They wanted to know this question, and Xu Shuhua wanted to know even more.

The factory has been basically built, but the decoration inside has not been completed, and the machinery has not yet been in place.

The strawberries that were originally intended to be made into canned strawberries are now all made into pure handmade strawberry jam.

The strawberry jam was made by Qin Yuelan and Chen Qiaoqin's sister-in-law, and the money was naturally divided between them.

When you start canning and produce strawberry jam in the factory, the profit will be shared equally among the three companies.

After such a long time, I have made a lot of money by relying on strawberry jam, but compared to the previous investment, it is really a drop in the bucket.

Of course, Xu Shuhua hoped that the factory could be built and started sooner, but she also knew that she couldn't be in a hurry.

Now being asked, Xu Shuhua answered confidently, "What's the hurry! Even if the factory is built, the fruit will not be ripe, so it can't start work, so don't worry."

There was nothing wrong with what Xu Shuhua said. He immediately calmed everyone down, and stopped stopping Xu Shuhua from speaking, and let her drive home.

When he got home, he parked the car under a specially built shed, and then Xu Shuhua led a group of children into the house.

The first thing I do when I enter the house is to wash and change clothes.

Yu Nuannuan went back to her room to clean up. When she changed clothes and came down, everyone else was already sitting on the sofa and eating sorbet.

Seeing Yu Nuannuan getting down, Gu Mo stood up and walked to the refrigerator with him.

Seeing that Yu Nuannuan took out a sorbet, the two of them did not go back to the living room to sit down, but sat down at the dining table.

Although the dining room and the living room are connected, there is also a certain distance. There is a lot of noise over there, but this side is relatively clean.

Yu Nuannuan took a small bite of the sorbet, looked at Gu Mo who was sitting beside him, and suddenly remembered something, "Brother, wait for next spring, plant flowers on the fence outside! Can you get some flowers? Seeds?"

Hearing this, Gu Mo asked, "Nuanbao, what kind of flower seeds do you want?"

Yu Nuannuan thought for a while, and said a few varieties of flowers that he knew, "Rose? Rose? Chrysanthemum? Peony? Peony? What else is there, oh yes, and orchid."

These are the flowers that have been learned in kindergarten textbooks.

Gu Mo nodded, and whispered to Yu Nuannuan's ear, "Then we'll go to your room later, you have to give me strawberries!"

After a pause, Gu Mo said again, "Others are fine."

Equivalent exchange!

Yu Nuannuan expressed understanding and agreed immediately.

The two negotiated, and after having lunch, they ran up to the third floor together.

After dinner, the children either went up to the second or third floor, and even the adults went back to the house to take a nap, and the whole building was quiet.

Yu Nuannuan closed the door and went to the desk with Gu Mo.

This is still her desk back then. After opening the drawer, her boxes are still neatly placed inside.

Yu Nuannuan waved her little hand, and said to Gu Mo quite proudly, "Which one do you want, brother, you can choose it yourself!"

Gu Mo stared at the box for a while, and finally chose the lantern fruit.

The seeds of the lantern fruit are also very small, and Yu Nuannuan struggled to get a seed in his hand.

After turning the seed into a small seedling, Yu Nuannuan went to ask Gu Mo, "How many lanterns do you want?"

Is it to control the quantity?

Gu Mo didn't know why Yu Nuannuan asked, but since Yu Nuannuan asked, he thought about it seriously.

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