When I was digging lotus roots, I could touch some shrimp from time to time, all of which were thrown into the basket.

These prawns are big in size and look delicious!

Seeing noon, Xu Shuhua simply asked Chen Qiaoqin's sister-in-law to go home with some fish, shrimp and lotus root, and let everyone taste something fresh at noon.

Everyone else already knew the taste of fish, shrimp and lotus root, but only Meng Hao's family of three knew nothing.

It is precisely because of this that the three talents exclaimed repeatedly during lunch.

Exclamation and exclamation, the speed of eating is not slow at all.

Yu Nuannuan and Gu Mo washed their hands, each holding a shrimp and peeling the shrimp shell.

The two of them moved very slowly, but they were very careful. They peeled the shrimp shells cleanly, and then dipped them in a little sauce and put the shrimp into their mouths.

The prawns are tender and firm and delicious.

If this kind of shrimp is made into shrimp and slipped into the hot pot, it will definitely taste absolutely!

Yu Nuannuan just thought about it and drooled a little.

I have lived for almost three years in my life, and I have not eaten hot pot yet!

In addition, in the last few years of the last life, Yu Nuannuan has forgotten what hot pot tastes like!

Fortunately, whether it is pickled fish or white spoon shrimp, the taste is very good, and with lotus root, it also comforted Yu Nuannuan's heart of wanting to eat hot pot.

Little Meng Hao, without any suspense, gave himself up again.

Not only was he exhausted, but after eating, Meng Hao didn't want to leave.

After playing and having fun, and watching the excitement, seeing that the Yu family was busy, Meng Jianshe and Li Yun planned to take Meng Hao to say goodbye and go home.

But Meng Hao didn't want to leave.

Yu Nuannuan's family is so fun, even more fun than his family, his grandmother's, and his grandma's family combined.

Such a fun place, he hasn't had enough of it!

He only looked at catching fish and catching shrimp, and he didn't go up the hillside to see what trees there were!

How could it just go away?

Seeing that Meng Hao was about to cry, Meng Jianshe directly hugged him and walked a little further.

I don't know what Meng Jianshe said to Meng Hao. Anyway, when Meng Jianshe came back with Meng Hao in his arms, although Meng Hao's eye circles were red, he didn't make a fuss.

Xu Shuhua packed fish, shrimp, lotus roots and pears in a basket and asked Li Yun and Meng Jianshe to take them back.

The two were reluctant to ask for it at first, but who is Xu Shuhua, and what she wants to give away, there is nothing she can't give away.

In the end, Meng Jianshe and Li Yun still took the things away.

Seeing Meng Hao walking away three times, Gu Mo's eyes were filled with a little smile.

Finally gone!

Just based on Meng Hao's performance today, Meng Hao's parents should not let him come again for a while!

Yu Nuannuan didn't know what Gu Mo was thinking, she was still watching Yu Hai dig lotus roots.

This pond is really not that small, and there are quite a lot of lotus roots in it.

It is estimated that it is impossible to dig out all of them, and some small ones will always be broken inside.

It doesn't matter. By next year, the broken ones will re-sprout and grow into new lotus roots.

After all the lotus roots were dug out, I found that there were more than the carload of last year.

Shen Sanpang asked people to pull the fish and shrimp away first, and when he came back, he changed to a new empty car, which was specially used for lotus roots.

Pears, lotus roots, fish, and shrimps all add up to more than 10,000 pieces.

When he saw the money with his own eyes, Yu Nuannuan felt unreal as he was in a dream.

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