Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 578: 【Analysis of Lu Ming】

During the slump of Anshi's shares in the past year, many institutions have fled one after another, which is really unbearable. Even the social security fund has cleared more than half of its positions, and Wanxiang Group has also run away. If the cost of holding positions is low enough, maybe Like other institutions, they had to cut their meat out of the market. Wanxiang's shares of Anshi's shares were not handed over to Tiansheng Capital for management, but were only acting in concert.

In fact, Chaoyun Trust also wanted to run away, but the 888 million shares belonging to Chaoyun were managed by Tiansheng Capital. Lu Ming did not decide to sell it, so Chaoyun resisted all the slumps. The market value of its holdings once exceeded 100 billion. , and now there are only less than 16 billion left. After three years, I returned to the far point, and I took a loneliness. Counting the three-year inflation rate, this investment may have lost. Chaoyun said that there was misery in his heart.

To say that among all the holding institutions, Chaoyun Trust is the most difficult one. If a general GP is in charge of this investment, Chaoyun Trust may have already withdrawn its capital. However, in the past three years, Chaoyun Trust has The assets managed by Tiansheng Capital are still rich in returns as a whole, so I don't say much.

And Tiansheng Capital's own part of 967 million shares was not sold. Although Tiansheng Capital publicly downgraded Anshi Group's rating at the beginning, it also reduced its holdings, but the reduction was the holdings of Tiansheng Value Growth Hybrid Fund. As for the shares, Tiansheng Capital's own investment holdings have not moved, nor can they be moved.

In fact, Lu Ming also wanted to sell, and then took it back at a low price to make a super big T. The reason why he didn't fight the whole drop was because he couldn't move. Selling would mean losing what he won in the "Antian Equity War". The "Shangfang Treasure Sword" was equivalent to returning the power to the An family in advance.

Maybe when Mr. An takes back his power, and no one can threaten the An family's control over the An's group, the old man backhandedly scrapped the original dividend agreement, so Lu Ming would have nothing to do with him. .

After the previous Antiy war, the old man has filled up all the loopholes in the shareholding structure of Anshi Group, and now he is waiting for the "Shangfang Sword" in the hands of Tiansheng Capital to expire. As long as it expires, Anshi Group will firmly control it. In the hands of the An family.

Although it is a future old husband who has a relationship of marriage, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, and the waves are turbulent. Those who can make such a huge foundation will definitely not be trapped by emotions, and they will definitely not be general.

Lu Ming is also not an ordinary person. One yard is one yard. He is also responsible to the LPs of Tiansheng Capital. If the old man really breaks his leg at that time, Chaoyun Trust will lose a lot of money. Maybe three years to play a lonely rhythm.


February 6, the second day of the first day.

Today, Lu Ming came to the An family's mansion as a prospective son-in-law to pay New Year's greetings. This time, he was in Ningzhou for the New Year, so he just went to the future old husband's place for a walk. After all, he was in Ningzhou, so he still had to come here.

Lu Ming was the only guest in the Anjia today, but I didn't mention it.

After the luncheon, the three of An's father and son and Lu Ming were chatting together in the living room. The parents were almost chatting at the dinner table. One of them was An's Group, and the other was Tiansheng Capital. It is unlikely that the child only talks about the shortcoming of the parents.

"This transaction with Huijing has already completed the initial signing of the agreement a few years ago, and all transactions will be completed in the first quarter of this year," An Jinhong said. The initial signing of the contract is a prerequisite for a formal contract, which seems to be very important. of success.

Mr. An didn't speak. He took a sip of tea. He didn't have Alzheimer's at all, and he didn't have anything to pretend at home.

At this moment, An Jinwei couldn't help but say, "Brother Ming, is the climate problem you're talking about reliable? If there is no black swan event in the future, this deal will be a big loss."

An Jinwei's "persona" outside is a playboy, but in reality, it's not the case. It can only be said that this family is a playwright.

Lu Ming knew that what he said was actually what Mr. An wanted to ask, but he just said it through the mouth of his younger son. The reason why the An family decided to make this deal was Lu Ming's strong suggestion at that time, otherwise the old man would definitely not It is possible to package and sell its cultural and tourism industry projects, including the real estate projects that have just been launched.

"Global warming is already a fact. The main cause of climate change since the middle of the twentieth century is human activities. There is no need to doubt this." Lu Ming said in an orderly manner: "A research report was sent to me before the festival. On the table, is the carbon dioxide concentration curve."

Although Tiansheng Capital is a non-bank financial company, such a report can appear on Lu Ming's desk, An Jinhong and others are not surprised, because they know that Lu Ming has another weight in addition to Tiansheng Capital. A high-level institution, that is, the Science and People's Livelihood Fund, this institution is funding various scientific researches on a large scale.

Lu Ming continued: "The earth has always had the law of alternating hot and cold. The report contains a comparison chart of the change curve of carbon dioxide concentration, the change curve of sea level, and the change curve of Antarctic stabilization, which impressed me a lot. They have amazing similarities. , will fluctuate back and forth over the past 800,000 years, just like a stock curve chart that oscillates back and forth in a box."

"These regular back-and-forth curves show that the earth has always been experiencing cyclic fluctuations of alternating cold and heat. The rising process is to the interglacial period, and the descending process is to the glacial period. Every time the carbon dioxide concentration curve rises to 280ppm, it will be Reversing, it has reached the peak of 280ppm again in recent years, it seems normal to be hot, and according to the past, it should be a downward trend in the future, just like the stock market will plummet."

An Jinwei couldn't help but said, "Yes, then why..."

Lu Ming said, "The problem is that humans have broken this rule. Do you know what the latest ppm is?"

An Jinwei said subconsciously, "How much?"

Lu Ming said succinctly: "By 2019, which is now, the carbon dioxide concentration has soared to more than 400ppm. In the past two million years, there is no record of the ancients. It is an iron fact that human activities have broken the balance of the earth's environment. At present, it is not a question of returning to the ice age. , but the question of whether coastal cities will be submerged in the next one or two hundred years, global warming is no longer a concept of the future, but an imminent problem that has to be faced."

An Jinhong said in shock, "Is it so serious?"

Lu Ming said solemnly: "Under such a large environment, what Academician Ding said eight or nine years ago will become a reality, and carbon dioxide emission rights will become a very scarce commodity. If you don't have enough, you have to buy it. , the right to carbon emissions means the right to development, and the implementation of carbon trading is already foreseeable.”

"Such a global problem cannot be separated from the struggle of international politics. In terms of returning to reality, the climate issue is definitely not a simple climate science issue, but the imminent situation does not prevent the world from preventing climate change. Warming, multinational cooperation efforts to control the climate on a stable fluctuating curve and do not get out of control will surely become a global consensus."

An Qilong said succinctly: "What do you mean, companies that deal with climate issues must also consider transformation or even comprehensive transformation?"

The carbon emission right is the right to development. If it is not enough, it must be bought. It is self-evident for enterprises.

Lu Ming said with a smile: "The key point in the words of the old man is that Anshi Group is not only involved in the transaction of the cultural tourism industry, but also some industries that are involved in excessive pollution must consider getting out and complete the transformation work as soon as possible. Of course, this is still My personal suggestion, whether to do this or not, you can make up your own mind, old man."

Anshi Group is a large group enterprise with diversified operations, involving many industries, and industrial manufacturing also occupies a large proportion in Anshi Group's business sector.

Lu Ming continued: "Once a substantive international consensus is reached, energy conservation and emission reduction and carbon neutrality are certain. Over the years, my country has been vigorously developing new energy technologies for energy conservation and emission reduction. Carbon neutrality is achieved through afforestation or new energy technologies. To absorb and store atmospheric carbon, and in the future, we will vigorously promote carbon neutrality and clean energy industries internationally."

"The reasons are very simple. There are two reasons. The first is that the climate problem is imminent and it can't be delayed. The second is the manufacture of clean energy, whether it is photovoltaic power generation equipment, hydropower generation equipment, or wind power generation equipment. At present, my country's technology has reached the world's advanced level. More than half of the equipment invested in wind power, hydropower and photovoltaic power industries in North America and Europe is provided by my country, with the world's largest market share. "

There is no need to say much about Lu Ming's words. An Jinhong and others understand that with the world's largest market share, there is no reason for the country not to vigorously promote carbon neutrality in the world. The development and promotion of the new energy industry is an effective strategy to solve the climate problem at present. At the same time, it is also greatly beneficial to the global development of domestic related industries, which is of great benefit.

Is it necessary to develop new energy sources for carbon neutrality? Do I have to buy equipment to clean energy? Who to buy? The answer speaks for itself.

In the years when the domestic new energy technology has not yet come Europeans and Americans have been saying that to protect the environment, we must vigorously develop new energy, such as wind power, solar power, etc., Europeans and Americans are talking about it every day.

Today, after Huaguo's market share has taken over half of the world's market share, Europeans and Americans no longer mention it, and even start to block it. For example, the European side is even strictly restricting the purchase of photovoltaic and wind power equipment in Greater China.

From this, it can be seen that it is really simple to attribute the climate issue to a climate science issue, and behind it are governance issues, economic issues, development issues, and so on.

What I have to say is that the domestic manufacturing capacity is indeed as sturdy as a tiger. If we choose the title of "Rolling King" for all countries in the world, I will definitely do my part.

In the field of new energy, let’s talk about the photovoltaic industry. As an emerging sunrise industry, it has not been developed for many years, but in the past few years, those domestic photovoltaic companies have stunned this emerging industry. The degree of excess, Europeans and Americans just want to see 10,000 "Marjafakes", and it is no wonder that new energy is gradually not mentioned, because the biggest profitee is the rabbit in the east!

But now global warming is a fact that has to be faced. Europeans and Americans have to mention it, otherwise the problem will be more serious in the future. The earth does not need human protection. Protecting the environment is just human self-preservation. All human beings are doomed.


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