Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 361: 【Meeting】

Monday, April 16, morning meeting.

Lu Ming and the company's core executives are discussing matters related to the leader's sanctions on the company and the trade war. 1

Yesterday, the commander-in-chief shouted again that he would advance the plan to impose tariffs on $50 billion and curb Chinese investment in sensitive technology fields, and bluntly said on Twitter that the final list of tariffs will be on June 15. Published a few days ago, this is the clearest statement made by the beautiful country on the timetable for additional tariffs so far.

"Recently, the trade dispute between the two sides has been plaguing the financial market. It has to be said that this incident is a heavy blow to the most extensive global economic recovery in many years. The two sides put pressure on a new round of trade talks in June to seek domestic concessions," said Qi Wei, who attended the meeting.

Everyone nodded involuntarily. Lao Mei often used this trick to gain negotiation chips for herself by creating troubles.

The higher level reason and purpose of the sanctions against Tiansheng Capital should be to gain leverage in the new round of negotiations. Lao Mei also knows that it has become an established fact that Lu Ming cashed out and ran away. It is better to use it as a bargaining chip in the new round of negotiations. Therefore, knowing that the global blockade of Tiansheng Capital does not solve the fundamental problem, it must be implemented strongly, both for the sake of face and for the benefit.

At this time, Lu Ming said, "Which is the core of the trade war and the financial war? This is a question worth thinking about. In the Internet age, information is very developed, and now all kinds of news are flying all over the sky, and it takes only a few days. A large number of scholars from all walks of life and trade war experts from all walks of life have emerged. Everyone is talking about how to fight this trade war, but I have read so much news this weekend and found that few people think about how to fight it. The financial sector will make adequate assessments and countermeasures.”

Having said that, Lu Ming looked around and said: "In my opinion, this war and that war are ultimately fought for money, and the financial war is the core. Turning forward, the old American and the Russians fought an oil war, and Maozi lost. Heavy losses, the oil companies in Magnesium also suffered huge losses, but the oil short-selling funds in the United States and the Middle East made a lot of money. The comprehensive calculation of the old United States minus the physical losses has made huge profits, and Tiansheng is also a diving capital. He smashed the wool fiercely."

After Lu Ming finished speaking, one of the core executives at the meeting flipped through the materials in front of him, and then said: "The company internally calculated that the US stock, Hong Kong stock and A-share markets plummeted by a total of 100,000 on the day that Magnesium signed the tax documents. About 100 million yuan, and other capital markets around the world have not been included, Fuji Xun Holdings lost a market value of 500 billion Hong Kong dollars in two days.”

Hearing this data, Lu Ming immediately said: "Did you hear it? It hasn't even started yet. The wealth of the global capital market has lost so much. It is conceivable that the short sellers of hedge funds are having a weekend of revelry? The current tax increase list is old. The US is 60 billion US dollars, and our side responded with 3 billion US dollars, but trillions of dollars in the capital market have been wiped out. Do you think the core is a trade war or a financial war?"

Lu Ming added: "Where did these huge amounts of lost wealth go? How many people in the outside world have seriously thought about it now? The commander of Sichuan University has not signed a document yet, and the global capital market has lost trillions of dollars. Laomei and the top hedge fund players on Wall Street are all fools? I even doubt that they have already calculated how to grow wool around the world, so the trade war is just an appearance, and the core behind it is the global financial war between Laos and the United States.”

After a while, Qi Wei, who was present at the meeting, suddenly said: "The chairman said this, but it reminds me that there were three strange events on the eve of the trade war, and there were almost no people outside to do in-depth analysis. Now come There must be a plan behind it.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but look at Qi Wei, who continued: "The first thing is that Tiansheng Holdings's stock price continued to rise due to the mad buying of foreign investors from February to March, and now there is an answer, that is, through The black swan incident of the trade war is smashing the wool, but the chairman predicts the risk in advance, and the hot money on Wall Street has fallen here."

"The second thing is that the Facebook leak caused the stock price to plummet. Public information shows that its founder Zuckerberg made a precise reduction a few weeks ago. Xiao Zha is so smart. The fall in the stock market ignited the fuse, and it was definitely not Tiansheng Holdings.”

"The third thing is that the major shareholder of Teng Xun Holdings requested an unprecedented reduction of nearly 2% on the eve of the trade war. The institutions providing services are large investment banks in Europe and the United States. This strange operation is even better than our Tiansheng QDIE Fund. Two days late."

The shares of Teng Xun Holdings held by Tiansheng Capital had already been cashed out, and they were shorted by backhand. These were all decisions made by Lu Ming when he made a big retreat and realized profits. Qi Wei is implementing them.

Chinese people have always been sensitive to the reduction of major shareholders. The short-selling power brought by the reduction of leading shareholders at a specific time point is like a boulder rolling down from a height. The potential of the decline can be imagined. Holding more than 80 billion selling pressure, and Tiansheng Capital as diving capital shorting behind, adding up to more than 100 billion shorts can be poured out, causing the market value to evaporate more than 500 billion Hong Kong dollars in two days.

Lu Ming is definitely going to take action. Both longs and shorts have to do it. If Tiansheng Capital doesn't do it, a group of short-sellers on Wall Street will do it too. The money will be taken away by them. The richness of the money, for Lu Ming to follow the rhythm, he can make money when he goes up, and he can still make money when he goes down.

Qi Wei, who was present at the meeting, continued: "Is it normal or premeditated that the large-cap stocks of the world's two largest social giants plummeted? The timing of their choice and the signing of the trade war documents are perfect. I believe that Facebook's leaks and The reduction of shares of Xun’s major shareholders is not the result of a brain-beating decision in one or two days. Dare to say that major investment banks and hedge funds in Europe and the United States did not participate in this process? Ghost letter!”

After such an analysis, everyone admired Lu Ming's foresight and accurate prediction. Without knowing the purpose of Laomei's series of planning, he could predict accurately one to two months in advance, and he was very decisive. Adjustment without any hesitation, this kind of courage is not something that few leaders at the level can do.

What were the consequences of that?

Of course, Tiansheng Capital's investment in overseas markets made a lot of money. The layout of overseas financial markets is a thrilling and thrilling experience.

Qi Wei added: "If our country has hedge funds actively participating, and the country's financial institutions can short the global stock market and commodities profit minus all physical losses, the overall profit is profitable, just don't know if our senior management and the financial sector are not. There are such preparations."

Lu Ming asked rhetorically, "Isn't it considered that Tiansheng Capital participates in the global market and plays in it? We care who has the most money?"

Qi Wei: "Uh..."

Lu Ming smiled and said: "This time, all the funds cashed out from North America will stay in Hong Kong. If we don't return to the mainland, we will continue to snowball and follow the global harvest plan planned by the old and the United States. Why don't you hurry up to grab money? This is just the beginning. Continue to grab food from the tiger's mouth."

Everyone in the meeting couldn't help laughing lowly.

Due to the abundance of financial derivatives tools in overseas short-selling is easier to make huge profits than short-term short-term profits. In the current global financial market, top hedge fund players represented by Wall Street are looking for short-selling opportunities around the world, and take advantage of the trend. Plus active design of the global woolen plan, the nature of capital is profit-seeking.

Next, Lu Ming's investment in overseas markets is to continue to use the 170 billion US dollars in cash to snowball, and the profits will continue to grow. This time, he will mainly enter the global commodity market such as oil.

After learning that Tiansheng Capital had cashed out more than 170 billion US dollars and ran away, Lao Mei simply launched a global ban on Tiansheng Capital without any hesitation. It was not just revenge and exasperation, but the deeper reason behind it was fear.

Such a huge amount of tradable cash is superimposed on leverage, such as 10 times and 20 times leverage, then a huge capital scale of several trillion US dollars, which is a powerful force enough to leverage the global financial market.

It's really urgent!

Originally, scouring the world's wool was exclusive to Wall Street, but now Lu Ming is staring at him, and he may cut off a huge piece of cake.


(Ps: The follow-up update time has been adjusted a bit, and a chapter will be updated every day at 9:00 am, 15:00 pm and 21:00 pm)


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