Ning Luo seven entered the palace and handed the antidote to father-in-law Fu, "this is the antidote."

Father Fu solemnly took the white porcelain vase and his hand trembled slightly. This is an antidote that can detoxify your majesty. He can't break it.

"Don't worry, your highness. The old slave will let your majesty take the antidote!"

"HMM." Ning LUOQI nodded faintly. Now he can only trust father-in-law Fu and let the emperor take the antidote.

Father-in-law Fu hid the porcelain vase in his sleeve and carefully looked around. After confirming that there was no one, he went out. He met King Jin privately and could not be seen by anyone.

If his majesty misunderstands him, he has contact with King Jin, and the antidote hasn't been taken to his majesty, it's bad.

Father-in-law Fu returned to the heart nourishing hall. Some sat and stood uneasy.

Your majesty hasn't come back yet. I don't know whether the journey is smooth or not.

After a long time, the emperor returned to the heart nourishing hall and was still wearing the clothes when he came out of the palace. The whole man looked haggard and looked like he hadn't slept all night.

Of course, it's hard to say. The words of imperial concubine Wu echoed in her ears and confirmed that Ning LUOQI was not his own son, not jin'er.

"Your Majesty, you're finally back..." father Fu walked over and squeezed the porcelain vase under his sleeve, subconsciously feeling nervous.

Let the emperor take the antidote quickly.

But how can the emperor take it?

Father-in-law Fu was so upset that he couldn't help being stunned.

The emperor walked straight over, sat on the master's chair and rubbed his eyebrows. He didn't feel it when he was on his way. As soon as he returned to the heart nourishing hall, he began to have a headache. His temples jumped suddenly, as if something was beating his head.

The emperor couldn't help saying, "smoke incense quickly."

Father-in-law Fu returned to his senses and looked up at the emperor.

The emperor kept rubbing his temples, his face in pain, and his eyebrows tightened.

"Your Majesty..." father Fu pressed down his heart and said, "the incense has been used up. The second prince hasn't come to visit his majesty for a long time and hasn't sent incense."

That incense can't be used anymore!

Knowing that it is poisonous, how can we continue to use it... We have to find a way to make your majesty take the antidote!

Father Fu was full of thoughts. He squeezed the bottle tightly in his sleeve. Because he was nervous, his palm sweated and the bottle slipped. He was worried that he wouldn't accidentally drop the bottle.

When the emperor heard that there was no incense, he felt his head hurt more. Even his ears began to hum. He said irritably, "come on, go and get the incense!"

"Your Majesty..."

Duke Fu said publicly, "it will take time to get incense back and forth. Here is the medicine for headache just sent by the imperial doctor. Why don't you take the medicine and try it first, your majesty?"

When he said this, father-in-law Fu felt his heart jump out of his throat and was very nervous.

It was the first time he had lied to his majesty.

This is clearly an antidote for detoxification, but it is said to be a headache relief medicine made by the imperial doctor.

The emperor felt irritable and had a bad headache. As soon as he heard that there was medicine for headache, he immediately said, "take it quickly!"


Father Fu took out the porcelain vase and his hands trembled. Because his palms were sweating, he almost didn't get rid of the porcelain vase. It was not easy to grasp it. He poured out a dark pill and carefully handed it to the emperor.

The dark pill emits a bitter and fishy smell. It really smells bad. I don't know what it is made of.

The emperor had a terrible headache. He didn't smell the bad smell. He took the black pill and swallowed it directly.

Father Fu immediately poured a cup of tea and brought it, "Your Majesty, drink tea."

The emperor took the cup and drank it with his head up.

The black pill melted at the entrance and swallowed down the tea. The emperor frowned and still felt a headache. "You, go find ming'er and ask him to bring incense!"

"Your Majesty, it will take some time for this medicine to take effect. Please bear it..."

Father Fu watched the emperor's face nervously. This is the antidote. I don't know what effect his majesty will play after taking it.

At present, he looks as usual and seems to have no effect at all.

The emperor rubbed his temples and felt the sudden beating of his green tendons. "Ah..." it seemed that something was churning in his mind and his head was about to crack

"My head is about to crack... It hurts..."

"Your Majesty, your majesty!" surprised, father-in-law Fu hurried over and held the emperor.

"Your Majesty, how are you? How could it be like this? It's an antidote..." father Fu was surprised. Isn't that an antidote? No, your highness King Jin must have sent the antidote! But your majesty, how can it hurt like this?

The emperor was speechless in pain, sweating all over, and the green veins visible to the naked eye on his forehead were wriggling, which looked very terrible.

Father-in-law Fu also saw all this and was speechless with surprise.

"Your majesty! Come on, come on!"

Father-in-law Fu shouted, but there was silence and no response.

Yes, he was afraid that his Majesty would be seen taking the antidote, so he withdrew everyone. In addition, his majesty took a micro suit out of the palace and didn't want to be known, so he specially withdrew the Dragon shadow guard.

Now there are only two people in the heart nourishing hall, father-in-law Fu and the emperor.

Father-in-law Fu was very upset. "Your Majesty, I'm going to ask the imperial doctor..." he didn't care about anything and hurried out to ask the imperial doctor.

The emperor fell from his master's chair and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, father-in-law Fu turned back and hurried to hold the emperor, "Your Majesty, are you not hurt?"

"Ah..." the emperor swallowed bitterly and couldn't make a sound. The whole man rolled on the ground. Father Fu wanted to stop the emperor, but he was caught by the emperor and strangled his wrist.

The nails were embedded in the meat and almost broke the bones.

Father-in-law Fu took a breath of air-conditioning when he felt pain, but he didn't shout out and endured it silently.

What the hell is going on? How could your majesty suffer so much?

There's something wrong with the antidote

There is something wrong with the antidote brought by your highness King Jin!

The emperor's face turned red and his forehead was blue. The whole was on the edge of madness. He hummed in pain for a while. Suddenly, the whole person calmed down and slowly released his hands.

"Your Majesty?" Fu Gong hurried over, ignoring the injury on his wrist. "How are you, your majesty? What's wrong? Just wait here for a moment, and the old slave will call the imperial doctor!"

The emperor was stunned and the whole person calmed down, and the feeling of pain and cracking disappeared.

But with it came a feeling of nausea.

The emperor turned his head and vomited out with a wow.

What came out was nothing else, but the tea I had just drunk and... A few small things wriggled on the ground.


"Your majesty!"

Father-in-law Fu looked down and saw the small insects vomited by the emperor, staring at them with horror. "This, this is..."

This is the bug seen in the incense ash!

Father Fu felt cold all over and almost fainted.

The emperor kept vomiting. He vomited for a long time. It seemed that he was comfortable.

Father Fu walked over with fear, "Your Majesty..."

The emperor was stunned. He was stunned for a while. His eyes suddenly became clear and bright. He raised his eyes to father-in-law Fu, "Ford?"

"The servant is here!" Fu Gong cried with joy. He thought something had happened to his majesty.

The emperor shook his head and the feeling of splitting headache disappeared. Now he feels very comfortable and clear. His brain has never been so refreshing. It used to seem that there was something whispering in my ear and my mind was not clear, but now... I feel much happier!

"Your Majesty, how do you feel?" asked father-in-law Fu.

The emperor nodded, "I feel much better and my head doesn't hurt..."

"Great, that's great!" father-in-law Fu thanked God. Fortunately, your majesty didn't have an accident. It must be the antidote sent by his highness King Jin that worked. Your majesty vomited a lot of insects after taking it

By the way, bug!

Father Fu hurriedly looked at the insects on the ground.

The creeping insects on the ground died slowly and finally stopped moving.

The emperor also saw this scene and his face changed greatly. "What's the matter? I... how can I spit out these insects?" the emperor's face was pale and scared.

It's even more disgusting to think that those insects spit out by themselves.

"Your Majesty, this is..."

Father Fu explained that these were the poisons in incense, and the medicine guide had been hidden under the jade pillow.

After hearing this for a long time, the emperor was stunned. After his original confused brain came to consciousness, those things that doubted Ning Luo's life experience also felt unreasonable.

How could he doubt jin'er's identity.

Ji Hou and jin'er are people he trusts. How can they suddenly get suspicious.

The emperor pondered and thought for a long time before he remembered that these began with dreams. Since the incense was lit, he would dream every night. He could almost close his eyes and see what he cared about most.

"You mean... There's something wrong with the incense?"


Father-in-law Fu didn't hide anything and said everything he saw in the ashes that day.

The emperor was silent for a long time.

The evidence is conclusive. Whether it's incense ash or the insect spitting out, all the facts are before us.

His son wanted to murder him.

The emperor closed his eyes and his face was gray, which was more pale than when he was poisoned by Gu poison.

Seeing this scene, father-in-law Fu couldn't help saying, "Your Majesty, are you all right? Is there something wrong? Would you like to call your highness King Jin to come and explain the antidote to your majesty?"

Father-in-law Fu is worried. It's better to let the miracle doctor enter the palace for diagnosis and treatment.

The emperor shook his head. His heart was bitter and cut out like a knife. The most painful thing in the world was that his own son wanted to kill himself.

Why... Why betray?

"Ha ha..." the emperor sneered, "my son wants to kill me... Wants to kill me!"

Father-in-law Fu choked and couldn't speak. He looked good and clever. The second prince, who had changed his face for a long time, had a bad heart and wanted to poison his majesty.

If King Jin hadn't found the strangeness of incense, I'm afraid no one would have found the poison in incense until now, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

Father Fu shivered.

At the thought of the insects spit out by the Emperor just now, I know how vicious the poison is.

"Your Majesty..."

Father-in-law Fu comforted him that the poison had not been completely solved. King Jin said he needed to take the antidote once a day. He was afraid that the emperor's sad words would affect his body.

After a long time, the emperor opened his eyes.

"All right, I'm fine."

A person can be forgiven for doing wrong things for the first time, but he can't be forgiven for making mistakes again and again.

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