When Meng Hao was filming, especially when he was filming, it was common for him to be injured.

Although it is said that men have scars on their bodies, they are more manly.

But as an actor, the position on the face and hands is still not better.

Meng Hao completely believed in Yu Nuannuan.

So after receiving the ointment, I started using it immediately.

Believe it or not, but Meng Hao didn't even think about what effect this ointment could have in a short period of time.

When Yu Nuannuan called, he only said that the ointment could remove scars, but did not say how long it would take to be effective.

After all, each person's physique is different, and the time required for scar removal is also different.

She didn't want Meng Hao to be disappointed again with hope, so she didn't say the exact time.

Anyway, as long as Meng Hao uses it on time, it will definitely be effective.

Therefore, in this situation, half a month later, Meng Hao was shocked when he suddenly found that the scars on his hands, face, and body had disappeared.

He checked again and again and determined that all the scars on his body had really disappeared. At this moment, he even felt that he was dreaming.

If it is not a dream, how can this effect be so fast and so good.

Meng Hao took out his mobile phone and quickly called Yu Nuannuan to ask what was going on.

After receiving Meng Hao's call, Yu Nuannuan knew what he was going to say without Meng Hao speaking.

Because the Yu family used it a few days earlier than Yu Gang, and they had already told her the effect of using it a few days ago.

With so many people in the Yu family, it takes almost half a month to completely remove scars.

Their scars are relatively small, and the scars on Meng Hao's body are also relatively small.

So Yu Nuannuan is sure that as long as it is a smaller scar, it will take about half a month to completely eliminate it.

If it is bigger, I haven't tried it yet, so I don't know yet, but if I want to come, it won't take too long.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Hao looked at his hands, and then looked at his face in the mirror, and felt a little unreal.

Even the scars were removed.

He was still staring at the mirror in a daze, when a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside.


After Meng Hao finished speaking, the door was opened from the outside, and the actress who was filming with him came in.

"Is there a problem?"

Meng Hao looked at each other strangely. Although they had a pair of scenes, they actually didn't have much contact in private.

It was the first time that I came to look for him like this.

After a while, Meng Hao knew the other party's intention.

It was precisely because the scars on his face disappeared that the other party wanted to know what method he used to make these scars disappear.

It was for this!

While Meng Hao breathed a sigh of relief, he took the ointment he was using to the other party.

"This is the medicine my friend prescribed, and this is what I use."

When the actress heard Meng Hao say that it was matched by her friend, her expression hesitated for a moment.

But when he saw that half of the ointment in the box had been used up, and then thought about Meng Hao's face, the hesitation disappeared.

She also has some pimple marks and pimple marks on her face. Although they can't be seen after wearing makeup, they can still be seen when they are not wearing makeup.

If it can be completely eliminated, the effect of makeup will only be better.

Although it was a bit risky, she decided to give it a try.

Meng Hao didn't collect the money either, only let the other party use it.

Whether there is an effect or not is still a matter of choice, and the actress did not insist on giving money.

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