Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 51: [Adjust strategy, plan flash crash market]

Lu Ming is now a god-like existence in the minds of the major traders and fund managers within the company, especially a few traders. They have all experienced and witnessed how the big BOSS has achieved great success in just two months. The capital market is madly accumulating tens of billions.

The shock of witnessing and participating in it with one's own eyes is something that outsiders can never experience in verbal descriptions.

In the office, Lu Ming made a call on the landline.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door of the office.

"Come in!"

I saw a man in his thirties come to Lu Ming's office, "Mr. Lu, what are your instructions to me?"

Lu Ming came out of his desk and sat down on the sofa in the lounge. The man sitting on the other single sofa was Li Mingyang, a fund manager who joined Tiansheng Fund Company.

Li Mingyang's current work is to prepare for the listing of six passive index funds, namely Tiansheng Shang 50ETF, Tiansheng Shen 100ETF and Tiansheng Chuang 50ETF, as well as three other OTC ETF-linked funds.

The application process has been in the fundraising stage for a while, and the next step is to enter the closed position building period, which will be listed in three and a half months at the latest.

Not only the fund varieties in charge of Li Mingyang are going to be listed, but the funds in charge of several other fund managers will also open positions and go public at about the same time.

"Old Li, I have other affairs to deal with recently. I plan to leave the company temporarily for a period of time. The exact time is still uncertain, so I want you to manage the Tiansheng Pioneer Mix for a while." Lu Ming said with a smile.

"Ah? I'm going to manage Tiansheng Pioneer Mix?" Li Mingyang stood up from the sofa in shock when he heard the decision of the big boss, and said quickly, "Mr. Lu, no, no, Tiansheng Pioneer Mix is ​​our company's number one star player. , I messed up this golden signboard, I can't bear this pot!"

Li Mingyang complained bitterly in his heart, and secretly said: Boss, you are not cheating me, you have made a magic-level performance with the mixed income of Tiansheng Pioneer, and I am topping it at this time. do not know?

In fact, being scolded is secondary. Li Mingyang doesn't care. What he cares about is the comparison effect brought by it and the anchoring effect of customers on him. He goes up to take over Tiansheng Pioneer Mix. There is a sharp contrast in the minds of investment clients. It could have been okay. Compared with the first brother, it is a rookie.

In the future, the name Li Mingyang became famous in the industry in this way, forming an anchor effect in the minds of the majority of investment customers. Who would dare to buy the fund managed by Li Mingyang? When you see it, you'll say, oh, isn't this Manager Li who mixed up Tiansheng Pioneer...

From now on, you're still playing a fool. Do you still want to get involved in the fund industry?

"Old Li, sit down first." Lu Ming smiled and made a gesture.

"Mr. Lu, I..." Li Mingyang had no choice but to sit down when he saw the boss's eyes, feeling depressed.

How magical is the income of Tiansheng Vanguard Hybrid Fund?

Yesterday’s net worth was 4.2733 yuan (+1.31%). From the resumption of trading on March 16 to yesterday, after 51 trading days, the net worth has increased cumulatively to a rate of return of 327.33%. It has remained in full red for 51 trading days, and it has been Keeping zero retracement, ignoring the ups and downs of the market, and steadily increasing by more than 1 point every day, its stability is astounding.

Investors who redeemed the fund before went to the market to play individual stocks, and many people lost money. Looking back at the Tiansheng Pioneer Mixed Fund, it has tripled in about two or three months, which shocked countless small partners.

Originally, in April, Tiansheng Pioneer Hybrid faced a large number of redemptions, which also caused the capital market to break the 5 billion mark for a time, but it has reversed since entering May.

At the beginning of the month, the three big negative lines in the broader market retraced, and many people were severely beaten and educated by the market. Looking back, Tiansheng Pioneer Mix is ​​still as stable as an old dog, and it climbs up a little more.

No matter how much the market is tossing, I will rise every day, not much but a steady batch.

Beginning on May 11th, Tiansheng Pioneer's mixed subscription fever has returned, and the people who left the venue scoldingly to get rich in the field have come back to surreptitiously to subscribe.

At the same time, I also regret it a lot. I knew that I would lie in the Tiansheng Pioneer Mixing and do not move. It is more than 1 point a day. Compounding interest is also a terrible income. Now I look back and see that the cumulative rate of return is more than three times. At first, it was even more than that.

And this also directly led to the fact that in the middle and late months of this month, the size of the Tiansheng Pioneer Mixed Fund's plate has reached more than 9 billion, and it will soon exceed the 10 billion capital plate.

People who ridiculed the first brother for not being able to make big money before are all admitting their mistakes in the comment area, and the tens of billions of funds will be sold soon, is it big enough? Is there a retracement of gains?

So when Li Mingyang heard that the BOSS asked him to take the plate mixed with Tiansheng Pioneer, didn't Nima push labor and capital into the fire pit.

Although I also admire the incredible and completely beyond cognition of BOSS's manipulative methods, the kind that I can't learn even if I just give up.

But one size is one size.

"Old Li, you are actually older than me and have more experience than me. Why are you so timid?" Lu Ming pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "Isn't this an opportunity for you to experience and prove yourself?"

Li Mingyang said weakly: "Boss, here you are, to be honest, I don't even have the courage to prove it. The income you made is really... It really makes us fund managers who are trained in science despair!"

Old Li Xindao: This is clearly to prove that he is a dog...

Also, although you are younger than me, boss, the aura of your words makes me feel like the smallest one.

Li Mingyang was madly complaining in his heart...

Lu Ming stared at him and said, "I know what you're worried about, but think about it from another angle, you've been with the first brother, and you will make a beautiful performance in the future. If you get recognition, you will get a label, Christians. It will be said that this fund manager is mixed with the first brother, and it is definitely not far behind, not as good as the first brother and better than other fund managers."

Li Mingyang couldn't help being stunned when he heard it, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with what he said.

Seeing this, Lu Ming immediately added: "Old Li, if you don't even have this confidence, what's the point of Tiansheng Fund paying you a salary of millions?"

Boss, you really **** at playing with carrots and sticks.

When Li Mingyang heard what he said, his mental activity was extremely active. What does the meaningless implication mean to you? You can go to the personnel department to submit your resignation, first give a date, and then a stick, it's really slippery, I can't accept it...

"Then... well, Mr. Lu, I'll go up until you come back!" Li Mingyang gritted his teeth and made a difficult decision. The boss said it for the sake of it. That's the only way.

"That's right!" Lu Ming said with a smile: "Tonight, you will start making an announcement to take over as the manager of the Tiansheng Pioneer Mixed Fund. At the same time, after the early hours of this evening, fund subscriptions will be suspended, and only sales will be open. "

Li Mingyang suddenly asked in confusion: "Mr. Lu, why do you want to suspend the subscription? As soon as I take over, I will definitely scare off a large number of investors. You are the mixed soul of Tiansheng Pioneer, and a large number of investors recognize you, not the fund. itself."

Lu Ming said, "Don't worry about it, just implement my decision."

After saying this, he said silently in his heart: I put you on top to control the size of the fund's plate, to scare Jimin away and shake it out. Of course, the subscription will be suspended.

There are many considerations to drive investors out of the car in this way. Lu Ming does not intend to let Tiansheng Pioneer mix forcibly distribute dividends and restrict subscriptions. This will send a signal to the market that he is not optimistic about the future, and remind everyone to run away. There must be a lot of people who can interpret it.

However, when Li Mingyang was pushed up, he was busy with his affairs as the company owner, so the market interpretation would be misunderstood.

It is less than half a month before the market crashed. Today, an extremely scary big Yin K came to the market, which plummeted by -6.50%. .

One yin penetrates four yang, not only engulfing all the gains this week, but also penetrating half of last Friday's yang line.

However, Lu Ming knew that despite the differentiation now, the vast majority of investors in the market are still unaware of the risks. Today, the main board has reached a maximum of 4986.50 points, and has not broken the 5000-point integer mark.

It has to continue to be crazy for half a month before the market will truly usher in a historic big top.

Lu Ming's operation is to make excess returns against the trend in the flash crash in the second half of the year, while the entire market is screaming, so that his reputation will further become known and known to the investor community.

In this round of super market, Tiansheng has made more than 10 billion in blood, and Lu Ming chose to quit, so he doesn't have to worry about being focused and taken care of. Now that the situation has reversed again, not only can it not cool down, but it has to heat up, and the more famous Bigger is better.

Fame, fame and fortune, fame is the first priority.

But the problem is that the current capital market is already quite large, and Lu Ming is confident that even so, he will be able to withstand the upward trend.

The real problem is that if the capital is too large to make excess returns, it will definitely hit Guo Jia's main team.

The flash crash must not go to the place where Guo Jia's team's funds are located.

Lu Ming is very clear that behind this market crash, Guo Jia team and the international financial capital who have long planned to bring a sickle and malicious harvest to start a **** but thrilling financial defense battle.

Big A is only a partial battle of this financial war. Lu Ming knew about the upcoming financial, but very helpless, he could only stare blankly.

It’s not a big deal to warn people, and it will basically sink into the sea. Whether the big guys can hear it or not is two different things. Now, at best, he is a rising fund manager. Just this age and this young face are enough Unreliable, the so-called hairless mouth is not strong.

And it is absolutely impossible to publicly issue a warning. This is tantamount to tipping off the international hot money, and destroying the strategic plan above will enter.

In this thrilling financial struggle, Lu Ming intends to be an outside audience. The main task at the moment is to develop and expand Tiansheng Capital. The voice that will be made when its influence rises is naturally incomparable.

As for the strategy in the next flash crash, Lu Ming is very clear. To avoid the main force of Guo Jia's team, he can only reduce the scale of the capital plate. If he is small, he will not be able to touch it. Even if he encounters it, it will not hurt. .

Avoid Guo Jia's team, go to cut hot money, cut big households, cut forward, reverse, back and forth, and cut back and forth. At that time, the main force of Guo Jia's team was busy. .

As for how to lower the capital plate and how to wash it out, Lu Ming chose the "Flying Escape Technique" and let Li Mingyang put it on top. He would definitely mix the Tiansheng Pioneer into a green one, and the pits would be dug by Lao Li. You can also let him take the blame.

At that time, Li Mingyang will go to the market to turn Tiansheng Pioneer's madness, and it is estimated that he will be able to scare away Jimin.

Tiansheng Pioneer Mixed Fund is very special. The investors in it basically only recognize Lu Ming. If he leaves, this fund will quickly change from a "demon girl" to a "chicken", which is no different from other mediocre funds. .

Rather than saying that the majority of investors are chasing Tiansheng Pioneer Mix, it is better to say that they are chasing Lu Ming.


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