Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 548: Struggling September

Nowadays, a small house like theirs, without a 60,000 yuan, is something you can't even think about. It's such a horror!

Don't talk about it here. Now there is a house in the university town, which is not expensive for 30,000 yuan and not much for 40,000.

The husband and wife Ji Jianyun now pays them a salary of 380 per person. The husband and wife earn more than 700 yuan. If living expenses and other expenses are ignored, it is not a problem to save more than 400 yuan a month, but they have to pay it back. Mortgage loans, you have to pay back 300 mortgages every month, so the amount you can save every month is only about 100 yuan.

But even so, Lin Dawei and his wife are very satisfied.

Because now they are all Beijingers and their accounts have been moved over. As for the mortgage owed, they will be paid off next year, which will be easy at that time.

But it’s not easy, because they still have to save money for their daughter to buy a house as a dowry, so they can’t be underestimated, right?

But the daughter's room can be saved slowly, now the daughter is still young, don't worry.

This time, there are a lot of Ejiao cakes, and there are also a lot of Ejiao. Other dry goods, etc., are shipped back.

The business of Ejiao cakes is the best. There are three boxes of Ejiao cakes packed in oil paper in less than two days, and they are all sold out. Even if the price rises, the enthusiasm for selling them cannot be stopped. Anyway, whoever eats this stuff knows .

Because they all say the effect is good, even Lin Dawei's wife bought something for her own money.

In the early years, the life was not easy, and the body also left some hidden dangers. Sometimes the menstruation was very inaccurate and painful, especially in winter, the hands and feet covered with the quilt were not warm and cold.

Since I heard that this gelatin cake is good, I bought two yuan a day.

Both Ejiao and Ejiao Cake are not cheap, but with their monthly salary, it is not a problem to buy two pieces of Ejiao Cake a day.

Now his complexion has improved a lot, so even with Lin Dawei, he will eat something along with him.

After this batch of donkey-hide gelatin cakes were shipped, the couple left a catty for themselves, and kept them to eat slowly.

Ejiao cakes are sold out soon, and there are still some Ejiao left, but it is also very fast. People in old Beijing are very daring to eat them. I have to say that they are all rich and tight. As long as the food is good, they don’t. It will be too expensive.

Ejiao cakes are easy to sell, and Sudan Red is available for a while, so I made more. Basically, I can save a box of Ejiao cakes every day.

Ejiao cake is very easy to put, just put it in a cool and dry place. It’s okay if you leave it for a long time. After saving it for a few days, it will be shipped with other goods. This time, it was the dried salted fish that was shipped to old Beijing. In addition to dried salted fish and dried shrimp, one piece was shipped to Old Beijing.

Although Sudan Red has stocked more than 3,000 boxes of Ejiao, she consumes a lot of it. Nowadays, Sister Xu makes 30 catties every day, and sometimes she makes 40 catties and sends them to the old Beijing. A lot.

Naturally, consumption is also fast.

However, I have to say that at the end of this month, when Jianyun was calculating the money, he paid a higher amount of money than before. Just looking at the profit income of Ejiao Cake, he has already earned the money from the more than 3,000 boxes of Ejiao he bought back at the beginning of the month. Came back.

But now there is still a lot of donkey-hide gelatin in the storage room, not much consumption, enough to see the profit of donkey-hide gelatin cake, but the family’s sesame, walnut, red date, wolfberry just consume a few pieces.

Sultan Red had an account book of her own, which was recorded by Sister Xu. After deducting the cost, she brought Sister Xu five hundred dollars. Originally it was 493 dollars. She also took a whole number. .

"This month, I have made a lot of money. Take it, Sister Hong. This is yours. This list is our daily transaction volume. I will write it all down. Look at it." Sudan Hong gave the list to Sister Xu and said.

"What's the point? I never thought about making so much money." Sister Xu said with a smile.

She just made Ejiao cake at home. This is a very spare job, and she is also scrupulous about the things at home. The most important thing is that although the month of September is a bit busy, she also holds the five hundred dollars. Very pleased!

This is much higher than other people's wages!

The Ejiao Cake Sudan Red made by Sister Xu came over to get the wholesale price. It also made a lot of money, and it also made a lot of money.

However, she herself specially made the ones sent to the old Beijing side and the university town side, and occasionally made some to send them there. There was no way. The demand in the old Beijing side was too great, that is to say, a while ago, to stock up Ejiao flowers. A lot of money, otherwise Sudan Red wouldn’t work so hard. He boiled donkey-hide gelatin every day, and his arms became sturdy. What if her family Jianyun feels disgusted?

So in September, she worked hard for a month, and in October she was loose. Just in October, when the children had a seven-day holiday on National Day, she simply took a rest.

But if you want to talk about leisure, you can't be idle, because to make red dates, you need to make goji berries, and you have to make sesame seeds. In short, there are a lot of things.

As for Lin Dawei who called to urge the donkey-hide gelatin cake, the Sudanese Red sent Ji Jianyun to boil it, and she was in charge of the command.

"Mom, should we go out on National Day?" Xiangxiang asked during lunch on November.

This year, this kid and Yuanyuan both went to elementary school on the county side, and because they went to kindergarten before, they have excellent adaptability to the first grade.

I don't need to worry about it at all, but it seems that I have been in a fight with people, and they have beaten them too lightly. The parents are looking for them, and Lao Zhang will deal with it.

But in the end, the other party apologized, and Xiangxiang apologized and went back because it was the bear kid who pulled Yuanyuan's braid first. The Yuanyuan braid was left for her by Sudanese red. It has been very long and very cute over the years.

Xiangxiang used to like to pull, but after being taught by the Sudanese Red, he didn't dare.

And he has always thought that Yuanyuan was his sister, he didn't dare to pull Yuanyuan's hair anymore, how could he tolerate other classmates? So it was a bunch of fat beatings.

Ji Jianjun only learned about this later, but Lao Zhang didn't think it was anything, so he didn't say anything, and he came back together to talk about it.

However, Xiangxiang and the bear boy who were fighting, seem to be having a good time now. They followed Xiangxiang to protect Yuanyuan, and no one was allowed to bully Yuanyuan. Once Xiangxiang invited him to eat at home...

After listening to Sultan Red, she didn't know what to say, but she didn't interfere too much with children's affairs. Lao Zhang was more adept at this kind of education than she and Jianyun.

"What are you going to do? Our family is so busy, and this summer vacation is not just played, let you play for a month." Sudan Red said.

Xiangxiang knew that it was impossible to play, and shook his head and sighed: "I knew I would stay in the county seat with Grandpa Gan, and Grandpa Gan took his eldest brother to the university town!"

"Your grandfather is taking your eldest brother to buy study materials, not to play. If you want to buy study materials, you can ask your second uncle to take you there tomorrow." Sudan Red said.

"Forget it, I'll go out to play." Xiangxiang waved his hand and ran out.

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