Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 385: 【The God of Wealth in Ningzhou】

Lu Ming went back to his desk and looked at the information handed by Han Qiulin. The new headquarters of Tiansheng Capital has been built for some years. The address is in the new financial center of Ningzhou City. Large core development project.

The plan for the new financial center in Ningzhou has been drafted since 2011, and construction officially started in 2016, and the entire project will be completed by 2022.

However, it does not mean that the new headquarters of Tiansheng Capital can move into the new financial center by the end of this year, and it will be able to enter the new financial center at the latest next year. Ningzhou also attaches great importance to it.

After all, Tiansheng Capital is now the number one taxpayer in Ningzhou, so it has to be held firmly and not be kidnapped.

There is no doubt that Tiansheng Capital's presence in the new financial center of Ningzhou is of great importance, and large financial capital institutions such as Wanxiang Group and Chaoyun Trust will also follow suit.

Lu Ming put the materials aside and called the assistant president's office: "Qiu Lin, arrange a temporary itinerary to visit the New Financial Street."

Han Qiulin: "Okay."


The people under him quickly arranged the trip. Lu Ming left the company and took his special car to leave the Hualian Commercial Building.

It takes about half an hour to reach the destination. As the destination approached, the convoy went to the destination along the road along the river in the center of Ningzhou. Lu Ming looked at the urban area on the other side of the river and suddenly asked: "The other side of the urban area is How much is the house now per square meter?"

Assistant Han Qiulin was also sitting in his car, and when she heard the chairman's question, she followed her line of sight and replied, "Hexi is the Second Ring Road. The latest data on housing prices is 7,390 yuan per square meter."

"It's okay to control." Lu Ming commented succinctly when he heard that, in the case of the same developed cities and the same infrastructure conditions, the housing prices in other new first-tier cities have already gone beyond 20,000 yuan.

"This side." Lu Ming asked again, naturally he was referring to the Hedong side.

"This is within the Second Ring Road, and the average house price is about 18,300 yuan/square meter, which is nearly 1.5 times more expensive." Han Qiulin added: "The price of the new financial center here is sky-high, and the latest average price It has reached 53,688 yuan per square meter, and it continues to rise."

Across a river more than 30 meters wide, the houses on both sides are similar in size, the same reinforced concrete, the same area, but the price is a day and a land difference, and even more on the east side of the river, that is the distance. There is a road, and the price is also a gap between a day and a place.

Around 2016, the development of the property market in Ningzhou and other cities basically kept pace with the development. To put it bluntly, housing prices began to take off at about the same time.

After the stock market crash, the property market has become an investment hotspot, and a large amount of capital has poured into it, driving the skyrocketing housing prices.

However, in the second half of 2016, the housing price trend in Ningzhou began to slow down after the sudden acceleration in the first half of the year. Although it was not obvious, this time node happened to be the time when Tiansheng Capital went public.

After 2017, Ningzhou's housing prices have clearly "lagged behind". Tiansheng Holdings' stock price has run faster than Ningzhou's housing prices, and it is also from this year that Ningzhou's housing prices have experienced a huge increase in the city. The differentiation has formed three obvious stepped prices.

This year, against the backdrop of the further acceleration of housing prices across the country, the housing prices in Ningzhou are still flat as a whole. Except for the small area in the city center, the price increases in most communities have not even outperformed inflation.

The houses outside the second ring road in the urban area are also the houses that most ordinary people in Ningzhou live in. The price increase is strictly controlled by the government and has become the lowest price among all new first-tier cities of the same level in the country. However, the upgrade of public infrastructure such as transportation, medical care, and schools has not been pulled down at all.

Therefore, the people of Ningzhou are satisfied with the housing prices in this city. Although ordinary people are under great pressure to buy a house, as long as they look at the big cities next door and then look at Ningzhou, even if they want to complain, they will not be able to say it. What's not to like about the comparison?

The price of the first ring of the city center, that is, the central commercial area, is extremely expensive. On the one hand, there are few municipal approvals, and on the other hand, the house price here is loosely controlled. The price is almost freely determined by the market. Of course, the price has soared rapidly. The rate of price rise is no slower than that of metropolises like Shanghai and Shenzhen.

Especially in the new financial center development zone, there is nothing to say about the price of houses here.

The New Financial Center Development Zone has become a veritable "land king", and it is a famous land king in the country. The logic behind such a skyrocketing price is very simple and crude. The new headquarters of Tiansheng Capital is here.

Since the headquarters of Tiansheng Capital is located here, a large number of other large financial institutions have set up branches here. In other words, more than 80% of the people working in this development zone are high-income groups, with an annual salary of one million yuan. It is not an exaggeration to go. With such a group of high-income groups, it is impossible for the houses here to be cheap.

From the perspective of public infrastructure services in Ningzhou, the city center and the large urban areas outside the Second Ring Road are actually similar. In addition, the transportation convenience further shortens the gap. It is definitely better in the city center, but the gap is definitely not as big as the housing price.

A river and a street cause a house price gap between the sky and the ground, giving people the feeling that they are not the same city. Although other cities are also more expensive in the downtown area, they are not as extreme as Ningzhou.

The biggest reason for this unique housing price trend in Ningzhou is Tiansheng Capital, which is Lu Ming.

To put it bluntly, Ningzhou still has abundant financial income without relying on large-scale land sales. Of course, if the land price is cheap, there is no reason to increase the housing price. There is no need to rely too much on the real estate economy, and there is a strong control and intervention on housing prices. There is also confidence, saying that there is no ambiguity will never be ambiguous.

Now in Ningzhou, 45% of the general fiscal revenue is contributed by the tax of Tiansheng Capital, and the entity giant Anshi Group is also a big taxpayer, and then the Ningzhou Social Care Pension Fund, most of which are handed over to Tiansheng Capital for management, A large surplus has been obtained, and the pressure on social security spending has been greatly reduced.

It is precisely because of this that it is guaranteed that Ningzhou does not rely on a large number of land transfers to obtain fiscal revenue and can maintain the huge expenditure of the rapid development of the entire city, so that it can follow up the infrastructure upgrade without relying on the large-scale price increase of houses outside the Second Ring Road. The income generation of super-giant non-bank financial giants like Tiansheng Capital subsidizes the development of large urban areas on the Second Ring Road.

Which of these infrastructure upgrades, such as subways, high-speed rails, schools, hospitals, fire protection, greening, etc., does not cost money? Other big cities basically have to sell land at high prices, and only then can the financial expenditures be able to upgrade the infrastructure, which in turn pushes up housing prices and puts the burden on the common people.

The current situation in Ningzhou City is that what should have been borne by ordinary people was transferred to Tiansheng Capital to bear the absolute majority, which is the high dividends and huge taxes paid by the group company.

Tiansheng Capital alone has paid more than 100 billion in taxes a year. There are other enterprises in Ningzhou City, as well as personal income tax. Of course, there is no need to sell land to bear the main financial income.

It is precisely because of this reason that the net inflow of population in the city has surged in the past two years. Recently, the new word "Ning Piao" has appeared, that is, the housing price here is lower than that of other cities, and the urban facilities are not much compromised. The employment in the city There are also many opportunities, attracting a large number of young people to come to Ningzhou to find opportunities and even settle here.

This has contributed to a virtuous circle of the whole city, because Ningzhou has low cost of living, high quality of life, and many opportunities, attracting more and more new population, and the cash flow in people's pockets is not locked into Houses and other fixed assets, they have more cash to spend, and the common people are willing to spend money and dare to spend it. Of course, it will further stimulate the development of the economy. When the demand comes up, there is a place for the supply. Of course, the demand for employment will come up. People see the great vitality of the city, which is full of opportunities and attracts more people, thus forming a positive feedback.

But all this needs to have a bottom line, there is no doubt that it is Tiansheng Capital and Lu Ming.

Without Tiansheng Capital to make Ningzhou worry-free, where will Ningzhou get the money to upgrade the city? But it has to be developed. In the end, the only way is to sell the land. It’s no wonder that the house doesn’t go up. When the house goes up, people don’t dare to spend in order to buy a house. Other industries have no chance. If it is more expensive, the common people are afraid of spending because they are afraid that it will be more expensive later, and they want to buy a house quickly and push the house to skyrocket. This creates a vicious positive feedback, and finally everyone is **** by the house.

The emergence of Lu Ming and the rise of Tiansheng Capital changed this bad situation. Therefore, the people living in Ningzhou have a huge favorable impression of Tiansheng Capital and Lu Ming.

You must know that Tiansheng Capital can completely suppress the revenue from the performance report and not reflect it on the financial For example, if you invest immediately, you can even make an annual loss performance, use some financial tools, and then the accounting department will deal with it. If you can make a performance statement of profit and loss this year, you can indirectly and reasonably avoid tax.

A super giant like Amazon, with a market value of trillions of dollars, has lost profits year after year, but its stock price has been rising. Disappearing out of thin air naturally reflects the rise in asset prices.

At about 17:00 in the afternoon, Lu Ming's motorcade arrived at the New Financial Center Development Zone. A group of people who received news here were already waiting to welcome him, including the leader of the New Financial Center Development Zone.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lu Ming and Tiansheng Capital are now the God of Wealth and Money Bags in Ningzhou City. If he sneezes, the whole of Ningzhou will catch a cold.

It can be seen that although the development of Ningzhou is not as heavily dependent on the real estate economy as other big cities, it is more and more dependent on Tiansheng Capital. Sheng Capital was kidnapped and ran away. If he moved out of Ningzhou, would the biggest money bag run away at the rhythm of a calf?

Therefore, the affairs of Tiansheng Capital are now the top priority of Ningzhou. If there is any request, the city will pay attention to it as soon as possible and give priority to solving it.



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