Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 535: [The fellow cow is here? 】

Renzixing took the initiative to submit an application for suspension of trading to the exchange. Those who still dare to participate in the operation actually have a psychological expectation that this target will continue to rise like this, and it will definitely be shouted by the village chief. Pay attention, it depends on when to reward the little black house, which is basically equivalent to opening the blind box and super exciting.

But never imagined this would be the result.

Good guy, before the village chief asked, he applied for the little black house. The exchange quickly responded to the acceptance and agreed to suspend the trading. From tomorrow, the trading will be suspended for a week.

This time, the comment area of ​​Renzixing's ticket directly exploded.

"Good guy, my Nima calls him a good guy!"

"I thought that it would be locked in a small dark room one day, but I never dreamed that it would enter the small dark room in this form."

"This operation has made me numb, it's just like a show, and all the retail investors' hot money will be suffocated, and they will all be suffocated!"

"Insiders, there are definitely insiders, and the organization has just launched such a deal. There is definitely insider trading, and it must be strictly investigated!"

"I don't know if there is any insider, but a result can already be drawn. It's still institutional fraud!"

"I think the possibility of insider trading is not high, it's just a coincidence, and the reason is very simple, how can there be such a Shabi written on the face of insider trading? At least institutional shipments should not let themselves appear on the Dragon Tiger list, So it was a coincidence."

"After the rhythm of the calf, half a warehouse hits the board Renzi!"

"Send incense in advance to see Renzixing off!"

"The little black house that has been closed for a week, and when it is released, the popularity will dissipate, and the concept of Internet security may be completely cold."

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, it feels amazing."

"It can only be said that Renzixing can push out 11 boards, and all the gambling dogs present are responsible. If they dare to intervene in such a big monster, they must be ready to take the last blow."

"With so much hot money to be buried with me, I don't lose the 200 shares in my hand... [dog head saves life]"

"With so many hot money quilts, even if it falls to the limit, it will definitely save itself by prying the board, and it should be able to come out."

"Don't be too exciting. Fortunately, it's out today, but anyone who hesitates and becomes greedy will be bored."


The news that Renzixing was suspended from trading for a week was collectively dumbfounded when Lao Yang, Brother 8000 and others saw it, and they felt helpless when they saw this completely unexpected result.

But everyone didn't blame Lao Yang. After all, they started short-term business with more than 200 million yuan. In just half a year, they have achieved a capital scale of nearly 1 billion yuan, which is already quite powerful.

People outside don't know Lao Yang, but Brother 8000 is in the stock market, and he is already quite famous for hot money among many investors. His seat appeared on the Dragon Tiger List and was marked as "well-known hot money" by some market software. "The vest can be said to be one of the few new hot money rising this year.

Of course, he is most famous for his glorious record of making a lot of money with leveraged Stud Tiansheng Holdings. This is his battle to become famous.

445 million quilts are trapped in Renzixing. Although it is very uncomfortable, the friends in the group are also quite optimistic. After all, short-term risks are there, and it is impossible to eat meat all the time. You have to eat noodles, and it is normal for profits to fall back.

The big deal is that the profits from Dongfang Communications and the profits from Renzihang in the previous few times have all been lost. As for how much it will lose, it depends on how deep the pit will be when the trading resumes after a week. If you are optimistic, you may lose three or four. Ten million, if you are pessimistic, you may lose more than one hundred million.

Today, being killed by Ren Zixing, Lao Yang is really speechless. It is impossible for him to come out without two one-word boards. He will have to save himself by then. Basically, the fourth quarter of this year is nothing.

However, this lesson made the somewhat swollen Lao Yang reflect. He knew that he was suffocated today, and to a large extent floated away. The front was really smooth. It was so full that after being proud, it gradually became overwhelmed. It was said that the awe-inspiring market also became a fearless market with the increase of the amount of trading funds and the rate of return.

Being bored this time also made him regain his dogma of respecting the market, and there is no shortage of people in the market who are better than himself.


the next day.

At the opening of the market on Tuesday, the network security concept section announced GG, saying that it is cold, and the leading elder brother has entered the small black room. Some people also hope that Long Erweistone can take this opportunity to be promoted to the chief leader.

As a result, the market opened low and moved directly into the water. The performance was not performed, and the funds fled regardless of the cost. One hour after the opening, the network security concept board staged a limit-down trend.

Everyone thought that there was news that was good for the concept of cybersecurity last weekend. This sector can still be in Hipi for a few days. It is expected that this week, maybe it will be Hipi again. Concept "Graduation photo" day.

Whether it is a retail investor or a large investor who is locked up in Renzixing, seeing the tragic limit-down trend of the sector, their hearts have gone from cold to complete.

Once the popularity dissipates, it will be difficult to regroup.

Don't have any illusions, Ren Zixing's "release from prison" next week will definitely drop the limit, which is correct.

A small number of powerful Niu San in the market have realized that the market has changed, and mainstream funds are flowing into the weighted sectors. Yesterday, foreign capital swept 15 billion yuan in Big A, and at the beginning of November, foreign capital swept 180 million. More than 100 million, such a large-scale inflow has been noticed by many people.

If it wasn't obvious in November, then yesterday's market is in the eyes of some people with a keen sense of smell. The intention of the main funds is simply a clear sign. Entering the fourth quarter, the Z strategies that are good for the stock market are one after another, but they are not. The external environment is also improving.

In the eyes of institutional investors and some Niu San, the big A at this time is just about to ignite. By then, the combination of institutional funds and trend funds will definitely be a booming market.


Price investment Lao Yang WeChat group.

The time at this moment is about 11:00, and the intraday is still in the continuous bidding transaction stage, but Lao Yang and the others have not moved today.

Group friends: "Old Yang, shall we open a new warehouse today?"

Group friends: "There are still more than 400 million waiting outside the venue, reverse repurchase?"

Friends of the group: "Renzixing is a bit miserable this time. It is estimated that he will lose 100 million this time."

The group chatted for a while, and Lao Yang finally spoke up: "Renzixing has been bored for more than 400 million yuan. He will rest for a while and will not open new positions for the time being, but the market must keep an eye on it every day. There are more than 4 left. Don’t reverse repurchase the 100 million working capital, it may be used at any time.”

Everyone expressed their understanding when they heard it, and they all began to comfort Lao Yang not to put too much pressure on themselves. This year, the market was so bad that everyone still made a profit. Even if all the 400 million in Renzixing were lost, everyone still made money this year.

After a while, Lao Yang said with a smile: "You don't need to comfort me, it's normal to eat a big meal. I have been cut in half for operating my account several times before, and I have seen strong winds and waves."

Group friends: "Old Yang, what do you think of the big A market outlook?"

Lao Yang said without hesitation: "Don't ask, asking is bullish!"

After a while, Lao Yang continued: "The reason why the big guy waits and sees with working capital is that he is ready to enter the market at any time, and the market has come to this point, especially for yesterday's My judgment is a big A. It may turn from bear to bull market at any time and start the market at any time, but I can't tell when it will come, but it will definitely not be too far away."

As soon as these words came out, the friends in the group couldn't help but get restless.

Lao Yang said again: "It's not an exaggeration to say that now anyone with a bit of strength knows that the big market is coming, and it must be a low level to be short on the market at this position, let alone from October to the present. Looking at the inflow of foreign capital, these funds are known as smart funds, and they are really flowing in frantically, and yesterday, there was a net inflow of more than 10 billion in one day."

Lao Yang added: "I dare to say that there must be a large number of institutional funds, trend funds, and large-scale funds now staring at the market. Everyone will wait for a signal, and wait for a strong fund to ignite the whole market to choose the direction. A large number of off-market funds such as institutional funds, trend funds, and large-scale funds will pour in one after another, and the benefits of Z policy will be one after another.

Friends: "Fuck, so another big bull market is coming?"

When Lao Yang said this, the friends in the group were all excited.


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