Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 233: [Entrepreneur Zheng Hongrui]

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In the afternoon, near the main entrance of Hualian Business Building.

A 33-year-old middle-aged man named Zheng Hongrui has been guarding near the door for almost half a day. He didn't even eat lunch. Now it's almost time to get off work.

Zheng Hongrui was wearing a suit and leather shoes, but he obviously didn't like to wear this kind of formal attire, but he had no choice but to wear it.

At this moment, he saw an HQL5 luxury car driving to the side of the road near the main entrance of the building and stopped, Zheng Hongrui's eyes suddenly lit up.

When Zheng Hongrui saw this car, he estimated that the owner should come out soon.

After waiting for about six or seven minutes, he finally saw Lu Ming coming out of the business building and heading towards his business car. Zheng Hongrui took a decisive step and walked straight away.

Li Chengyao, who was about to open the car door for Lu Ming, noticed that a stranger was clearly coming towards him. He subconsciously became vigilant and acted as his bodyguard to prevent him from approaching the boss at any time.

However, before the driver Xiao Li noticed it, someone noticed it long ago.

Zheng Hongrui, who came straight, was stopped by two men who suddenly got out of a car next to him before he could approach Lu Ming. They were Lu Ming's security guards.

In this sparse and common commute to and from get off work, it seems that there is no bodyguard except for the driver Xiao Li, but in fact this is not the case, most of the bodyguards are "passers-by".

However, in China, these security employees are actually arranged to travel with them more to settle some media reporters. There is no problem with personal safety. After all, the domestic security environment is incomparable abroad.

"Mr. Lu, please give me three minutes, I believe I can convince you to invest in my company!"

Zheng Hongrui, who was stopped by the two bodyguards, had no choice but to shout that he had no choice and did not want to miss this opportunity, because he was a little-known entrepreneur. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to have a face-to-face conversation with a big guy like Lu Ming.

Lu Ming couldn't help but stop and turned his head to look over, glanced at him, and gave Xiao Li a few words, Xiao Li immediately nodded, turned around and walked quickly to the two bodyguards and said, "The boss let him go. "

When Zheng Hongrui heard it, he was instantly refreshed. The two bodyguards released him immediately, and Xiao Li took him to Lu Ming.

"Mr. Lu, I'm very sorry for wasting your precious time. My name is Zheng Hongrui. I'm the founder of Lawo Smart." Zheng Hongrui briefly introduced himself while apologizing.

"I just heard what you said, why don't you go to Tiansheng's investment department? The company has someone to accommodate founders like you who are looking for financing." Lu Ming said, the implication is that your unconventional way of playing cards is not good. .

If an investor does this all the time, wouldn't they be blocked every day?

Zheng Hongrui said apologetically again after hearing this: "I'm really sorry Mr. Lu, it's really a bit rash. I tried what you said, but I couldn't see you that way, so I had to resort to this..."

Hearing this, Lu Ming's eyes wandered around for a moment and then fell on the other party, "Lawo Intelligent... What kind of company? Doing artificial intelligence?"

Judging from the company's name, it immediately reminds people that this is a startup company engaged in the field of AI.

Zheng Hongrui immediately said: "I focus on the field of smart cars and autonomous driving, and I am also an engineer focusing on this field. Mr. Lu, your strategic layout of the new energy vehicle industry ecology has caused an unprecedented sensation in the industry, so I came here because of it. I hope You can give me five minutes, I believe you will invest in my company after listening, I..."

Lu Ming interrupted him with a smile and said, "Mr. Zheng, even if I am uninterrupted 24 hours a day, I can listen to 288 stories every 5 minutes, and my mailbox will receive more than 5,000 investment opportunities every day to talk about the future of this industry. Boundless, the industry has unlimited imagination space, it is true... so you can answer me a question, if you can get the answer I want, let's chat in the car."

Zheng Hongrui couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and after reacting, he said, "You say it!"

He was very curious about the big guy's question, but also knew that whether he could answer correctly would be a ticket to a chance.

Lu Ming didn't hesitate and asked directly: "Who do you think is Tiansheng Capital's biggest potential competitor in the new energy vehicle industry? Tesla? Biyadi? Or something else?"

This question is not easy to answer, but Zheng Hongrui quickly gave his answer: "Tesla is the undisputed leader in the field of new energy vehicles, but I am not optimistic about his future, including BYD, they may become the Sheng's competitors, but to say that the biggest potential competitor should be Hua Wei or Google, if you have to choose the biggest competitor, I think it is Hua Wei!"

Getting such an answer made Lu Ming surprised. He didn't say anything, and immediately walked towards the commercial car. Xiao Li stepped forward and opened the door for it.

This made Zheng Hongrui stand on the spot at a loss. At this time, Lu Ming looked back at him and said, "Get in the car to chat?"

Zheng Hongrui was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was overjoyed in his heart. He quickly caught up with him and walked to the other side of the car to get into the car. He not only realized that this answer satisfied Lu Ming, but also realized that it was very likely that Lu Ming would be the same as Lu Ming's hero. Seeing similarities, the reason why he gave this answer quickly without hesitation is because he thinks so, rather than answering for the sake of answering.

Xiao Li also got into the driver's seat and drove the car to the Taoyuan Forest.

Inside the car, Lu Ming looked at Zheng Hongrui and asked with great interest, "I'm quite surprised by your answer, why is it Hua Wei?"

Zheng Hongrui organized what he wanted to say in his mind, and then said: "To be honest, Mr. Lu, before I founded Lawo Intelligence, I worked in Google, Apple, Tesla and Hua Wei for a period of time in Silicon Valley. , Of course, the time is not too long, and other Xinneng car factories have been there, and of course, they have not been in key positions, and frequent job-hopping is not to raise the price and pay, the idea of ​​​​starting a business came to Google..."

Hearing this, Lu Ming couldn't help but look at him differently. Zheng Hongrui's age didn't seem to be too old, so being recruited by big tech companies one after another meant something.

Lu Ming jokingly said, "You are planning to spy on future competitors."

Zheng Hongrui smiled and didn't mean to deny it, and continued: "After visiting these big factories, I came to a conclusion that most of the current 'new car-making forces' are basically either telling stories or cheating. Subsidies, on the contrary, Hua Wei, who has not announced its entry into the new energy field, is silently engaged in technology, and Hua Wei is really spending money on technology, but the industry seems to ignore the existence of Hua Wei and exclude it from the new energy system. It is still regarded as a technology giant in the field of communications.”

"Wah is doing technology for this kind of muffled I believe it will take a few years, and when they really start to announce their entry into the industry, they will definitely surprise everyone."

"Many things are accumulated over a long period of time, and then soar to the sky, especially the systematic technical reserves. The early stage is linear, and the later stage is exponential. Whether it is industry or technology, it will be turned upside down when it reaches a certain level. New energy vehicles have undergone a long accumulation in the past few years, and the qualitative change period is not long, and the technological explosion of the market may be in the foreseeable future."

Lu Ming heard what the other party said. Although he didn't show it, he had already decided to invest a sum of money in him. However, Lu Ming was even more interested in him. Investing in a company may have an exit mechanism, but investment talents will never Need to exit.

Compared with the investment in Lawo Intelligence founded by Zheng Hongrui, Lu Ming now wants to directly recruit him to the under-prepared Tianyu Yunchi, but this requires further understanding of him.

Along the way, Lu Ming continued to communicate with him, and finally he went to Taoyuanlin to directly invite Zheng Hongrui to his villa garden to continue the chat.


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