Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 368: 【The Fallen Eight Thousand and the Celebration Day is Coming】

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In the afternoon, Brother 8000, who had been wandering outside for a long time, returned to the villa. Two cars drove to the gate of the mansion. The first one was a Lambo Chao, and the other one was an ordinary six-seater SUV called Didi. .

Six young and very beautiful young ladies got out of the car. They were all surprised when they saw the single-family mansion in front of them.

After the passengers got off the bus, the Didi driver immediately turned around and left as if he didn't want to stay for a moment. Looking at the beauties through the rearview mirror, the Didi driver sighed and cursed: "It's really a drought. The waterlogged death, these rich people of Gou Ri are really rotten and degenerate... I want to be rotten and degenerate too!"

On the other side, there was also a good-looking young lady in the Lambo supercar driven by Brother 8000. There are seven girls in total, each with their own characteristics. The Lambo supercar can only seat two people, so I called a scooter.

They are all very surprised now. They didn't expect Brother 8000 to live in Tianqin Bay. They knew that he was a rich second generation, but they didn't expect to be so rich.

In fact, the wealthy generation of 8000 brothers, but in the eyes of these five girls, he is the father of a super rich billionaire, otherwise how could he be so rich?

Brother 8000, who was sitting in the driver's seat of the Lambo supercar, wore a pair of sunglasses, put one hand on the car window, looked out of the car and looked at a few young ladies and said, "You go ahead and I'll stop the car."

Brother 8000 is as fierce as ever. After going out for a long time, he met seven beautiful young ladies and successfully invited them to his house as guests.

At this moment, one of the innocent-looking girls stepped forward and said, "Young Master Ye, your parents won't come back suddenly, will they?"

Brother 8000 took off his sunglasses and said, "What are my parents, you Ye Shao didn't rely on your parents to develop your ancestors, the rich generation of serious children and his father of the future rich second generation, this is my personal alone. Residence, so today's party is to be as happy as we want."

When the young ladies heard it, they cheered and cheered, so there was nothing to worry about, and they could let go and play.

The girls and sisters immediately entered the villa from the main entrance. They were very happy to see the surrounding layout. They really wanted to live here forever, even though they knew it was impossible, and they all knew that they were just playing for a while, that's all.

A few minutes later, Brother 8000 also came to the living room, sat down on a vacant sofa next to him, crossed his legs, hugged the waist of one of the young ladies and said arrogantly: "You only need to live here for one day, Ye Shao pays all the living expenses that day, and you can enjoy everything here, even if it's Ye Shao, you can enjoy it, hahaha!"

Looking at the connotation of Brother 8000's words, he made a few young ladies laugh on the spot, and they all understood it in seconds.

However, with the arrangement of Brother 8000, several sisters are all overjoyed.

At this time, Brother 8000 continued to say seriously: "There is basically no shortage of everything here, except that there are fewer bedrooms, so I can only squeeze one block?"

The girl who was hugged by her angered: "I hate it~, Young Master Ye, you are driving again..."

Brother 8000 let go of his hand and got up and said, "Okay, I'll go see the pan first, and I'll play with you later."

After finishing speaking, Brother 8000 went to the computer table and sat down to open the market software to see the stocks bought today. Several young ladies also started to pick up their mobile phones to get busy, click on the camera and start taking selfies.

Or the living room, or the window sill, or the outdoor swimming pool, or the balcony overlooking the sea, all kinds of enviable moments of exquisite life are recorded from multiple angles, and then the backhand is accompanied by a copy and posted to the circle of friends, arrange clearly and clearly.

At this time, brother 8000 opened his trumpet and took a look. Huafeng shares, which were listed in the morning, closed all the way to the close, and hung up 130 million yuan. In the end, the actual transaction amounted to 37 million yuan. The turnover of this stock today is 6,000 yuan. About 10,000 yuan, compared with yesterday's shrinkage of 20 million yuan, indicating that the funds in it are not willing to sell, and the market outlook is optimistic.

After a while, Brother 8000 clicked on the comment area of ​​this stock and took a look.

"Huh? I'm on the Dragon Tiger List?"

Seeing someone discussing him in the comment area, Brother 8000 was immediately surprised, and he clicked on today's Dragon Tiger List. Huafeng shares were indeed on the list. Click in and take a look. Among the top five seats, 3700 of them bought one seat. Wan Heran is the Pengcheng Houhai Sales Department of Cailian Securities.

Haha, so brother is also a hot money boss?

Brother 8000 was secretly overjoyed. Seeing that his seat was on the buy-one list, he immediately felt a sense of accomplishment.

Just as Brother 8000 was discussing his comments with relish, a young lady suddenly came to him and gently pushed his shoulder, "Young Master Ye~, stop looking at the screen, look at me."

The sound is squeaking, crispy...

Hearing this, Brother 8000 turned his head to look over, and saw the other party's stroking and flirting with all kinds of coquettish expressions, and he couldn't stand it on the spot.

What the dragon and tiger list go to hell, goblins are in power, eliminating demons and defending the way is the top priority!

Next is Brother 8,000 bravely breaking into the Pansi Cave and fighting seven spider spirits. The state is not enough for Brother Wei to manage. Although he is full of scars, he still stands tall.


Thursday, April 19, morning.

Lu Ming did not go to the headquarters of Tiansheng Capital this morning, but went directly to the headquarters of the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation in Dongcheng District, Ningzhou City.

Today is the celebration day when the Science and People's Livelihood Fund was officially put into operation. The main participants are the staff of the foundation, seven members of the board of directors and management personnel, and of course there are guests, but there are not many to join, namely Wang Yue and Lin Qiang They are mainly old friends, and they are all important LP partners of Tiansheng Capital.

In addition, Qiao Jingping and a group of invisible rich people also came to participate in the celebration of the foundation. After all, they all donated a lot of money anonymously, but in order to keep a low profile, they didn't want to show their mountains and dew in public, so they acted as melon eaters.

Then there are dozens of media organizations. As for the other people who are familiar with the business, technology, and celebrities, there is not a single one.

The main reason is that Lu Ming doesn't engage in circles. Basically, he can't play with them, so he doesn't have much friendship. Lu Ming has never attended the various exchange conferences of those bigwigs, and the other party will naturally not come to him. To cheer, all play their own way, at least there is no direct intersection.

At about 9:00 in the morning, an HQL5 car stopped at the gate of the headquarters of the Foundation, which also attracted the attention of many people who were entering the venue, especially some reporters. Subconsciously prepare to capture.

The car of this brand is driving here, and it is basically certain that it is the most heavyweight person today.

After a while, Lu Ming got out of the car, and all the reporters who stumbled started frantically taking pictures, and those who were farther away were also rushing towards him.

It is not easy for this legendary figure to appear in public, because he is not often active in various forums and forum exchange conferences like other well-known bigwigs, and he hardly accepts interviews from the media.

There are very few photos of Lu Ming on the Internet, and the one that has been flipped over the most is the photo taken during last year's annual shareholders meeting.

This rare deity appeared, and reporters from all walks of life were eager to capture it.

Although there are only a handful of appearances in public throughout the year, his influence is more than one day, and his words and deeds can be regarded as the weather vane and barometer of the stock market.

In fact, this kind of influence also made Lu Ming have to show less and talk less. As soon as you speak here, the securities market over there will fluctuate violently, and sometimes it is very difficult.

Lu Ming got out of the car and walked towards the headquarters building calmly and assuredly, greeting him politely on the way.


More than 30 reporters immediately rushed towards Lu Ming, who was surrounded by seven or eight bodyguards. They followed him to the left and right and behind him, asking questions all the way.

Reporter: "Mr. Lu, has Tiansheng Capital reached the most dangerous and critical moment?"

Reporter: "Mr. Lu, what do you think of the sanctions imposed by Magnesium on your company Tiansheng Capital and Zhongxing Communication?"

Reporter: "Mr. Lu, the outside world is worried about Tiansheng Capital's life-and-death moment, but you are a bit detached, why?"

There were continuous questions from reporters on the left and right, including the back. When Lu Ming heard the question from the left, he turned his head and walked while laughing.

Lu Ming's smile was still the same, and he added calmly: "Don't let me go to their venues to play, then I don't want to go, and besides, I have made a lot of money, more than 173 billion, US dollars, equivalent to RMB 6.27 at present. Come to think of it, after making 1.08 trillion yuan, are you still not satisfied?"

The reporters who followed along the way couldn't help laughing when they heard the young boss's eclectic style of speech. They thought that Lu Ming would either ignore them or respond with a single word, or he would say some high-profile but floating words. The empty content that is not true is just a formula to deal with it.

The word "fishing" is very down-to-earth, and it is an undisguised expression that Tiansheng Capital has cut trillions of leeks from North America, and it's cool!

Reporter: "Don't you think it's serious that Magnesium has banned Tiansheng Capital globally?"

Lu Ming turned his head and glanced at the reporter on the right and didn't know who asked, and immediately said: "You media workers care about the life and death of a company worth trillions of people all day long. The bosses are not in a hurry, but all of you who eat melons feel like the sky is falling, don’t be like this, I won’t pay you wages if you worry about it, right!”

Some reporters who met Lu Ming's wandering eyes for a moment also smiled awkwardly but gracefully.

Lu Ming continued: "If you want me to say, those of you who are in the media should not just follow the hot spots of the times and not pay attention to the focus of the times. What is the focus of the times? Science, education, people's livelihood, people's livelihood, pay more attention to these It is the social responsibility and responsibility of a media person who is in charge of the mouthpiece to report more about these things, instead of paying attention all day long to how much the bosses who have made a fortune will lose, and how many billions they have made or evaporated. "

After speaking, Lu Ming stopped answering any reporter's questions.

After entering the headquarters of the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation, the army of reporters who were chasing him all the way was also blocked by the security personnel. Seeing Lu Ming disappearing from sight, the reporters had no choice but to turn their heads to the scene of the Ten Thousand Celebration Conference.


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