Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 738: 【New standard system of "carbon standard" system】

The meeting is in progress.

Mark Carney continued to sing the leading role in the video conference, only to see him suddenly sigh and say: "The wrong direction of investment right now makes us very uneasy, if the world continues to indulge in it, if human beings continue to be obsessed with fossil energy, if we continue to go We will and are on the way to the edge of the cliff."

"We humans, humanity has been pushed to the brink of a cliff." Mark Carney was immersed in it and full of emotion: "So we bankers and financiers must stand up and call for us, we must immediately correct the world Going in the wrong direction, to stop financing coal, to cut off investments in traditional, outdated, incorrect energy sources on a global scale, this is a black hand, and we have to cut it off."

Lu Ming, who had never spoken, said succinctly after the other party's voice fell, "So, what should I do?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at the video image where Lu Ming was.

At this time, Mike Bloomberg looked at Lu Ming's video screen and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, the company you are in charge of in the layout of the new energy industry, the foresight it shows is amazing."

Then, Mike Bloomberg looked around the participants in the major video screens and said: "There is no doubt that all resources should be turned to new energy and new energy supporting infrastructure, but where is the problem? The biggest problem is On a global scale today, there is not even a basic standard for carbon emissions and carbon neutrality.”

Mike Bloomberg immediately said emphatically: "There is no standard, no principle, no definition, and no implementation strategy. The entire indicator system does not exist at all."

Finally got to the point.

This is to formulate a new financial order and standard system, and Lu Ming continued to keep silent.

Mark Carney immediately said: "So we believe that the most urgent task is to establish a global expert committee to establish a clear and unequivocal evaluation system for all indicators of carbon emissions and carbon neutrality. Only by establishing this system, the entire Only the world's bankers and financiers dare to mobilize their financial resources to invest in new energy and clean energy, and this indicator must be very strict."

The two spoke to each other, giving people a sense of the urgency behind this very clearly, and the $150 trillion fund is not the biggest problem yet. .

The biggest problem is that without a strict standard system and evaluation system, it is impossible to use funds to effectively implement this matter.

After a while, Mark Carney said: "Once this system is established, our main task from now on is to strictly and ruthlessly supervise all the signatories and signatories to fulfill their commitments."

Lu Ming laughed in his heart. Three years later, the conflict between Da Mao and Er Mao, and the price of natural gas and other traditional energy sources skyrocketed. Europeans could not stand it and finally expanded the use of traditional energy sources, regardless of carbon emissions.

Strict and merciless, I really believed your nonsense.

Being stern and ruthless towards others is almost the same, while being tolerant and soft-hearted towards himself, Lu Ming is more willing to believe this is the case.

Because that's what ghosts do!

Mark Carney continued methodically: "This standard system is a 'carbon standard' system similar to the carbon-neutral 'gold standard' system. After establishment, all carbon-neutral emission indicators and everything must be like' Only such a standard system and a carbon-neutral standard system can provide investors with a reassuring source of information, otherwise no one would dare to invest.”

No wonder this bunch of international financiers and bankers are so passionate about climate change.

At this time, Mike Bloomberg looked at Lu Ming and asked, "Mr. Lu, what do you want to say about this?"


Lu Ming is the founder and head of Tiansheng Capital, and Tiansheng Capital is now not only the largest asset management company in Greater China, but also the largest in Asia and a giant in the top 20 in the world.

It has an immeasurable influence in the capital market of Greater China. If Greater China does not buy it, to be honest, it is really difficult to do, or even impossible!

Therefore, Lu Ming's attitude is very important and carries a lot of weight.

After a while, Lu Ming spread his hands and said with a smile: "My opinion? Of course I support it, why not?"

Concise and concise, with a clear attitude.

Tiansheng Capital of course supports carbon neutrality, which is in line with its own interests. Moreover, this video conference is that the world's predators will gather together first, then talk, and do not immediately sign a specific agreement.

A statement may not be executed.

If we need to reach an effective agreement on specific issues, then there is no need to talk about it. The astronomical figure of 150 trillion US dollars, how big is the water, all the foxes present are very clear.


Around 10:30, the meeting was still going on but it was coming to an end. Lu Ming left the meeting ahead of schedule, because there was no need to participate later, so he already knew what the situation was.

Han Qiulin, who had never spoken during the whole process, immediately said after Lu Ming disconnected from the video connection: "I sorted out some relevant information during the day, especially some recent Western news, and I found that the current international bankers and financiers have The world is very big, and it pays special attention to the issue of climate change.”

“From some of the news I have compiled today, the U.S. Treasury Department has begun to study the impact of climate change on households and communities; the U.S. Treasury Department has launched a climate change assessment of financial risks; Federal Reserve Governors are concerned about the economic impact of climate change; the Federal Reserve Examining the impact of climate change on banks; Fed monitoring the right way to explore climate change; Fed considering risks to the global financial system from climate change, and more…”

Having said that, Han Qiulin looked at Lu Ming and added curiously: "These news are really surprising, why are financiers and bankers suddenly so concerned about climate change? What could be the deeper reason? "

Lu Ming said with a smile: "You can say that, it also shows that you don't believe that this group of people will really care about global climate issues. Climate change brings the risk of rising sea water and impacting hundreds of millions of people. If they really want to solve it, they can even get it. A large amount of 150 trillion US dollars is sent directly to those who are hit by rising sea levels, and a few hundred thousand dollars is not enough to move? It’s that simple.”

Han Qiulin added: "So I always think it's abnormal that these people are so concerned about the climate issue."

Lu Ming stretched his waist and said, "It's What am I thinking, they probably think the same thing, we are also financiers, haha, financiers are most concerned about making money, of course. No matter how arrogant they are at this evening meeting, it is still a matter of making money in the final analysis."

Han Qiulin mused: "At the meeting just now, this group of financiers estimated that to achieve carbon neutrality from next year to the middle of this century, at least 150 trillion US dollars will be needed to invest, that is to say, 5 trillion US dollars will be invested every year."

What is the concept of $5 trillion a year? The total military expenditure in the world last year was 1.96 trillion US dollars. Even if it is an integer of 2 trillion US dollars, 5 trillion is invested in environmental protection every year, which is equivalent to 2.5 times of global military expenditure, or more than 6 times of the old US military expenditure.

With such a huge expenditure, there is no doubt that no country in the world can support the finances, so at today's meeting, Mark Carney emphasized the need to rely on private investment, which is a very important and core investment force.


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