Gu Mo was startled by Yu Nuannuan's sudden action, and when he heard what Yu Nuannuan was asking, he was even more stunned, "Nuanbao, why do you want paper? Yes"

Before Gu Mo could continue to speak, Yu Nuannuan interrupted him, "I want a hard piece of paper."

So, it's not what Gu Mo thought at all.

Gu Mo snorted and turned to look inside the room.

The furnishings in the house are very simple, and it is clear at a glance what is there or not.

This house is for Yu Hai and the others, and of course there is no hard paper in the house.

Without seeing the paper, Yu Nuannuan lay down a little disappointed. Forget it, let's go home and play!

Gu Mo was confused by Yu Nuannuan's series of actions, and looked at Yu Nuannuan suspiciously, "Nuanbao, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Nuannuan twisted her body and did not answer Gu Mo's question.

Just based on the question that Gu Mo had just thought of, Yu Nuannuan decided to ignore him.

Seeing Yu Nuannuan not taking care of himself, Gu Mo frowned.

The two of them were lying down and waiting for the meal to be ready, but who knew that they would fall asleep like this while lying down.

When Yu Nuannuan woke up again, there was no one in the room.

Yu Nuannuan sat up slowly, and as soon as he sat up, he saw that his feet were only a dozen centimeters away from Gu Mo.

If she hadn't woken up now, she might have kicked Gu Mo in no time.

It should be Gu Mo who will wake up first.

Yu Nuannuan pursed her lips, and there was a feeling of loss in her heart that flashed away.

Without waiting for Yu Nuannuan to think deeply, Gu Mo sat up immediately.

Seeing that there was no one in the room, Gu Mo was also a little confused.

How long have they been sleeping?

Just as he was wondering, he heard the sound of the door being pushed open.

Yu Nuannuan and Gu Mo looked at the gate at the same time, and saw Yu Wei walking in.

"Nuanbao, Duobao, are you awake? Then hurry up and eat!"

The others had already eaten dinner. Seeing that Yu Nuannuan and Gu Mo were sleeping soundly, they didn't call them up again, but just left the food for them on the stove.

The fire in the stove was not completely extinguished and the rice was not cold.

Yu Nuannuan and Gu Mo nodded, got out of bed at the same time, put on their shoes and walked out.

Before washing his face, Yu Nuannuan still felt a little confused, but when he washed his face with cold water, he was instantly awake.

"Brother, what are you eating?"

Yu Wei was lifting the lid of the pot, and when he heard Yu Nuannuan's words, he answered while serving the rice, "Rice, grandma left you with braised eggplants."

Yu Nuannuan is an eggplant lover.

You can even skip meat when you have eggplant.

Eggplant is delicious no matter how you eat it, but Yu Nuannuan's favorite is braised eggplant.

The eggplant is cut into pieces, coated with batter, and fried in a frying pan. After frying once, take it out and fry it again.

The eggplant fried in this way is golden in color, crispy on the outside, but soft and glutinous on the inside.

Don't stir-fry the fried eggplants in the pan, otherwise the eggplants will be easily smashed.

After frying the ingredients such as onion, tomatoes, peppers and other ingredients in the pot, put the eggplant in, flip it a little, and then tick it, and you can take it out of the pot.

The braised eggplant sauce made in this way is thick, and it is a must when mixed with rice.

In fact, the braised eggplant is best eaten right out of the pot. The outside is charred and crunchy with the soup, but the inside is soft and glutinous, and it melts in the mouth without chewing.

But when the eggplant was just ready, she and Gu Mo were sleeping!

The eggplant has been fried and has been sitting in the pot, and the skin is now soft.

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