Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 531: 【sensation】

After the holder posted a few new detailed positions, he edited a text thread:

"Someone said P picture, then put a few more pictures, the delivery order, the opening time was on Monday, December 22, 2014, 3 million bought 1,500 lots, and the cost per share was 20.03 yuan, remember that it went up by 6 on the day of purchase. Let’s take a few more points. In mid-January this year, when the stock price peaked at 93 yuan, the floating profit was +365%. According to the closing price on last Friday, there was still a floating profit of about +160%. The total market value of the positions was about 7.85 million. The stock has not moved, and the position has not been increased or reduced, so continue to hold it firmly!"

It didn't take long for more and more comments below.

"Big Boss Niubi, this wave of Tianxiu!"

"This is a master, a real master!"

"Shit, I bought it in full position in December 2014, and I have been holding it until now without any operation. I can't accept it!"

"I really want to ask how did you resist the big slump in 2015? And you can hold it since January this year? From 3.6 times to the present, the profit has retraced by more than half, how did you get it? living?"

"Maybe I forgot about it... [funny]"

"I just cut my big butt, and I want to deceive me in value investing, no way, hum... [Aojiao face]"

"I believe in value investing again, what should I do... [laughs cry.jpg]"

"There is one thing that I can't hold a single stock full of positions. This big man's great pen, how much heart can withstand the terrifying atmosphere of the stock market disaster in the next five years, and he is indifferent to this year's halving."

"This is a real value investor!"

The holder posted a reply again, which aroused the curiosity of the stock fans.

"I'm actually just a rookie. I don't have a real big boss behind my back. I absolutely can't hold on to the present. I will definitely go out in one or five years, and I will earn a dozen points at most. ."

"Really or not? I'm curious about who the boss is!"

Next, the holder replied with a paragraph, directly blowing up the entire stock bar.

"Hey~, I said it was my brother who pointed me, do you believe it?"




After a while, the editor sent out the editor's long text with emotion:

[In that year, December 2014 was the most exciting month in my life. I could never forget it in my life, and it completely changed my destiny. In that month, I was fortunate enough to meet a brother at the stock bar and entered the Qun, after watching Yi Ge’s astonishing operation and sharing, believe me, you absolutely can’t understand the amazing trading point. It is stated that Yi Ge did not recommend stocks and did not charge any fees at that time, that is, the pure sharing operation does not provide any trading advice. . 】

[Then, the 200 little friends in the group, strictly speaking, 199 little friends, we are all lucky to meet a brother. During that month, we were not full of hard work, but we were still alive on the road of full work and hard work, I don’t When the principal reached 300,000, it went crazy. When it reached 500,000, it went directly to the financing warehouse and then worked hard, such as Blue Stone Lao Yao, Zhongxin Securities, Flush Flush, Zhongguo Yizhong, etc. 】

[At that time, every day the warehouse was full at the daily limit, and every day was full of meat trucks charging. Sometimes T was full of more than ten points a day, just like a dream, the market value of the account soared, doubled, doubled, five times, ten times, I never dreamed that I could make ten times the profit in a month. 】

[Later the group was disbanded, and it only took a month. Many people knew about what happened next. The first brother founded Tiansheng soon after disbanding the group. ', you can rest assured to take five or six or seven years. At that time, the 'tian' of the 'Haitian An's Maowulu' was not Tiansheng Capital, but only the soy sauce of Haitian. I chose Wu Liangye among them. There's nothing that can't be said, the first brother has said it in public. 】

[So, without a brother, I absolutely can't hold it! 】

This long thread was posted, and the stock bar was fried.

"Good guy, after diving for so long, it was finally blown out."

"I'm envious, jealous, why didn't I meet a brother, is this my life..."

"What? So at the end of 2014, Brother Yi was eyeing Anshi's shares? It's a big mess, I guess Yi Ge was preparing for the 'Antian War' at that time, this, this... Yi Ge Always drop God, do not accept refutation!"

"When the boss met the first brother, the principal was 300,000, and now it is 7.85 million, 28 times the income, making people envious of the rhythm of crying!"

"Sure enough, wealth depends on life, this is life, Haitian An's Maowulu, the first brother said in an interview a few years ago on the eve of the Baotuan market, but how many people bought it at that time? It is estimated that the real purchase was made. Also standing guard at Block 93."

"If the boss bought Anshi's shares, it would be another story, 2333..."

"An's shares are no longer saved, and they will be cut in half and then cut in half. Last year's 1.5 trillion-level super white horse, the current market value is only a pitiful less than 400 billion. Recently, it is rumored that the Anshi Group will sell a value of 70 to 80 billion yuan. The cultural and tourism industry of the company has disappeared from the list of Tiansheng Yaoji's top ten holdings in the last quarter."

"Understood, I'll go buy the bottom of Wuliangye next week~~~[dog head]"

"Don't go against the trend. The cost of the big boss is 20 yuan, and there is still 1.6 times the floating profit. The 93 yuan standing guard upstairs loses dozens of points a year and cuts the meat to see."

"In the past, Yi Ge was still active in the stock bar, posting pictures of his holdings, and bragging with his stock friends. After a few years, Yi Ge is now worth 1.9 trillion yuan, firmly sitting on the top of the world's richest man, managing 7 trillion giants. Capital, words and deeds are the weather vane of the market and the barometer of the economy, and we can no longer pretend to brag together like we did in 2015..."


This post is super active now, with more than 3,000 accumulated comments, and there are even good friends taking screenshots to send Lu Ming a private message, or go to his personal social media account to leave a message.

Sending private messages to Lu Ming is definitely not visible, because he doesn't read private messages at all, every day is full of 99+, and the social media accounts are not seen, because Lu Ming doesn't surf the Internet very often, and things are busy.

However, this matter reached Lu Ming's ears the next day.


December 2nd weekend.

During afternoon tea time, Lu Ming was paying attention to important international information. Su Xiaoman called, "Do you know something related to you that happened yesterday?"

Lu Ming, who answered the phone, shook his head and replied, "I don't know, things related to me only come once every three days, and it's impossible for me to understand all of them."

Su Xiaoman's voice immediately came: "The stock forum posted a hot post yesterday, one of your group friends three or four years ago, we have investigated the identity of this person, and it is indeed one of the 199 group friends you established at that time. , he boasted in the stock bar yesterday about the scene of fighting with you in the big between the lines, he also dumped a lot of position charts, bought 1500 lots of Wuliangye, and the position cost of 20 yuan. It has never been touched so far, and it has aroused widespread heated discussion among shareholders.”

"You said it was 20 yuan?" Lu Ming was a little surprised when he heard it, and after a while he couldn't help laughing: "It's a little surprising that someone can actually get it now."

"Don't you have any other ideas?" Su Xiaoman on the other end of the phone said angrily: "For this matter, we are worried that we will be the target of people who are interested in attacking you. How many people have you offended yourself? What's the number..."

Hearing this, Lu Ming smiled nonchalantly, and said, "Calm down, it's not today that you can really become a target to attack me. The fact of building a group at that time is not a secret until now. No money was collected and no shares were recommended. It's just shared by individuals in the group. It does not constitute investment advice to anyone, and they follow my homework and take care of my wool?"

Not to mention, Lu Ming didn't do it at the time. Even if he did, with his current position and influence today, it's impossible for this kind of thing to have any substantial impact on him.

There is a saying that is well said, this time is also, that time is also, and it should be like this.


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