Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 774: 【Excited Lao Yang】

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Today is the 13th day of Tianchi Technology's listing. The stock price broke and fell to 9.67 yuan, and the lowest intraday price fell to 9.25 yuan.

If it is calculated from the highest price of 35.62 yuan on the first day of listing, if an investor buys 356,200 yuan at this price, in 13 days, his money will only be 96,700 yuan, -74.03% of the loss. Rate.

Even if you go in a light warehouse, it's a big deal. If you go in a heavy warehouse, it's almost the same as being wiped out.


The detention center where Lao Yang was detained on Saturday, August 10.

Today, Lao Yang's defense lawyer came to the detention center again to meet with him to discuss some matters. Now he can't meet with his wife, so he can only rely on the defense lawyer as a microphone.

"Lawyer Kong, can you lend me your cell phone?"

Lao Yang looked at his defense lawyer and said, lawyer Kong nodded happily, and immediately took out his mobile phone and handed it to him.

At present, Lao Yang is detained, and he cannot bring anything except daily necessities. His mobile phone is not a necessities of life, so he cannot use it during his detention.

Lao Yang took the smartphone handed over by the other party. There is no trading software APP on it, but it doesn't matter. Lao Yang can directly use the mobile phone browser to view the market trend of some A shares.

He now wants to see the situation of the stock market, especially the trend of Tianchi Technology.

Lawyer Kong, who was sitting across from him, saw his move and did not comment, but reminded him to pay attention to the time.


When Lao Yang saw the trend of Tianchi Technology during this period, he was sluggish for a while.

At present, the latest closing price is 7.74 yuan, and the market value is only 20.898 billion yuan. The highest point fell, and the decline reached -78.27%, which means that Lao Yang and the others bought more than 3 billion yuan on the first day of listing, and now there are only 3 billion left. The market capitalization scale of less than 815 million has evaporated more than 2.3 billion in just 15 trading days.

And the 180 million that Lao Yang bought, now only has a market value of more than 46 million.

"It's really ruthless..."

When Lao Yang regained his senses, he couldn't help scolding in his heart, but at this moment, a thought suddenly flashed across Lao Yang's alarm clock, which instantly made him overwhelmed, and even his body shivered with excitement.

"Understood, I finally understand!"

Lao Yang was roaring wildly in his heart, he forcibly suppressed his inner emotions, and immediately looked at the lawyer sitting opposite and said:

"Lawyer Kong, please leave the detention center and go to see my wife. Tell her on my behalf that you should buy the stock of Tianchi Technology next Monday and buy it as soon as the market opens. Please tell her that you must do as I say. He won't listen to me, lawyer Kong, you can draw up a divorce agreement by the way, and tell her my original words, please!"

Lawyer Kong saw that the client in front of him had such a solemn tone and his eyes were resolute. He believed that Lao Yang was not joking. If his wife did not follow what he said, she would really get divorced.

"Mr. Yang, is there anything else that I need to tell you?" Lawyer Kong nodded and asked.

"No, that's all!" Lao Yang said succinctly.

After that, I stayed in the detention center with peace of mind and waited for the trial and the final verdict.

After Lawyer Kong left the detention center, Lao Yang also returned to the house to stay, only to see him say silently, "Wife, you must listen to me, you must listen to me!"

When Lao Yang used lawyer Kong's mobile phone to see the trend of Tianchi Technology in the past ten days, he was at first at a loss, and then felt a huge pain. The 180 million directly lost more than 120 million. It was really painful, and the rest It is estimated that the tens of millions of dollars are gone, and it will definitely be leveled off in the floor price. The tens of millions that are leveled out will just be fined.

That is to say, the 180 million yuan will be gone directly. Maybe the tens of millions that are flattened out is not enough to pay the fine. After full calculation, this wave may be close to 200 million yuan and gone.

Lao Yang's only worth asset now is the more than 100 million in his wife's securities account.

After the pain in the flesh, Lao Yang woke up like a dream.

It is unbelievable that Tianchi Technology actually fell to more than 7 yuan per share. Even the scale of its liabilities should not fall like this, because such a stock price is the cabbage price.

No matter how big the potential risk is, it is already cheap enough that it can be regarded as a venture capital in the primary market. In the eyes of many venture capital institutions, Tianchi Technology’s current price is too valuable to hold.

If I invest tens of millions or hundreds of millions, can I come in and take a pit?

The current valuation price of Tianchi Technology can be said to be almost equal to the price of the angel round investment in the primary market and the pre-A round financing stage.

The risk of downside losses is already extremely low, but the upside benefits are incredible.

Once the bet is right, it will be a dozen or even hundreds of times the return on investment. This is a growth technology stock.

For those venture capital institutions, why not give it a try, in exchange for 10 times or even higher returns at the cost of doubling the loss?

All of the above are just judged from normal logical thinking, but what really inspires Lao Yang Daigo is that Tianchi Technology has plummeted so much, in fact, it is to let those venture capital institutions come in to occupy the pit, and to get a comparable one in the secondary market. Cheap chips in the premium market.

It's not enough to be small and big with low risk! You have to push the stock price to the floor, not enough, to the basement! Still not enough! After pressing down to the eighteen layers of hell, those institutions will get on the train again.

The stock price is cheap, and there are more institutions that can be accommodated. Because the cost pressure is low enough, the future rate of return will be very high. Of course, you can hold less stocks, and of course, there will be more institutions.

For example, if the target is to make a profit of 100 million yuan, when the stock price is 1 yuan, buy 100 million shares, and the stock price must rise to 2 yuan to earn the target profit. If the stock price drops to 0.5 yuan, a new institution will come in at this time, each holding 50 million shares, and then both will earn a target profit of 100 million yuan. At this time, the stock price will be raised to 3 yuan, and both will earn 100 million, even half of the risk.

In this way, by suppressing the stock price and reducing the number of shares held, more institutions can come in and occupy the pit, and finally achieve the absolute profit goal by raising the yield, and everyone can eat a lot of meat.

This time, there are many venture capital institutions who want to occupy the pit, and there are only so many outstanding shares. Of course, the stock price must be suppressed.

Therefore, Lao Yang is now very sure that the unreasonable decline of Tianchi Technology is to make room for some organizations that want to occupy the pit. This time I cut somersaults because they grabbed their pit position and were caught by them again. handle, so it was heavy.

After Lao Yang's analysis, he also understood that the reason why they dared to do this in the secondary market was that they were not afraid that others would steal the chips.

First of all, there must have been greetings between institutions, and there may even be some shady drawer agreements.

Secondly, Tianchi Technology is listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. At present, foreign capital has not been allowed to enter, and smart money can only stare blankly.

Then there are retail investors. The entry threshold of the Science and Technology Innovation Board is filtered to the vast majority of retail investors, which also filters out the factor of retail investors making troubles.

The most important thing is that Tianchi Technology will drop you more than 10 points every day without any rebound. Retail investors have absolutely no courage to stretch their hands.

The hot money will definitely not come easily. At a glance, you can see that the big money chips have not been collected in place, there will be no market, and the hot money will not be spent with you here. Sickle VS Sickle obviously increases the difficulty of the game, and it is much easier to go to the motherboard Sickle VS Leek~ Isn't that fragrant?

In addition, Lao Yang and the others are now coming in to sing tears from behind bars, and they know some things, so they won't come to this muddy water.

This time, Lao Yang is determined to get on the bus, otherwise the tears will be sung in vain, and the blood loss will be almost 200 million, which is unacceptable.

At this moment, Lao Yang, who was sitting beside the bed, said to himself, "With 8,000 brothers, they bought more than 3 billion and ate one-third of the circulation plate. It's because I'm too young and have no background. I recognize this plant. You have cut more than 2.3 billion yuan over 3 billion yuan, you can't tolerate more than 3 billion yuan, but one or two billion yuan can always be tolerated, right?"

This time, Lao Yang didn't bring Brother 8000 and the others, and he couldn't bring him. Brother 8000 and the others also went in. The big guys wanted to sing tears from behind bars together.

Lao Yang's current judgment is that it is not a big problem to ask his wife to quickly buy one or two hundred million to occupy the pit. Even if the other party is upset, he can't help but let his wife buy it. This time, it is not manipulating the securities market.

"Wife, you must listen to me. Even if you don't have a financing position, you will get your principal in!" Lao Yang prayed silently again, and he could only pray when he was locked in the detention center.

Lao Yang firmly believes that as long as his wife buys the stock of Tianchi Technology, it will not only make up for all the losses, but also make **** profits.

It's worth it to sing behind bars for a few years.

After this encounter, Lao Yang realized how exciting the future of Tianchi Technology will be.

Not to mention anything else, it is enough to say that those institutions did not hesitate to bring in their group in order to grab the **** chips, which is enough to show that Tianchi Technology is a real gold mine, especially a gold mine that has fallen to the current price of cabbage. .

Lao Yang is also sleepless at night. Only after receiving the news from his wife that she has bought the shares of Tianchi Technology, can he stay here with peace of mind.


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