Tesla’s establishment, after being edited by professionals from Kyoto TV, were all captured by Xizi sent out.

Then, wait for it to ferment slowly.


On the forums of many IT websites, the majority of computer enthusiasts have a natural intimacy with Tesla, because starting from that MOD, they watched Tesla grow up step by step.

However, today, not only IT forums, but almost all popular forums across the country are discussing this promotion in full swing.

"The flash mob in this issue is so good, I never thought it was Xidan, Kyoto, and that mysterious Tesla again!"

"Where is the one upstairs? It's in Xidan, Kyoto, why is it so mysterious?"

"This episode is really good. Apart from Wang Xiaoya's happy dictionary on Friday and the flash mob on Saturday, I don't know what to watch at other times?"

"Go back upstairs, you can watch "Youth Bao Qingtian" at other times."

"No one talks about those twelve pretty girls?"

"Tim screen, there is no space!"

"I heard that some old artists have criticized them in professional magazines, saying that art is not made by beauties showing their thighs and bouncing around."

"I don't usually see them, but this will all pop up! Folk music is on the decline. If you don't innovate, you will end up in a dead end sooner or later. Don't look at the girls' thighs. Do you want me to kneel and listen to "The Moon Reflected in Two Springs" every day?"

""Miracle" is so good, I didn't expect that folk music can also play such a majestic feeling. After listening to it, my legs don't hurt, my waist doesn't hurt anymore, and I cultivated two acres of land in one go."

"I've been hearing Tesla's name for the past two days. It turns out that it sells computers!"

"Upstairs, the Tesla planning collection has come out, I will give you a link to see if it is a simple selling computer!"

Now, as long as it is a computer with Internet access, the must-have software is Realplay. When Tesla's RM collection was launched, it swept the entire network like a tornado in a short period of time.

"After watching the video, I can only say that I am X. From April to now, all the hot videos on the Internet, through this collection, are connected together to point to Tesla, the awesome X company."

"Except for the college self-study song, why did you add such an ugly song to the collection?"

"Let's popularize science. The college self-study song is sung for college students. Every college student can resonate with this RAP. The other singer is Zhao Song, the boss of Tesla, a sophomore this year. Founder of MOD case, global The planner of the first flash-mob action "Singing the Motherland" and the holder of the overclocking world record. That five-star red flag is still flying high in the world's number one position."

"It turns out that Tesla is our flower planting company. I always thought that such a creative and fashionable company came from abroad."

"Not only do you think, but many people who don't take the initiative to learn about it think it is a foreign company! After all, its name is really confusing."

Not only on the Internet, but in reality, many monthly magazines have planned to report on this event in detail. This event covers too much content, such as fashion, home decoration, innovation, new folk music, and the long queue of consumers.

In this way, what Zhao Song kept tossing out after several months of brewing, Tesla, the young name, really appeared in front of the people of the whole country for the first time! Even with Zhao Song, there is a tendency to become a little angry.

Brand driving force, the fantasy company proposed it as early as the 1990s, and it was the best one, but no one thought that in 2000, in such a short period of time, the young Tesla could To achieve this level of brand promotion, and without consuming huge costs.

This night, in many buildings near Zhongguancun, the lights of many conference rooms were on for a long, long time.


Kyoto Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Dormitory 137 for boys.

From the end of the Kyoto TV flash mob until the lights were turned off at 11 o'clock, the entire dormitory was kept quiet.

The lights were turned off, and the computers purchased by the 6 people in the dormitory were of course useless, but Deng Wenwu was still staring blankly at the direction of the screen, holding the mouse in his hand.

Zhao Song moved out a long time ago. As for the reason, everyone knew it. It was never discussed in the dormitory, and now his lower bunk is used as a utility room by several people, and it is full of piles.

The dormitory was very dark and quiet. After a while, Lu Zhou, who was on Zhao Song's upper bunk, asked, "This Tesla is Zhao Song's..."

"Boss, you've been asking since noon, it's Zhao Song's Tesla! Stop asking."

Deng Wenwu put down the mouse, turned on the flashlight, and smiled self-deprecatingly as he looked at the Celeron computer that several people had raised more than 6,000 yuan to buy. I always feel that the six people in the dormitory are playing tricks with a classmate who is at least a millionaire, which is so ridiculous.



As the night fell, the entire capital of Kyoto fell into silence. However, across the ocean in New York City, it is the busiest time of the day.

"Tom, you must call me when you see that famous photographer approaching."


After putting down the phone, Li Wei turned her head and looked at the group of models in front of her.

Zhao Song said to her: "The cheongsam of the flower growers is best displayed by the flower growers, so as to show its classical beauty."

Therefore, most of these people are invited by flower growers.

"Everyone, get ready, the show will start in five minutes."


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