What's playing on TV now is Sun Wukong's havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

Looking at Sun Wukong with slender shoulders and yellow clothes on TV, Yu Nuannuan had a vague impression.

In her previous life, she seemed to have seen this animation.

It's been so long, Yu Nuannuan can't remember what the specific content is.

When she watched it at the time, she only knew that it was a big movie from the 1980s, but she didn't expect it to be so early!

Yu Nuannuan stood on the ground and looked up at the cartoon playing on TV. Gu Mo was standing not far from her, his movements were surprisingly consistent with her, and he also looked up at the cartoon playing on TV.

Seeing the two of them staring at each other, the installer smiled and said to Xu Shuhua and others, "This kid, there is no one who doesn't like watching TV! However, when watching, you still have to be careful not to let them leave the TV. If it's too close, don't let them watch it for too long, otherwise, good eyes will be bad, and wearing eyes at a young age will not look good! Do you think it is?"

The installer said this out of good intentions.

Mainly because he looked at Yu Nuannuan and Gu Mochang so good-looking, he couldn't bear to watch them too much TV and his eyes were broken.

Xu Shuhua and others are not the kind of people who don't know what's wrong. Knowing that the installer was a kind reminder, they quickly thanked the installer and left the installer for lunch.

In fact, it's already long past lunch time, but it doesn't matter.

I bought a TV, what a joy it is, and it's okay to have dinner later.

The installer was not in a hurry to go back, so he stayed and had lunch before leaving.

After all, TVs are not like fans. There are too few buyers like Yu Jia and Gu Jia.

There are other people in the county who can buy TV sets, but basically they go to the department store to watch them several times before deciding to buy them.

There are very few people like Xu Shuhua and the others who pay immediately after they go.

After lunch, when Xu Shuhua brought Yu Nuannuan back to Yu's house, it was actually past two o'clock in the afternoon, but the yard of Yu's house was still full of people.

It was crowded with people, but not a single voice was spoken.

Seeing this scene, let alone Yu Nuannuan, even Xu Shuhua was shocked.

Xu Shuhua and Yu Nuannuan didn't understand what was going on until they heard the sound of the TV.

No wonder it was so quiet, it turned out to be watching TV shows.

But can the person standing at the end really see it clearly?

This is not a big screen, the small 14-inch black and white TV is so far away that it is impossible to see what is being played at all!

Xu Shuhua raised her eyebrows, but didn't say much.

No one in the village has ever seen a TV, but now that they have suddenly seen it, they are curious, delighted, and want to watch more.

Xu Shuhua asked Yu Nuannuan in a low voice, "Want to see Nuanbao?"

Yu Nuannuan shook his head, "No."

With so many people, she should not join in the fun.

Xu Shuhua didn't want to join in the fun, so she carried Yu Nuannuan to her room.

Closing the door, I could vaguely hear the sound of the TV coming over.

Listening to that line, it should be acting in a TV series.

It must be a TV series that Yu Nuannuan has not seen, but Yu Nuannuan is not curious either.

In her previous life, even though she was born in the post-90s, she had heard of the 83rd edition of Legend of the Condor Heroes.

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